Oscurecer (to darken) conjugation

54 examples

Conjugation of oscurecer

Present tense
I darken
you darken
he/she/it darkens
we darken
you all darken
they darken
Present perfect tense
he oscurecido
I have darkened
has oscurecido
you have darkened
ha oscurecido
he/she/it has darkened
hemos oscurecido
we have darkened
habéis oscurecido
you all have darkened
han oscurecido
they have darkened
Past preterite tense
I darkened
you darkened
he/she/it darkened
we darkened
you all darkened
they darkened
Future tense
I will darken
you will darken
he/she/it will darken
we will darken
you all will darken
they will darken
Conditional mood
I would darken
you would darken
he/she/it would darken
we would darken
you all would darken
they would darken
Past imperfect tense
I used to to darken
you used to to darken
he/she/it used to to darken
we used to to darken
you all used to to darken
they used to to darken
Past perfect tense
había oscurecido
I had darkened
habías oscurecido
you had darkened
había oscurecido
he/she/it had darkened
habíamos oscurecido
we had darkened
habíais oscurecido
you all had darkened
habían oscurecido
they had darkened
Future perfect tense
habré oscurecido
I will have darkened
habrás oscurecido
you will have darkened
habrá oscurecido
he/she/it will have darkened
habremos oscurecido
we will have darkened
habréis oscurecido
you all will have darkened
habrán oscurecido
they will have darkened
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I darken
(if/so that) you darken
(if/so that) he/she/it darken
(if/so that) we darken
(if/so that) you all darken
(if/so that) they darken
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya oscurecido
I have darkened
hayas oscurecido
you have darkened
haya oscurecido
he/she/it has darkened
hayamos oscurecido
we have darkened
hayáis oscurecido
you all have darkened
hayan oscurecido
they have darkened
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have darkened
(if/so that) you have darkened
(if/so that) he/she/it have darkened
(if/so that) we have darkened
(if/so that) you all have darkened
(if/so that) they have darkened
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have darkened
(if/so that) you have darkened
(if/so that) he/she/it have darkened
(if/so that) we have darkened
(if/so that) you all have darkened
(if/so that) they have darkened
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera oscurecido
I had darkened
hubieras oscurecido
you had darkened
hubiera oscurecido
he/she/it had darkened
hubiéramos oscurecido
we had darkened
hubierais oscurecido
you all had darkened
hubieran oscurecido
they had darkened
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese oscurecido
I had darkened
hubieses oscurecido
you had darkened
hubiese oscurecido
he/she/it had darkened
hubiésemos oscurecido
we had darkened
hubieseis oscurecido
you all had darkened
hubiesen oscurecido
they had darkened
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have darkened
(if/so that) you will have darkened
(if/so that) he/she/it will have darkened
(if/so that) we will have darkened
(if/so that) you all will have darkened
(if/so that) they will have darkened
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere oscurecido
I will have darkened
hubieres oscurecido
you will have darkened
hubiere oscurecido
he/she/it will have darkened
hubiéremos oscurecido
we will have darkened
hubiereis oscurecido
you all will have darkened
hubieren oscurecido
they will have darkened
Imperative mood
let's darken!
Imperative negative mood
no oscurezcas
do not darken!
no oscurezca
don't let him/her/it darken!
no oscurezcamos
let us not darken!
no oscurezcáis
do not darken!
no oscurezcan
do not darken!

Examples of oscurecer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Sólo quiero oscurecer el cuarto.- Don't do that. - I just want to darken the room.
- para nunca oscurecer un umbral de nuevo.- never to darken a doorway again.
Ellos no se han visto durante semanas, y yo no quiero oscurecer nuestra buena estrella.They haven't been seen for weeks, and I don't want to darken our good star.
Empieza a oscurecer.Begins to darken.
Ese mismo se encargaría más tarde de oscurecer tu futuro.That same jute one day would light up to darken your future.
Mientras oscurezco de nuevo estos cielos vacíos.While I darken again these empty skies.
Por la mañana oscurezco Por el día tardo Por la tarde anochezco Por la noche ardoIn the morning, I darken, in the day, I afternoon... in the afternoon, I dusk, at night, I burn.
Puedo tocar tu piel, la oscureces con maquillaje.I can touch your skin, darken your eyes with the kohl on it!
Quizás si lo oscureces aquí, tus ojos resaltarían.Maybe if you darken there, your eyes would jump out at us.
"Cuando oscurece, me siento en la gran sala de estar"When it darkens, I'm sitting in the big living room
"Esta sangre es tan detestable que, al entrar en contacto con ella, los frutos no crecen, el vino se agría, los arboles no dan frutas, el aire oscurece, y los perros se enloquecen.""This blood is so detestable that, through contact with it, "fruits do not produce, wine turns sour, "trees lack fruit, the air darkens,
"Ninguna queja oscurece la armonía de mi alma"No complains undarkens the wonderful harmony of my soul
? Es lo que los hombres hacen lo que oscurece el cielo?ls it what men do that darkens the sky?
Continúo, como Tennyson dijo, el mundo oscurece a mi alrededor, entre hombres, caras extrañas y otros tipos.I go on, as Tennyson said, and the world darkens around me, "among new men, strange faces" and other minds.
Tras esto oscurecemos la cabina unos segundos y luego servimos un desayuno inglés.Then we darken the cabin for a few seconds and then serve a full English breakfast.
'La pena nubla la alegría... ' 'las sombras de la angustia la oscurecen... ' 'al ir a su amor... ' 'sólo al ir a su amor'Sorrow clouds a joy... shades of anguish darken her... as she goes to tell her beloved... only to tell her beloved
18 millones de visitantes oscurecen los cielos, la reunión más grande de aves marinas en el planeta.18 million visitors darken the skies, the largest gathering of sea birds on the planet.
Bueno, parece iluminar como un sol y luego se oscurecen de nuevo.Well it seems to brighten up like a sun and then darken again.
Cuando cesa el zumbido de la vida y los negocios oscurecen.As the hum of life ceases and the shops' darken.
Hay tormentas de polvo que oscurecen el cielo durante meses.There can be dust storms that darken the skies for months at a time.
Así que le pinté el cabello todo de negro y le hice un bigotito en forma de U ...y le oscurecí la piel a lo Pedro González.So I dye his hair coal black, and I made him a little handlebar moustache and darkened his skin, like Pedro Gonzalez.
Dibujé un lunar con el rimel de mi mujer, oscurecí mis cejas.I put a little mole on my ear with my honey's mascara. Stuck a few hairs in it. Then I darkened my eyebrows, made them bigger, see?
Yo lo oscurecí.I darkened it.
Cómo oscureciste alrededor de su cabeza.Yeah. And how you darkened it around his head. This is incredible.
"El cielo se oscureció y un ruido sordo se escuchó en el aire."The sky darkened and a low rumbling sound was heard in the air.
- Se oscureció.- He then darkened.
Conocí una niña que era tan pelirroja como tú, pero cuando creció, se le oscureció y se le puso caoba.I knew a girl once who had hair every bit as red as yours, but when she grew up, it darkened into a real handsome auburn.
Cuando entré en la habitación se oscureció y pude ver pequeños puntos de luz.When I moved into the room... It darkened, and I could see little points of light.
El SDV cambió el color de pelo de Throper y oscureció sus ojos.The VUE changed the colour of Throper's hair and darkened his eyes.
Al caer las torres, oscurecieron Manhattan, cubriendo la ciudad con nubes gigantes de polvo y ceniza.As the buildings fell, they darkened Manhattan, filling the air with billowing clouds of dust and ash
Chandra: La literatura islámica de la época afirmó con claridad que los cielos se oscurecieron en muchas ocasiones y que la gente estaba aterrorizada por enormes tormentas y cometas que golpearon La Tierra.Islamic literature of the day was very clear in stating that the skies were darkened on many occasions and people were frightened by meteor storms and comets impacting the Earth.
El sol y el cielo se oscurecieron, y cayeron langostas sobre la tierra.The sun and sky were darkened and locusts fell upon the earth.
Está comiendo aguacates como agua... vomita, sus pezones oscurecieron a un color tostado oscuro.She's showing all the signs. She's eating avocados like they're water, she's puking on cue, her nipples have darkened to the color of a deep French roast.
Y el sol y el aire se oscurecieron debido al humo del pozo".And the sun and air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit."
O... oscureceré el cielo con sus cenizas.Or I will darken the sky with their ashes.
El cielo pronto se oscurecerá.Soon the sky will darken.
El cielo se oscurecerá pronto... como la tapa de un ataúd cerrándose, y estaremos solos con la muerte.The sky will darken soon. Like a coffin lid closing and we will be alone with death.
El sol se oscurecerá... la luna no iluminará... las estrellas caerán del cielo... y la tercera parte del hombre será asesinada.The sun will darken. The moon will not give light. The stars, they'll fall from the sky.
En el valle del Nilo, el aire estará perfumado con mirra, y solo el vuelo de los ibis oscurecerá el cielo.ln the valley of the Nile, The air will be sweet with myrrh, And only the flight of the ibis will darken the sky.
En siete días, el eclipse doble oscurecerá nuestros cielos.In seven days, the double eclipse will darken our skies.
"tan ominosa que oscurezca su camino.""so severe shall darken his path."
Asistente, oscurezca la sala, cierre la persiana. Sr.juez, esto fue filmado 1 1 días después del accidente.Attendant, darken the room, draw those curtains.
Diciéndole que nunca oscurezca su umbral otra vez.Telling you to never darken his doorstep again.
No oscurezcas nunca la puerta de esta iglesia de nuevo!Don't ever darken the door of this church again!
"El Demonio tamborilea en el cristal oscurecido:"the devil drum on the darkened pane:
"Y se desliza en el oscurecido mar."♪ And as she slides into the darkened sea ♪
And darkened my sun Y han oscurecido mi sol♪ And darkened my sun ♪
Bueno, siento haber oscurecido su morada, ¡nos vamos!Well, I'm sorry we ever darkened your door! We're leaving!
Cuando levanté la vista de mi trabajo, la habitación se había oscurecido... y alguien estaba de pie fuera delante de la ventana,When I looked up from my work, the room had darkened... and someone was standing outside in front of the window,
Absorbo las malas acciones de otros, oscureciendo mi alma para mantener las de ellos puras.I absorb the misdeeds of others, darkening my soul to keep theirs pure.
El cielo ya está oscureciendo, la nube de cenizas es cada vez más alta.The sky's already darkening, the ash plume rising higher and higher.
El segundo jinete fue desenterrado hace más de una década en este mismo día bajo el sol oscureciendo.The second Horseman was unearthed over a decade ago on this very day under the darkening sun.
Estabas trabajando como doble de Mr. Palmer Jr.... ... oscureciendo tu pelo para pasar como su doble.You were working as Mr Palmer Jr's stand-in, darkening your hair to pass as his double.
Está oscureciendo velozmente.It's darkening up pretty quick out here.

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