Expulsar (to expel) conjugation

78 examples

Conjugation of expulsar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I expel
you expel
he/she/it expels
we expel
you all expel
they expel
Present perfect tense
he expulsado
I have expelled
has expulsado
you have expelled
ha expulsado
he/she/it has expelled
hemos expulsado
we have expelled
habéis expulsado
you all have expelled
han expulsado
they have expelled
Past preterite tense
I expelled
you expelled
he/she/it expelled
we expelled
you all expelled
they expelled
Future tense
I will expel
you will expel
he/she/it will expel
we will expel
you all will expel
they will expel
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would expel
you would expel
he/she/it would expel
we would expel
you all would expel
they would expel
Past imperfect tense
I used to expel
you used to expel
he/she/it used to expel
we used to expel
you all used to expel
they used to expel
Past perfect tense
había expulsado
I had expelled
habías expulsado
you had expelled
había expulsado
he/she/it had expelled
habíamos expulsado
we had expelled
habíais expulsado
you all had expelled
habían expulsado
they had expelled
Future perfect tense
habré expulsado
I will have expelled
habrás expulsado
you will have expelled
habrá expulsado
he/she/it will have expelled
habremos expulsado
we will have expelled
habréis expulsado
you all will have expelled
habrán expulsado
they will have expelled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I expel
(if/so that) you expel
(if/so that) he/she/it expel
(if/so that) we expel
(if/so that) you all expel
(if/so that) they expel
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya expulsado
I have expelled
hayas expulsado
you have expelled
haya expulsado
he/she/it has expelled
hayamos expulsado
we have expelled
hayáis expulsado
you all have expelled
hayan expulsado
they have expelled
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have expelled
(if/so that) you have expelled
(if/so that) he/she/it have expelled
(if/so that) we have expelled
(if/so that) you all have expelled
(if/so that) they have expelled
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have expelled
(if/so that) you have expelled
(if/so that) he/she/it have expelled
(if/so that) we have expelled
(if/so that) you all have expelled
(if/so that) they have expelled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera expulsado
I had expelled
hubieras expulsado
you had expelled
hubiera expulsado
he/she/it had expelled
hubiéramos expulsado
we had expelled
hubierais expulsado
you all had expelled
hubieran expulsado
they had expelled
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese expulsado
I had expelled
hubieses expulsado
you had expelled
hubiese expulsado
he/she/it had expelled
hubiésemos expulsado
we had expelled
hubieseis expulsado
you all had expelled
hubiesen expulsado
they had expelled
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have expelled
(if/so that) you will have expelled
(if/so that) he/she/it will have expelled
(if/so that) we will have expelled
(if/so that) you all will have expelled
(if/so that) they will have expelled
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere expulsado
I will have expelled
hubieres expulsado
you will have expelled
hubiere expulsado
he/she/it will have expelled
hubiéremos expulsado
we will have expelled
hubiereis expulsado
you all will have expelled
hubieren expulsado
they will have expelled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's expel!
Imperative negative mood
no expulses
do not expel!
no expulse
let him/her/it expel!
no expulsemos
let us not expel!
no expulséis
do not expel!
no expulsen
do not expel!

Examples of expulsar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
""EI general Santa Anna promete expulsar a Ios colonos"","general Santa Ana vows to expel settlers."
"Los militantes de base siguen empeñados en expulsar del país a negros, moros y gitanos y tener una nación pura"." The rank and file are determined to expel Blacks, Moors and Gypsies and have a pure nation."
- No me vas a expulsar, ¿verdad?- You're not going to expel me, are you?
- ¿Cuántos más van a expulsar?How many more is he going to expel?
- ¿Parece que le gusta expulsar gente?- Like to expel people?
- No expulso a nadie, voy por mi propio camino.- I don't expel anyone, I go my own way.
Antes de mi muerte... expulso al mariscal del Reich...Before my death... l now expel Reich Marshall...
Cuidado con volver a pelear porque te expulso de la escuela.Beware fighting again because you'll expelled from school.
Dijo: "Dile a ese zorro que expulso los demonios y curo a los enfermos."He said: "Tell that fox expelling the demons and cured the sick. "
Ignacio no será expulso.Inácio can't be expelled.
¿Entonces por qué expulsas al niño?So then why are you expelling the child?
"expulsa tal cantidad de moralidad del mundo""expels that much morality from the world."
De acuerdo al Malleus, ella expulsa una gran cantidad de viento, y por supuesto no entrega nada vivo.MAGLIOCCO: According to the Malleus, she expels a great quantity of wind, and of course doesn't deliver anything living.
El colegio de Il-mae expulsa a los estudiantes que se casan antes de graduarse.Il-mae's college expels students who get married before graduating.
Era un óvulo sin fecundar, el cuerpo los expulsa de forma natural.it was a blighted ovum, the body expels them naturally.
Es el Señor quien te expulsa."lt is the Lord who expels you...
- La expulsamos.- We've expelled her.
-La expulsamos de Forthaven.We expel her from Forthaven.
Atacó a dos profesores y lo expulsamos definitivamente.He assaulted two teachers last year and was expelled indefinitely.
Como sin duda recordarás, hace tres años expulsamos más de 100 agentes que trabajaban para su embajada.As you no doubt recall, three years ago we expelled over 100 of their agents operating out of their embassy.
El padre del chico también nos amenaza con denunciarnos ante el Tribunal Administrativo si expulsamos a su hijo.The boy's father is also threatening us. He'll bring us before the administrative court if his son gets expelled.
- Casi me expulsan.- I was almost expelled.
- Te expulsan no te preocupes, tú haz lo que yo te diga.- You get expelled. Don't worry. Just follow my lead.
- ¿ Y si lo expulsan?- What if they expel him?
- ¿Qué harás si no te expulsan?What will you do if you've not been expelled?
A mi papá casi lo expulsan de la escuela. Dos de sus compañeros intercedieron por él-My dad was almost expelled by the school, two of his classmates pleaded for him.
El cordón se cortó al nacer, cuando te expulsé de mi cuerpo.They cut the cord when you were born, when my body expelled you.
Inspector, yo lo expulsé de este templo, - pero formó un círculo a su alrededor.Inspector, I expelled him from this Temple, but a circle formed around him.
Le expulsé.He expelled.
Max me aburrió hablando de ti, así que lo expulsé.Max was being very boring about you, so I expelled him.
Nunca expulsé a nadie, pero ese cerdo tenía amigos poderosos.I - I've never expelled anyone before, but that pig had some powerful friends.
No, pero tú no tienes que explicar al consejo de administración por qué expulsaste a un defensa estrella y jodiste la oportunidad de un titular.No, but you don't have to explain to the board of trustees why you expelled a star linebacker and screwed up a shot at a bowl berth.
Tú mismo expulsaste a las brujas.You expelled the witches yourself.
"Hoy su padre lo expulsó de la vivienda principal. ""Today his father expelled him from the main living quarters.
Al día siguiente expulsó del Komsomol a la pareja.On the following day he expelled Nikolaev and his partner from Komsomol.
Así no piensan cuál fue la razón por la que se le expulsó.So do not think what was the reason why he was expelled.
Bueno, tuve una discusión con mi perro expulsó una gran cantidad de Xenoplasma y luego murió.- Well, I got in an argument with our dog. He expelled a large amount of xenoplasm and then died.
Con el apoyo de quienes le eran leales el rey-niño, expulsó a Cleopatra del reino, y la envió lejos.With the support of those loyal to him, the boy king expelled Cleopatra from the kingdom and sent her away.
- A mí me expulsaron.- I got expelled.
- Al menos no lo expulsaron.- At least he wasn't expelled.
- Es decir, me expulsaron.- I mean - expelled.
- Lo expulsaron de otra escuela.- The lout was expelled from yet another school.
- ¡Relájate! Se supone que nos expulsaron, ¿Lo recuerdas?We're supposed to be expelled, remember?
Señorita, si este chico te pone un dedo encima, vienes directamente a mi, y lo expulsaré más rápido de lo que un camarero tailandés de comida rápida lee tu pedido.Lady, this kid lays a finger on you, you come straight to me, and I will expel him faster than a Thai take-out place can read back your delivery order.
Si algo como esto ocurre otra vez... las expulsaré a ambas de sus posiciones.If something like this happens again, I will expel both of you from your posts.
Antes que un dragón muera, expulsará su Dracone, luego el pequeño dragón emerge.Before a dragon dies, it will expel its Dracone, then the infant dragon emerges.
Pero es que mañana el maestro le expulsará de la clase, por eso tengo que ir a devolvérselo ahora, antes...But tomorrow the teacher will expel him from class. This is why I have to return it now, before...
Pero si desaparece, esta tierra nos pertenecerá a nosotros, los serbios ya nadie nos expulsará.But if it disappears, this land will belong to us Serbs, and no one will expel us.
Recreando la noche en la que el poltergasmo nació pero cambiando el resultado, expulsará el espíritu caliente fuera de esta familia.By recreating the night the poltergasm was born but changing the outcome, it will expel the foul horny spirit from this family.
Pero expulsaremos al Mitanni de nuestras zonas fronterizas, Nada más.But we will expel the Mitanni from our borderlands, nothing more.
El chófer me dijo que si me detenían y yo no hablaba alemán, me expulsarían enseguida.The driver told me that if they catch me and I did not speak any German, they would expel me right away.
Ahora, ve rápido a tu clase antes de que te expulse.Now haul some ass and get to your class... before I have you expelled.
Así que me expulse a mí mismo.So I expelled myself.
Bueno, podrías dejar que el comité disciplinario lo expulse o que la policía lo arreste.Well, you could let the disciplinary committee expel him or CPD arrest him.
Entonces no deberías cuestionar cuando expulse a tu maestra y a ti.Then you should have no issues when I expel your teacher and yourself.
Esta vez tendré que rogar al director para que no les expulse.I had to beg the principal this time not to expel them both flat out.
Elyan debe estar inconsciente cuando expulses al espíritu.Elyan will have to be unconscious when you expel the spirit.
Cuéntalo tú, Marlies. La madre de Tizia nos exige rotundamente que expulsemos a Leysen del colegio.- Tizia's mother made it perfectly clear that she wants us to expel Leysen from this school.
La propuesta es que expulsemos a todos los Alemanes miembros de la Sociedad Real de Astronomía y que todo el contacto con nuestros miembros y cualquier alemán termine ahora.The proposal is that we expel all Germans from membership of the Royal Astronomical Society and that all contact between any of our membership and any German scientist cease now.
Nos ha ordenado que expulsemos a todo aquel que tenga lepra.He's ordered us to expel everyone that has leprosy.
Unámonos y, juntos, expulsemos a los teutones y los romanos.Let us unite and together expel both the Teutons and the Romans.
Mientras las puertas de nuestra gracia y bien estén abiertas... esperamos que llevéis a las cadenas y expulséis... al usurpador, así llamado zar Pedro III conocido como Esteban.While the doors of our grace and good will are opened... we expect that you'll throw into chains and expel... usurper, so called tsar Peter the Third known as Shcepan.
- Haré que te expulsen.- I'll have you expelled.
- haré que te expulsen.- and I'm going to have you expelled.
- ¡Voy a hacer que te expulsen!- No ma'am! I'm going to have you expelled!
- ¿En serio puedes hacer que los expulsen?Can you really have them expelled?
-¡Casi haces que nos expulsen a Ron y a mí!You nearly got Ron and me expelled.
Los faroles rojos brillan en los bosques, expulsad a los extranjeros, estamos agraciadas con poder.Red Lantern shines on the fairies, expel the foreigners, we are enriched with power
"Basado en los argumentos presentados por los señores Johnson, la junta escolar ha decidido cambiar el estado de Jack Johnson de expulsado a suspendido por un período de tres días.""Based on the arguments presented by Mr. and Dr. Johnson, the board has decided to change Jack Johnson's status from expelled to suspended for a three-day period."
"El alumno que desobedezca será expulsado". ¿A dónde vas Longbottom?Any student in noncompliance will be expelled.
"Ningún alumno será expulsado sin una audiencia justa..."No student may be expelled without a fair hearing
"Por haber nadado sin permiso, fue expulsado inmediatamente.""For having swum without permission, was expelled immediately."
"Troy Anthony... "ha sido expulsado, con efecto inmediato.""Troy Anthony... has been expelled, effective immediately."
Allí, irritaremos el ganglio esplénico provocando un espasmo, expulsando, entre otras cosas, los parásitos.There, we'll irritate the splenic ganglion... ...andcauseaspasm,expelling, among other things, the parasites.
Despues del tiroteo en la Secundaria Columbine. Los establecimientos escolares instalaron la tolerancia cero. Suspendiendo y expulsando estudiantes por cualquier tipo de comportamiento anormal o cualquier indicio de violencia.Since last spring's shooting, at Columbine High, schools nationwide have extended zero-tolerance policies, suspending and expelling students for all kinds of behaviour considered unruly, or warning signs of violence to come.
Están expulsando a sobrevivientes del Holocausto y a sus descendientes.They're expelling, basically, Holocaust survivors and their descendants.
He cometido hombres y recursos para ayudarle a recuperar el oro Urca a cambio de que me aseguraste expulsando capitán Vane desde ese fuerte.I have committed men and resources to aid you in retrieving the Urca gold in exchange for which you assured me expelling Captain Vane from that fort.
La biomezcla debería estarse reparando por sí misma, sanando la nave, expulsando la toxina...The bioslurry should be repairing itself, healing the ship, expelling the toxin...

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