Operar (to operate) conjugation

109 examples

Conjugation of operar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I operate
you operate
he/she/it operates
we operate
you all operate
they operate
Present perfect tense
he operado
I have operated
has operado
you have operated
ha operado
he/she/it has operated
hemos operado
we have operated
habéis operado
you all have operated
han operado
they have operated
Past preterite tense
I operated
you operated
he/she/it operated
we operated
you all operated
they operated
Future tense
I will operate
you will operate
he/she/it will operate
we will operate
you all will operate
they will operate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would operate
you would operate
he/she/it would operate
we would operate
you all would operate
they would operate
Past imperfect tense
I used to operate
you used to operate
he/she/it used to operate
we used to operate
you all used to operate
they used to operate
Past perfect tense
había operado
I had operated
habías operado
you had operated
había operado
he/she/it had operated
habíamos operado
we had operated
habíais operado
you all had operated
habían operado
they had operated
Future perfect tense
habré operado
I will have operated
habrás operado
you will have operated
habrá operado
he/she/it will have operated
habremos operado
we will have operated
habréis operado
you all will have operated
habrán operado
they will have operated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I operate
(if/so that) you operate
(if/so that) he/she/it operate
(if/so that) we operate
(if/so that) you all operate
(if/so that) they operate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya operado
I have operated
hayas operado
you have operated
haya operado
he/she/it has operated
hayamos operado
we have operated
hayáis operado
you all have operated
hayan operado
they have operated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have operated
(if/so that) you have operated
(if/so that) he/she/it have operated
(if/so that) we have operated
(if/so that) you all have operated
(if/so that) they have operated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have operated
(if/so that) you have operated
(if/so that) he/she/it have operated
(if/so that) we have operated
(if/so that) you all have operated
(if/so that) they have operated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera operado
I had operated
hubieras operado
you had operated
hubiera operado
he/she/it had operated
hubiéramos operado
we had operated
hubierais operado
you all had operated
hubieran operado
they had operated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese operado
I had operated
hubieses operado
you had operated
hubiese operado
he/she/it had operated
hubiésemos operado
we had operated
hubieseis operado
you all had operated
hubiesen operado
they had operated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have operated
(if/so that) you will have operated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have operated
(if/so that) we will have operated
(if/so that) you all will have operated
(if/so that) they will have operated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere operado
I will have operated
hubieres operado
you will have operated
hubiere operado
he/she/it will have operated
hubiéremos operado
we will have operated
hubiereis operado
you all will have operated
hubieren operado
they will have operated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's operate!
Imperative negative mood
no operes
do not operate!
no opere
let him/her/it operate!
no operemos
let us not operate!
no operéis
do not operate!
no operen
do not operate!

Examples of operar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Cirujano de mi corazón, buena ocasión para operar."Darling surgeon, here's an opportunity to operate.
"En 1934, una radio clandestina anunciada como Radio Europea comenzo a operar."In 1934, outlaw radio station announcing itself as Radio European begins to operate.
"¿Los solados pueden operar así en suelo estadounidense?""Are soldiers permitted to operate like that on U.S. soil?"
- Debo operar en Praga.- I have to operate in Prague.
- El aparato será certificado antes de operar comecialmente. -¿Comercialmente?The device will be properly certified before we start to operate commercially. Commercially?
- Aquí no opero.-I don't operate here.
- Si no opero, muere de sepsis.- If I don't operate, she will die of sepsis.
- Yo no opero por dinero.- I do not operate for money.
- ¿Crees que te necesito para sujetar los instrumentos mientras opero?You think that I need you To hold my instruments when I operate?
Amo que operemos en un... un nivel metafísico, pero yo también opero en un nivel físico conmigo mismo.I love that we operate on a... a metaphysical level, but I also operate on a physical level with myself.
# Somos concientes de que operas... # # ...de manera sobrenatural #♫ We realise that you operate ♫ Supernaturally
- La forma en la que operas.- The way you operated.
- ¿Así que operas?-So you operate?
- ¿Qué tal si yo hablo y tú operas?Um, okay. Uh, why don't I talk and you operate?
Así es como siempre operas ¿no?That's how you always operate, isn't it?
"Grupo Industrial Chino maneja y opera utilidades en seis países, activos netos sobrepasan los cien billones de libras.""Chinese Industries Group manages and operates utilities "in six countries, net assets in excess of a hundred billion pounds."
- DiNozzo, investiga qué opera esto.- DiNozzo, find out what this operates.
- Es aquí donde papá opera.- This is where dad operates.
- Es genial... pero desde que se convirtió en alcalde, solo opera los viernes.But since he became Mayor, he only operates on Fridays.
- Porque así es como él opera.- Because this is how he operates.
- Aún no la operamos.- We haven't operated yet
- Despierto. El paciente va a estar totalmente despierto mientras operamos su corazón.The patient's gonna be wide awake while we operate on his heart.
- Hasta nuevo aviso... no operamos con ningún personal de fuera de esta sala.Until further notice, we don't operate with any personnel outside this room.
- Le ponemos en bypass, drenamos toda la sangre, la reemplazamos con solución salina fría y entonces operamos.- Put him on bypass, drain out all of his blood and replace it with cold saline, and then we operate.
- Pero nosotros operamos el pare y siga.- But with the stop-go operated by us.
- ¿Aquí es donde los operáis? - No, no.- Is this where you operate on them?
No operáis, va a morir.You don't operate, he's gonna die.
Pero me he fijado en el modo que operáis.No. But I've seen the way you operate.
- Sabemos cómo operan los hospitales.Don't think we don't know how you urban hospitals operate.
- Sólo operan si uno está herido.- They only operate if you're wounded.
- ¿Cuándo operan?When do you operate?
- ¿Cómo operan?- How do they operate?
- ¿Sabes desde qué aeropuerto operan?- Know which airport they operate from?
- No te opusiste cuando operé a Maya.You didn't object when I operated on Maya.
Además está el hecho de que jamás operé antes a un vulcano.Plus the fact I've never operated on a Vulcan before.
Allá en Qresh, operé drogada una vez y lo maté.Back on Qresh, I operated high once and I killed him.
Anoche te operé, ¿Cómo te sientes ahora?Last night I operated on you, how are you feeling now?
Del hombre al que operé en la tienda de reparación de botes.From the guy I operated on in the boat repair shop.
- Hace poco operaste un corazón, George.Sorry. So you operated on a heart earlier George.
- No, ¿quiero decir si te las operaste?No, I mean, you operated to have them?
- Tú operaste a algunos de ellos.- You operated on some of them.
Justin dijo que tú operaste a su madre, y ella murió porque tú lo arruinaste.Justin says you operated on his mother, and she died because you messed up.
La última vez que operaste fue a un perro.The last time you operated was on a dog.
- Benton operó sin sangre.-Benton operated without blood?
- Mami lo operó.- Mommy operated on him.
- ¿Pero quién te operó?- Who operated on you?
A ella y al doctor que operó a Kosh les ordenaron volver a la Tierra... pocas semanas después.She and the doctor who operated on Kosh were recalled to Earth... a few weeks later.
Al recuperarme, mi primer impulso fue el de informar a mi amigo de lo que había visto y oído y apenas puedo explicar la sensación de repugnancia que, finalmente, operó para impedírmelo.Upon recovering... my first impulse was to inform my friend... of what I had seen and heard. And I can scarcely explain... what feeling of repugnance it was which... in the end, operated to prevent me.
- Lo operaron.- Someone operated on him.
- Los que me operaron.- The ones who operated on me.
- Sí, me operaron tres veces.- Yeah. They operated on me three times.
-Ya operaron al Padre Benito.-They've operated on Father Benito.
-¿Y dices que te operaron?-You say you'been operated?
Como dirían ustedes, operaré al máximo de mi eficiencia.As you would say, I will operate at maximum efficiency.
La operaré yo mismo.I will operate on her myself.
Otra vez, lo operaré y haré un trasplante de pulmón.Again, I will operate and do a lung transplant.
Sí, y operaré la montaña rusa...Yes, and I will operate this roller coaster, as I am an adult who is licensed to do so.
Yo mismo la operaré.I will operate myself.
-Y porsupuesto, lo operará.And you will operate, of course.
El doctor Hardy la operará, y por supuesto lo hará de acuerdo con sus deseos, estimada señora.Dr. Hardy will operate, and of course, he shall be guided by your wishes, dear lady.
El escuadrón 58 operará como reserva en el punto "A."58th Squadron will operate in a support capacity at point "A."
Ellos trasplantarán el hígado, te estabilizaran, y entonces el Dr. Goran te operará la columna vertebral.They'll transplant the liver, stabilize you, and then Dr. Goran will operate on your spine.
Este adormecimiento tiene que irse ahora en el nombre de Jesús que esta herida se alineará y se curará y limpiará en el nombre de Jesús, y operará y hará todo lo que le digas a este cuerpo que haga,This illness needs to go right now in the name of Jesus. That this wound will line up and it will be healed and cleaned in the name of Jesus. And it will operate and do what you cause this body to do.
Como siempre, operaremos en silencio.As usual, we will operate at EMCON.
Éste es el resumen de las órdenes bajo las que operaremos durante esta misión.Here is a rundown of the orders under which we will operate during this patrol.
Esos equipos operarán sobre una base encubierta y totalmente secreta.Now, these teams... ..will operate on a covert, top- secret basis.
Estos equipos operarán de forma supersecreta y encubierta.Now, these teams will operate on a covert, top-secret basis.
Las unidades SG-1 y 2 operarán en conjunto.SG units 1 and 2 will operate concurrently.
Le operarán el Martes.They will operate on Tuesday.
El Dr. Sainte-Rose operaría a Adam en París.- Dr. Sainte-Rose would operate in Paris.
Yo te operaría, pero lo haría usando una máquina.I would operate on you, but I would be doing it using the machine.
¿Cree que operaría a este hombre si no supiera las consecuencias?Do you think I would operate on this man if he didn't understand the consequences?
¿Por qué tardo tanto tiempo el Dr. Holt en decir que operaría a mi padre?Why did it take Dr. Holt so long to say that he would operate on my dad?
Para evitar la intermitencia y asegurar un retorno positivo de energía neta, estos medios operarían en un sistema integrado, abasteciéndose mutuamente cuando fuera necesario y almacenando excedentes de energía en grandes supercondensadores bajo tierra, de modo que nada pueda ser desperdiciado.To avoid intermittency and make sure a positive net energy return occurs these mediums would operate in an integrated system powering each other when needed while storing excessive energy to large super capacitors under the ground so nothing can go to waste.
Si ella fuera mayor y estuvieran de acuerdo, los cirujanos operarían ahora.If she were older and you were agreeable, the surgeons would operate now.
"No opere maquinaria pesada.""Do not operate heavy machinery.
- No voy a operar un paciente que no quiere que la opere.-I'm not operating on a patient who doesn't want me to operate on her.
- ¡Tiene que dejar que el doctor opere!- You have to let the doctor operate!
- ¿Quieres que te la opere?You want me to operate on you?
Ademas, quiero Robert me opere la cara.Anyway, I want Robert to operate on my face.
- No. No quiero que me la operes.No, I don't want you to operate on me.
Cuando tú operes a la mujer que lleva dentro tu nieto, Linda tendrás derecho sobre lo que está pasando.When you operate on the woman who's carrying your grandchild, Linda, then you can have a say in what's going on.
Debo prevenirte, Sean, como médico y amigo recomiendo que no operes hasta que no domines la situación.I do feel I should advise you, Sean, as a physician and a friend. It would be highly unethical to operate until you've got a handle on this.
Michael, antes de que operes, te conozco desde hace mucho tiempo...Look, M-Michael, before you operate, I've known you for a long time...
No te estamos pidiendo que operes, solo que estés ahí.We're not asking you to operate, just to be there.
Amo que operemos en un... un nivel metafísico, pero yo también opero en un nivel físico conmigo mismo.I love that we operate on a... a metaphysical level, but I also operate on a physical level with myself.
Cuanto antes le operemos antes se irá a casa.The sooner we operate, the sooner he goes home.
Cuanto antes operemos, hay más posibilidades de recuperación.The sooner we operate, the better the chances for recovery.
Entonces operemos.Then let's operate.
Esperemos que se estabilice, y entonces operemos.Wait till she stabilizes, then operate.
¿No deberías estar descansando antes de que la Dra. Grey y tú me operéis mañana?Shouldn't you be resting before you and Dr. Grey operate on me tomorrow?
¿Tú y McQueen por fin habéis encontrado a un paciente - dispuesto a dejar que le operéis? - Bésame el culo.You and, um, McQueen finally find a patient who's willing to let you operate on them?
- Necesito hablar con él antes de que le operen.- I need to talk to him before you operate.
- No. ¿No quieres que te operen alli?- You don't want the doctor to operate?
- Oiga, necesito que la operen.- Listen, I need you to operate.
Ademas de lo obvio Por que permitire que operen independientemente en serio?Besides the obvious, allow My acquisitions to operate independently.
Afirmo que está muerto. Intente que se lo operen.It looks dead, but you could have it operated on.
Y sí, no sabemos si es ella, así que por favor dejad de hablar y operad.And-and yeah, we don't know if this is her, so please let's just stop talking about it and operate.
, Esta siendo operado?Is he getting operated on?
- Bueno, dice que si su madre tenía tanto riesgo de parada cardiaca, no deberías haberla operado.Well, she's claiming that if her mother was such a high risk for cardiac arrest, you shouldn't have operated.
- El tipo que fue operado ayer.- The guy who got operated yesterday.
- Es el Dr. Pierce, el que lo ha operado.- Hey. - This is Dr. Pierce. He operated on you.
- Esa es la pregunta. Barnes siempre ha operado con cierto nivel de desapego.Barnes has always operated with a certain level of detachment.
"Hemos lanzado cargas de profundidad... contra un submarino operando en nuestra zona de seguridad"."Have dropped depth charges on sub operating in our security zone."
'Descubre dónde el Corán fue compuesta 'Y averiguar donde Mohammed estaba operando 'Y luego se obtiene una imagen de donde pudo haber comenzado Islam.'Find out where the Qur'an was composed 'and you find out where Mohammed was operating 'and then you get a picture of where Islam might have begun.
- Bueno, eh... hay un grupo operando a lo largo de la costa este, robando cualquier cosa, desde neumáticos hasta acero y madera, y lo venden a contratistas privados.Well, er... there's a group operating along the coast here, stealing anything from tyres to steel and timber, and selling it on to private contractors.
- Diane está operando en secreto.- Diane is operating in secret.
- Doctor. ¿Debería estar operando?- Doctor, should you be operating?
¿Vos no casi operás sin anestesia?Weren't you about to operate without anesthesia?

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