Ocasionar (to cause) conjugation

62 examples

Conjugation of ocasionar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I cause
you cause
he/she/it causes
we cause
you all cause
they cause
Present perfect tense
he ocasionado
I have caused
has ocasionado
you have caused
ha ocasionado
he/she/it has caused
hemos ocasionado
we have caused
habéis ocasionado
you all have caused
han ocasionado
they have caused
Past preterite tense
I caused
you caused
he/she/it caused
we caused
you all caused
they caused
Future tense
I will cause
you will cause
he/she/it will cause
we will cause
you all will cause
they will cause
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would cause
you would cause
he/she/it would cause
we would cause
you all would cause
they would cause
Past imperfect tense
I used to cause
you used to cause
he/she/it used to cause
we used to cause
you all used to cause
they used to cause
Past perfect tense
había ocasionado
I had caused
habías ocasionado
you had caused
había ocasionado
he/she/it had caused
habíamos ocasionado
we had caused
habíais ocasionado
you all had caused
habían ocasionado
they had caused
Future perfect tense
habré ocasionado
I will have caused
habrás ocasionado
you will have caused
habrá ocasionado
he/she/it will have caused
habremos ocasionado
we will have caused
habréis ocasionado
you all will have caused
habrán ocasionado
they will have caused
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I cause
(if/so that) you cause
(if/so that) he/she/it cause
(if/so that) we cause
(if/so that) you all cause
(if/so that) they cause
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya ocasionado
I have caused
hayas ocasionado
you have caused
haya ocasionado
he/she/it has caused
hayamos ocasionado
we have caused
hayáis ocasionado
you all have caused
hayan ocasionado
they have caused
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have caused
(if/so that) you have caused
(if/so that) he/she/it have caused
(if/so that) we have caused
(if/so that) you all have caused
(if/so that) they have caused
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have caused
(if/so that) you have caused
(if/so that) he/she/it have caused
(if/so that) we have caused
(if/so that) you all have caused
(if/so that) they have caused
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera ocasionado
I had caused
hubieras ocasionado
you had caused
hubiera ocasionado
he/she/it had caused
hubiéramos ocasionado
we had caused
hubierais ocasionado
you all had caused
hubieran ocasionado
they had caused
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese ocasionado
I had caused
hubieses ocasionado
you had caused
hubiese ocasionado
he/she/it had caused
hubiésemos ocasionado
we had caused
hubieseis ocasionado
you all had caused
hubiesen ocasionado
they had caused
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have caused
(if/so that) you will have caused
(if/so that) he/she/it will have caused
(if/so that) we will have caused
(if/so that) you all will have caused
(if/so that) they will have caused
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere ocasionado
I will have caused
hubieres ocasionado
you will have caused
hubiere ocasionado
he/she/it will have caused
hubiéremos ocasionado
we will have caused
hubiereis ocasionado
you all will have caused
hubieren ocasionado
they will have caused
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's cause!
Imperative negative mood
no ocasiones
do not cause!
no ocasione
let him/her/it cause!
no ocasionemos
let us not cause!
no ocasionéis
do not cause!
no ocasionen
do not cause!

Examples of ocasionar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Exacto. así que, ¿qué problemas me va a ocasionar?Exactly. So how much trouble is it going to cause?
Lamento ocasionar este inconveniente.l am sorry to cause you this inconvenient.
No estoy aquí para ocasionar problemas, se lo prometo.I'm not here to cause trouble, I promise you.
No quiero ocasionar más problemas.I don't want to cause her more trouble.
No quiero ocasionar ningún problema Señor.I'm not trying to cause any trouble, sir.
Casi ocasiono que te quedaras en el limboI nearly caused you trapped in the limbo world
Si ocasionas problemas, podrías arruinarlo todo.If you cause trouble, you could blow the whole deal.
¿Por qué siempre ocasionas problemas?Why do you always cause trouble?
Así es, y el talio ocasiona escamas en las palmas.That's right, and thallium causes scaling on the palms.
El constrictor ocasiona catastróficas contracciones musculares involuntarias.The constrictor causes involuntary catastrophic muscle contraction.
El detonador que libera estos elementos de las estrellas solitarias es el mismo elemento que ocasiona el estallido de las supernovas tipo 1-a. El hierro.The trigger that'll release the elements in the single giant star is the same element that causes the type 1A supernova to blow up - iron.
Esto les ocasiona sobre-respiración.It causes them to over breathe.
La baja temperatura corporal ocasiona un retraso del envejecimiento haciendo posible engañar a la muerte.The low corporal temperature it causes a delay of the aging making possible to deceive the death.
Hacemos nuestro cielo y nuestro infierno mientras estamos vivos cada vez que ocasionamos dolor cada vez que ocasionamos sufrimiento.We make our heaven and our hell while we're alive every time we cause pain every time we cause suffering.
Lo ocasionamos.We caused this.
Nosotros ocasionamos estoWe caused this.
Tendrán un suplemento por el problema que le ocasionamos.Naturally, we'll make up for the trouble we've caused.
¡Nosotros ocasionamos esto!We caused this!
- Los terremotos ocasionan tsunamis.- Earthquakes cause tsunamis. - Yes.
Los tsunamis ocasionan otros tsunamis, un desastre.Tsunamis cause other tsunamis, disaster.
Te ocasionan conductas obsesivas.It causes obsessive behaviors.
A pesar de todos los problemas que le ocasioné se preocupó como nadie de mi mujer mientras estuve allí.In spite of the trouble I caused him... he took care of my wife while I was in jail.
Lamento si te ocasioné...Claire, l'm so sorry if I caused you...
Quizá no lo creas pero lo siento mucho por los problemas que te ocasioné.You may not believe it but I am sorry for the trouble I caused you.
Si ocasioné algún problema, lo lamento.By the way, if I caused you any problems, I am sorry.
Sí, escucha colega, después de todos los problemas que ocasioné me alegra tener una oportunidad para ayudarte, así que, adelante.- After all the trouble I caused I'm happy to have a chance to help, so come on.
- "No es mi manera de pensar lo que ocasionó mi desgracia.""My downfall was not caused by my way of thinking
- El choque lo ocasionó un químico.-The crash was caused by a chemical.
- Vale, ¿qué la ocasionó?Okay, what caused it?
- ¿Qué lo ocasionó?-What caused this?
Ahora son estériles... debido al mismo procedimiento que les ocasionó el cáncer.Barren now... from the same procedure that caused their cancer.
Aquí tiene $11,40 por la molestia que me ocasionaron.Here's $11.40 for the aggravation they caused me.
Estoy en mi derecho de exigir venganza por el daño que ocasionaron.I would be within my rights to exact vengeance for the damage they have caused.
Los únicos factores ambientales que ocasionaron la enfermedad de tu hija son los que le inyectaste.The only environmental factors we think caused your daughter's illness are the ones you shot her full of.
Sufrí daños en el ojo izquierdo... que ocasionaron un agujero macular en la retina... pero peleamos, peleamos hasta el alto al fuego.I suffered damages in the left eye... that they caused a hole to blacken in the retina... but we fight, fight up to the high place to the fire.
- ¿El Barón Negro ocasionará su bancarrota?- It will cause your bankruptcy?
De hecho, cualquier producto relacionado con ellos ocasionará que pierda los estribos.In fact, exposure to any pig product will cause him to go screaming off the deep end.
El caos que le ocasionaremos al mundo con esta máquina... ¡será nuestra obra maestra máxima!The chaos we will cause the world with this machine.... will be our final masterpiece!
Porque lo expertos predicen que el fallout y la radiación de la explosión ocasionarán un inusualmente alto número de personas vayan a Argos y compren castillos inflables y traten de llevarselos a sus casas en bus.Because experts predict that fallout and radiation from the blast will cause unusually large numbers of people to go to Argos and buy bouncy castles and try and carry them home on the bus.
Estoy seguro de que ocasionaría un incidente diplomático grave sin causa.I'm sure it would cause a major diplomatic incident without cause.
No, no podemos. Eso ocasionaría una paradoja.No, we can't, because that would cause a paradox.
"Cualquiera que ocasione la muerte del cónyuge, de la hija o de la hermana, en el acto en el cual se descubre la ilegítima relación carnal..." "y en el estado de ira determinado por la ofensa a su honor o al de su familia, es penado con reclusión de 3 a 7 años"."He who causes the death of spouse, daughter or sister upon discovering her in illegitimate carnal relations and in the heat of passion caused by the offense to his honor or that of his family will be sentenced to three to seven years".
Algo que no ocasione ruido.Get something that don't cause no noise.
Bueno, Allison está molesta porque pierde trabajos con chicas de 14 años Holly hace una dieta estricta de vegetales crucíferos y Yazmin se somete a un nuevo tratamiento facial con embriones que probablemente ocasione pérdida de la memoria inmediata.Well, Allison's mad because she's losing jobs for 14-year-olds, Holly is on a strict diet of cruciferous vegetables, and Yazmin is undergoing a new embryonic facial treatment that probably causes short-term-memory loss.
Cuando una gran tormenta espacial se avecina pueden suspender los satélites para que la tormenta no les ocasione un corto circuito eléctrico o los dejen fuera de servicio.When there's a big space storm coming, we'll actually put some of the satellite to sleep, so that the storm doesn't cause an electrical short or otherwise somehow knock out the satellite.
Es la única manera de para aclarar todo esto antes de que uno de nosotros accidentalmente ocasione una especie de paradoja temporal.It's the only way to clear this up before one of us accidentally causes some kind of time paradox.
- Porque estas fotos... se tomaron en tres ocasiones distintas y siempre llevaba el mismo traje.Because these pictures are taken on three different occasions, and he's always wearing the same thing.
- Porque hemos hablado en muchas ocasiones y en ningún momento has mencionado al bebé.Because we've recounted this numerous times, And at no point have you mentioned your baby,
- ¿De acuerdo? Sentí que fue un poco egocéntrico porque se burló de mí en varias ocasiones. Y probablemente por eso Steve será el siguiente en irse.I felt it was a little self-serving because he mocked me a number of times, and so probably steve will go next.
A veces creo que es porque no le doy ocasiones suficientes para estar presente.Sometimes I think it's because I don't give him enough to be present for.
Agentes del Banco de Inglaterra intentarón asesinar al Presidente Andrew Jackson en múltiples ocasiones a causa de su resistencia contra la creación de un banco central en los Estados Unidos.Agents of the Bank of England attempted to assassinate President Andrew Jackson on multiple occasions because of his resistance against a private central bank being set up in the United States.
¿Como que ocasionen alucinaciones?How that cause hallucinations?
- Activaré un campo de contención, pero la colisión ha ocasionado un corte de energía en la cubierta 4.I am trying to initiate an emergency containment field. However, the collision has caused a power failure on Deck 4.
18 centímetros de lluvia caída en el noreste han ocasionado inundaciones en algunas áreas de...7 inches of rain in the northeast has caused Widespread flash flooding in portions of the...
Ahora, a causa del daño que le ha ocasionado a esta ciudad, le estoy pidiendo al Manchón que salga de las sombras, que detenga su labor de vigilante y acepte trabajar mano a mano con nuestras fuerzas de la ley.Now, because of the damage he has caused this city, I am asking the Blur to come out of the shadows, to stop this vigilante behavior And agree to work hand-in-hand with our law enforcement.
Coincidimos en que su incompetencia para proteger a nuestro testigo ha ocasionado este gran caos en las relaciones públicas.We agreed that your inability to protect your witness has caused this massive PR snafu.
Córtalos, solo me han ocasionado problemas.Please, take my balls, okay? All they ever caused me was trouble.
- No sé, pero el calentamiento global está ocasionando huracanes inundaciones y bajo rendimiento en las cosechas.- I don't know, but global warming is causing hurricanes and floods and crop failures.
El problema es que el envejecimiento acelerado está ocasionando una avanzada degradación de células.- Exactly. The problem is that the accelerated aging is causing advanced cell degeneration.
Esto me está ocasionando un serio daño psicológico.You know what? This is causing me serious psychological harm!
Está ocasionando terrible daño a la continuidad espacio-tiempo.He's causing severe damage to the space/time continuum.
La peor sequía que ha azotado a la nación este otoño... está afectando severamente los cultivos... y está ocasionando escasez de agua en islas y regiones montañosas.The worst-ever drought to hit the nation in fall is severely affecting crop production and causing water shortages in mountainous regions and islands.

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