Inspeccionar (to inspect) conjugation

81 examples

Conjugation of inspeccionar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I inspect
you inspect
he/she/it inspects
we inspect
you all inspect
they inspect
Present perfect tense
he inspeccionado
I have inspected
has inspeccionado
you have inspected
ha inspeccionado
he/she/it has inspected
hemos inspeccionado
we have inspected
habéis inspeccionado
you all have inspected
han inspeccionado
they have inspected
Past preterite tense
I inspected
you inspected
he/she/it inspected
we inspected
you all inspected
they inspected
Future tense
I will inspect
you will inspect
he/she/it will inspect
we will inspect
you all will inspect
they will inspect
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would inspect
you would inspect
he/she/it would inspect
we would inspect
you all would inspect
they would inspect
Past imperfect tense
I used to inspect
you used to inspect
he/she/it used to inspect
we used to inspect
you all used to inspect
they used to inspect
Past perfect tense
había inspeccionado
I had inspected
habías inspeccionado
you had inspected
había inspeccionado
he/she/it had inspected
habíamos inspeccionado
we had inspected
habíais inspeccionado
you all had inspected
habían inspeccionado
they had inspected
Future perfect tense
habré inspeccionado
I will have inspected
habrás inspeccionado
you will have inspected
habrá inspeccionado
he/she/it will have inspected
habremos inspeccionado
we will have inspected
habréis inspeccionado
you all will have inspected
habrán inspeccionado
they will have inspected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I inspect
(if/so that) you inspect
(if/so that) he/she/it inspect
(if/so that) we inspect
(if/so that) you all inspect
(if/so that) they inspect
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya inspeccionado
I have inspected
hayas inspeccionado
you have inspected
haya inspeccionado
he/she/it has inspected
hayamos inspeccionado
we have inspected
hayáis inspeccionado
you all have inspected
hayan inspeccionado
they have inspected
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have inspected
(if/so that) you have inspected
(if/so that) he/she/it have inspected
(if/so that) we have inspected
(if/so that) you all have inspected
(if/so that) they have inspected
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have inspected
(if/so that) you have inspected
(if/so that) he/she/it have inspected
(if/so that) we have inspected
(if/so that) you all have inspected
(if/so that) they have inspected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera inspeccionado
I had inspected
hubieras inspeccionado
you had inspected
hubiera inspeccionado
he/she/it had inspected
hubiéramos inspeccionado
we had inspected
hubierais inspeccionado
you all had inspected
hubieran inspeccionado
they had inspected
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese inspeccionado
I had inspected
hubieses inspeccionado
you had inspected
hubiese inspeccionado
he/she/it had inspected
hubiésemos inspeccionado
we had inspected
hubieseis inspeccionado
you all had inspected
hubiesen inspeccionado
they had inspected
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have inspected
(if/so that) you will have inspected
(if/so that) he/she/it will have inspected
(if/so that) we will have inspected
(if/so that) you all will have inspected
(if/so that) they will have inspected
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere inspeccionado
I will have inspected
hubieres inspeccionado
you will have inspected
hubiere inspeccionado
he/she/it will have inspected
hubiéremos inspeccionado
we will have inspected
hubiereis inspeccionado
you all will have inspected
hubieren inspeccionado
they will have inspected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's inspect!
Imperative negative mood
no inspecciones
do not inspect!
no inspeccione
let him/her/it inspect!
no inspeccionemos
let us not inspect!
no inspeccionéis
do not inspect!
no inspeccionen
do not inspect!

Examples of inspeccionar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El sindicato tiene derecho a inspeccionar los tablones para comprobar en persona que no se quitan sus anuncios"."The union has the right to inspect bulletin boards in the mills once a week to verify in person that its notices are not being stripped off."
"Esta mañana, hombres de Geni Maeda llegaron a la entrada del templo para inspeccionar vuestra efigie de madera""This morning, Geni Maeda's men arrived at the temple gate to inspect your wooden effigy."
- Ansío inspeccionar el bombardero.Have urgent desire to inspect bomber.
- Capitán. Capitán... Quiero inspeccionar esta cosa que ha vivido desde hace tanto tiempo.Captain, I do wish to inspect whatever this is that lived that long ago.
- El Coronel va a inspeccionar en un minuto.- The Colonel is going to inspect in a minute.
Además, el Sr. Raymond Debley... usted reconocerá ese nombre, Sr. Daigle una de los más exitosos y respetables constructores en New Brunswick inspecciono la casa el 10 de julio y esas son sus conclusiones.Additionally, Mr. Raymond Debley - you'll recognize that name, Mr. Daigle - one of the most successful and respected builders in New Brunswick inspected the house on 10 July and those are his findings.
Aún soy criminalista allí, pero cada mes inspecciono los laboratorios para el Consejo Forense.I'm still a criminalist there, but every other month I inspect labs for the Forensics Board.
El Dr. Hodgins necesita una muestra del suelo para ayudar a determinar la hora de la muerte, mientras yo inspecciono los restos.Dr. Hodgins needs to sample the soil to help determine time of death, while I inspect the remains.
La inspecciono todos los dias.I inspect it every day.
Si no inspecciono este basurero, no obtengo mi comisión, y los Shay estarán viviendo de galletas y atún.If I don't get this dump through inspection, I don't get my commission, and the Shays are living on crackers and tuna.
No me ofenderé si me inspeccionas más de cerca...I would take no offense to closer inspection...
Primero, tu la inspeccionas para estar seguro que está limpia.First, you inspect it to make sure it's clean.
Te paras, y le das la espalda muy lentamente... de nuevo frente a ella, la inspeccionas de pies a cabeza... como si no la vieras.You halt, you slowly turn your back on her face her again, inspect her from head to toe as if you didn't see her
(Noticiero) Mariscal de Campo Rommel inspecciona el muro del Atlántico.Field Marshal Rommel inspects the Atlantic wall.
- Si lo supieras sabrás que el Sr. Knox inspecciona personalmente cada vitrina de Manhattan.- Well, if you did, you know Mr. Knox personally inspects every single window display in Manhattan.
A nuestro país no lo inspecciona nadie.Nobody inspects our country.
Con un gesto muy violento, como si adoptara el rol de la madre de Norman Bates, el asesino en "Psicosis", abre las cortinas, inspecciona en detalle, buscando rastros de sangre,In a very violent gesture, as if adopting the role of Norman Bates' mother, the murderer in Psycho, he opens up the curtain, inspects it in detail, looking for traces of blood there,
Es el pasatiempo del capitán, la inspecciona siempre que puede.You might say it's the captain's hobby, he inspects it every chance he gets.
- Ya sabes, inspeccionamos los restos muy cuidadosamente, pero por alguna razón la única prueba que no pudimos encontrar fueron los clavos de barco que descubrimos.- You know, we inspected the debris very carefully, but for some reason the only thing we could not find evidence of were the ship's nails we discovered.
Aquí inspeccionamos los documentos personales, computadoras, discos rígidos, y otros materiales.Here we inspect personal documents, computers, discs and other materials.
Así que no vimos el patrón hasta que inspeccionamos el auto de Mary Hammond.So, we didn't see the pattern until we inspected Mary Hammond's car.
La Agente Perrota y yo inspeccionamos el basurero y despejé el cuerpo para ser transportado al laboratorio.Agent Perotta and I inspected the dump site... and I cleared the body to be transported back to the lab.
La encontré bajo la cama, como cuando inspeccionamos la escena de crimen.I found it under the bed as we were inspecting the crime scene.
- ¿Con qué frecuencia los inspeccionan?- How often do you inspect restaurants?
Allí se inspeccionan obras que nadie va a hacer.There, works are inspected which no one would do.
Ellos inspeccionan los unos a los otros.They inspect one another.
Hablan con el dueño, lo inspeccionan.Police talking to the driver, inspecting the vehicle.
La vagabundo gordo en la puerta dice que ellos no inspeccionan los vehículos en la entrada.The fat slob at the gate said they don't inspect cars at intake.
Bueno, inspeccioné ese reposacabezas así que...Well, uh, I inspected that headrest, so...
Como puedes ver tenemos un lote de cajas de depósito... muchas de las cuales inspeccioné personalmente... para asegurarme que nadie tiene algo ilegal allí.As you can see we've a lot of safe deposit boxes, many of which I personally inspected, make sure nobody has anything illegal in 'em.
Lo inspeccioné con cuidado.l inspected it carefully.
Lo inspeccioné yo mismo.I inspected it myself.
Meighan, yo inspeccioné tu equipo antes de poner el mío.Meighan, I inspected your equipment before I put in my own.
"Aprobado: H. Calder". ¿ La inspeccionaste tú?"Approved, H Calder." You inspected it?
'Ayer el Rey inspeccionó las tropas.'Yesterday, the King inspected the troops.
- Bueno, nos inspeccionó a nosotros.- Well, he certainly inspected us.
- El Obispo me inspeccionó.I was inspected by the bishop.
- No me importa si él personalmente la inspeccionó antes de enviarla.I don't care... if he personally inspected it before he shipped it.
Acompañado por el Sr. de Valera y sus ministros... inspeccionó la Guardia de Honor, seguido por su séquito de funcionarios del Vaticano con vestimenta isabelina.Accompanied by Mr de Valera and his ministers... he inspected the Guard of Honour, followed by his retinue of Vatican officials in Elizabethan dress.
- Ya me inspeccionaron.- I've already been inspected today.
Después de que se inspeccionaron en detalle todos los marcadores, coma, se registraron 632 marcadores AFLP, punto.After all markers have been exhaustively inspected, comma, 632 AFLP markers were recorded, full stop.
El Dr. Goebbels quiere saber si inspeccionaron sus cuerpos.Dr. Goebbels wishes to know if the bodies have been inspected.
El equipo de Raleigh vino tan pronto como los convocaron y los inspeccionaron.The Hazmat team from Raleigh came as soon as they were summoned... and inspected them.
La inspeccionaron hace menos de un mes.It was inspected only last month.
Bien, inspeccionaré la unidad primero, y luego podéis moverla.Well, I will inspect the unit first, and then you can move it.
¡Les inspeccionaré a todos, escoria!I will inspect all of you to see.
- inspeccionará el órgano?- will inspect the organ?
Mis técnicos de la ASN inspeccionarán el ordenador.My NSA technicians will inspect the computer.
Nobuk y Soumarin inspeccionarán la planta mañana.Nobuk and Soumarin will inspect the plant tomorrow.
Yo construiría los edificios y él los inspeccionaría.I would make the buildings, and he would inspect them.
Allí inspeccionarían el refugio de Hitler en las montañas con sus salones de té y sus terrazas.There they would inspect Hitler's mountain hideaway with its tearooms and terraces.
- Y no coman nada,¡hasta que lo inspeccione! Adiós, mamá.And don't eat anything until I inspect it.
- ¿Quieres que vaya a tu casa e inspeccione una mierda?- You want me to come to your house and inspect a turd?
Ahora sólo necesitaremos un maldito escuadrón de bombas que inspeccione a cada uno que atraviese la cerca.Great. So now we're gonna need a goddamn bomb squad to inspect everyone who slips through the fence.
Ahora, si quieres que esto termine más pronto que tarde, vas a permitirle a la persona que autoricé que te inspeccione, que te registre.Now, if you want this over with sooner rather than later, you'll allow the person that I authorized to inspect you, to search you.
Alguien cercano a usted inspeccioneSomebody nearby will inspect you
"Esta tienda ha pasado.. ...todas las inspecciones en contra de contagios de enfermedades animales... ""this shop has passed all inspection against contagious animal diseases..."
- Cada estado tiene leyes e inspecciones.- Every state line has laws and inspections.
- Has revisado las inspecciones.- You've gone through the inspections.
- Y nosotros cancelaremos las inspecciones.- And we'll cancel the inspections.
10 días son para pruebas e inspecciones.10 days are for tests and inspections.
Bueno, entonces no le importará que los inspeccionemosWell, then you won't mind if we inspect them.
Deberán bajarlo para que inspeccionemos.Sorry, folks, but you'll have to get out while we unload for inspection.
Díganles que se preparen a que abordemos e inspeccionemos los documentos.Tell them to stand by for boarding and inspection of ship's papers.
Mi jefe quiere que inspeccionemos todo su equipo antes del 31.My boss wants all his gear inspected and certified by the 31st.
Pero inspeccionemos primero la cocina.But let's inspect the kitchen first.
"Oficiales, cuando inspeccionen la escena del crimen... ignoren la piñata llena de marihuana... que acaban de encontrar.Oh, police officer, please, as you inspect the crime scene, which is now our van, please ignore the colorful pinata filled with marijuana you may just happen to come across, because it played no part whatsoever
- También quiero que inspeccionen los baños, bodegas y almacenaje del avión, así como también confirmación de toda la tripulación masculina.- I also want that plane's toilets, storage, and its cargo bays inspected, as well as full confirmation of all male flight staff.
Data, vuelva ahí con Geordi. Quiero que lo inspeccionen todo.Data, I want you and Geordi to return for a more careful inspection.
Haré que inspeccionen a los atropellados por la mañana.I'll have them inspect the road kill in the morning.
Hay mucho tiempo para que consigan que inspeccionen la caldera.There is plenty of time to get the boiler inspected.
- Fue inspeccionado.It was inspected.
-Usted ha inspeccionado el barco a ti mismo?-You've inspected the boat yourself?
Ahora, Fargo, ¿has inspeccionado el generador y confirmas las conexiones?Now, Fargo, you have inspected the generator site and confirmed the connections?
Bueno, ahora sí que fue inspeccionado, entonces márcalo.Well, it's been inspected now, so mark it off.
Cada llamada que hacemos y cada correo electr¢nico que eviamos se recoge y archiva, y puede ser inspeccionado en cualquier momento.Every phone call and e-mail we send is collected and archived and can be inspected at any time.
- Ko-Kommandant, yo-yo estaba inspeccionando las barracasK-Kommandant, I-I was inspecting the barracks.
6 canadienses inspeccionando colectas, garantizando que... los niños tengan comida suficiente para alimentarse haciéndose pasar por personal de ONGs.Six Canadians have been over there inspecting crops, ensuring the kids are getting enough to eat, we give them creds, makes them look like ag' NGOs.
Bambus estaba inspeccionando una curiosa fauna cuando descubrió que el suelo debajo no era estable.Babbis was inspecting some curious fauna when he discovered the ground wasn't stable.
Cinco ciudadanos japoneses inspeccionando el coche accidentado de anoche.Five Japanese nationals inspecting the remains of last night's car wreck.
El E.R.T. lo está inspeccionando mientras hablamos.E.R.T.'s inspecting it as we speak.

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