Ganar (to gain) conjugation

117 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to defeat, to beat, to situate oneself, win, to reach, to attain, defeat, reach, position, to win, to position oneself, to earn, earn

Conjugation of ganar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I gain
you gain
he/she/it gains
we gain
you all gain
they gain
Present perfect tense
he ganado
I have gained
has ganado
you have gained
ha ganado
he/she/it has gained
hemos ganado
we have gained
habéis ganado
you all have gained
han ganado
they have gained
Past preterite tense
I gained
you gained
he/she/it gained
we gained
you all gained
they gained
Future tense
I will gain
you will gain
he/she/it will gain
we will gain
you all will gain
they will gain
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would gain
you would gain
he/she/it would gain
we would gain
you all would gain
they would gain
Past imperfect tense
I used to gain
you used to gain
he/she/it used to gain
we used to gain
you all used to gain
they used to gain
Past perfect tense
había ganado
I had gained
habías ganado
you had gained
había ganado
he/she/it had gained
habíamos ganado
we had gained
habíais ganado
you all had gained
habían ganado
they had gained
Future perfect tense
habré ganado
I will have gained
habrás ganado
you will have gained
habrá ganado
he/she/it will have gained
habremos ganado
we will have gained
habréis ganado
you all will have gained
habrán ganado
they will have gained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I gain
(if/so that) you gain
(if/so that) he/she/it gain
(if/so that) we gain
(if/so that) you all gain
(if/so that) they gain
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya ganado
I have gained
hayas ganado
you have gained
haya ganado
he/she/it has gained
hayamos ganado
we have gained
hayáis ganado
you all have gained
hayan ganado
they have gained
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have gained
(if/so that) you have gained
(if/so that) he/she/it have gained
(if/so that) we have gained
(if/so that) you all have gained
(if/so that) they have gained
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have gained
(if/so that) you have gained
(if/so that) he/she/it have gained
(if/so that) we have gained
(if/so that) you all have gained
(if/so that) they have gained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera ganado
I had gained
hubieras ganado
you had gained
hubiera ganado
he/she/it had gained
hubiéramos ganado
we had gained
hubierais ganado
you all had gained
hubieran ganado
they had gained
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese ganado
I had gained
hubieses ganado
you had gained
hubiese ganado
he/she/it had gained
hubiésemos ganado
we had gained
hubieseis ganado
you all had gained
hubiesen ganado
they had gained
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have gained
(if/so that) you will have gained
(if/so that) he/she/it will have gained
(if/so that) we will have gained
(if/so that) you all will have gained
(if/so that) they will have gained
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere ganado
I will have gained
hubieres ganado
you will have gained
hubiere ganado
he/she/it will have gained
hubiéremos ganado
we will have gained
hubiereis ganado
you all will have gained
hubieren ganado
they will have gained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's gain!
Imperative negative mood
no ganes
do not gain!
no gane
let him/her/it gain!
no ganemos
let us not gain!
no ganéis
do not gain!
no ganen
do not gain!

Examples of ganar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Tengo las de ganar, incluso en eso."I stand to gain, even in that.
"Todos pueden ganar más de 143 millones de dólares.""We all stand to gain over 143 million."
"la forma de ganar audiencia es esperar y volver a esperar, y finalmente él te convocará, normalmente, en mitad de la noche""the way to gain an audience is you wait, and you wait." And eventually, he will summon you, usually in the middle of the night."
"que quiere por medios honestos ganar la vida honestamente ..."who wishes by honest means to gain an honest living...
# Perder salud para ganar riqueza #♪ losing health to gain our wealth ♪
" entrego mi cuerpo para ser quemado, pero no tengo amor, no gano nada.""...if I deliver my body to be burned, - but have not love, I gain nothing."
"Si le doy todas mis posesiones a los pobres y rindo mi cuerpo a las llamas, pero no tengo amor, no gano nada"."If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing".
- Basta ya está, ¿qué gano?- Ok, so what do I gain with this?
- En dos semanas gano doscientos mil.- In two weeks gain two hundred thousand.
- No caminara este camino nuevamente y nuestra perdida seguramente se gano cielo.His kind will not pass this way again... and our loss is surely... heaven's gain.
"Con el amor no ganas nada"In love, you gain nothing
"Con esos métodos, ganas poder, pero no gloria.""By these methods, you gain power, but not glory".
"Cuando ganas, también pierdes.""When you gain, you also lose."
"Cuando te olvidas de la compasión, te ganas el respeto"."Once you let go of sympathy, you gain respect."
"Pégame, Ike, y hazlo con ganas"?{Y:bi}Hit me again, Ike, and put some stank on it?
"E" igual a "M" "C" al cuadrado lo que implica que mientras mayor energía le inyectes a un cohete, este gana más masa, y mientras más pesado sea éste, será más difícil acelerarlo."E" equals "MC" squared implies that the more energy you inject into a rocket, the more mass it gains, and the more massive it is, the harder it is to accelerate.
"Y Ethelred levantó su maza y golpeó la cabeza del dragón, que cayó a sus pies y lanzó su apestado aliento con un rugido tan hórrido y bronco que Ethelred se tapó de buena gana los oídos con las manos para no escuchar el horrible ruido,And Ethelred uplifted his mace and struck upon the head of the dragon which fell and gave up his pesty breath with a shriek so horrid and harsh, Ethelred had fain to close his ears with his hands against the dreadful noise, the like whereof was never before heard.'
- Guldberg gana aliados todos los días.- Guldberg gains allies every day.
-Si uno nunca arriesga, uno nunca gana.- lf one never ventures, one never gains.
A cambio, gana coraje y confianza.In return, he gains encouragement and confidence.
- Es lo que ganamos una hora o perder una hora?- Do we gain an hour or lose an hour?
- No ganamos nada perdonándola. - No puedo permitírtelo.~ I don't believe that. ~ There is little to be gained in sparing her.
- Piense en lo que ganamos.Think what we're gaining.
- ¿Qué ganamos con eso?- What do we gain from that?
- ¿Qué ganamos o perdemos?- What do we stand to gain or lose?
- ¿Qué ganáis?- What do you gain?
De esta forma, vosotros mantenéis vuestra ventaja y ganáis algo de recursos humanos que tanto necesitáis.This way, you maintain your advantage and gain some much-needed manpower.
Si acudís a la ley, ¿qué ganáis?Look how this works out. You go to the law, what do you gain?
Si vosotros ganáis, nunca volveremos a poner un pie en este sitio, pero si ganamos nosotros, tenemos la oportunidad de entrar aquí.If you guys win, we'll never step foot in this place again, but if we win, then we get the choice of joining up here.
¿Qué ganáis con ello?What do you gain by this? .
"Algunos ganan, otros pierden, unos sonrien, otros gritan...""Some gain, some lose, some smile, some cry..."
"Unos ganan y otros pierden""One's gain, another's loss"
(Los perros ganan cuando los caballos pierden)In human life one person's gain is another's loss (Dogs win as horses lose)
- Apresúrese, ellos ganan terreno a nosotros.- Hurry up, they're gaining on us.
- Sí, ¿qué ganan?- Right, what do they gain?
- Por mi biografía de Liza Minnelli, en la que gané dos kilos de grasa en la cara para el papel.- My Liza Minnelli biopic, where I gained five pounds of face fat for the role.
- Sí, consiguió a la chica, y yo gané dos kilos extras.Yeah, he got the girl, and I gained an extra five pounds.
- Y gané otras cosas.- I gained something else
- me gané el control.- I've gained control.
A pesar de todo lo que pasó y de todo lo que va a pasar, quiero que sepas que gané algo.You know, John... In spite of everything that's happened and everything that's going to happen... I want you to know that I've gained something.
- Parece que ganaste peso.- Looks like you gained a few.
- Quieres fingir que nunca ganaste...- You wish to pretend you never gained...
Aparte de eso, te ganaste la confianza del cliente... Y la conservaste--eso es lo que hace un magnifico abogado.On top of that, you gained the client's trust... and kept it--that's what makes a great lawyer.
Creo que durante ese entonces, al perder un sentido, ganaste otro.I think that during that time... As you lost one sense... You gained another.
Difícilmente diríamos que ganaste... un yeso.You can hardly tell you've gained... a cast.
"Mari ganó unos kilos más que el año pasado."Mari gained quite a few extra kilos last year.
"McCaffrey primero ganó protagonismo al aparecer... "en una foto que ganó el premio pulitzer en 1 972..."McCaffrey first gained prominence as the subject... of a 1972 Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph taken...
"la joven ganó conciencia."the young woman gained consciousness.
# Sí... Bill luego hizo el especial de HBO y ganó una notoriedad más grande y amplia.# Yeah... (John) Bill then got the HBO special and gained greater and wider notoriety.
-"Nadie ganó nada".- "No one gained anything."
A pesar del prejuicio, persecución y aporreo, los miembros de la fraternidad lambda lambda lambda terminaron con el poder Alpha beta y ganaron el control del Consejo GriegoDespite prejudice, persecution and painful pummelling, the members of Lambda Lambda Lambda fraternity overcame the powerful Alpha Betas and gained control of the Greek Council.
Cuando los rusos ganaron, tenía que caminar todo el camino a casa.After the Russians have gained, I had to go all the way home.
Dile a mamá que las acciones de papá ganaron un montón.Tell Mom Daddy's stocks gained a lot.
El Rey Jorge y La Reina Isabel ganaron el respeto del pueblo al visitar las zonas bombardeadas.The king Jorge and Elizabeth queen they had gained the respect when visiting the reached zones.
Es una percepción que ganaron de estudiar el lenguaje y la cultura de una tribu indígena amazónica llamada Amondawa.It's an insight they gained from studying the language and culture of an indigenous Amazonian tribe called the Amondawa.
- Lo ganaré.- I will gain It.
Ganaré para él si puedo, y si no, me ganaré la vergüenza y los golpes que caigan.'Tis the breathing time of day with me, I will win for him an I can, if not, I will gain nothing but my shame and the odd hits.
No exactamente. Aunque ganaré experiencia detectivesca clásica.Thought I will gain some classic gumshoe experience.
Quieres decir que manteniendo alejado a Ali, yo ganaré a mi amor.You mean by keeping Ali away I will gain my love.
Y una vez Abraham me deje volver, me ganaré el acceso a Moloch.And once Abraham takes me back, I will gain access to Moloch.
"Si hay un Dios, entonces, ganarás la eternidad"."If there is a God, then you will gain eternity."
A menos que hables hebreo, no ganarás nada estando aquí.Unless you speak Hebrew, you will gain nothing from being here.
Algrim, no ganarás nada de esto.Algrim, you will gain nothing from this.
Lo que pierdes en riqueza, lo ganarás en salud.What you've lost in wealth, you will gain in health.
Así ganará fuerza en su formación.So he will gain strength from his training.
Bien, ninguno de nosotros ganará nada comenzando una guerra.Well, neither of us will gain anything by a war.
Bueno, simplemente dijo cuánto ganará su vida al casarse conmigo.Well, he just said how much his life will gain by marrying me.
Como su nuevo consejero, le digo, con su corazón, usted ganará el mundo.As your new adviser, I tell you, with his heart, you will gain the world.
Con un motor de aire de 1 CV ganará una hora.With a pulsor of air of 1 CV, you will gain one hour.
Con la determinación unbounding de nuestro pueblo, ganaremos el inevitable triunfo, así que nos ayude Dios.With the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God.
Con tus poderes, ganaremos nuestra libertad.With your powers, we will gain our freedom.
Perderemos a nuestro querido hijo... pero ganaremos la esperanza, el coraje... de trasladarse... a terrenos más elevados.We will be losing our dear son... but we will gain the hope, the courage... to move to a higher ground.
Probablemente no resuelva nada... pero al menos ganaremos tiempo.Perhaps it will solve nothing but at least it will gain us time.
Vayan a comprobarlo, y ganaremos tiempo.Go check my public records, and we will gain time.
Ahora, si ganan esta etapa ganarán un Pase Exprés.Now, if you also win this stage will gain a Pass Express for you
No ganarán nada con esta invasión.This invasion will gain you nothing.
Pero si al darnos su posición... inadvertidamente Ud. les da nuestra posición... son ellos quienes ganarán una ventaja muy considerable.But if, in signaling their position to us... you inadvertently signal our position to them... it is they who will gain a very considerable advantage.
si no están dispuestos a derramar sangre dejen de soñar no ganarán nadaIf you are not ready to shed blood, stop dreaming! You will gain nothing.
.. nunca imagine que todas las cosas que ganaría...I never once imagined all the things I would gain.
Cuando dejé mi último trabajo creía que ganaría en tiempo lo que perdía en sueldo. Pero ser una madre trabajadora es como ser una moneda que nunca tiene el suficiente valor.You know, I thought when I quit my old job that I would gain in time what I lost in salary, but being a working Mom is like being a currency that never has enough value
Ella intenta proporcionarle textos, sellos... traté de hacerla entender que ganaría más con vos.She's conspiring against you with Robert, prepares acts and seals for him. I tried to convince her that she would gain more with your reign.
Hitler había llevado una vida oscura, ociosa y desorientada antes de la guerra, y en gran medida, sentía que se ganaría la pertenencia espiritual a la nación alemana a través del servicio militar.Hitler had been quite a lowlife pretty shiftless, directionless prior to the war, and in many ways, he felt that there was a way he would gain spiritual belonging to the German nation through military service.
No quiero imponerme pero estoy seguro que su tesis ganaría importancia si fuera sobre un hombre que está en el centro del problema.I don`t want to impose myself, but I`m sure your thesis would gain depth if it was on a man who`s at the core of the problem.
No ganarías nada revelándolo.You would gain nothing by revealing it.
Si tenían éxito, decía la administración, se ganarían dos años en los que construir el ejército survietnamita.If successful, the administration argued, they would gain two years in which to build the South Vietnamese Army.
"Mira, puede que me gane la vida desnudándome,I like to undress me gain bread
"Quizá me gane la vida desnudándome, Sarah. Pero eso no supone que no me respete".I like to undress me gain bread, Sarah but that does not mean I do not dignity.
- Celosa de que ODIN gane otra vez... - ¡ODIN! - ...gracias a tu cacería sexual.Jealous that ODIN's gonna beat us again... thanks to your epic poon-houndery!
- Déjelo que gane adeptos.- Let him gain some currency.
- Quizá gane un poco de autoestima.-Maybe I'll gain some self-respect.
Aunque ganes, la orden de restricción y los cargos por agresión se mantienen. - ¿Qué habrás obtenido?Even if you win, the restraining order and battery charge stay in place, so what have you gained?
Aunque te ganes la confianza de nuestro jefe aún no confío en ti.Although you gained the trust of our boss... I still don't trust you.
Bueno, a medida que tu embarazo avance, y ganes cada vez más y más peso, la presión sobre tus piernas y tus pies aumentará.Well, as your pregnancy advances and you gain more and more weight, there's an increased strain on your legs and your feet.
Como la ganes, ¡no vuelvo a jugar contigo!You dare win and I'll never play with you again!
Cualquier visión que ganes por mi madre terminará nuestra relación más rápido que atraparme en la cama con un animal de granja.Any insight you gain into me via my mother will end our relationship faster than catching me in bed with a farm animal.
'Pero, del punto de vista de los físicos y la teoría de la cuerda...' 'no hay nada realmente que ganemos...' 'de estudiar la Aurora Boreal.'From the point of view of physics and string theory... there's nothing really thatwe gain... from studying the aurora borealis.
Adiós, buena suerte... y que el próximo año ganemos de nuevo las competiciones deportivas de las escuelas públicas.- Good-bye, good luck... and let's win the public school sports again next year.
Así que para nosotros ganemos sabiduría, tenemos que cometer errores.So in order for us to gain the wisdom, we have to make the mistakes.
Ayúdame a encontrarlos, y tú y tu gente recibiréis la misma parte de lo que ganemos en el trato con los cilicios.Aid in revealing them, and you and your people will share equal portion from what we gain in bargain with the Cilician.
Bueno, no sabremos nada hasta que ganemos su confianza. Hazla sentir como en casa.Well, we won't know anything till we gain her trust, make her feel at home.
Pero... si lo hacéis bien Ozzo, puede que os ganéis el favor de Fernando.But... if you best Ozzo, you may yet gain Ferrante's favor.
¡Y les gustará mucho menos cuando ganéis otra vez!And they'll like it even less when you win again.
Antes de que sus enemigos ganen fuerza.Before your enemies gain more strength.
Es en dos semanas, y este año me niego a que tus padres nos ganen otra vez.It's in two weeks, and this year I refuse to let your parents beat me again.
Hemos querido enseñarles una y otra vez que no habrá salida de esta depresión hasta que lo que ganen alcance para mantener a su esposa e hijos.We have endeavored to teach you time and again that there can be no coming out of this depression until what you earn goes to sustain your wife and your children.
La República no puede permitirse dejar que los Separatistas ganen más terreno.The Republic cannot afford to let the separatists gain any more ground.
Larry Roeseler, 12 VECES GANADOR DE BAJA 1000 Y cuando ganas varias veces seguidas, quieres repetirlo, no solo por ti mismo. Cuando hay detrás una empresa como Honda, como es su caso, la empresa quiere que ganen, y ellos lo saben.And when you win several times in a row, not only do you wanna do it again for yourself, but, you know, when you got a corporate company like Honda, let's say, for Johnny and Steve, they want them to win, and they know that.
"Ha ganado tanto peso, se está poniendo como un camión", y yo decía "Lo siento, simplemente no lo veo"."He's gained so much weight", and I'm like, "I'm sorry, I just don't see it".
"La prueba debe haber ganado aceptación general en el campo a la cual pertenece"."The evidence must have gained general acceptance in the field in which it belongs."
"La vida.. ha ganado velocidad.""Life.. has gained speed."
"Las personas comienzan a servir, tan franca y voluntariamente que uno podría pensar que no habían perdido su libertad, sino más bien ganado su servidumbre.The people begin to serve, so freely and willingly, one would think they hadn't lost their freedom, but rather gained their servitude.
"Los astros con mi presencia, no han ganado nada. "The stars have through my life nothing gained.
"El que se le dio, fue fijado." "Nuestra locura está ganando fama.""Our craziness is gaining fame."
"Estoy ganando un hijo."I'm gaining a son.
# ¿Por qué bebo Coca Cola Light # # y sigo ganando peso?♪ Like how come I drink Diet Coke ♪ ♪ And I keep gaining weight?
- Estoy ganando el respeto de mi personal.I'm gaining the respect of my staff.
- Está ganando como si fuera fácil.- Is gaining like easy.

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