Molestar (to bother) conjugation

109 examples

Conjugation of molestar

Present tense
I bother
you bother
he/she/it bothers
we bother
you all bother
they bother
Present perfect tense
he molestado
I have bothered
has molestado
you have bothered
ha molestado
he/she/it has bothered
hemos molestado
we have bothered
habéis molestado
you all have bothered
han molestado
they have bothered
Past preterite tense
I bothered
you bothered
he/she/it bothered
we bothered
you all bothered
they bothered
Future tense
I will bother
you will bother
he/she/it will bother
we will bother
you all will bother
they will bother
Conditional mood
I would bother
you would bother
he/she/it would bother
we would bother
you all would bother
they would bother
Past imperfect tense
I used to to bother
you used to to bother
he/she/it used to to bother
we used to to bother
you all used to to bother
they used to to bother
Past perfect tense
había molestado
I had bothered
habías molestado
you had bothered
había molestado
he/she/it had bothered
habíamos molestado
we had bothered
habíais molestado
you all had bothered
habían molestado
they had bothered
Future perfect tense
habré molestado
I will have bothered
habrás molestado
you will have bothered
habrá molestado
he/she/it will have bothered
habremos molestado
we will have bothered
habréis molestado
you all will have bothered
habrán molestado
they will have bothered
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I bother
(if/so that) you bother
(if/so that) he/she/it bother
(if/so that) we bother
(if/so that) you all bother
(if/so that) they bother
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya molestado
I have bothered
hayas molestado
you have bothered
haya molestado
he/she/it has bothered
hayamos molestado
we have bothered
hayáis molestado
you all have bothered
hayan molestado
they have bothered
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have bothered
(if/so that) you have bothered
(if/so that) he/she/it have bothered
(if/so that) we have bothered
(if/so that) you all have bothered
(if/so that) they have bothered
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have bothered
(if/so that) you have bothered
(if/so that) he/she/it have bothered
(if/so that) we have bothered
(if/so that) you all have bothered
(if/so that) they have bothered
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera molestado
I had bothered
hubieras molestado
you had bothered
hubiera molestado
he/she/it had bothered
hubiéramos molestado
we had bothered
hubierais molestado
you all had bothered
hubieran molestado
they had bothered
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese molestado
I had bothered
hubieses molestado
you had bothered
hubiese molestado
he/she/it had bothered
hubiésemos molestado
we had bothered
hubieseis molestado
you all had bothered
hubiesen molestado
they had bothered
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have bothered
(if/so that) you will have bothered
(if/so that) he/she/it will have bothered
(if/so that) we will have bothered
(if/so that) you all will have bothered
(if/so that) they will have bothered
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere molestado
I will have bothered
hubieres molestado
you will have bothered
hubiere molestado
he/she/it will have bothered
hubiéremos molestado
we will have bothered
hubiereis molestado
you all will have bothered
hubieren molestado
they will have bothered
Imperative mood
let's bother!
Imperative negative mood
no molestes
do not bother!
no moleste
don't let him/her/it bother!
no molestemos
let us not bother!
no molestéis
do not bother!
no molesten
do not bother!

Examples of molestar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Disculpeme señor, lamento molestar pero, bueno, tenía que conocerte porque eres el hombre más guapo y viril que he visto en mi vida""Excuse me, sir, I'm sorry to bother you, but, well, I just had to meet you because you are the most handsome, the most virile man I have ever seen in all of my entire life,"
"Lamento molestar, pero me quedé fuera de casa"."Hate to bother, but locked out of house."
- Es posible que no quiero molestar.-You might not want to bother.
- Hola, lamento molestar... pero necesito su firma para el Sr. Carbonelli.Sorry to bother you, but I was told to get your signature on these papers and return them to Mister Carboneh...
- Jesse, no necesitamos molestar esta señora.- Jesse, we don't need to bother this woman.
"Esto es molesto", diría."This is bothersome," it would say.
"Protejo la inocente lluvia en sus paseos, me obsesiono por la muerte de mi padre ¡y molesto a los que roban cosas! ""I protect the innocent rain on everyone's parade, obsess about my dad's death and bother people who steal things!"
"estoy más gorda. ¿Por qué me molesto en dietas?""I've gotten bigger. Why do I even bother dieting?"
"lo mejor de mi no basta asi que porque me molesto en luchar"♪ My best isn't good enough so why bother fighting ♪
"¡Tú...!" Yo no estoy molesto.- You... !" - "I'm not bothered.
"...pero si te molestas en seguir una historia, escuchar con cuidado lo que han dicho, "o lo que están autorizados a decir, "te darás cuenta de que esa historia aporta un beneficio a alguien,...but if you bother to follow a story, really listen to what you're told, or what they're allowed to tell, you'd find out that the story has made a profit for someone, or for several people.
"Mamá, si soy una desilusión tan grande no sé por qué te molestas en volver."Mama, if I'm such a disappointment to you, "I don't know why you even bother coming home.
"Ni siquiera te molestas en darte a ti mismo una taza de té."You can't even be bothered to get yourself a cup of tea any more.
*Jamás te molestas* *Oh, do-do, do-do, do-do* With anyone that you'd hate Con alguien que te odie♪ You'd never bother ♪ ♪ Oh, do-do, do-do, do-do ♪ ♪ With anyone that you'd hate ♪
- A mí no me molestas nada.- You don't bother me at all.
"Fumar me molesta". Bueno, adivinen qué."Well smoking bothers me." Well guess what?
"Lo que me molesta es que la gente piensa que la FDA los protege, pero no es así".What bothers me that people think that they FDA is protecting, but that's not true.
"Me molesta el no poderte agradecerle""It bothers me that I was mot able to thamk you.
"No sé por qué, eso me molesta".I don't know why that bothers me.
"Nos dejaron en paz, pero les molesta ver cómo nos lastimamos el uno al otro"."They've left us alone, but it bothers them to see us hurting each other."
'Como estábamos siendo exhaustivos, no nos molestamos con alguna campo de equipo de liga menor y en vez de eso nos dirigimos al hogar del rugby inglés'Since we were being thorough, we didn't bother with some minor league 'club ground but headed instead for the home of English rugby...'
- No lo molestamos, mamá.- (Michael) We're not bothering him, Mum.
- No te molestamos más.-Sorry to bother you.
- Nunca gustaron al primer ministro los servicios de seguridad porque no le decimos lo que quiere oír. Siempre molestamos con hechos.The prime minister never liked the security services because we refused to tell him what he wanted to hear and we were always bothering him with facts.
- Nunca molestamos a Nube Roja.-We never bothered Red Cloud.
Bien, bien ¿Por qué molestáis?All right, all right! Why bother?
Bien, mi cuervo joven, veo que no os molestáis en asear vuestras plumasWell, my young crow, I see no them bothering to clean your pens
Bueno, yo no lo hice, ¿por qué me molestáis?Well, i didn't do it, so why bother me?
Ni siquiera nadáis o miráis al océano, así que ¿por qué os molestáis en venir a la playa?You don't even swim or look at the ocean, so why bother coming to the beach at all?
No, no molestáis. ¿Qué pasa?No, no bother. What's going on?
"Ray, tu padres me molestan"."Ray, your parents are bothering me."
"saben, a mi los judíos me molestan más que los perros. ""I have to say, Jews bother me more than the dogs. "
"¡Si esos estúpidos salmos me molestan más, traeré aquí a la hija como principal atracción!""If that Psalm-singing idiot bothers me much more I'll have his daughter in here as the main attraction!"
- # Las molestan.You get bothered.
- A mi no me molestan.- They don't bother me.
- No, Robert, yo por qué me he molesté siquiera.No, Robert, I... Why I've even bothered.
Ahora me pregunto porque me molesté en hacerlo.I wonder why I bothered now.
De hecho, me molesté en hacer eso.- I actually bothered to make that.
Desafortunadamente, nunca me molesté en leerla.Unfortunately, I never bothered to read it.
Discúlpeme. Lo molesté inútilmente.I'm sorry, I bothered you for nothing.
- De todas formas me molestaste.- You bothered me anyway.
- Tiene habilidades que no te molestaste...-He has skills you never even bothered--
- Y tú, tu nunca te molestaste en pasarte por aquí cuando intentamos que fueras parte de la familia, así que no pretendas presentarte ahora...- And you know, you never bothered to come around when we tried to make you part of the family before, so it's not like you can just show up now...
Algo que nunca te molestaste en consultarmeA little something you never bothered to consult me on.
Bueno, no te molestaste en hacerlo la primera vez,Well, you couldn't be bothered the first time,
"Date prisa, patoso". Me molestó un poco.It bothered me somewhat.
"Ningún otro cabrón se molestó""No other bugger bothered."
"Perdóname si te molestó que te besara."Forgive me if I bothered you by kissing you.
"Él nunca molestó a nadie"."He never bothered nobody."
# El frío nunca me molestó #The cold never bothered me anyway
-Te molestaron, Nelle. Puedo verlo.You were bothered.
Alguien lo envió desde Colombia... y no se molestaron en venir a buscarlo.Someone ships it all the way from Colombia and can't even be bothered to come and pick it up.
Cambiaban los dueños, pero por alguna razón nunca se molestaron en mejorarlo.Owners have come and gone but for some reason or other they never bothered to improve it.
Claro que tenían excusas por las que no se molestaron en invitarla "pensé que no querría estar con su rodilla molestándole tanto", dijo la reina.Of course, they had their excuses as to why they hadn't bothered inviting her. "Oh, I thought that you wouldn't want to be out and about with your knee... giving you so much trouble," said the Queen.
Ellos no lo hicieron. Ellos sabían que cometió el crimen y nunca se molestaron en encontrarlo.They knew who did the murder and they never bothered to find him.
¡Lo molestaré mucho más desde ahora!I will bother you much more from now on!
Más bien, a quienes molestarás será a los vecinos.Rather, you will bother the neighbours.
Allí nadie me molestará.Nobody will bother me there.
Aquí nadie la molestará.No one here will bother you.
Aquí nadie los molestará.No one will bother you here.
Aquí no nos molestará nadie.Nobody will bother us here.
Artie el de seguridad está afuera, así que nadie te molestará.Artie from security is outside the door, so no one will bother you.
Ni yo ni mi hermana gemela la molestarán otra vez.Neither I nor my twin sister will bother her again.
No se si te molestarán o noDo not know will bother you or not
allí no los molestarán.No one will bother you there.
- A mí me molestaría.- It would bother me.
- Porque eso a mi me molestaría.- 'cause that would bother me.
- ¿Quién se molestaría en hacerlo?- Who would bother?
- ¿Te molestaría tirar de esa pata?- it would bother to You to throw of that leg?
A cualquier mujer le molestaría.I think it would bother any woman.
- ¿Cree que se molestarían con usted?- You think they would bother with you?
Así no me molestarían con la licencia.This way nobody would bother me about a license.
! No, cualquiera que te moleste a ti!No, everyone who bothers you.
"Cocinera excepcional o no se moleste en presentarse."Cook must be exceptional or don't bother to apply.
"Léala, ocúpese de todo, pero no me moleste con esto. ""Read him, deal with him, but don't bother me with it.
"No quiero que te moleste. ""I don't want to bother you."
"Pero no se moleste""Just don't bother"
""No molestes a tu papá""."Don't bother your father. "
""Por mí no te molestes""."Don't bother for me!"
"Bueno,esteviene,oeste otro ..." Yo digo, "No te molestes ni siquiera en decírmelo, ytampocote molestesenenviarunalistadeinvitados Porque no me interesa. ""Well, this one's coming or that one. " I say, "Don't bother even telling me, and don't bother sending a guest list 'cause I'm not interested. "
"Entonces, querido amigo, no te molestes en..."Then, dear friend, do not bother
"No me molestes."Do not bother me.
- Cielo, no nos molestemos.Oh, honey, let's not bother.
- No lo molestemos.- Let's not bother with him.
- No molestemos a Jerry.Let's not bother Jerry.
- Perdone que la molestemos. - No, ninguna molestia.- Sorry if we're bothering you - no, it's no bother
- ¡Espero que no le molestemos!I hope we're not bothering you!
- No molestéis.- Don't bother me.
- No os molestéis.- Don't bother.
- ¡No os molestéis!- I won't bother you!
A ver, si van armados, no os molestéis en engancharlo.All right. Now, If there's any sign of guns, don't bother hooking' this up.
"No se molesten en buscarnos."Don't bother looking for us.
, ¡Raus! Si están pensando en llamar a seguridad no se molesten, Llamen a la Policía.If you're thinking of calling security, don't bother.
- Bueno, entonces no se molesten.Well, then don't bother.
- Después de ella, no se supone... que te molesten con los hijos de nadie.Ain't supposed to be bothered with no bad kids.
- Lo siento por no molesten.- Sorry for bothering you.
No hacía falta que te molestaras.You shouldn't have bothered.
Sí, guapa, sí, no hacía falta que te molestaras.Of course, beautiful, of course, you shouldn't have bothered.
"No se había molestado en S. Francisco Calle."Had not bothered S. Francisco Street.
"Siempre has sido molestado por mi relación con Sam Tai hace 18 años."You've always been bothered by my relationship with Sam Tai 18 years ago.
*El frío nunca me ha molestado de todas formas*♪ The cold never bothered me anyway ♪
,Nadie se ha molestado en preguntarme, es mi bebé.Nobody bothered to ask me. It's my baby.
- Abi, no tendrías que haberte molestado.- Abi. You shouldn't have bothered.
! No estamos molestando a nadie.We're not bothering anyone.
"Bueno, si tu le disparaste al tipo y el los estaba molestando todo el tiempo, bueno, la cosa es, todos los días el cubo pasara a ser un pozo, un día el fondo deberá darse de baja.""Well, if you shot the guy and he's been bothering you all this time, well, the thing is, every day the bucket a go a well, one day the bottom must drop out."
"Lo siento que siempre estoy molestando , así que me escapé " ."Sorry I'm always bothering you, so I ran away."
"No hay ninguna razón lógica para cualquiera de estas cosas Te esta molestando "."There's no logical reason for any of this stuff to be bothering you."
"No te estoy molestando." Qué más da."I'm not bothering you." Hey, whatever.
Mirá que no molestás en casa.Hey, you don't bother at home.

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