Mostrarse (to appear) conjugation

11 examples

Conjugation of mostrarse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me muestro
I appear
te muestras
you appear
se muestra
he/she/it appears
nos mostramos
we appear
os mostráis
you all appear
se muestran
they appear
Present perfect tense
he mostrado
I have appeared
has mostrado
you have appeared
ha mostrado
he/she/it has appeared
hemos mostrado
we have appeared
habéis mostrado
you all have appeared
han mostrado
they have appeared
Past preterite tense
me mostré
I appeared
te mostraste
you appeared
se mostró
he/she/it appeared
nos mostramos
we appeared
os mostrasteis
you all appeared
se mostraron
they appeared
Future tense
me mostraré
I will appear
te mostrarás
you will appear
se mostrará
he/she/it will appear
nos mostraremos
we will appear
os mostraréis
you all will appear
se mostrarán
they will appear
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me mostraría
I would appear
te mostrarías
you would appear
se mostraría
he/she/it would appear
nos mostraríamos
we would appear
os mostraríais
you all would appear
se mostrarían
they would appear
Past imperfect tense
me mostraba
I used to appear
te mostrabas
you used to appear
se mostraba
he/she/it used to appear
nos mostrábamos
we used to appear
os mostrabais
you all used to appear
se mostraban
they used to appear
Past perfect tense
había mostrado
I had appeared
habías mostrado
you had appeared
había mostrado
he/she/it had appeared
habíamos mostrado
we had appeared
habíais mostrado
you all had appeared
habían mostrado
they had appeared
Future perfect tense
habré mostrado
I will have appeared
habrás mostrado
you will have appeared
habrá mostrado
he/she/it will have appeared
habremos mostrado
we will have appeared
habréis mostrado
you all will have appeared
habrán mostrado
they will have appeared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me muestre
(if/so that) I appear
te muestres
(if/so that) you appear
se muestre
(if/so that) he/she/it appear
nos mostremos
(if/so that) we appear
os mostréis
(if/so that) you all appear
se muestren
(if/so that) they appear
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya mostrado
I have appeared
hayas mostrado
you have appeared
haya mostrado
he/she/it has appeared
hayamos mostrado
we have appeared
hayáis mostrado
you all have appeared
hayan mostrado
they have appeared
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me mostrara
(if/so that) I have appeared
te mostraras
(if/so that) you have appeared
se mostrara
(if/so that) he/she/it have appeared
nos mostráramos
(if/so that) we have appeared
os mostrarais
(if/so that) you all have appeared
se mostraran
(if/so that) they have appeared
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me mostrase
(if/so that) I have appeared
te mostrases
(if/so that) you have appeared
se mostrase
(if/so that) he/she/it have appeared
nos mostrásemos
(if/so that) we have appeared
os mostraseis
(if/so that) you all have appeared
se mostrasen
(if/so that) they have appeared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera mostrado
I had appeared
hubieras mostrado
you had appeared
hubiera mostrado
he/she/it had appeared
hubiéramos mostrado
we had appeared
hubierais mostrado
you all had appeared
hubieran mostrado
they had appeared
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese mostrado
I had appeared
hubieses mostrado
you had appeared
hubiese mostrado
he/she/it had appeared
hubiésemos mostrado
we had appeared
hubieseis mostrado
you all had appeared
hubiesen mostrado
they had appeared
Future subjunctive tense
me mostrare
(if/so that) I will have appeared
te mostrares
(if/so that) you will have appeared
se mostrare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have appeared
nos mostráremos
(if/so that) we will have appeared
os mostrareis
(if/so that) you all will have appeared
se mostraren
(if/so that) they will have appeared
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere mostrado
I will have appeared
hubieres mostrado
you will have appeared
hubiere mostrado
he/she/it will have appeared
hubiéremos mostrado
we will have appeared
hubiereis mostrado
you all will have appeared
hubieren mostrado
they will have appeared
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's appear!
Imperative negative mood
no te muestres
do not appear!
no se muestre
let him/her/it appear!
no nos mostremos
let us not appear!
no os mostréis
do not appear!
no se muestren
do not appear!

Examples of mostrarse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
-Yo también te quiero. En cambio, el hermano o la hermana menor... suele mostrarse más rebelde.While the younger brother or sister... is much more likely to appear rebellious.
Bueno, tal vez existe una forma de mostrarse no tan agresivos pero a la vez, mostrarnos capaces de autoprotegernos si es preciso.Well, maybe there's a way to appear nonaggressive, but also be able to protect ourselves if necessary.
Ella no dice nada, trata de mostrarse normal, pero nunca he visto a nadie tan intranquilo.She says nothing, tries to appear normal, but I've never seen anyone so upset.
Vi a una mujer que no quería mostrarse débil en sus últimos momentos.What I heard was a woman who didn't want to appear weak in her final moments.
Oh, Lucifer... Aparécete inmediatamente y muéstrate ante mí.Oh, Lucifer appear forthwith and show thyself to me.
Por el fuego sobre el trono... Aparécete inmediatamente y muéstrate ante mí. Como bestia o en forma de humano...By the fire which is about the throne, appear forthwith and show thyself to me in beastly or in human form.
Por favor, muéstrate ante nosotros, poderoso guerrero de las tinieblas.Please appear before us, oh, mighty soldier of the dark.
Siento tu presencia oscura sal y muéstrate.I feel his shadowy presence . To appear .
no le cuentes todo, muéstrate honesta, pero déjalo con alguna duda.don't tell him everything, appear honest, but leave him in doubt.
Cuando un preso se convertía en suicida sus intentos fracasarían mostrándose cómico y encantador para los espectadores.When a prisoner became suicidal, his attempts would fail while appearing comical and charming to any onlookers.
Muévanse de un lado a otro, mostrándose a veces, pero no mucho...Just keep appearing and disappearing. Only don't overdo it.

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