Odiar (to hate) conjugation

139 examples

Conjugation of odiar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I hate
you hate
he/she/it hates
we hate
you all hate
they hate
Present perfect tense
he odiado
I have hated
has odiado
you have hated
ha odiado
he/she/it has hated
hemos odiado
we have hated
habéis odiado
you all have hated
han odiado
they have hated
Past preterite tense
I hated
you hated
he/she/it hated
we hated
you all hated
they hated
Future tense
I will hate
you will hate
he/she/it will hate
we will hate
you all will hate
they will hate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would hate
you would hate
he/she/it would hate
we would hate
you all would hate
they would hate
Past imperfect tense
I used to hate
you used to hate
he/she/it used to hate
we used to hate
you all used to hate
they used to hate
Past perfect tense
había odiado
I had hated
habías odiado
you had hated
había odiado
he/she/it had hated
habíamos odiado
we had hated
habíais odiado
you all had hated
habían odiado
they had hated
Future perfect tense
habré odiado
I will have hated
habrás odiado
you will have hated
habrá odiado
he/she/it will have hated
habremos odiado
we will have hated
habréis odiado
you all will have hated
habrán odiado
they will have hated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I hate
(if/so that) you hate
(if/so that) he/she/it hate
(if/so that) we hate
(if/so that) you all hate
(if/so that) they hate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya odiado
I have hated
hayas odiado
you have hated
haya odiado
he/she/it has hated
hayamos odiado
we have hated
hayáis odiado
you all have hated
hayan odiado
they have hated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have hated
(if/so that) you have hated
(if/so that) he/she/it have hated
(if/so that) we have hated
(if/so that) you all have hated
(if/so that) they have hated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have hated
(if/so that) you have hated
(if/so that) he/she/it have hated
(if/so that) we have hated
(if/so that) you all have hated
(if/so that) they have hated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera odiado
I had hated
hubieras odiado
you had hated
hubiera odiado
he/she/it had hated
hubiéramos odiado
we had hated
hubierais odiado
you all had hated
hubieran odiado
they had hated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese odiado
I had hated
hubieses odiado
you had hated
hubiese odiado
he/she/it had hated
hubiésemos odiado
we had hated
hubieseis odiado
you all had hated
hubiesen odiado
they had hated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have hated
(if/so that) you will have hated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have hated
(if/so that) we will have hated
(if/so that) you all will have hated
(if/so that) they will have hated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere odiado
I will have hated
hubieres odiado
you will have hated
hubiere odiado
he/she/it will have hated
hubiéremos odiado
we will have hated
hubiereis odiado
you all will have hated
hubieren odiado
they will have hated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's hate!
Imperative negative mood
no odies
do not hate!
no odie
let him/her/it hate!
no odiemos
let us not hate!
no odiéis
do not hate!
no odien
do not hate!

Examples of odiar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Creo que estoy un poco enamorado de ti, Gillian," y luego... la misma noche, tú estabas aquí en la cama con Judith al parecer... a quien clamas odiar."I think I might be a little bit in love with you, Gillian," and then, the same night, you're here, in bed with Judith apparently, who you claim to hate.
"Estaba totalmente preparado para odiar la nueva comedia de esta noche ¡Pucks!"."I was totally prepared to hate tonight's new comedy Pucks!
"Estoy haciendo más de esas cosas que digo odiar.""I'm making more of the thing that I claim to hate."
"Hay que querer la vida y odiar a los Semiónov".To love life, to hate Semyonovs.
"Jorge..., decía. ¿Qué hay de, Jorge?" Empecé a odiar a Jorge...Jorge, he would say, what about Jorge? _BAR_ I began to hate Jorge...
! ) Van a meterme a la carcel por un crimen de odio!They're gonna put me in jail for a hate crime!
! Bueno, Pickles, odio decírtelo pero actualmente no te pertenece el nombre Snakes n' Barrels.Well, Pickles, I hate to tell you, but you don't actually own the name Snakes n' Barrels.
! Si tuviera que dividirlo, odio entre un 60 y un 70 por ciento, un 17 por ciento es emocionante porque le gusto a una chica y entre un 13 y un 20 por ciento es divertido.If I had to break it down, 60 to 70% - hate it, 17% - over-stimulated mainly because a girl likes me and 13 to 20% - kinda fun.
! Te odio!I hate you!
"... Si odias lo que eres, harás cualquier cosa para negarlo..."If you hate what you are, you'll do anything to deny it.
"Admitir que me odias por ello""Admit that you hate me for it."
"Bonita" es lo que dices cuando odias algo."Cute" is what you say when you hate something.
"Katie, cada vez que conduzcas esa cosa, recuerda lo mucho que odias... oírme decirte 'te lo había dicho'"."Katie, every time you ride that thing, "just remember how much you hate hearing me tell you 'I told you so.'"
"Lo" odias.You hate "it."
! ¡Sabes que ese viejo bastardo me odia!You know that old bastard hates me!
"Alguien que trabaja allí que está cansado de la comida, odia la comida, no querría llevársela consigo"."someone who works there... "who's tired of the food, hates the food, wouldn't want to take it with them."
"Caramba, ésta me odia.I thought, "Jesus, she hates me.
"Cecile odia la lluvia y se queja mucho cuando hace calor."Cecile hates the rain and grumbles a lot when it's hot.
"A nosotros nos gusta eso, y odiamos esto otro"."We love this, and we hate that."
"Dicen que odiamos a las minorías- minorías."They say we hate minorities- minorities.
"Los Weavers no odiamos."Weavers don't hate.
"Por qué permitir a una muchedumbre que odiamos nos maneje,"Why letting a crowd that we hate manage us,
"Un poco nos amamos, un poco nos odiamos, ahora muertos estaremos siempre juntos""We had some love, We had some hate. " "Together we are now that we are late. "
- Dejadme ver. ¿Qué odiáis?Let me see. What do you hate?
- Me odiáis, ¿verdad?- You all really hate me, don't you?
- Mira, sé que los KTs odiáis a Evan...- Look, I know that all you kts hate Evan...
- Y odiáis a la policía, ¿a que sí?And you hate the police. Don't ya?
- ¿Por qué os odiáis así?- Why are you so hateful to each other?
! - Ma, te odian Stan.- Ma, you hate Stan.
! Los esquimales odian a los indios!Eskimo hate Indians!
"... y aquellos que lo odian huyen de delante de él¨."and those who hate Him flee before Him.
"Acaso no odio yo, Señor, a los que te odian?""Do I not hate them, O Lord, that hate thee?"
"Al igual que nosotros, nos odian, pero tu..."# Like us, hate us, but you'll... #
"Siempre odié el pastel.Everyone loves pie!" "I've always hated pie.
- Dormí con... - Te odié- I slept with-- - [echoing] I hated you.
- La odié, y nunca volví a ver. - ¿En serio?- I hated it, never looked back.
- La odié. ¿Tú no?- I hated it. Didn't you?
- La odié.I hated it.
"Y lo odiaste"."And you hated it. "
- Creo que me odiaste cuando supiste que iba a venir.I think you hated it when I came along.
- Creí que odiaste esas lecciones. - Sí.- I thought you hated those lessons.
- La odiaste.- You hated it.
- Lo odiaste.You hated it.
"Si el mundo os odia, sabed... que me odió a mí antes que a vosotros."If the world hate you, know ye that it hath hated me Before you
- Ella siempre odió a los Nazis.She always hated the Nazis.
- Entonces, seguramente me odió.Then she must have hated me too.
- Lo sé... pero está lo de la automatización, las computadoras que siempre odió... y yo vivo defendiendo.I know, but... there was the automation thing, the computers which you've always hated and I always defended it...
- Oh, él lo odió.- Oh, he hated it.
También lo odiasteis.You guys hated it there, too.
Ya, también vos odiasteis "Dos caballeros de Verona".Don't say it, you hated "Two Gentlemen of Verona".
"Ellos me odiaron sin ninguna razón""They hated me for no reason at all. "
"Quinteto" salió, y los críticos la odiaron."Quintet" came out, which the critics hated.
- Me odiaron!- They hated me!
- Odiaron la obra, me odiaron a mí.- They hated it. They hated me.
- ¿Viste cómo odiaron los alardeos de Trixie?Didn't you see how they hated Trixie's bragging, Spike?
"Siempre los odiaré"Always I will hate.
- Pero me odiaré para siempre.- But I will hate myself forever.
Le odiaré para siempre,I will hate you forever
No quiero que vuelvas a hablar nunca de él porque si lo haces,te odiaré aún más.I don't want you ever to speak of him again, because if you do, I will hate you even more.
Pero voy a necesitar tu ayuda, también, es algo que no quiere hacer y no quiero hacerte esto, pero necesito que lo hagas y si no lo haces, tendré que arrestar a Kacee otra vez, detendré el cuidado médico de Dede, y me odiaré a mí mismo, y me enfermaré, pero juro por Dios...But I'm gonna need hour help, too, and this is something that you're not gonna want to do and I don't want you to do this, but I need you to do this and if you don't, I will have Kacee arrested again, and I will have Dede's medical care stopped, and I will hate myself, and it will make me sick, but I swear to God...
-Y me odiarás. -No.- And you will hate me.
Debo decir que ella tiene muchísimos seguidores y tu te odiarás cuando la Warner Brothers la agarre para una remake de Acusados.I gotta say, she does have an enormous following, and you will hate yourself when Warner Bros. Snatches her up for a remake of The Accused.
Lo odiarás y te arrepentirás, lucharás contra ello hasta que fracases.You will hate it and you will resent it you will fight against it until you fail.
No, Robin, si lo llamas ahora, te odiarás.But, no Robin, if you call him right now, you will hate yourself
Si no sales del coche, te odiarás para siempre.If you don't get out of this car, you will hate yourself forever.
- Ahora me odiará.- You will hate me now.
- Fantine te odiará por ello.Fantine will hate you for this.
- Lo que Melanie odiará.- Which Melanie will hate.
- Te odiará.- She will hate you.
- ¡La sala te odiará si la matas!- The room will hate you if you kill it!
"Los odiaremos con un odio duradero.You we will hate with a lasting hate.
Y sé que todos vosotros, especialmente mis hijos, me odiaréis el resto de mi vida.I know that all of you... - Especially my children - ...will hate me for the rest of your lives.
"Muchos te odiarán por mi causa,"Many will hate you for my sake.
- Claro que mamá y papá odiarán esto.Of course Mama and Papa will hate it.
A pesar de todo lo que has hecho por ellos, eventualmente te odiarán.In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually, they will hate you.
A pesar de todo lo que les has ayudado, tarde o temprano te odiarán.In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually, they will hate you.
Al principio, te odiarán.At first, they will hate you.
"Roxanne odiaría esto,""oh, Roxanne would hate that,"
, Rosemary odiaría verte así.Rosemary would hate to see you like this.
- Algo por lo que me odiarías. - Jamás lo odiaría.A thought that you would hate me for l would never hate you
- Annie lo odiaría- Annie would hate it.
- Mamá odiaría en lo que te has vuelto.Mom would hate you for what you've become.
- Algo por lo que me odiarías. - Jamás lo odiaría.A thought that you would hate me for l would never hate you
- Edward, te odiarías a ti mismo!- Edward, you would hate yourself!
Entonces, ¿estás diciendo que si yo fuera cualquier otro socio que se va, me odiarías como lo haces?So, you're saying that if I were any other partner leaving, you would hate me the way you do?
Eso suena como la única cosa que odiarías, disfraces.That sounds like the one thing you would hate, is fancy dress.
Lo odiarías. ¿Lo odiarías?You would hate it. Would you hate it?
Escucha, yo vi lo que pasó, pero usted debe saber, que en la estación odiaríamos perderte.Listen, I saw what happened, but you should know, we at the station would hate to lose you.
Rhada, odiaríamos perder esta oportunidad, preferiríamos perder el tiempo y dinero invertidos que verte a ti, tu compañia o a tus empleados atacados de nuevo.- rhada, we would hate to lose this opportunity But i'd rather write off the time and money already spent Than see you, your company, or our employees
- Déjame adivinar. La vida con mamá y papá era como fastidiosa así que te fugaste, viviste con amigas y fuiste de fiesta con chicos que sabías que tus padres odiarían y luego, cuando te cansaste de ser rebelde, volviste a casa.Let me guess, life with mom and dad was kind of a drag so you just ran away, lived with friends and partied with guys that you knew your parents would hate, and then when you got tired of being a rebel, you just went home.
Ahora, como yo lo veo, podemos darnos la vuelta y darles una victoria vacía, sin sentido, la cual... odiarían.Okay? Now, the way I see it, we can roll over and give them an empty, meaningless victory that he... would hate.
Bien, lamento haber asumido que otras personas odiarían la película sólo porque yo la odié.I am sorry that I assumed other people would hate the movie just because I hate it. That was wrong. That's it?
Hicimos 2112 convencidos de que todos lo odiarían, pero alcanzaríamos la gloria.We made 2112, figuring everyone would hate it but we were going to go out in a blaze of glory.
Los humanos nos odiarían, nos destruirían.The humans would hate us, destroy us.
"El que ame la vida la perderá... y el que odie la vida en este mundo seguirá viviendo para siempre en el otro."He that loveth life shall lose it... and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
"Habrá gente que te odie"."There will be haters."
"Inside of Your Bedroom," Y siempre lo odie."Inside of Your Bedroom," and I always hated that.
"Porque no quiero que tu padre me odie".'Because i never want your father to hate me.'
"Querido Enemigo: Que Dios te odie a ti y a toda tu descendencia"."Dear Enemy, May the Lord hate you and all your kind."
"Ni me odies cuando vengo a buscarlo para llevármelo de vuelta."Nor hate me when I come to call to take him back again
"No me odies por dañar a tu hijo..."It says, "don't hate mefor hurting your son,"
"No me odies porque estoy lleno de admiración.""don't hate me too much because i'm filled with admiration."
"No me odies.Don't hate me.
"PD: Roddy, no les odies, por mucho que les culpes de que estemos separados siguen siendo tus hijos."Roddy, you mustn't hate them however much you blame them for keeping us apart, there still your children.'
"Querernos incluso cuando nos odiemos.""To love each other, even when we hate each other."
- Debes pensar que ser Nikita y espiarnos va a hacer que el entrenador te ponga en el equipo, pero lo que estás haciendo en realidad, Jordan, es hacer que te odiemos.- You may think being all La Femme Nikita and spying on us is gonna make the coach put you on the team, but all you're really doing, Jordan, is making us hate you.
- En que es una pena que nos odiemos.I'm thinking that it's a pity we hate each other.
- No quiero que nos odiemos. - Estoy trabajando.- I do not think we hate each other.
- ¿Quieres que lo odiemos?- Do you need us to hate him?
Desde que creó Kenia ¿os ha dicho Dios que robéis, matéis y odiéis?Since the creation of Mount Kenya has god ever told you to steal and murder and burn and hate?
Es decir, yo os respeto lo suficiente para dejar que os odiéis a vosotros mismos, pero me respeto demasiado a mí misma como para dejar que odiéis mi escuelaI mean, I respect you all enough to let you hate yourselves, but I respect myself too much to let you hate my school.
Mirad chicos, tened en cuenta el espíritu de esta época y por favor, no me odiéis.Look, guys, uh, in the spirit of the season, please don't hate me.
No me odiéis por ser guapo.Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
No me odiéis.Don't hate me.
""Yo me opongo a todo lo que odien los demás""."I'm against things everybody hates. "
"Han oído que fue dicho: 'Amen a su prójimo... y odien a su enemigo'.You have heard that it was said, that you shall love your neighbor... and hate your enemy.
# Puede que nos odien, nos importa un carajo# Though you hate us we couldn't give a toss
'No sé que es lo que hice para que me odien.''I don't know what I did to make her hate me.
- Aunque me odien.- Even though they hate me.
Usted ... lo odiara.You would have hated him
y la gente de mi fiesta posiblemente me odiara,And the people at my party might have hated me,
No lo sé, puede que lo odiase, pero...I don't know, she might have hated it, but...
¿Hay alguien en este pueblo que lo odiase tanto?Is there anyone in this place who could have hated him enough otherwise?
""Amad a vuestros vecinos y odiad a vuestros enemigos""."You should love your neighbour, and hate your enemy."
"A",aceptas la cantidad que estoy dispuesto a ofrecerte a cambio de evitar un juicio. o "B",llevamos esto a los tribunales y se hace público que Charlotte es la hija del más odiado de América, lo que significa que habrías tenido una tórrida aventura con un terrorista."A," you accept the pittance I'm prepared to offer you in exchange for avoiding a trial or "B," we take this to court, and it becomes common knowledge that Charlotte is the daughter of the most hated in America,
"Dicen que la plaza del mercado que hemos odiado"They say the market square we have hated
"He odiado a los negros, a los árabes, a los travestis y a los judíos"." I hated blacks, the Arabs, ... The transvestite ... and the Jews."
"Le he odiado por un motivo equivocado.""I have hated him for the wrong reasons."
"No hay nada peor en la vida que no ser amado ni odiado"."Nothing in life can be worse than neither being loved nor hated."
'¿Sigues odiando Zoología?'Still hating zoology?
- Acabó odiando al Capitán Queeg?- You ended up hating Captain Queeg?
- Estoy odiando esto, Murk.- I'm hating this, Murk.
- No lo estoy odiando.- I'm not hating it.
- No me estás odiando mucho.- You're not hating me as much.
Pinta que los odiás.Looks like you hate them.
Por eso te odiaba tanto como vos lo odiás a élHe hated me? Why should he hate me?
Que traigas una lista con todas estas cosas que me estás contando, de las cosas que odiás y podemos armar un espacio, así como un micro tuyo a la mañana pero que cuentes así con toda tu naturalidad, tu odio al aire.Bring me a list... of all those things you hate, and we can put something together, give you a space in the morning, so you can vent on air all your hates as naturally as you're doing now.
Vos odiás las excursiones.You hate camping trips.
¿Me odiás todavía?you hate me yet?

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