Prevenir (to prevent) conjugation

77 examples

Conjugation of prevenir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I prevent
you prevent
he/she/it prevents
we prevent
you all prevent
they prevent
Present perfect tense
he prevenido
I have prevented
has prevenido
you have prevented
ha prevenido
he/she/it has prevented
hemos prevenido
we have prevented
habéis prevenido
you all have prevented
han prevenido
they have prevented
Past preterite tense
I prevented
you prevented
he/she/it prevented
we prevented
you all prevented
they prevented
Future tense
I will prevent
you will prevent
he/she/it will prevent
we will prevent
you all will prevent
they will prevent
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would prevent
you would prevent
he/she/it would prevent
we would prevent
you all would prevent
they would prevent
Past imperfect tense
I used to prevent
you used to prevent
he/she/it used to prevent
we used to prevent
you all used to prevent
they used to prevent
Past perfect tense
había prevenido
I had prevented
habías prevenido
you had prevented
había prevenido
he/she/it had prevented
habíamos prevenido
we had prevented
habíais prevenido
you all had prevented
habían prevenido
they had prevented
Future perfect tense
habré prevenido
I will have prevented
habrás prevenido
you will have prevented
habrá prevenido
he/she/it will have prevented
habremos prevenido
we will have prevented
habréis prevenido
you all will have prevented
habrán prevenido
they will have prevented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I prevent
(if/so that) you prevent
(if/so that) he/she/it prevent
(if/so that) we prevent
(if/so that) you all prevent
(if/so that) they prevent
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya prevenido
I have prevented
hayas prevenido
you have prevented
haya prevenido
he/she/it has prevented
hayamos prevenido
we have prevented
hayáis prevenido
you all have prevented
hayan prevenido
they have prevented
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have prevented
(if/so that) you have prevented
(if/so that) he/she/it have prevented
(if/so that) we have prevented
(if/so that) you all have prevented
(if/so that) they have prevented
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have prevented
(if/so that) you have prevented
(if/so that) he/she/it have prevented
(if/so that) we have prevented
(if/so that) you all have prevented
(if/so that) they have prevented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera prevenido
I had prevented
hubieras prevenido
you had prevented
hubiera prevenido
he/she/it had prevented
hubiéramos prevenido
we had prevented
hubierais prevenido
you all had prevented
hubieran prevenido
they had prevented
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese prevenido
I had prevented
hubieses prevenido
you had prevented
hubiese prevenido
he/she/it had prevented
hubiésemos prevenido
we had prevented
hubieseis prevenido
you all had prevented
hubiesen prevenido
they had prevented
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have prevented
(if/so that) you will have prevented
(if/so that) he/she/it will have prevented
(if/so that) we will have prevented
(if/so that) you all will have prevented
(if/so that) they will have prevented
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere prevenido
I will have prevented
hubieres prevenido
you will have prevented
hubiere prevenido
he/she/it will have prevented
hubiéremos prevenido
we will have prevented
hubiereis prevenido
you all will have prevented
hubieren prevenido
they will have prevented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's prevent!
Imperative negative mood
no prevengas
do not prevent!
no prevenga
let him/her/it prevent!
no prevengamos
let us not prevent!
no prevengáis
do not prevent!
no prevengan
do not prevent!

Examples of prevenir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Así que, para prevenir."So, to prevent.
"Baños públicos serán construidos..." "para prevenir que los ciudadanos_BAR_evacúen sus necesidades..." "en las aceras."public urinals shall be constructed... to prevent citizens carrying out their necessary functions... on the sidewalk.
"China ha tomado estrictas medidas para prevenir su huída.""The Chinese have taken the strictest measure to prevent your escape."
"Cuando acuda a una distancia de la correa al aire libre, se le puede llamar desde mayores distancias usando una correa larga que se ata al halcón para prevenir que escape"."When she will come a leash length outside, she can be called greater distances by means of a creance, a long cord which is attached to the hawk to prevent her escaping."
"El ejército dice que no tiene capacidad para prevenir el éxodo en masa en curso..."The army says it's now powerless to prevent the ongoing mass exodus.
Freya será mi primera, pero sólo si prevengo que los tanques de los Than destruyan esta roca. ¡Tú dime!Freya will be my first, but only if I can prevent the Than from destroying this rock. So, you tell me!
Le prevengo que no presione al testigo. Quedará en custodia.To prevent you from putting pressure on the witness you will be remanded in custody.
Os prevengo de que os marchéis por vuestra propia protecciónI prevented you from leaving for your own protection.
Sólo les prevengo de cometer un error... el error de pensar que Alemania podría dejarse robar territorio por FranciaI've only prevented you from making a mistake... the mistake of assuming that Germany would ever let France steal German soil.
El miedo solo nos previenes de tomar claras decisiones en el momento, ¿cierto?Fear only prevents us from making clear decisions in the moment, right?
Sencillamente, les previenes para que no roben.You're just preventing those customers from stealing.
Si previenes este asesinato, ¿lograrás alterar el futuro que describiste?If you prevent this assassination, will the future you describe be averted ?
"Hay clara evidencia de los últimos 67 años, que el flúor previene las caries dentales".I think we are in the last 60 years gathered enough evidence that fluoride prevents tooth decay.
"Ríndete previene labios de sandía", ¿qué piensas de eso?"Surrender prevents casaba lips." What do you think of that?
- La política de DMB previene para que nadie...- No. - DMB policy prevents anyone--
-Sí. Si demostramos que el tratamiento previene el abuso.If we show treatment prevents substance abuse.
...cuando invitas a tus amigos, ya sabes, y estás... escuchando música y quieren robar tu música y copiar tus películas o solo ver tus fotos... ya sabes, el programa previene eso.So, you know, in other words, when... when you have friends over, you know, and you're... you're listening to music and they want to steal your music and copy your movies or... or just look at your photos, you know, this prevents that.
Armándonos contra lo imposible prevenimos lo impensable... de resultar inevitable.By arming ourselves against the impossible, We are preventing the unthinkable ... From becoming the inevitable.
Así que prevenimos un ataque mayor, una posibilidad, permitiendo uno menor, una certeza.So we prevent a greater outrage... a possibility... by allowing a lesser... a certainty.
Raramente los prevenimos.We barely prevent them.
Se quejaron porque no lo prevenimos y ahora porque hacemos demasiado.People screamed after 9/11 we didn't do enough to prevent it. - Now we're doing too much?
Si nosotros prevenimos la guerra... ¿Seré enviada de vuelta al futuro?If we prevent the war will I be sent back to the future?
- Vitamina B-12 ¿Sabes que previenen la anemia?Too bad it doesn't prevent bulimia.
Abriendo el hocico y mostrando los dientes usualmente se intimida a los rivales y se previenen daños serios.Opening your mouth and flashing your teeth... usually intimidates rivals and prevents any serious injury.
Ahora dicen que 6 tazas de café al día previenen del cáncer de colon.Now they say 6 cups of coffee a day... prevents colon cancer.
Allí las madres previenen las guerras.There, wars are prevented by mothers.
Así que mis nanites pueden curarme y protegerme, ¿pero no me previenen del envejecimiento?So my nanites can cure me and protect me, but they don't prevent me from aging?
Detuve a Liber8, previne cualquier futuro que hubieren construido, y me aseguré que nunca construyas el futuro del que provengo.Stopped Liber8, prevented whatever future they might have built, and I made sure you will never build the broken future that I came from.
Evacué totalmente el útero y lo previne de infecciones.I fully evacuated the uterus and prevented an infections.
Lo he estabilizado por ahora reduje la fiebre, previne otros ataques.I've stabilized him for now, reduced the fevers, prevented more seizures.
No dije que previne el activismo profesoral individual.I didn't say I prevented individual teacher activism.
Salvamos el futuro de-- yo sé que tipo de mundo previne.We saved the future from... I know... what kind of world I prevented.
eres británico¡ escúchame previniste exitosamente tu propio nacimiento, y en su lugar naciste en una familia alternativa pero debes creerme los Griffin son tu verdadero destinoListen to me. You successfully prevented your own birth, and instead you were born into an alternate family. But you must believe me, the Griffins are your true destiny.
Entonces, que fue lo que previno que el hielo siguiera el mismo ritmo que había seguido en el pasado?So what prevented the ice from following the same rhythms that it always followed in the past?
Ese apoyo previno a la herida de salida de la expansión... Y el desgarro, pareciendo una herida de entrada.That support prevented the outer skin from expanding and tearing, more like an entrance wound.
La Oficial Parker siguió el procedimiento y previno un asesinato.Officer Parker followed procedure and prevented a murder.
La distorsion me previno de adivinar sobre el sucio atacador de Deanna, pero ahora Tengo una imagen claraIt was the distortion that prevented me from diving dirty Deanna's attacker, but now... now I have a clear image.
Millones de descendientes no tuvieron que afrontar horribles enfermedades y aún así la historia la historia nunca dijo nada los sufrimientos que Greene previno.Their millions of descendants would have endured horrible disease... yet history, history never says anything... about that suffering that Green prevented.
Puedo vivir con algunas susceptibilidades heridas si previnimos un perjuicio más serio.I can live with some hurt feelings if we've prevented more serious harm.
Vimos y previnimos delitos.We saw and prevented crimes.
Ellos previnieron accidentes asegurarandose de que los estudiantes no fueran descubiertos.They made sure the students wouldn't be discovered and prevented accidents.
Los volcanes fueron los que previnieron a la joven Tierra de cubrirse de hielo, y tan pronto la vida era capaz de sobrevivir.It was volcanoes that prevented the young Earth from freezing over, and so early life was able to survive.
Poco se ha dicho de aquellos que previnieron la tragedia aquí en Atlantic City.Little has been said about those who prevented the tragedy here in Atlantic City.
Sí, quiero decir, tal vez los moais de Isla de Pascua previnieron una catástrofe Hace 26.000 años,Yeah, I mean, maybe the Moai on Easter Island prevented a catastrophe 26,000 years ago?
Pero tú la prevendrás.But you will prevent it.
Así prevendrá el ser alterado en un futuro.It will prevent such tampering in the future.
Creaste un dispositivo que prevendrá un ataque devastador.You created a device that will prevent a devastating attack.
Es una vacuna que prevendrá una plaga en la ciudad.It's not pox, it's a vaccine that will prevent plague in this city. -What's that?
Este asimiento prevendrá cualquier movimiento de su cabeza.This grip will prevent any movement of your head.
Este prevendrá un embarazo.This will prevent pregnancy.
Estas píldoras cotienen hormonas que prevendrán cualquier posible embarazo.These pills contain hormones which will prevent any possible pregnancy.
Sus muertes prevendrán... millones de otras mas.All my men are dead. Their deaths will prevent millions of others.
El temor de Dios te prevendría de hacer una falsa confesió, your fear of God would prevent you from making a false confession.
Hace 100 años, tras la guerra, los fundadores crearon un sistema que pensaron prevendría las guerras y traería paz duradera.One hundred years ago, after the war, our founders created a system they believed would prevent future conflict and create lasting peace.
Que prevendría la remodelación.That would prevent remodeling.
Y, para mantener esa tradición, nos gustaría invitarle a lanzar un hechizo, uno que prevendría el uso de cualquier magia entre estas paredes.And, in keeping with that tradition, we'd like to invite you to cast a spell, one that would prevent the use of any magic within these walls.
"Es mejor para todo el mundo si en lugar de esperar que se produzca la progenitura degenerada para el crimen o permitirles morir de hambre por su imbecilidad que la sociedad lo prevenga en quienes son manifiestamente inhabilitados de continuar su estirpe."It is better for all the world if instead of waiting to execute "degenerate offspring for crime, "or to let them starve "for their imbecility, society can prevent those "who are manifestly
A menos que encuentres a alguien que pueda sintetizar un antídoto, que neutralice el trilsettum y prevenga la abstinencia.Unless you found someone who can synthesize an antidote, counteract the trilsettum and prevent withdrawal.
Confía en mí para que prevenga que al final... se convierta en una descerebrada pieza de hongo.He trusts me to prevent his end from becoming a mindless piece of mush. And I will.
Cuantos más crímenes prevenga, menos tenemos para resolver, todos ganan.The more crime he prevents, the less we have to solve, everyone's a winner.
Estoy a favor de cualquier cosa que prevenga la violencia innecesaria.I am in favor of anything that prevents unnecessary violence.
Te advertí de las estratagemas de Batiatus no como invitación pero con esperanza de que prevengas semejante estupidez y la retribucion de un valioso amigo te traeraI warned you of Batiatus' maneuverings not as invitation, but in hopes you would prevent such foolishness. And the retribution to valued friend that it would bring.
Te pido que lo prevengas.I am begging you to prevent this.
Sigan trabajando así y prevengan accidentes.Keep up the good work and prevent accidents.
¿No tienen esas plantas sistemas de seguridad que prevengan esa clase de accidentes?Don't plants have security systems to prevent breaches?
¿Es posible que tuviera un colapso psicológico... que le previniera de recordar... la forma en que la apuñaló...Is it possible that he had a psychological break that would have prevented him from remembering the manner in which he stabbed her
"Un ataque terrorista fue prevenido en Gare du Nord en París ayer."A terrorist attack was prevented at the Gare du Nord in Paris yesterday.
Así que la clave del asunto es si las heridas eran tratables, si la asistencia de emergencia podría haber prevenido o demorado la muerte.So the key issue is whether the wounds were treatable, whether emergency assistance could have prevented or delayed death.
Bueno, si esa es tu instancia, como podría haberse prevenido?Well, if that's your stance how could it have been prevented?
Cinco, quizá hasta hace dos años, se pudo haber prevenido.Five, even two years ago, it could've been prevented.
Cuando sucedan asesinatos que pudieras haber prevenido tus clases terminarán para siempre.When there's killing that you could've prevented, it will sour your classroom forever.
Te prevení sobre decir tu nombre.I prevented you from telling your name.
Ahora, este concejo es la única cosa que está previniendo una guerra civil.Right now this council is the only thing preventing a civil war.
El sugirio nuevas leyes que cortarian las alas de estos heroes disfrazados hacindo que todos colgaran sus mascaras y previniendo que practicaran su justicia vigilante de nuestras calles.His suggested new laws would effectively clip the wings of these costumed heroes making them hang up their masks and preventing them from practicing vigilante justice in our fair streets.
Estamos previniendo una guerra catastrófica.We're preventing a catastrophic war.
Estas previniendo un crimen, eso es lo que estas haciendo.You're preventing a crime, is what you're doing.
Esto es una respuesta a la agresión Anglo- Americana en el Norte de África francesa previniendo al enemigo de aterrizar en la costa del sur de Francia.This is a response to Anglo-American aggression in French North Africa preventing the enemy from landing on the southern coast of France.

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