Prometer (to promise) conjugation

126 examples

Conjugation of prometer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I promise
you promise
he/she/it promises
we promise
you all promise
they promise
Present perfect tense
he prometido
I have promised
has prometido
you have promised
ha prometido
he/she/it has promised
hemos prometido
we have promised
habéis prometido
you all have promised
han prometido
they have promised
Past preterite tense
I promised
you promised
he/she/it promised
we promised
you all promised
they promised
Future tense
I will promise
you will promise
he/she/it will promise
we will promise
you all will promise
they will promise
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would promise
you would promise
he/she/it would promise
we would promise
you all would promise
they would promise
Past imperfect tense
I used to promise
you used to promise
he/she/it used to promise
we used to promise
you all used to promise
they used to promise
Past perfect tense
había prometido
I had promised
habías prometido
you had promised
había prometido
he/she/it had promised
habíamos prometido
we had promised
habíais prometido
you all had promised
habían prometido
they had promised
Future perfect tense
habré prometido
I will have promised
habrás prometido
you will have promised
habrá prometido
he/she/it will have promised
habremos prometido
we will have promised
habréis prometido
you all will have promised
habrán prometido
they will have promised
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I promise
(if/so that) you promise
(if/so that) he/she/it promise
(if/so that) we promise
(if/so that) you all promise
(if/so that) they promise
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya prometido
I have promised
hayas prometido
you have promised
haya prometido
he/she/it has promised
hayamos prometido
we have promised
hayáis prometido
you all have promised
hayan prometido
they have promised
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have promised
(if/so that) you have promised
(if/so that) he/she/it have promised
(if/so that) we have promised
(if/so that) you all have promised
(if/so that) they have promised
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have promised
(if/so that) you have promised
(if/so that) he/she/it have promised
(if/so that) we have promised
(if/so that) you all have promised
(if/so that) they have promised
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera prometido
I had promised
hubieras prometido
you had promised
hubiera prometido
he/she/it had promised
hubiéramos prometido
we had promised
hubierais prometido
you all had promised
hubieran prometido
they had promised
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese prometido
I had promised
hubieses prometido
you had promised
hubiese prometido
he/she/it had promised
hubiésemos prometido
we had promised
hubieseis prometido
you all had promised
hubiesen prometido
they had promised
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have promised
(if/so that) you will have promised
(if/so that) he/she/it will have promised
(if/so that) we will have promised
(if/so that) you all will have promised
(if/so that) they will have promised
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere prometido
I will have promised
hubieres prometido
you will have promised
hubiere prometido
he/she/it will have promised
hubiéremos prometido
we will have promised
hubiereis prometido
you all will have promised
hubieren prometido
they will have promised
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's promise!
Imperative negative mood
no prometas
do not promise!
no prometa
let him/her/it promise!
no prometamos
let us not promise!
no prometáis
do not promise!
no prometan
do not promise!

Examples of prometer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Fitz tuvo que prometer que...- Fitz had to promise that...
- Me tienes que prometer...- You got to promise me...
- Pero si alguna vez lo tengo lo voy a llevar a la cabaña o se lo voy a prometer y luego no lo llevaré.- He does. But if I ever do, I'm either gonna take him to the cabin in the woods, or I'm going to promise to take him but then not take him.
- Sí. Bueno, entonces me tienes que prometer que serás un buen chico con papá mientras no estoy.Ok, well, then you need to promise that you're gonna be a good boy for daddy while I'm gone.
- Te permitiremos hacerlo, pero si no va bien te detendrás, y tienes que prometer que me escucharás.- We're gonna let you do this, But if it's not going right, you have to stop, And you have to promise me that you will listen to me.
! - Son rutinarias, lo prometo.- They're just routine, I promise you.
! Lo prometo!I promise!
" Esto que prometo."This I promise.
"... Te prometo que seré tu esclava siempre!"I promise to your slave forever!"
"... y te lo prometo que la historia tendrá un final hermoso. "I promise, that story will have a beautiful ending.'
"Hey giganton, ¿si te dejamos ir, prometes no destruir el pueblo?""Hey, gigantor, if we let you go, will you promise to spare the town?"
"Mañana, te prometes a ti mismo, ser diferente, aunque, mañana, con demasiada frecuencia es una repetición de hoy"."Tomorrow, you promise yourself, will be different, yet tomorrow is too often a repetition of today."
"Si prometes no herir a nadie, me guardaré esto en secreto.""If you promise not to hurt anyone, I will keep quiet about this."
"dormir en tus brazos, acurrucarte en mi cuerpo, así como prometes que me acurruque en el tuyo,"to sleep in your arms, to comfort you with my body, "just as you promise to comfort me with yours,
(LISA) Vuelve ... prometes?(LISA) You come back... promise?
! Lo promete!She promises!
"Al pie de mí hay un hombre que me promete tu perdón.A man who promises me your forgiveness is by my side.
"Bailarina francesa promete contar la verdad hoy. ""French dancer promises true story today".
"Bautiza a sus creyentes y les promete perdón por sus pecados, "celebra la oblación del pan, e incluye el símbolo de la resurrección.He baptizes his believers and promises forgiveness of sins... he celebrates the oblation of bread, and brings in the symbol of the resurrection.
"Doctor promete casarse con chica de sociedad,"Doctor promises to marry society girl,
" y ambos prometemos no acurrucarnos con otros el resto de la eternidad""and we both promise to comfort no others for the rest of eternity."
"Cada uno de nosotros pactamos y prometemos"We and each of us covenant and promise
"Les prometemos que transformaremos esta casa en un glorioso país de las maravillas para que una enorme y extensa familia disfrute unida perfectos y lánguidos días festivos."I promise you we will turn this house into a glorious wonderland for a huge extended family enjoying perfect, languid holidays together."
"Paul , por favor denos todos los detalles , y prometemos que trataremos tu chico bastante en la historia " ."Paul, please give us the inside scoop, and we promise we'll treat your guy fairly in the story."
"Y te prometemos que después del partido contra Nueva Jersey, vas a terminar la temporada en la NHL.""And we promise you after the game against New Jersey, "you're going to finish the season in the NHL."
- vosotros lo prometéis.- You promised.
- ¿Lo prometéis?You promise?
-¿Lo prometéis?- You guys promise?
? Lo prometéis?You all promise?
A medida que Thomas crezca, ¿Frankie, su madrina, y William, su padrino, prometéis cumplir con vuestros deberes?As Thomas grows in years, do you Frankie, as godmother, and you, William, as godfather, promise to fulfil these obligations?
"El Sr. Gilbert Norrell y el Sr. Strange prometen exponer el maravilloso estado actual de la magia inglesa, en toda su gloria moderna."Gilbert Norrell Esquire And Mr Strange promises to set out "the current wondrous state of English magic, "in all its modern glory.'
- A cada una le prometen algo distinto.They promise everyone something different.
- Aquí hay bellezas que prometen más belleza a más de un eunuco en su lecho de muerte.- Here are beauties which promise more beauty to more than one eunuch on his deathbed.
- Bien. Sigo desilusionándome con los que prometen mucho y se quedan en nada.I continue to be a little disappointed when those who show a shred of promise flee the fold.
- Bueno, si prometen irse a dormir.- Well, if they promise to go right up.
! Sólo estoy haciendo esto porque se lo prometí a mi hermana!I'm only doing this because I promised my sister.
"Amigos míos, les prometí una sorpresa...""My friends, I promised a surprise ..."
"Aquí te envío los $75 que prometí mandarte semanalmente"."Enclosed is the $75 "I promised to send you each week.
"Babylon 5," como te prometí.Babylon 5, as promised.
"El resto de la suma que te prometí está en mi escritorio."The balance of the sum I promised is in my desk.
! Le prometiste a Bonnie que...You promised Bonnie that...
! Lo prometiste!You have promised!
! ¡Me prometiste que te ibas a quedar en tu habitación!You promised me that you were going to stay in your room!
" Le prometiste a alguien, a cualquiera"You promised somebody, anybody
" Y tú me prometiste"And you promised me
" Que usted prometió... ""You promised..."
""Por respeto al poder de nuestros cañones... el Rey de Cebu desistió de cobrarle el impuesto... y le prometió a Magallanes abrazar la fe católica."Out of respect for our canons... the King of Cebu waived the tax... and promised Magellan he'd embrace the Catholic faith.
"Amelie me lo prometió "3 pelos del culete para hacer un tapete.' 'little MiIIy promised me ' 'three hairs from her bottle to knit a rug.
"Amelie me prometió "3 pelos del culete para hacer un tapete."' 'little MiIIy promised me three hairs from her bottle to knit a rug.' '
"Amélie me prometió tres pelos de su culete..."little MiIIy promised me three hairs from her bottle...
- Chicos, se lo prometimos a DaveGuys, we promised Dave.
- Como lo prometimos, Tony.- Just as promised, Tony.
- Como lo prometimos.As promised.
- Exactamente lo que prometimos.Exactly what we promised.
- La hora a la que prometimos reunirnos.- The time we promised.
- Lo prometisteis.- You promised.
Ahora no tengo tiempo para hablar con vosotros, y prometisteis no molestarme.l haven´t time to talk to you all now and you promised not to bother me.
Ahora, vosotros gente me prometisteis algo que no podéis entregar.Now you people promised me something that you cannot deliver.
Como heredero de Israel, me prometisteis... Los viñedos del Monte de los Olivos... hasta las fronteras de Efraín... pero le disteis el viñedo grande del camino de Gibeon a Absalón.You promised me, as the heir to Israel all the vineyards north of the Mount of Olives as far as the borders of Ephraim yet you have given the large vineyard on the Gibeon road to Absalom.
Cuando el rey se despidió, prometisteis deponer la nociva tristeza y adoptar un talante más alegre.You promised, when you parted with the King, To lay aside life-harming heaviness And entertain a cheerful disposition.
- Ellos me prometieron un nuevo mundo-They promised me a new world.
- Has como el pato de hule... nos prometieron una experiencia corporal completa.Make with the rub-a-dub. We were promised a sensual foot experience.
- Lo prometieron!- You promised!
- Lo prometieron.- They promised.
Pero te prometeré esto.But I will promise you this.
Pero te prometeré que no usaré ninguna que comprometa a tu equipo.But I will promise not to use any that compromise your team.
Te lo prometeré ahora.I will promise now.
Te prometeré esto.I will promise you this.
Y a cambio, prometerás detener esta estúpida campaña de volverme loca.And in return, you will promise to stop this stupid campaign to drive me crazy.
Y me prometerás todo eso.And thou will promise me all these.
- El ministro Trezza te lo prometerá desde Roma.- Trezza will promise you in Rome.
Alguno prometerá un futuro.Someone will promise a future.
Bueno, porque a cambio usted prometerá ayudar a terminar esta locura en las calles y ayudar al Gobernador Hutchinson a restaurar la tranquilidad en Boston.Well, because in return, you will promise to help end this madness in the streets and help Governor Hutchinson restore sanity to Boston.
Es alguien que, si habla a un grupo de caníbales, les prometerá misioneros.This guy, if speaking to cannibals, will promise them missionaries.
Me habrían matado a mí. Pues Dios les ha dicho a los profetas, ""Llegará un Anticristo que prometerá paz pero sólo entregará un apocalipsis.""For God has said to the prophets, there will come an Anti-Christ that will promise peace but deliver only apocalypse.
¿Me prometeréis algo?You will promise me something?
Les prometería todo el cuadrante Alfa si pensara que ayudaría a ganar esta guerra.I would promise the Breen the entire Alpha Quadrant if I thought it would help win this war.
Lo prometería, pero sería muy difícil cumplirloI would promise, but keeping the promise will be difficult.
Pues, me pondría de rodillas y prometería... cambiar todo de mí para complacerte.Well, I would get down on my hands and knees... and I would promise to change everything about myselfto please you.
Y le prometería: "Nunca te voy a abandonar".And I would promise him, "I am never going to let go."
¿Qué si... todo lo que soñaste fuera ese mágico día cuando la persona que amabas prometería querer y proteger tu corazón por el resto de su vida, pero en lugar de eso, lo rompiera en mil pedazos?What if all you dreamed about was that magical day when the person you loved would promise to cherish your heart for the rest of his life, but instead he shatters it into a million jagged pieces?
Supongo que prometerías que ahí acabaría todo.And I suppose you would promise that this would be the end of it ?
"Que prometa expiar su culpa, que se confiese, que gima# Let her promise to atone Let her shiver, let her moan #
- Estarás muerto y enterrado antes de que te prometa eso.It'll be a cold day in hell before I promise you.
- Necesito que me prometa una cosa. - Claro.I need you to promise me one thing.
- No prometa eso.- Don't promise that.
- No prometa nada.- Don't promise anything.
"Solo te pido que prometas hacer lo único que a mí me resultó tan difícil hacer... perdonar."(David's voice) "All I ask is that you promise "to do the one thing that's been so hard for me to do... forgive."
- Con la condición de que me prometas algo.Providing you'II promise me one thing.
- Cuenta conmigo, pero necesito que me prometas algo.- Count me in, but I need you to promise me something.
- Kristina, quiero que me lo prometas.Kristina, I want your promise.! No!
- Mientras prometas no volver a decir tragos.As long as you promise never, everto saythe word "drinks" again. - Yes, then...
Cualquiera que sea la fecha que prometamos ... en esa fecha, a cualquier precio, hacemos la entrega.Number 4. Whatever date we promise... on that date, at whatever cost, we make the delivery.
Doy el primero de siete pasos contigo, mi futuro esposo para que nos queramos y prometamos crecer juntos en fuerza mental y espiritual.I take the first of seven steps with you, my husband-to-be... that we may cherish each other and promise that we will grow together... in mental and spiritual strength.
Frotemos nuestros dedos y prometamos guardar silencio.Let's just rub our fingers together and promise to keep quiet.
Nuestros niños se encerraron en el cuarto de Stan hasta que prometamos que las vacas serán libres.Our boys have locked themselves in Stan's room until we can promise them the calves will live free,
Oye, prometamos no dejar que la verdad se interponga entre nosotros de nuevoHey, let's promise to never let the truth come between us again.
Escuchad, voy a ver al juez Cullman, pero quiero que me prometáis algo.Now listen, I'm going to Judge Cullman's, but I want you to promise me something.
No os pido que me prometáis estar entre los 4 últimos, ni siquiera en los 5 últimos.I'm not asking you to promise me final four or even final five.
Quiero que me lo prometáis.Now I want you to promise me.
Quiero que me prometáis que, sin importar lo depresivos que lleguéis a estar, sin importar como de desesperados y solos os sintáis, intentaréis imaginar todas las maravillosas experiencias que tenéis por delante.I want you to promise me that, no matter how depressed you get, no matter how hopeless or alone you feel, you'll try your best to imagine all of the amazing experiences you have ahead of you.
-No me importa lo que Ulrich, o su gente hagan por ti, o prometan hacer por ti.I don't care what Ulrich and his people do for you or promise you. You can't trust them, Bill. None of us can ever trust them.
A mí no me prometan nada, prométanselo a doña Eulalia, que es a la que traen de un ala.But don't promise me anything, promise Doña Eulalia,... you've gotten on her nerves.
Ahora quiero que todos me prometan no más apuestasNow I want you all to promise me no more gambling.
Antes de continuar, necesito que los tres me prometan una cosa.Before we go any further, I need you three to promise me something.
Antes de irme, quiero que me prometan algo.Before I go, I want you to promise me something.
Puede que lo prometiera.I may have promised yesterday.
Entonces prometed que no le prestaréis vuestras tierras a Kancha.Then promise you won't loan your lands to Kancha.
Prometed que no más timos y prometed que si esto vale un millón, lo dividiremos.Promise no more grifting and promise, if this is worth a million, we'll split it.
Pues prometed amaros en lo mejor y en lo peor, hasta que la muerte u otra cosa tan deseable, os separe.So just promise to love one another for better or worse till death, or something equally attractive, do you part.
Y prometed que iréis al Toboso, y daréis noticia a la bella Dulcinea de mi hazaña.And promise me you'll go to the Toboso and will talk the beautiful Dulcinea about my heroic deed.
vamos a ser las campeonas que somos, y prometed no dejar que nada nos pare.Let's go be the champions that we are, and promise to let nothing stop us.
" Algo prometido"Something promised
" Recuerden Io que él ha prometido."Remember what he has promised.
""Como la mayoría de los chicos él está lleno de pecado, pero ha prometido"Like most boys he's full of sin, but he has promised to be good. "
"... Gobierno de Pakistán ha prometido cooperar completamente..."Pakistanian government has promised to quote fully cooperate..."
"... cuando le salieron sus hermosas patas traseras tal como el Gran Dios Ngong había prometido.MRS. FULLER: " the afternoon, when he had got his beautiful hind legs just as Big God Nqong had promised.
" Durante dos años he estado prometiendo que se case contigo el próximo mes."I have been promising to marry you since the past two years.
'Blair asumió el poder prometiendo enderezar la posición del país respecto de la pobreza.(TV) 'Blair came to power promising to redress Britain's position on poverty.
- He recibido llamadas de todos los directores prometiendo atrapar a este francotirador...I've received calls from every director I know promising to hunt down this sniper as if he'd killed one of their own.
- La leyenda sólo dice que se fue un día y voló hacia el cielo, prometiendo que enviaría a otro.- The legend only tells us that he left one day and flew back into the sky, promising he would send another.
- No, yo te estoy prometiendo.- No, I'm promising you.
Y como le prometé antes me buscará desde el piso de su parte de atrás.And as I promised you before you will look up at me from the flat of your back.
Me prometés?Do you promise?
Pero sólo me iré, si prometés no hacer estupideces con Antoine.But promise me not to do anything stupid with Antoine.
¿Me lo prometés?Can you promise?

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