Prescribir (to prescribe) conjugation

76 examples

Conjugation of prescribir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I prescribe
you prescribe
he/she/it prescribes
we prescribe
you all prescribe
they prescribe
Present perfect tense
he prescrito
I have prescribed
has prescrito
you have prescribed
ha prescrito
he/she/it has prescribed
hemos prescrito
we have prescribed
habéis prescrito
you all have prescribed
han prescrito
they have prescribed
Past preterite tense
I prescribed
you prescribed
he/she/it prescribed
we prescribed
you all prescribed
they prescribed
Future tense
I will prescribe
you will prescribe
he/she/it will prescribe
we will prescribe
you all will prescribe
they will prescribe
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would prescribe
you would prescribe
he/she/it would prescribe
we would prescribe
you all would prescribe
they would prescribe
Past imperfect tense
I used to prescribe
you used to prescribe
he/she/it used to prescribe
we used to prescribe
you all used to prescribe
they used to prescribe
Past perfect tense
había prescrito
I had prescribed
habías prescrito
you had prescribed
había prescrito
he/she/it had prescribed
habíamos prescrito
we had prescribed
habíais prescrito
you all had prescribed
habían prescrito
they had prescribed
Future perfect tense
habré prescrito
I will have prescribed
habrás prescrito
you will have prescribed
habrá prescrito
he/she/it will have prescribed
habremos prescrito
we will have prescribed
habréis prescrito
you all will have prescribed
habrán prescrito
they will have prescribed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I prescribe
(if/so that) you prescribe
(if/so that) he/she/it prescribe
(if/so that) we prescribe
(if/so that) you all prescribe
(if/so that) they prescribe
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya prescrito
I have prescribed
hayas prescrito
you have prescribed
haya prescrito
he/she/it has prescribed
hayamos prescrito
we have prescribed
hayáis prescrito
you all have prescribed
hayan prescrito
they have prescribed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have prescribed
(if/so that) you have prescribed
(if/so that) he/she/it have prescribed
(if/so that) we have prescribed
(if/so that) you all have prescribed
(if/so that) they have prescribed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have prescribed
(if/so that) you have prescribed
(if/so that) he/she/it have prescribed
(if/so that) we have prescribed
(if/so that) you all have prescribed
(if/so that) they have prescribed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera prescrito
I had prescribed
hubieras prescrito
you had prescribed
hubiera prescrito
he/she/it had prescribed
hubiéramos prescrito
we had prescribed
hubierais prescrito
you all had prescribed
hubieran prescrito
they had prescribed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese prescrito
I had prescribed
hubieses prescrito
you had prescribed
hubiese prescrito
he/she/it had prescribed
hubiésemos prescrito
we had prescribed
hubieseis prescrito
you all had prescribed
hubiesen prescrito
they had prescribed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have prescribed
(if/so that) you will have prescribed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have prescribed
(if/so that) we will have prescribed
(if/so that) you all will have prescribed
(if/so that) they will have prescribed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere prescrito
I will have prescribed
hubieres prescrito
you will have prescribed
hubiere prescrito
he/she/it will have prescribed
hubiéremos prescrito
we will have prescribed
hubiereis prescrito
you all will have prescribed
hubieren prescrito
they will have prescribed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's prescribe!
Imperative negative mood
no prescribas
do not prescribe!
no prescriba
let him/her/it prescribe!
no prescribamos
let us not prescribe!
no prescribáis
do not prescribe!
no prescriban
do not prescribe!

Examples of prescribir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Pero debo prescribir reposo en la cama.- But I am going to have to prescribe bed rest.
- ¿Qué tiene en mente prescribir?- What has he in mind to prescribe ?
Bueno, Toby lo que necesito saber sobre este tema... es cada detalle íntimo, con el fin de prescribir ayuda.Thank you. Well, Toby, I need to know my subject inside out... every intimate detail, in order to prescribe help.
Como tu doctora, te voy a prescribir un sedante ligero.As your doctor, I'm going to prescribe a light sedative.
Dámelas, o llamaré al comité estatal y les haré que revoquen tu licencia para prescribir.Give them to me or I will call the state and have them revoke your license to prescribe.
-Como su medico, le prescribo...-As your physician, I'd prescribe--
Bueno, como doctor, prescribo una ronda de shots.Well, as a doctor, I prescribe a round of shots.
Bueno, pues prescribo... ¡diez ataques de cosquillas!Oh, well, I prescribe 10... tickles!
Bueno, que así sea, bajo las circunstancias, te prescribo una bebida.Well, be that as it may, under the circumstances, I prescribe a drink.
Dile que primero examino a los pacientes, luego prescribo y no al revés. Es ridí- ¿Ahora qué?Tell her I examine patients first, then I prescribe, not the other way around.
- ¿Qué prescribes?-What do you prescribe?
Bueno, es exactamente la misma dieta que prescribes, cariño.Well, it's the exact diet you prescribed, darling.
O le prescribes un exorcismo o me admites que Smith fue un fraude.- Either got to prescribe an exorcism or admit to me that Smith was a horny fraud.
¿Qué es lo que prescribes, doctor Doug?What do you prescribe, Dr. Doug?
¿Qué prescribes?What do you prescribe?
Dr Doobs prescribe un toke de Jesper más fino.Dr Doobs prescribes a toke of Jesper's finest.
El doctor le prescribe una hierba medicinal, de nuevo.The doctor prescribes a medicinal herb again.
El prescribe e gran volumen, ShawnHe prescribes in bulk, Shawn.
En este lugar se prescribe el voto de silencio, así como el de ayuno y pobreza, tendrás que acostumbrarte.This place prescribes a vow of silence,... as well as fasting and poverty,... you'll have to get used to it.
Es difícil de explicar, pero siente los niveles de energía y luego te prescribe luces de colores para restablecer el equilibrio.Hard to explain, but he feels the energy levels... and then prescribes colored lights to restore your balance.
Esto prescribimos, aunque no sea médico;This we prescribe, though no physician;
Excepto que no les prescribimos a ellos.Except we don't prescribe them.
Hice unas llamadas y todas las otras universidades de la ciudad permiten que sus Centro de Salud prescriban ese medicamento y segundo la píldora del día después es básicamente una dosis alta de píldoras anticonceptivas las cuales prescribimos y entregamos, así que no entiendo el problema.I made some phone calls and every other major university in the city allows their health center to prescribe that medication. And two the morning after pill is basically high doses of the birth control pill, which we do prescribe and give out... so I don't understand what the problem is.
La ley exige que se discute todos los peligros Y emisión antes de que prescribimos.The law requires we discuss every danger and issue before we prescribe.
Lo prescribimos para todos los pacientes del Nivel Azul.We prescribe them for all Level Blue patients.
A veces los prescriben para Tay-Sachs.Sometimes prescribed for Tay-Sachs.
Antes que usted, una mujer vino aquí a quejarse de que usted le obligó a usar guantes ... Aquí están ... sin explicación, sin convencerla de su utilidad, según prescriben Alá y su profeta.Before you came, a woman was here to complain that you forced her to wear gloves -- here they are -- without any explanation, without convincing her of their usefulness, as is prescribed by Allah and His prophet.
De cualquier modo, uh, lo prescriben los médicos para tratar inflamaciones dermatológicas causadas por algunas plantas.Anyway, uh, it's prescribed by doctors to treat dermatological inflammations caused by contact with certain types of plants.
El Zoloft se lo prescriben a muchas personas con TEP.Zoloft is prescribed a lot for people with PTSD.
Esos malditos psicólogos les prescriben todo tipo de medicinas a ustedes sin siquiera importarles los efectos secundarios.Those damned psychologists prescribe all kinds of medicines to you children without even caring' about the side effects.
El día anterior, no solo le prescribí jarabe para la tos, también le di los resultados de un exámen médico.The day before, I not only prescribed her cough mixture, I also gave her the results of a medical test.
Estás tomando el medicamento que te prescribí?You are taking the medication you prescribed?
Le prescribí 40 gramos de barras de granola.I prescribed 40 grams of a granola bar.
Le prescribí a Ingelise muchos medicamentos.I prescribed Ingelise quite a lot of medicine.
Le prescribí algunas inyecciones con vitaminas y minerales.I've prescribed a series of shots with vitamins and minerals.
Bueno, es el hijo del hombre con el que te acostabas, que estaba casado, que era tu paciente, a quien prescribiste una dosis letal de morfina.Well, I mean, he's the son of the man you were sleeping with, who was married, who was your patient, to whom you prescribed lethal doses of morphine.
Diagnosticaste una alergia, prescribiste un antihistamínico.You diagnosed the patient with allergies and prescribed antihistamine.
Gracias a los inmunosupresores que le prescribiste para tratarle el lupus.Thanks to the immunosuppressants you prescribed for lupus treatment.
Lo mismo que prescribiste a Jack, cuando empezó a tener pesadillas y encontró esto.Same stuff you prescribed Jack, when he started having nightmares and found that...
Pero tú lo prescribiste.But you prescribed it.
- Y sin embargo le prescribió un inhibidor de la serotonina.- And yet you prescribed him an SSRI?
- que le prescribió.- that you prescribed.
Al contrario, prescribió Io que llamaba ""Ia conversación privada"".On the contrary, he prescribed what he called "private confession".
Apuesto que lo prescribió un siquiatra.The odds are this was prescribed by a psychiatrist.
Ayer no se prescribió ninguna oxicodona, ni tampoco el día anterior.No oxycodone was prescribed yesterday, nor the day before.
A Penny Garden le prescribieron 40 al mes.Now, Penny Garden was prescribed 40 a month.
A ver si averiguas cuando se los prescribieron.See if you can find out when they were prescribed.
Así que a esta mujer le prescribieron estas drogas tal vez, por otra enfermedad y descubrió que ayudaban a llevar a buen término un the woman was prescribed these drugs maybe for some other illness and figured out that they help to carry a baby to term.
Bueno, dejando a un lado que está muerto, la víctima es joven y parece en buena condición física, lo que me lleva a sospechar que a la víctima le prescribieron ese medicamento después de una operación... no para tratar un problema crónico.Well, his current state of death aside, your victim is young and appears to be in good physical condition, which leads me to suspect that the victim was prescribed this drug post-op-- not to treat a chronic heart condition.
Como consecuencia de eso, le prescribieron muchos medicamentos... para ayudarle a recuperarse.Consequently, he was prescribed with numerous medications to aid in the recovery.
Bien, yo te prescribiré algo en caso de no estar mejor.Well, I will prescribe you something in case it doesn't get better.
Te prescribiré una medicina.I will prescribe you a medicine.
Imagino que le prescribirá penicilina.I imagine he will prescribe a course of penicillin.
Hay docenas de medicamentos que yo prescribiría, antes que estos. Todos ellos mucho más efectivos.there's dozens of meds i would prescribe before these, all of them more effective.
Le prescribiría exactamente la misma medicación que le prescribió el Dr. Lecter y ustéd rechazó.I would prescribe exactly the medication Dr. Lecter prescribed and you refused.
Por supuesto que estaba enferma uh ¿como puedes imaginar que le prescribiría a tu madre medicación si no la necesitaba?Of course she was sick. Uh, to-to even imagine that I would prescribe your mother Medication that she didn't need?
Se los prescribiría a Emma si fuera mi paciente.I would prescribe it for Emma, if she were my patient.
-No, no es eso, es.. Necesita a alguien que le prescriba la pildoraIt's--I need someone to prescribe her birth control.
-Tengo que pedirle que me prescriba esas medias elásticas especiales.I've got to ask my doctor to prescribe those special elastic tights for me.
Dos días antes usted tuvo a Eglee en su diván en una sesión de terapia de cinco horas, Eglee vino he hizo que le prescriba algunas pastillas para dormir.Two days before you were at Eglee's bed-sit having your five-hour therapy session, Eglee went out and got himself prescribed some knock-out pills.
Jake, ¿quieres que te prescriba marihuana?Jake, shall I prescribe you marijuana?
Lo que pasa después de que yo los prescriba, yo... um... no tengo idea.What happens to them after I prescribe them, I really can't say.
¡No me prescribas un tratamiento!Don't prescribe for me, Clive!
Hice unas llamadas y todas las otras universidades de la ciudad permiten que sus Centro de Salud prescriban ese medicamento y segundo la píldora del día después es básicamente una dosis alta de píldoras anticonceptivas las cuales prescribimos y entregamos, así que no entiendo el problema.I made some phone calls and every other major university in the city allows their health center to prescribe that medication. And two the morning after pill is basically high doses of the birth control pill, which we do prescribe and give out... so I don't understand what the problem is.
Que le prescriban un hisopo de algodón.Have him prescribe... Ear picks and you've solved the problem, all right'?
Tu tienes una obsesión con el "Club Final" Necesitas ver a alguien para tratarlo. Para que te prescriban alguna especie de medicaciónYou have finals clubs OCD and you need to see someone about it who will prescribe you some sort of medication.
A decir verdad, Tom, yo podría revolucionar la práctica de la medicina prescribiendo una fregona y un libro de instrucciones a cada mujer neurótica que me viniera a hacer una consulta.As a matter of fact, Tom, I could revolutionize the practice of medicine by prescribing a mop and a book of instructions for every neurotic woman who ever came to consult me.
Así que está diciendo que, ¿la Dra. Turner podría ser tratada tan fácilmente como prescribiendo una medicación cardíaca?So what you're saying is, dr. Turner could be treated As easily as prescribing a heart medication?
Dicen que estoy prescribiendo medicamentos de más, pero no.It says I'm overprescribing meds, but it's a lie.
Escuchó que había estado experimentando con ciertos tratamientos que aún estaban en fase de pruebas, ya sabe, prescribiendo medicamentos antes de que estuvieran... aprobados en el mercado.He--he'd heard that I'd been experimenting with certain treatments that were still in the testing phase, you know, prescribing drugs before they were... approved for market.
Gil, estamos recibiendo algunos reportes extraños de doctores prescribiendo Reduxid en South Bend, Indiana.Gil, we're getting some odd reports from docs prescribing Reduxid in South Bend, Indiana.
" Permanece allí durante el tiempo prescrito y luego nace en este mundo "."Remains there for a prescribed time and then is born into this world"
"A la mujer y al hombre culpables de adulterio o fornicación cien azotes a cada uno; no dejeis que la compasión os ponga en su lugar, en un asunto prescrito por Alá, si creeis en Alá y en el último día;"The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication flog each of them with a hundred stripes; let no compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day;
- No cuando es prescrito médicamente en California. Soy doctor.Not when medically prescribed in the state of California.
Almuerzo prescrito por médico.Medically prescribed lunch.
Aparte de seguir adelante y seguir el camino prescrito !Other than by going ahead and following the prescribed path!

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