Rechazar (to reject) conjugation

104 examples

Conjugation of rechazar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I reject
you reject
he/she/it rejects
we reject
you all reject
they reject
Present perfect tense
he rechazado
I have rejected
has rechazado
you have rejected
ha rechazado
he/she/it has rejected
hemos rechazado
we have rejected
habéis rechazado
you all have rejected
han rechazado
they have rejected
Past preterite tense
I rejected
you rejected
he/she/it rejected
we rejected
you all rejected
they rejected
Future tense
I will reject
you will reject
he/she/it will reject
we will reject
you all will reject
they will reject
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would reject
you would reject
he/she/it would reject
we would reject
you all would reject
they would reject
Past imperfect tense
I used to reject
you used to reject
he/she/it used to reject
we used to reject
you all used to reject
they used to reject
Past perfect tense
había rechazado
I had rejected
habías rechazado
you had rejected
había rechazado
he/she/it had rejected
habíamos rechazado
we had rejected
habíais rechazado
you all had rejected
habían rechazado
they had rejected
Future perfect tense
habré rechazado
I will have rejected
habrás rechazado
you will have rejected
habrá rechazado
he/she/it will have rejected
habremos rechazado
we will have rejected
habréis rechazado
you all will have rejected
habrán rechazado
they will have rejected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I reject
(if/so that) you reject
(if/so that) he/she/it reject
(if/so that) we reject
(if/so that) you all reject
(if/so that) they reject
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya rechazado
I have rejected
hayas rechazado
you have rejected
haya rechazado
he/she/it has rejected
hayamos rechazado
we have rejected
hayáis rechazado
you all have rejected
hayan rechazado
they have rejected
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have rejected
(if/so that) you have rejected
(if/so that) he/she/it have rejected
(if/so that) we have rejected
(if/so that) you all have rejected
(if/so that) they have rejected
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have rejected
(if/so that) you have rejected
(if/so that) he/she/it have rejected
(if/so that) we have rejected
(if/so that) you all have rejected
(if/so that) they have rejected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera rechazado
I had rejected
hubieras rechazado
you had rejected
hubiera rechazado
he/she/it had rejected
hubiéramos rechazado
we had rejected
hubierais rechazado
you all had rejected
hubieran rechazado
they had rejected
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese rechazado
I had rejected
hubieses rechazado
you had rejected
hubiese rechazado
he/she/it had rejected
hubiésemos rechazado
we had rejected
hubieseis rechazado
you all had rejected
hubiesen rechazado
they had rejected
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have rejected
(if/so that) you will have rejected
(if/so that) he/she/it will have rejected
(if/so that) we will have rejected
(if/so that) you all will have rejected
(if/so that) they will have rejected
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere rechazado
I will have rejected
hubieres rechazado
you will have rejected
hubiere rechazado
he/she/it will have rejected
hubiéremos rechazado
we will have rejected
hubiereis rechazado
you all will have rejected
hubieren rechazado
they will have rejected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's reject!
Imperative negative mood
no rechaces
do not reject!
no rechace
let him/her/it reject!
no rechacemos
let us not reject!
no rechacéis
do not reject!
no rechacen
do not reject!

Examples of rechazar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Estimada Srta. Summers, lamentamos rechazar su peticion de readmisión a la UCSD."Dear Ms Summers, we are sorry to reject..."
"ÉI no tiene valor ni para proponer ni para rechazar una proposición.""He lacks the courage to propose and also to reject a proposition."
- Hemos votado para rechazar su solicitud de financiación.- We voted to reject your application for funding.
- La única razón... para rechazar ese cheque es si piensas que dañará a tu campaña.The only reason to reject that check is if you think it'll hurt your campaign.
- No hay nada que rechazar!- There is nothing to reject.
"Artículo primero, por medio de su solicitud un socio puede reconsiderar unilateralmente el rechazo de un abogado sénior como socio"."a named partner may unilaterally reconsider" "the rejection of a senior associate for partnership." Did you get all that?
"Con rechazo y con aceptación""With rejection, with acceptance"
"Eso o mi cuerpo rechazo al nuevo hígado."Or I rejected my new liver.
"Hola, me intimida la posibilidad del rechazo pero a mi secretaria no.Hi. I'm intimidated by the possibility of rejection.
- Oh, genial, primero me usas, después me rechazas, ¿y ahora me insultas?Oh, nice. First, you use me, Then you reject me, and now you're insulting me?
- Pero si rechazas mi oferta...But if you reject my offer ...
- Pobre Camille estamos perdidos y rechazas la salvación.You find out we're doomed yet reject your salvation.
- Qué, rechazas?- What, rejected?
- Yo, que te amo. - Y tú que me rechazas.- I who love you - and you who reject me
"Por lo tanto, quien rechace esta instrucción no está rechazando a al hombre, sino que rechaza a Dios. ""Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man, but God."
"Vamos, por la tarde vamos a pasear. Hace un buen día". Pero él lo rechaza siempre.I'll say, "Let's go for a walk this afternoon, today is a lovely day", but he rejects it every time... because he says, "no", he says to me, "No Mama, I won't go with you... because you get yourself much too upset".
"Y ahora la rechaza sin razón alguna"."And he rejects her without a valid reason.
- De perfil significa que lo rechaza.- From the profile, it means that she rejects him.
- Espera un momento, ¿quién en el mundo rechaza a una chica porque no le gusta la película?Wait a minute, who in the world rejects a girl because she doesn't like a movie?
- ¿Y si rechazamos la idea?What if we reject the idea?
... nosotros rechazamos terminantemente todo intento de fiscalización, todo intento de inspección de nuestro país.We definitely reject any intention of inquiry, any intention of inspecting our country.
A nombre de Sierra Casino, rechazamos su carta de cesar y desistir.On behalf of Sierra Casino, we reject your cease-and-desist letter.
Al no ver la vida y la muerte como un todo nos apegamos a la vida y rechazamos y negamos la muerte.As we don't look at life and death as a whole we become attached to life and reject and deny death.
Así que rechazamos este trato.So we reject this deal, guy.
Heathcliff, ¿rechazáis a Satanás?Heathcliff, do you reject Satan?
La Iglesia os abre sus brazos... pero si los rechazáis, la Iglesia os abandonará... y estaréis sola...The Church opens its arms to you. If you reject it, the Church will abandon you and you will be alone... alone!
No me diréis que sois también vos del partido de los innovadores, y que rechazáis todo tipo de filosofía.You're not telling me that you too belong to the innovators, and reject all kinds of philosophy.
Pero incluso así, me rechazáis.And yet, you reject me.
Pero, no comprendo... Si rechazáis su ciencia ¿Por qué nunca rechazáis la filosofía?but I don't understand... if you reject his science, why ever do you diffuse the philosophy?
"Malditas las que rechazan a sus maridos"".Angels curse women who reject their husbands.
"Tanto el Führer como el Comisario del Reich, Koch, "rechazan una Ucrania independiente.Both the Fuhrer and Reich Commissar Koch reject an independent Ukraine.
# Con mi pandilla de revoltosos # # que rechazan el éxito # # mi dama # # con tu sonrisa silenciosa y tu éxtasis violento # # juegas con mi cabeza # # y desarmas mi cama #♪ with my gang of hecklers ♪ ♪ success-rejectors ♪ ♪ milady ♪
- Cuando rechazan la cirugía le gusta forzarla.- When she's rejected from surgery she likes to force the issue.
- ¿Todos nos rechazan?Is everyone rejecting us? No, Fu Yien.
"rechacé a mujeres jóvenes y atractivas que podría haber amado"rejected attractive young women I might have come to love
- Al principio lo rechacé.- At first I rejected it.
- Me escupió en la cara cuando le rechacé.~ When I rejected him he spat in my face.
Al Centro Kennedy irá toda la gente que rechacé.The Kennedy Center's gonna be packed with people I rejected.
Bien, ¿no vas a decirme nada porque te rechacé como mentor?Oh, okay, you're not going to say anything to me because I rejected you as a mentor?
- Bien. Y lo rechazaste, ¿no?And you rejected him, of course.
- Lo rechazaste!- You rejected him!
- Los rechazaste a todos.- You rejected every one of them.
- Soy más fuerte que todas las que rechazaste.I'm stronger than all those you rejected.
- Ya oíste y rechazaste mi historia.Well, you already heard and rejected my theory.
"Cuando él rechazó sus avances, ella lo acusó de violación"."When he rejected her advances, she accused him of rape."
"Me contacté con él, pero me rechazó en forma descortés,""I got in touch with him, but he rejected me curtly,"
"Parece improbable para este joven volver a casa su madre lo rechazó para seguir con su estilo de vida.""It seems unlikely for this child to return home his mother having rejected him for her own lifestyle."
"Pero Anna rechazó el Acuerdo de Paz."'But Anna rejected the Peace Accord.'
- Bueno, me rechazó.- Well, she rejected me.
Cuando la rechazasteis la metí en un cajón y ahí sigue.Me? When you rejected it I locked it in a drawer.
Es verdad, me rechazasteis.Ah, that's right, you rejected me.
- - Ellos me rechazaron . -- They rejected me.
- Creo que lo rechazaron, señor.- I believe you just got rejected, sir.
- Lo rechazaron.- They rejected it.
- No, le rechazaron.- No, they rejected him.
- Si, pero se rechazaron por defectuosas.- Yes, faulty prints, thus rejected.
¿Lo rechazarás por no pagarte?What will reject not pay you?
- Entonces la princesa de Galilea... rechazará tu petición.Then the princess of Galilee will reject your petition.
- Una cosa es segura. No sabemos si lo rechazará a él, pero sí que nos rechazará a nosotros.Neelix, one thing's for sure... whether the mother rejects it or not, she will reject you and me.
El congreso rechazará su primer presupuesto... a menos que el de Bartlet sea tan incendiario.... ...que el suyo pueda parecer razonable y mesurado.Congress will reject your first budget unless the Bartlet version is so inflammatory, yours can't help but look reasoned and measured.
En este caso específico creo que significa que instintivamente la gente rechazará la idea de que lo negro es blanco.In this particular instance, I... I think it means that instinctively people will reject the notion that black is white.
Francisco rechazará la profecía como una superstición.Francis will reject the prophecy as superstition.
Le rechazaremos también.We will reject him too.
Aunque pudiera conseguirme otro, el nuevo simbionte me rechazaría.Even if I could procure another, the new symbiote would reject me.
El Ejército de Salvación rechazaría este armario entero.The salvation army would reject this entire closet.
El cuerpo lo rechazaría una segunda vez.Body would reject it a second time.
En los próximos días, rechazaría el consejo de tales hombres mayores hombres como Paul Nitze, Dean Acheson e incluso Dwight EisenhowerIn the coming days, he would reject the advice of such older men as well as Paul Nitze, Dean Acheson and even Dwight Eisenhower
Lemaitre estudió las teorías de Einstein durante los años 20 y propuso una idea radical una que incluso el gran Einstein rechazaría él dijo que el Universo no era estático sino que en realidad estaba en expansión.Lemaitre studied the Einsein's theories during 1920's and proposed a radical idea One even the great Einstein would reject, he said the Universe wasn't static but was actually expanding.
Bueno, técnicamente, tú rechazarías el corazón.Well, technically, you would reject the heart.
Entiendo por qué me rechazarías, dado nuestro pasado en la verdad, muchos de nosotros se han visto perjudicados en el conflicto con los tratados que mi hermano terminó.I understand why you would reject me, given our past in truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brother's treaty ended.
La única razón por la que rechazarías esa oferta es si tuvieras un novio secreto.Aha! The only reason you would reject that offer is if you had a secret boyfriend.
La mayoría de depósitos de chatarra los rechazarían.Most scrapyards would reject them.
Puede que sea consciente de que sus víctimas le rechazarían en circunstancias normales.He may be aware that his victims would reject him under normal circumstances.
"Por lo tanto, quien rechace esta instrucción no está rechazando a al hombre, sino que rechaza a Dios. ""Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man, but God."
- No es una causa que rechace.It's not the cause I reject.
- Pero el Presidente... convenció al jefe de la familia real, el príncipe Tharoor... para que rechace la oferta de Dunsmore y le propuso en cambio un tratado... que protegerá permanentemente las tierras como una reserva de animales.- But the president has convinced the head of the royal family, Prince Tharoor... to reject the Dunsmore offer, and instead has proposed a treaty that would permanently protect the land as an animal preserve.
- Por favor, no me rechace. - Pero...Please, Captain, don't you reject me, too.
A no ser que encuentre a alguien que su padre no rechace y que el Quórum acepte. Alguien que ocupe el lugar de Tom Zarek hasta que haya nuevas elecciones.Unless you can find someone else, someone your father won't reject, someone the quorum would approve of, someone to take Tom Zarek's place as interim president until the next round of elections.
- No me rechaces.- Don't reject me.
Antes de que lo rechaces, escucha.Wait. Before you reject this, just listen. I think it would be good for you.
Antes de que rechaces mi rama de aceitunas que solo es pizza con aceitunas,dejame explicarteBefore you reject my olive branch, which is pizza with olives, let me explain.
Aun así, no rechaces a los hombres antes de siquiera conocerlos.Still, don't reject guys before you even meet them.
Aunque lo rechaces.Even though you've rejected him.
Así que yo digo que rechacemos la aceptaciónSo I say reject acceptance
Crees que por hacerte la difícil y rechazarnos antes de que te rechacemos, puedes protegerte.You think that by acting tough and rejecting us before we reject you that you can protect yourself.
Creo que se esconde en sí misma porque tiene miedo a que la rechacemos.I think she hides inside of herself because she's so afraid we'II reject her.
Espera que rechacemos su petición.He's expecting us to reject his request.
Se están escondiendo en su pequeño, diminuto y oscuro armario, tienen miedo de salir, miedo de que las rechacemos.They're hiding in this teeny, tiny, dark, little closet, afraid to come out, afraid we'll reject them.
El hecho de que rechacéis el simbionte Goa'uld nos podría ser muy útil.The fact that you reject the Goa'uld symbiote could be valuable to us.
"Aquellos que rechacen nuestra fe y nieguen nuestros signos seran compañeros del fuego del infierno""Those who reject our faith and deny our signs shall be companions of hellfire."
- No te gusta que te rechacen, ¿verdad?- You don't like rejection, do you, Jeremy?
- Podrías hacer que lo rechacen.You can have them rejected him. Absolutely not.
-Lo peor que puede pasar es que te rechacen- The worst is you'll get rejected.
A nadie le gusta que le rechacen y nunca será fácil, hasta que puedas beber.Nobody likes to be rejected and it never gets easier, until you can drink.
"...ha sido rechazado por el gobierno sin apenas debate"." was rejected by the Government with scarcely even a discussion."
"Apenas se presenta enseguida es rechazado."As soon as he tries, he is rejected.
"Despreciado y rechazado por todos..."Despised and rejected by all...
"Doncella, mira aquí al niño que perecerá miserablemente sin ti, como un deshonrado y rechazado vástago de bruja.""Here, maiden, see the child who will miserably perish as a dishonorable, rejected witch's offspring without you."
"Lamentamos informarle que ha sido rechazado del ingreso a la universidad".Hm, hm. "We regret to inform you that you have been rejected from college university."
"La princesa 299 sigue rechazando todo intento de transformación."Princess 299 is still rejecting all attempts at transformation.
"No deshonres tu banquete rechazando lo que en él se dispone.""Don't dishonor your feast by rejecting what's come to it"
"Pero terminarás rechazando la felicidad de la vida.""But you'll end up rejecting the happiness of life."
"Por lo tanto, rechazando toda falsedad, dejad que todos se regocijen en la verdad con sus hermanos.""Therefore, rejecting all falsity, let everyone rejoice in the truth with his brothers."
- La razón por la que renuncié a ti... y la razón por la que volví a hacerte dudar... y la razón por la que te estoy rechazando después de eso.- What? - The reason why I gave you up back then, and the reason that I shook you up again, and the reason why I'm rejecting you like this after I did that.

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