Informar (to inform) conjugation

117 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to find out, find

Conjugation of informar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I inform
you inform
he/she/it informs
we inform
you all inform
they inform
Present perfect tense
he informado
I have informed
has informado
you have informed
ha informado
he/she/it has informed
hemos informado
we have informed
habéis informado
you all have informed
han informado
they have informed
Past preterite tense
I informed
you informed
he/she/it informed
we informed
you all informed
they informed
Future tense
I will inform
you will inform
he/she/it will inform
we will inform
you all will inform
they will inform
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would inform
you would inform
he/she/it would inform
we would inform
you all would inform
they would inform
Past imperfect tense
I used to inform
you used to inform
he/she/it used to inform
we used to inform
you all used to inform
they used to inform
Past perfect tense
había informado
I had informed
habías informado
you had informed
había informado
he/she/it had informed
habíamos informado
we had informed
habíais informado
you all had informed
habían informado
they had informed
Future perfect tense
habré informado
I will have informed
habrás informado
you will have informed
habrá informado
he/she/it will have informed
habremos informado
we will have informed
habréis informado
you all will have informed
habrán informado
they will have informed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I inform
(if/so that) you inform
(if/so that) he/she/it inform
(if/so that) we inform
(if/so that) you all inform
(if/so that) they inform
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya informado
I have informed
hayas informado
you have informed
haya informado
he/she/it has informed
hayamos informado
we have informed
hayáis informado
you all have informed
hayan informado
they have informed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have informed
(if/so that) you have informed
(if/so that) he/she/it have informed
(if/so that) we have informed
(if/so that) you all have informed
(if/so that) they have informed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have informed
(if/so that) you have informed
(if/so that) he/she/it have informed
(if/so that) we have informed
(if/so that) you all have informed
(if/so that) they have informed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera informado
I had informed
hubieras informado
you had informed
hubiera informado
he/she/it had informed
hubiéramos informado
we had informed
hubierais informado
you all had informed
hubieran informado
they had informed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese informado
I had informed
hubieses informado
you had informed
hubiese informado
he/she/it had informed
hubiésemos informado
we had informed
hubieseis informado
you all had informed
hubiesen informado
they had informed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have informed
(if/so that) you will have informed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have informed
(if/so that) we will have informed
(if/so that) you all will have informed
(if/so that) they will have informed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere informado
I will have informed
hubieres informado
you will have informed
hubiere informado
he/she/it will have informed
hubiéremos informado
we will have informed
hubiereis informado
you all will have informed
hubieren informado
they will have informed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's inform!
Imperative negative mood
no informes
do not inform!
no informe
let him/her/it inform!
no informemos
let us not inform!
no informéis
do not inform!
no informen
do not inform!

Examples of informar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El Sr. Henry Matthews ruega informar a Su Majestad que el gabinete ha decidido aceptar la dimisión del comisionado de policía"I have the honor to inform you that the firm has decided "To accept the resignation the Prefect of Police."
"Este tiene el intuito de informar a Vuestra Majestad"..."This has the intention to inform Your Majesty"...
"Esto no tiene la intención de informar a Su Majestad" ..."This has the intention to inform Your Majesty"...
"Lamentamos informar que esta noche .. "'We're sorry to inform you that earlier tonight..'
"Lamentaría tener que informar a Su Alteza de que está avergonzado... por su injustificado ataque a la emisión de bonos de Taronia.""I should regret having to inform Her Highness that you are ashamed "to come after your unwarranted attack on the Taronian bond issue."
"Al principio de 1939, un informador de Konstanz informo de la llegada de Gotter con Freidank llevando dinero cambiado en Paris y Bruselas."Early in 1939, an informer in Konstanz reported Gütter's arrival with Freidank carrying money exchanged in Paris and Brussels.
"Así es con profunda tristeza te informo que este mes sólo podemos permitirnos enviarte $164"."So it is with deep sadness I inform you "that this month we can only afford to send you $164."
"Con la presente te informo que serás... el orgulloso padre de un niño coreano de 5 años"."This is to inform you that you are about to become... the proud father of a five-year-old Korean boy."
"Les informo que la Oficina de Guerra accedió a su petición... y les concede permiso para viajar al norte de África"."This will inform you that your request has been favorably received by the War Office... and permission granted to proceed to North Africa."
"Querido Nicky: Te informo que las cosas cambiaron.""Dear Nicky, this is to inform you that things have changed."
- Te informas. ¡Muy bien!You keep yourself informed.
Asi que, me informas?So what information?
Cuando informas a la familia, tienes que decirlo para que sepan que ha ocurrido de verdad.When you inform the family, you have to say it so that they know that it's really happening.
Entonces me informas y te tomas un momento por la emergencia, asegurándote de anotarlo en el....?Then you inform me and you take an emergency break, making sure that you log it into the...?
Luego ven y me informas.Then come and inform me.
"La universidad de Negev informa a sus estudiantes de que todas las convocatorias para otoño de 1973 se posponen hasta nueva orden."The University of the Negev informs all its students "that all convocations for the fall of 1973
"Manuel informa con todo respeto a la actriz que desgraciadamente no podrá escribir más can'tas para ella"."Manuel respectfully informs the actress, regretfully, that he can write no more letters for her."
"Monsuier informa a Madame que han llegado los invitados.""Monsuier informs Madame that guests have arrived."
"Ptolomeo, quien lleva agua, el de las dos damas, el de juncia y abeja, Rey de Reyes, hijo de Ra, informa a Su Señoría Más Grande, etc. Que quien trae este mensaje es quien asesinó a Pompeyo"."Ptolemy the Water Bringer, he of the two ladies, he of sedge and bee, King of Kings, Son of Ra, informs His Most Grand Honor, et cetera, that him who bears this message is him that killed Pompey."
"Ray entretiene e informa a sus lectores con historias que usan a los deportes para iluminar la condición humana"."Ray entertains and informs his readers with stories that use sports to illuminate the human condition."
"... le informamos... que bajo estas circunstancias..."...inform you that under these circumstances...."
"Con agrado, les informamos que Ernest Davis"This is to inform you that Ernest Davis
"Querido Piotr Ivanovich, con profunda simpatía, "... le informamos que su hijo mayor, Nikolai Petrovich,"Dear Peter Ivanovich, with deep sympathy, we inform you that your older son, Nikolai Petrovich, is in the hospital with minor injuries and your younger son, Semyon Petrovich, was killed during an attack".
"Querido Rabino, le informamos que ha obtenido una calificación de"Dear Rabbi, "we inform you that you obtained a mark of
- Tan sólo les informamos.- We just gave them the information.
Cada vez que aterrice el avión, intentaré llamar, y me informáis de los acontecimientos.Every time the plane lands, I'll try and reach you by telephone. Keep me informed of the latest developments.
Sí. En cuanto salgan los coches de policía me informáis.- As soon as the police vehicles leave, inform me over the walkie-talkie.
"La información que obtuvimos de los archivos del hospital de Bethany Young informan que la teoría sobre la que hemos estado trabajando desde el primer día."The information we obtained from Bethany Young's hospital records inform the theory we've been working since day one.
- El presidente Kennedy, nos informan...- President Kennedy, we are now informed...
- Las fuentes nos informan...- Sources inform us...
Ahora estamos investigando. Nos informan que se dirige a Tailandia después de abandonar la India.We`ve got some information on a man, traveling from Thailand to India, who may be Ryu.
Ahora, mis guardias me informan que no una, sino dos arcángeles han encontrado su camino en mi ciudad.Now, my guards inform me that not one but two archangels have found their way into my city.
- Le informé a la CRI de tu embarazo.- I informed the IOA of your pregnancy.
- Le informé al conductor.- I informed the driver.
- Le informé que tenía multas sin pagar.I informed him that the warrants were outstanding.
- Le informé.-I informed him.
- Les informé que su hija estaba relacionada con un hombre peligroso, un espía, un traidor.I informed them their daughter was involved with a very dangerous man, a spy, a traitor.
- No, tú hablaste con House después regresaste y me informaste que él me había envenenado para siempre y empezaste a empacar.No, you had a conversation with house, then came back, informed me I'd been forever poisoned by him, and started packing.
? Por qué no me informaste?Why wasn't I informed?
De la que generosamente le informaste.- About which you so generously informed him.
Debido a que a la persona que informaste de mi captura me va a liberar en una hora.Because the person you just informed of my capture is going to release me within the hour.
Determinaste que no fue así, y les informaste a tus jefes.You determined it was not, and you informed your bosses of this.
"Estimado señor, a causa de un error informático se le informó de que había suspendido el examen de navegación."Dear sir, due to a computer error, "you were wrongly informed that you had failed the astronavigation exam.
"Mi médico me informó que tengo poco tiempo de vida,""My doctor informed me I have only a short time to live,"
"Se nos informó de tu talento excepcional."We have been informed of your exceptional talent
"del pasado o de ahora que informó"?"Former or current, informed on us?
- A quien le informó Hadi.- Who was so informed by Hadi...
Les informasteis del paradero del chino, ¿verdad?You informed them of the Chinese man's hide-out, didn't you? !
- Me informaron al salir del escenario.I was informed of it when I came off stage.
- Me informaron cuando salía del hotel. Llego a tiempo.l was informed when Laszlo left the hotel so l knew l'd be on time.
- Me informaron hace una hora.I was just informed an hour ago. Odo, please...
- Me informaron sobre su contenido.- I've been informed of its contents.
- No me informaron.- Wasn't informed of any tests.
- Le informaré.- I will inform you.
Así informaré a Su Alteza Real, Santidad.I will inform His Royal Highness thus, Your Holiness.
Bueno, naturalmente informaré a mi personal para que la busquen.Well, naturally I will inform my staff to keep a look out for her.
En cuanto a su 'techo', informaré al alcalde de que me han echado la posada y cuando tenga otro alojamiento podrá respirar tranquila,As for your 'roof', I will inform the police chief about what you gave to us and, once in a new place, I'll be more relieved than you'd know!
Entendido, le informaré.10-4, will inform.
Le informarás a la policía igual.You will inform the police anyway.
Si alguien de tu antigua vida intenta contactar contigo, informarás al agente que haya sido asignado para monitorizar tu casa.If anybody from your former life attempts to contact you, you will inform the agent that's been assigned to monitor your home.
Tan pronto como te enteres, me lo informarás.As soon as you find out, you will inform me.
- El profesor informará a todo el mundo en el momento que pueda.- Professor will inform every one of the time of the appointment.
.. el Tribunal les informará de la nueva fecha... the court will inform you of the next date.
Además, a Sloane se le permitirá participar abiertamente en las actividades de El Convenio basándose en la promesa de que nos informará de esas actividades.In addition, Sloane will be allowed to openly participate in Covenant activities based on the promise he will inform us of those activities.
Además, les informará Que les pagará El tiempo libre Para este privilegio.Additionally, you will inform them that they will be paid for their time off for this privilege.
Además, sir Richar desea que se sepa que la visita de lady Worsley es un acto cruel y despiadado perpetrado hacia su persona y que informará al Sr. Juez por la mañana.Furthermore, Sir Richard wishes it to be known that Lady Worsley's visitation is a further cruel and vicious act perpetrated upon his person and he will inform the Lord Justice in the morning.
"Le informaremos dónde", escrito D-Ó-N-T-E, "entregar la plata" escrito P-R-A-T-A."We will inform you where," spelled W-E-R-E, "to deliver the money"... spelled M-O-N-Y.
En ese caso, nosotros le informaremos que ese Guardián es potencialmente hostil y no debe recibir esa información.In this case, we will inform Guardian that is potentially hostile and should not receive this information.
Le informaremos cuando es tiempo para hacer la entrevista.We will inform you when it's time to do the interview.
Le informaremos de su situaciónWe will inform you of his situation
Les informaremos cuando bajemos.We will inform them when we go down.
- Bueno, ellos le informarán.- Well, they will inform you.
Cómo nuestra cada vez más amplia huella digital, mensajes de correo electrónico, textos, tweets, informarán nuestra comprensión de... la historia y de nosotros mismos.How our ever-expanding digital footprint, emails, texts, tweets, will inform our understanding of history and ourselves.
Mis sirvientes os informarán cuándo nos encontraremos otra vez.My servants will inform you when we'll meet again.
Por aduladores, y por lo que informaránBy flatterers, and what they will inform
Si no reciben noticias mías en una hora, informarán al Sultán de mis daños en vuestras manos.If they do not receive word from me within the hour, they will inform the Sultan of my injury at your hands.
Dijo que nos informaría de cuáles son los personajes más repugnantes que frecuentan esta aburrida sala de sudor.He said he would inform us of any unsavory characters that might frequent this dreary sweatbox.
El Gral. Collazos me dijo que Ud. me informaría.Gral. Collazos told me you would inform me.
Informaría a mi inmediato supervisor en el servicio secreto, quien informaría al jefe del servicio secreto y al secretario de prensa de la Casa Blanca, quien informaría a los corresponsales de prensa en la Casa Blanca.I would inform our immediate supervisor at the Secret Service, who'd inform the Head of the Secret Service and the White House Press Secretary, who'd inform the White House Press Corps.
Le dije que le informaría sobre el informe forense.I told you I would inform you once I got the forensics results. Well, I got some.
Le dije que si no retiraba las demandas, informaría al Departamento de Agricultura que él planeó todo el asunto.I told him if he doesn't drop the suits, I would inform the Department of Agriculture that he'd planned the whole thing.
"Es necesario que conozcan lo antes posible el informe... y la opinión del Sr. Laourcade.""It is essential "that you inform me as soon as possible "of Mr Laourcade's position.
"Julián, por favor informe a Lumpur.""Julian, please inform Lumpur."
"Lamento muchísimo informarle que al soldado James Jessop, del infanteria 381 según el informe oficial Ie mataron en combate, el 10 de noviembre"."Deeplyregret to informyou, "that PrivateJamesJessop, 381st Infantry, "is offiicially reported as,
- Como siempre, Sr. Kent su información es tan precisa como el informe del tiempo.-Sheriff, that's impossible. -As usual, Mr. Kent your information's about as accurate as the local weatherman.
- Coronel O'Neill, informe a...- Colonel O'Neill, perhaps you'd inform...
"No dar nunca informes personales".No exchange of personal information.
"Según indicaciones del Foreign Office turco hay razones para creer que von Papen posee informes secretos, lo cual indica un fallo en seguridad un acceso nazi a nuestros documentos o posibilidad de haber descubierto la clave..."'Upon representation from Turkish Foreign Office there is reason to believe von Papen is in possession of top secret information, which would indicate a leak in security or Nazi access to secret documents or possibility have broken British cipher... '
"cualquier información relevante, informes o grabaciones requeridos por el Secretario del Tesoro"."any relevant information, reports or records requested by the Secretary of the Treasury."
- Mis informes dicen que el 7 de Noviembre.- November 7 is my information.
- Nunca había visto estos informes. - Lo sé.I've never seen this information.
- ¿Quiere que le informemos a su sobrino sobre su estado?- Do you want us to inform your nephew about your condition?
Cerremos primero, informemos luego.Lockdown first, inform later.
Creo que es mejor que no informemos a Monsieur Marshall de esto...I think it better that we do not inform Monsieur Marshall of this.
Después de que informemos a la familia de Mr. Beckert, llamaré a la FDA y presentaré un informe oficial.After we inform Mr. Beckert's family, I will call the F.D.A. and file a formal report.
Mejor informemos a la Tierra.We´d better inform Earth.
Espero que una vez hayáis obtenido información acerca de los rebeldes, me informéis de inmediato.I hope, once you get any information about the rebels, come and inform me right away.
Monseñor, seréis tan amable que me informéis del motivo de esta reunión secreta.Monsieur, will you be kind enough to inform me the reason for the secrecy of this meeting?
No informéis a Hetty de nada.No informing Hetty of anything.
Quiero que me informéis de lo que ha pasado allí.I want you to inform me what happened there.
"Por favor, informen a los ciudadanos de Gotham... "de que Ciudad Gotham se merece un descanso de crímenes."Please inform the citizens of Gotham that Gotham City's earned a rest from crime.
-Haciendo que los médicos informen a las embarazadas sobre adopción en caso de presentarse algún malestar.- By requiring health care staff to give pregnant women information about adoption on an equal basis with all other courses of action.
Asegúrate de que me informen apenas emita un sonido.Make sure I´m informed as soon as he utters a sound.
Asegúrese de que si tienen recetas mías, me informen antes.Make sure that if they have prescriptions from me, they inform you first.
Bien, llévenlas a la estación, e informen a los padres.OK, get them down the station, and inform the parents.
Por favor, informad al Sr. Selfridge de que el Sr. Crabb insistirá en fastidiarle hasta que obtenga resultado.Please inform Mr. Selfridge that Mr. Crabb intends to badger until he gets a result. Thank you, Miss Plunkett. Well done, my darling!
Sr. Presidente, informad a los miembros de esta Cámara de que su presencia en ella ya no es necesaria para la nación.Mr. Speaker, you will inform the members of this House that their presence is no longer required by the nation.
" Bueno James, Tengo que estar informado ". Quizá debas estar informado. Pero no tienes que estar inundado.Maybe you have to be informed, but you don't have to be inundated.
"Antes del interrogatorio, se me ha informado de qué se me acusa, se me ha igualmente informado de mis derechos a negarme a declarar en relación a los cargos, y a consultar a un abogado de mi elección". ¿Desea declarar?"Before questioning I was informed of the accusations made against me, and instructed of my lawful right to refuse to answer to these accusations and to consult a lawyer of my choice at any time." Do you wish to testify?
"Apreciado Joe, he sido informado que un experto en polígrafos del gobierno estará... ..en nuestras oficinas mañana por la tarde... ..para hacerte una prueba, como requisito previo... ..para algunos programas en los que nuestra compañía podría participar..."Dear Joe, I've just been informed "that a government polygraph examiner will make himself "available at our offices tomorrow afternoon
"Continua en el movimiento, sigue informado.""Stay in the movement, keep us informed."
"Eso" le hubiera informado... que este niño en particular le teme a las serpientes.That "stuff" would've informed you that this particular child is afraid of snakes.
"¿Está Ud. informando sobre El león?" Respuesta: "Sí"."Are you informing on The Lion?" Answer, "Yes."
- Te estoy informando.- I'm informing you.
- ¿Entonces sólo me estás informando? - Sí.- So you're just informing me?
A diferencia de ti, no andamos informando... - ...con qué frecuencia tenemos sexo.Unlike you, we don't go around informing everyone about the frequency of our hooking up.
Alguien le está informando acerca de nosotros.Someone is informing on us.

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