Redimirse (to redeem himself) conjugation

7 examples

Conjugation of redimirse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me redimo
I redeem himself
te redimes
you redeem himself
se redime
he/she/it redeems himself
nos redimimos
we redeem himself
os redimís
you all redeem himself
se redimen
they redeem himself
Present perfect tense
he redimido
I have redeemed himself
has redimido
you have redeemed himself
ha redimido
he/she/it has redeemed himself
hemos redimido
we have redeemed himself
habéis redimido
you all have redeemed himself
han redimido
they have redeemed himself
Past preterite tense
me redimí
I redeemed himself
te redimiste
you redeemed himself
se redimió
he/she/it redeemed himself
nos redimimos
we redeemed himself
os redimisteis
you all redeemed himself
se redimieron
they redeemed himself
Future tense
me redimiré
I will redeem himself
te redimirás
you will redeem himself
se redimirá
he/she/it will redeem himself
nos redimiremos
we will redeem himself
os redimiréis
you all will redeem himself
se redimirán
they will redeem himself
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me redimiría
I would redeem himself
te redimirías
you would redeem himself
se redimiría
he/she/it would redeem himself
nos redimiríamos
we would redeem himself
os redimiríais
you all would redeem himself
se redimirían
they would redeem himself
Past imperfect tense
me redimía
I used to redeem himself
te redimías
you used to redeem himself
se redimía
he/she/it used to redeem himself
nos redimíamos
we used to redeem himself
os redimíais
you all used to redeem himself
se redimían
they used to redeem himself
Past perfect tense
había redimido
I had redeemed himself
habías redimido
you had redeemed himself
había redimido
he/she/it had redeemed himself
habíamos redimido
we had redeemed himself
habíais redimido
you all had redeemed himself
habían redimido
they had redeemed himself
Future perfect tense
habré redimido
I will have redeemed himself
habrás redimido
you will have redeemed himself
habrá redimido
he/she/it will have redeemed himself
habremos redimido
we will have redeemed himself
habréis redimido
you all will have redeemed himself
habrán redimido
they will have redeemed himself
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me redima
(if/so that) I redeem himself
te redimas
(if/so that) you redeem himself
se redima
(if/so that) he/she/it redeem himself
nos redimamos
(if/so that) we redeem himself
os redimáis
(if/so that) you all redeem himself
se rediman
(if/so that) they redeem himself
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya redimido
I have redeemed himself
hayas redimido
you have redeemed himself
haya redimido
he/she/it has redeemed himself
hayamos redimido
we have redeemed himself
hayáis redimido
you all have redeemed himself
hayan redimido
they have redeemed himself
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me redimiera
(if/so that) I have redeemed himself
te redimieras
(if/so that) you have redeemed himself
se redimiera
(if/so that) he/she/it have redeemed himself
nos redimiéramos
(if/so that) we have redeemed himself
os redimierais
(if/so that) you all have redeemed himself
se redimieran
(if/so that) they have redeemed himself
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me redimiese
(if/so that) I have redeemed himself
te redimieses
(if/so that) you have redeemed himself
se redimiese
(if/so that) he/she/it have redeemed himself
nos redimiésemos
(if/so that) we have redeemed himself
os redimieseis
(if/so that) you all have redeemed himself
se redimiesen
(if/so that) they have redeemed himself
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera redimido
I had redeemed himself
hubieras redimido
you had redeemed himself
hubiera redimido
he/she/it had redeemed himself
hubiéramos redimido
we had redeemed himself
hubierais redimido
you all had redeemed himself
hubieran redimido
they had redeemed himself
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese redimido
I had redeemed himself
hubieses redimido
you had redeemed himself
hubiese redimido
he/she/it had redeemed himself
hubiésemos redimido
we had redeemed himself
hubieseis redimido
you all had redeemed himself
hubiesen redimido
they had redeemed himself
Future subjunctive tense
me redimiere
(if/so that) I will have redeemed himself
te redimieres
(if/so that) you will have redeemed himself
se redimiere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have redeemed himself
nos redimiéremos
(if/so that) we will have redeemed himself
os redimiereis
(if/so that) you all will have redeemed himself
se redimieren
(if/so that) they will have redeemed himself
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere redimido
I will have redeemed himself
hubieres redimido
you will have redeemed himself
hubiere redimido
he/she/it will have redeemed himself
hubiéremos redimido
we will have redeemed himself
hubiereis redimido
you all will have redeemed himself
hubieren redimido
they will have redeemed himself
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
redeem himself!
redeem himself!
let's redeem himself!
redeem himself!
redeem himself!
Imperative negative mood
no te redimas
do not redeem himself!
no se redima
let him/her/it redeem himself!
no nos redimamos
let us not redeem himself!
no os redimáis
do not redeem himself!
no se rediman
do not redeem himself!

Examples of redimirse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Porque él quería redimirse.He wanted to redeem himself.
A la mañana siguiente, desesperado por redimirse,The next morning, desperate to redeem himself,
Así que Jesse vino con este plan para redimirse ante tus ojos.So Jesse came up with this plan to redeem himself in your eyes.
Aunque sabía que no ibamos a volver juntos seguía queriendo redimirse.Even though he knew we weren't gonna get back together, he still wanted to redeem himself.
Cuando se despierte un día llegando al suelo con los dos puños, tomará su cabeza entre las manos maldiciendo en voz alta su vida despreciable, dispuesto a redimirse y soportar tormentos para expiar su vergüenza.when he wakes up someday, hits the ground with his fists, takes his head in his hands, curses aloud his despicable life, ready to redeem himself, and to endure torments to atone for his shame.
Se ha redimido.He redeemed himself.
Si lo hizo, entonces claro, estoy contenta pero no se ha redimido, ¿no? Bien.I mean, if he did, then of course I'm glad, but, I mean, he hasn't redeemed himself, has he?

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