Ignorar (to ignore) conjugation

117 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to disregard, disregard

Conjugation of ignorar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I ignore
you ignore
he/she/it ignores
we ignore
you all ignore
they ignore
Present perfect tense
he ignorado
I have ignored
has ignorado
you have ignored
ha ignorado
he/she/it has ignored
hemos ignorado
we have ignored
habéis ignorado
you all have ignored
han ignorado
they have ignored
Past preterite tense
I ignored
you ignored
he/she/it ignored
we ignored
you all ignored
they ignored
Future tense
I will ignore
you will ignore
he/she/it will ignore
we will ignore
you all will ignore
they will ignore
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would ignore
you would ignore
he/she/it would ignore
we would ignore
you all would ignore
they would ignore
Past imperfect tense
I used to ignore
you used to ignore
he/she/it used to ignore
we used to ignore
you all used to ignore
they used to ignore
Past perfect tense
había ignorado
I had ignored
habías ignorado
you had ignored
había ignorado
he/she/it had ignored
habíamos ignorado
we had ignored
habíais ignorado
you all had ignored
habían ignorado
they had ignored
Future perfect tense
habré ignorado
I will have ignored
habrás ignorado
you will have ignored
habrá ignorado
he/she/it will have ignored
habremos ignorado
we will have ignored
habréis ignorado
you all will have ignored
habrán ignorado
they will have ignored
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I ignore
(if/so that) you ignore
(if/so that) he/she/it ignore
(if/so that) we ignore
(if/so that) you all ignore
(if/so that) they ignore
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya ignorado
I have ignored
hayas ignorado
you have ignored
haya ignorado
he/she/it has ignored
hayamos ignorado
we have ignored
hayáis ignorado
you all have ignored
hayan ignorado
they have ignored
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have ignored
(if/so that) you have ignored
(if/so that) he/she/it have ignored
(if/so that) we have ignored
(if/so that) you all have ignored
(if/so that) they have ignored
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have ignored
(if/so that) you have ignored
(if/so that) he/she/it have ignored
(if/so that) we have ignored
(if/so that) you all have ignored
(if/so that) they have ignored
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera ignorado
I had ignored
hubieras ignorado
you had ignored
hubiera ignorado
he/she/it had ignored
hubiéramos ignorado
we had ignored
hubierais ignorado
you all had ignored
hubieran ignorado
they had ignored
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese ignorado
I had ignored
hubieses ignorado
you had ignored
hubiese ignorado
he/she/it had ignored
hubiésemos ignorado
we had ignored
hubieseis ignorado
you all had ignored
hubiesen ignorado
they had ignored
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have ignored
(if/so that) you will have ignored
(if/so that) he/she/it will have ignored
(if/so that) we will have ignored
(if/so that) you all will have ignored
(if/so that) they will have ignored
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere ignorado
I will have ignored
hubieres ignorado
you will have ignored
hubiere ignorado
he/she/it will have ignored
hubiéremos ignorado
we will have ignored
hubiereis ignorado
you all will have ignored
hubieren ignorado
they will have ignored
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's ignore!
Imperative negative mood
no ignores
do not ignore!
no ignore
let him/her/it ignore!
no ignoremos
let us not ignore!
no ignoréis
do not ignore!
no ignoren
do not ignore!

Examples of ignorar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Christine Dubois debe reemplazar a Biancarolli... que eligió ignorar mi advertencia"."Christine DuBois must replace Biancarolli, "who chose to ignore my warning."
"La actividad científica nos llama a ignorar las normas establecidas por el hombre.""The pursuit of science calls us to ignore the rules set by man."
"Tómese un tiempo para ignorar la tristeza de su familia"."Take time to ignore the sadness of your family."
"me obliga a ignorar a mi hermana."force me to ignore my sister.
' Decidimos ignorar la pendiente ' y pasar directamente a la la ceremonia de apertura .'We decided to ignore the slope 'and move straight to the opening ceremony.'
"Una estudiante ignoro el correo electrónico y encontró a su mejor amiga Luanne"a college student ignored the email "and found her best friend luanne
# Yo los ignoro. ## I just ignore it. #
- Abuela, ya sabes que ignoro mi cumpleaños.O Granny, you know I ignore my birthday.
- Bueno, ¿y si ignoro los números?- Well, if I ignored the numbers?
- La gente puede pensar que estoy loca... Pero por lo menos yo no ignoro mi pasión como una...- People might think I'm crazy, but at least I don't ignore my passion as a
"Me ignoras a menos que tengas algo mejor que hacer.""You ignore me unless you've got something better to do."
# Mi espectáculo es magnífico... # # lo lamentarás si me ignoras. #My show here is splendid, you'll regret if you ignore me"
- Cuando me ignoras, Tony cuando subestimas lo que es importante para mí...- When you ignore me, Tony... when you trivialize things that are important to me... like this family's financial security, it makes me feel unloved.
- Espera, me ignoras todo el tiempo, ¿pero con sólo una palabra del mapache te comportas?- Wait, you ignore me all the time, but one word from the raccoon and you behave?
- Lo ignoras.- You ignore it.
"La escuela ignora el acoso.""School ignores bullying."
"Profesor ignora acoso escolar.""Teacher ignores bullying."
"Si el profesor cree que un gesto por nuestra parte sería una llamada para los hombres de buena voluntad ignora el hecho de que tal llamada podría, y sería, ocultada a millones de personas aislados como están por gobernantes que controlan sus medios y cada uno de sus movimientos.""If the professor thinks that such a gesture on our part would appeal to men of good will elsewhere he ignores the fact that such an appeal could be - and would be - withheld from millions shut off as they are by rulers who control their media and their every movement."
- Yo hablo, ella solo me ignora.- I talk, she just ignores me.
- simplemente lo ignora.- she sort of ignores it.
' Así que los ignoramos y nos dirigimos el mejor hotel en la ciudad. "'So we ignored them and headed for the best hotel in town.'
- Así que la ignoramos.- So, we ignore her?
- Lo ignoramos.- We ignore him.
*O cómo me ignoráis los dos todo el...*♪ Or like how you both ignore me all of the... ♪
Habláis lo mucho que vuestras tradiciones y vuestra cultura significan para vosotros, pero las ignoráis muy rápido.You talk about how much your tradition and your culture means to you, but you're very quick to ignore them.
Si ignoráis mis órdenes y salís para atacar nuestro Clan Takeda dejará de existir.If you ignore my order and set out to attack, our Takeda clan will be no more.
Si ignoráis su canto, no podréis impedirles atravesar vuestro campo de visión.If you ignore their song, you can't prevent them from flying across... the field of your vision.
Si no es para pecar, ignoráis la existencia del prójimo.Even if not to sin, you still ignore the existence of others.
"Ellos ignoran por completo el hecho de que existe algo llamado "Global Warming Petition" que está firmado por más de 19.000 profesionales y científicos que no están de acuerdo, con la idea que se nos está inculcando sobre el cambio climático."They completely ignore the fact that there's this thing called the Oregon Petition that was signed by 19,000 professionals and scientists, who don't agree, with the idea that we are causing climate change.
"Es en este nombre supremo de Cristo... que yo me dirijo a ustedes que seguramente no lo ignoran.""... In the name of holy Christ "who I pray to and who, certainly, won't ignore me.
"Las personas que están vivas ignoran lo raro e inusitado".It says, '"Live people ignore the strange and unusual.'"
"Los chicos me ignoran"The boys ignore me.
"mientras ignoran sus súplicas."while you ignore their pleas.
- No. La ignoré.I just ignored her.
- Pero ignoré todas las señales de advertencia, porque tenía mucha prisa por demostrar que ya no era un fracasado drogadicto.- Yikes. - But I ignored all the warning signs, because I was in such a rush to prove I wasn't a drugged-out failure anymore.
- Y la ignoré.- I ignored it and moved on.
- Y te ignoré.- And I ignored you.
-Lo ignoré y no supe valorarlo.-l've ignored him. -Taken him for granted.
- Lo cual ignoraste.Which you ignored.
- Me ignoraste.- You ignored me!
- No, tú... tú nos ignoraste.You... You ignored us.
- Recuerdo que ignoraste mi consejo.- I recall you ignored that advice.
"Amigos refieren que el hombre ignoró todo consejo y afirmó que intentaba seguir su propio camino"Friends reported that the man had ignored all advice and stated that he intended to pursue his own course.
"Kayla me ignoró, actuó como si yo no estuviera allí".Kayla ignored me, pretended like I wasn't even there.
"Y su novio simplemente nos ignoró.""And her boyfriend just ignored us. "
"el 2do Teniente Malham repetidamente, ignoró nuestras advertencias y la zona prohibida.""2nd Lieutenant Malham repeatedly ignored the no-go zone and our warnings."
- Aprenda lo que mi padre ignoró:- Learn the lesson my father ignored.
Cuando las otras chicas descubran que ignorasteis sus votos...When the other girls find out you ignored their votes, they're gonna-
Soy un monstruo porque me ignorasteis toda mi vida.I'm a monster because you ignored me my whole life.
¿Al que ignorasteis y del que os reísteis?The guy you ignored and made fun of?
- Me ignoraron.- I was ignored.
Adentro me ignoraron también.Inside they ignored me as well.
Al menos a él no lo ignoraron.At least he wasn't ignored.
Así que esas son las fotos que Bush y sus chicos ignoraron, ¿ eh ?So these are the photos Bush and the boys ignored, eh?
Así que, ya sabes, estos tíos se quejaron, y les ignoraron.So, you know, these guys complained, he just ignored them.
Annabel, debido a su avanzada edad, ignoraré sus palabras irreverentes.Annabel, due to your old age, I will ignore your irreverent words.
Creo que la orden se ha dado sin conocer nuestra situación, así que la ignoraré.I believe that instruction was issued without knowledge of our situation, so I will ignore it.
Esa pregunta la ignoraré por improcedente.I will ignore your question as if it is unworthy of a response.
La conmoción de tu reciente duelo significa que ignoraré ese comentario.The shock of your recent bereavement means that I will ignore that comment.
Pero como consejero en el consejo de turismo, ignoraré decirte que cada viaje de la orilla este empieza en la Rammer Jammer.But as the co-chair of the tourism counsel, I will ignore it to tell you that any journey on the eastern shore begins at the Rammer Jammer.
Regla número 1, ignorarás todas las llamadas entrantes y lo harás todas las veces que llamen.Rule number one: You will ignore all incoming calls and remain on the line with me at all times.
Corte ignorará ese comentario.Court will ignore that remark.
El Ted ignorará lo que normalmente tomaría como palabras agresivas.The Ted will ignore what he would normally take to be fighting words.
El jurado ignorará el último comentario de la abogada.Jury will ignore counsel's last remarks.
El jurado ignorará ese último comentarioThe jury will ignore that last remark.
El jurado ignorará este intercambio entre los abogados.Thejury will ignore the exchange between counsel.
Tomas conspiró contra Francia, decidle al rey que los ignoraremos si acepta nuestros sentimientos.Tomas plotted against France, tell the King we will ignore them if he will accept our sentiments.
12 personas ignorarán los hechos, la ley, incluso el brillo de tu verdad,... - ...si el defendido es simpático.12 people will ignore the facts, the law, even the brilliance of yours truly, if the defendant is sympathetic.
Hechos que ellos ignorarán o minimizarán.Facts that they will ignore or downplay.
- ¿Piensas que yo lo ignoraría?- You think I would ignore that?
Así que, yo ignoraría todo eso.So, I would ignore all of that.
Ella lo ignoraría...She would ignore ...
Lo ignoraría.I would ignore it.
Normalmente, ignoraría tu llamada, pero hoy estoy de buen humor.Normally, I would ignore your call, but I am in a good mood today.
Si ella estuviera sentada aquí ahora mismo en mi lugar, tu--tu ignorarías cada palabra de lo que ella dijera.If she were sitting here now instead of me, you-- you would ignore every word she said.
Bueno, normalmente ignoraríamos una oveja muerta, pero sé lo que parece... un par de tipos aquí con un par de copas dentro, haciendo prácticas de tiro.Now, normally, we would ignore a dead sheep, but I know how it looks -- a couple of guys up here with a couple of drinks in 'em, taking target practice.
El piensa que ignoraríamos el cebo, por lo que creo que él esta en uno de los autos.He figured he would ignore the bait, so I think he's one of them.
Y qué mejor escondite que una estatua de un dios... que tu propia gente evitaría y que los carroñeros ignorarían... porque todos sabemos que la mayoría de estatuas drazi no tienen ningún valor.And what better hiding place than a statue to a god... your own people would avoid and the scavengers would ignore... because we all know that most Drazi statues have no actual value.
# A dress he can't ignore# A dress he can't ignore
- Escucha... no importa cuánto te ignore, o abuse de ti, o que me burle de ti en tu cara... eres mi mejor amigo.Listen... no matter how much I ignore you, or abuse you, or make fun of you your face... you're my best friend.
- No me digas que lo ignore.You're not gonna tell me to ignore him, are you?
- Quieren que lo ignore.- They want me to ignore him.
- Y cuando los ignore, se volverán a la doncellaAnd when I ignore them, they will turn to the maid.
"No ignores a tu corazón.""Don't ignore your heart."
"No ignores la crema batida """Don't ignore the whipped cream""
"No ignores mi humilde petición.."Don't ignore my humble request.. - More water.
"No puedes hacerme esto". "No me ignores"."u can't do this to me." "don't ignore me."
"Y no ignores a alguien solo porque es nuevo... porque esa persona algún día podrías ser tú".♪ And don't ignore somebody just 'cause they're new ♪ ♪ 'Cause that new somebody could someday be you ♪
"Yo digo que lo ignoremos".'I say ignore it.
- Acaba de decir que la ignoremos.She just said to ignore her.
- ¿Está proponiendo que lo ignoremos?- Do you propose we ignore it?
Creo que es significativo que ignoremos a los doctores que han salvado de verdad la vida de Gary.I think it's important that we ignore the doctors Who actually did save Gary's life.
Cuanto más lo ignoremos...The more we ignore it...
Bueno, no le ignoréis pero, ya sabeis.Well, don't ignore him but, you know.
Jamás ignoréis la voz de vuestra alma.You never ignore the voice of your soul.
Mejor que no ignoréis esas.Uh, probably best not to ignore those.
No ignoréis a vuestro pueblo.Do not ignore your people.
Vale, voy a necesitar que vayáis más allá e ignoréis todo lo que diga este payaso.Okay, I'm gonna need you guys to go ahead and ignore everything that this clown is saying.
"Cuida de ese hombrecillo, no dejes que le ignoren, o le engañen, o le insulten.See to it that he don't get ignored or cheated or insulted.
"Oficiales, cuando inspeccionen la escena del crimen... ignoren la piñata llena de marihuana... que acaban de encontrar.Oh, police officer, please, as you inspect the crime scene, which is now our van, please ignore the colorful pinata filled with marijuana you may just happen to come across, because it played no part whatsoever
"Oh, voy en frente, niños, ignoren a su madre, "porque ella es loca"!"Oh, go ahead, little children, ignore your mother, 'cause she's a lunatic"!
- Los aviones rusos que ignoren esto-- - ¿Qué pasa?- Russian aircrafts that ignore this...
- No lo ignoren así nomás. - Vamos, tenemos que sacarlo de aquí.Don't just ignore it.
¿Querías que ignorara la pista?- Should I just have ignored the tip?
Ahora, ignorad todo excepto el sonido de mi vozNow, ignore everything Except the sound of my voice.
Por favor, ignorad el olor a moho y a cinta de deportista y prestad atención a la pantalla.Please ignore the stench of mildew and jock strap and focus your attention on the screen.
Simplemente ignorad el hecho de que tenéis razón, poneos vuestros atuendos más sosos, así que ese, espero, y entonces salid y pedid disculpas públicamente.Just ignore the fact that you're right, put on your blandest outfits, so that one, hopefully, and then just go out there and publicly apologize.
"El desafío de los criminales armados a la sociedad y la civilización ya no puede ser ignorado.And the defiance by desperate, armed criminals... of the forces of society and civilization can no longer be ignored.
"Se siente ignorado y menospreciado.Feels ignored, unappreciated.
"Una ultimatum de advertencia fue ignorado... " -¿Está realmente pasando?"An ultimatum to withdraw was ignored... " Is this really happening?
# Serías ignorado en la Comic-Con ## You'd be ignored at Comic-Con #
*He ignorado mucho tiempo* *este anhelo* *que está en el fondo de mi corazón*♪ I've ignored too long ♪ This longing ♪ That's deep inside my heart
"Me estás ignorando."You're ignoring me.
"No entiendo por qué me estás ignorando."I don't understand why you're ignoring me.
"Se quedará mirando alrededor e ignorando la carne y el puño frente a él"."She will stand looking around her and ignoring the meat and fist in front of her."
"Si al principio no lo consigues, te recuperas, e ignorando a los agoreros y estúpidos pesimistas,"If at first you don't succeed, "you pick yourself up, and, ignoring all the doom-sayers "and mopey-dopes, you try again."
"Wilfred estaba contemplando su muerte definitiva, pero su mejor amigo insolidario lo estaba ignorando completamente"."Wilfred was contemplating his ultimate demise, but his non-caring best friend was completely ignoring him."

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