Respetar (to respect) conjugation

140 examples

Conjugation of respetar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I respect
you respect
he/she/it respects
we respect
you all respect
they respect
Present perfect tense
he respetado
I have respected
has respetado
you have respected
ha respetado
he/she/it has respected
hemos respetado
we have respected
habéis respetado
you all have respected
han respetado
they have respected
Past preterite tense
I respected
you respected
he/she/it respected
we respected
you all respected
they respected
Future tense
I will respect
you will respect
he/she/it will respect
we will respect
you all will respect
they will respect
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would respect
you would respect
he/she/it would respect
we would respect
you all would respect
they would respect
Past imperfect tense
I used to respect
you used to respect
he/she/it used to respect
we used to respect
you all used to respect
they used to respect
Past perfect tense
había respetado
I had respected
habías respetado
you had respected
había respetado
he/she/it had respected
habíamos respetado
we had respected
habíais respetado
you all had respected
habían respetado
they had respected
Future perfect tense
habré respetado
I will have respected
habrás respetado
you will have respected
habrá respetado
he/she/it will have respected
habremos respetado
we will have respected
habréis respetado
you all will have respected
habrán respetado
they will have respected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I respect
(if/so that) you respect
(if/so that) he/she/it respect
(if/so that) we respect
(if/so that) you all respect
(if/so that) they respect
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya respetado
I have respected
hayas respetado
you have respected
haya respetado
he/she/it has respected
hayamos respetado
we have respected
hayáis respetado
you all have respected
hayan respetado
they have respected
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have respected
(if/so that) you have respected
(if/so that) he/she/it have respected
(if/so that) we have respected
(if/so that) you all have respected
(if/so that) they have respected
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have respected
(if/so that) you have respected
(if/so that) he/she/it have respected
(if/so that) we have respected
(if/so that) you all have respected
(if/so that) they have respected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera respetado
I had respected
hubieras respetado
you had respected
hubiera respetado
he/she/it had respected
hubiéramos respetado
we had respected
hubierais respetado
you all had respected
hubieran respetado
they had respected
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese respetado
I had respected
hubieses respetado
you had respected
hubiese respetado
he/she/it had respected
hubiésemos respetado
we had respected
hubieseis respetado
you all had respected
hubiesen respetado
they had respected
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have respected
(if/so that) you will have respected
(if/so that) he/she/it will have respected
(if/so that) we will have respected
(if/so that) you all will have respected
(if/so that) they will have respected
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere respetado
I will have respected
hubieres respetado
you will have respected
hubiere respetado
he/she/it will have respected
hubiéremos respetado
we will have respected
hubiereis respetado
you all will have respected
hubieren respetado
they will have respected
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's respect!
Imperative negative mood
no respetes
do not respect!
no respete
let him/her/it respect!
no respetemos
let us not respect!
no respetéis
do not respect!
no respeten
do not respect!

Examples of respetar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Por que su hijo tomó la decisión de no hacerlo, Y tenía que respetar eso.Because your son made a choice not to, and I had to respect that.
"Como agente de la ley, mi deber fundamental es vidas de salvaguardia y los bienes, para proteger a los inocentes contra el engaño, la pacífica contra la violencia, o desorden, y respetar los derechos constitucionales(whispering) "As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to safeguard lives and property, to protect the innocent against deception, the peaceful against violence, or disorder, and to respect the constitutional rights
"Haré mi mejor esfuerzo para ser honesta y justa, amable y atenta, valiente y fuerte, y responsable de lo que digo y hago, y respetarme a mí misma y a otros, respetar la autoridad,"I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what I say and do, and to respect myself and others, respect authority, use resources wisely,
"Si vamos a tener cualquier aspecto, que va a ser por los combates son manera de respetar."if we're gonna get any respect, it's going to be by fighting are way to respect.
"Tienes que respetar mis limites, Sam."You need to respect my boundaries, Sam.
! - ¡Más respeto!-Show us some respect.
! - ¡Yo te respeto, tío!- I do respect you bro!
! EI colmo del respeto!The pinnacle of respect!
! Exijo respeto!I demand respect.
! Pero en su religión, no hay respeto para nadie!But your religion has no respect for others.
"Como es que no me respetas?"How come you can't respect me?
"Me amas, me respetas.“You love me. You respect me.
"Me respetas." La firma de un artista.'You respect me." The signature of an artist.
"Si no te respetas a ti mismo a los otros menos aún".If you don't respect me, at least show respect for others.
, son asombrosas respetas a tus modelos eso se notaIt's amazing! You respect your subjects. It shows.
"El Presidente aprecia su largo período de servicio, respeta su derecho a disentir,... - ...y le echará de menos." - Suenas muy cursi."The president appreciates his long service, respects his right to differ and he will be missed. " You look spiffy.
"El Presidente no cree que haya que revisar el borrador y no tiene intención de hacerlo pero respeta el liderazgo del Director Richardson... ..y estará encantado de oír lo que tenga que decir en un debate."The president does not think we should reinstate the draft nor does he intend to do so but he respects Chairman Richardson as a leader and is eager to hear what he has to say and to engage in thorough debate."
"Idiotos" respeta la raíz latina y es preferible."Doufi" respects the Latin root and is preferred.
"Julie, te amo" ella va a sonreír incómodamente y dirá que quiere ser mi amiga que le agrado y me respeta y se siente halagada. Y querré suicidarme.She's gonna smile awkwardly at me and say that she wants to be my dear friend she likes me and respects me and that she's flattered and I'll just want to kill myself.
"deja el suelo limpio", y "respeta el medioambiente", eran publicidad falsa."biodegradable," "leaves the soil clean," and "respects the environment" were "false advertising".
"Los vascos decidirán su destino, y respetamos lo que decida el pueblo vasco"."The Basques will decide their future and we will respect what the Basque people decide".
"Por supuesto que no, porque Gary nunca haría eso, porque yo veté el Golf", y el veto es la única cosa que ambos respetamos, Gary."because Gary would never do that because I vetoed golf," and veto is the one thing that we both respect, Gary.
"Respeta... sotros respetamos al público, entonces por qué el púb o nos respeta?" Y no era todo el mundo, pero una o dos o diez personas con esa actitud arruinaban todo."Darn, respect us... We respect the audience, so why don't they respect us?" And it's not everybody, but one or two or ten people with this aptitude that spoiled everything.
*Nos respetamos mutuamente*[New wave music] both: ♪ We've got respect For each other ♪
, ese es nuestro problema... si no respetamos a nuestras hermanas, ¿quien lo hará?See, that's our problem. If we don't respect our sisters, who will?
Es obvio que no respetáis el código de conducta de esta universidad.It's obvious that you don't respect the code of conduct of this college.
Me han dicho que en el Sur respetáis los derechos humanos. Supongo que no se aplica a las mujeres.I heard the South respects human rights, I guess it doesn't apply to women
Nadie envidiará vuestro futuro si ni siquiera respetáis la memoria de vuestro esposo.No one will envy your future if you don't respect the memory of your husband. He wanted Fernando to reign.
O estáis conmigo y me respetáis o ya os podéis largar.Either you're with me and respect me, or you can clear off.
O estáis conmigo y me respetáis, o ya os podéis largar.Either you're with me and respect me, or you can clear off.
"Hombres que no respetan la ley y la desprecian con impunidad"."Men who have no respect for the law and who flout it with impunity."
"Lavado en seco" es la única etiqueta que los humanos respetan.'Dry clean only' is definitely the only warning label that human beings actually respect.
"Los hombres respetan los límites". Prefiero mujeres sin límites."Men respect standards, get some." I prefer my women not to have standards.
"Trastévere es tuya". En esta banda no hay capos y entre iguales, las decisiones se respetan.This gang doesn't have a boss, and as equals we respect decisions taken.
"Usted no respetan los contratos de la Unión, que los explotan. ""You don't respect Union contracts, you exploit them."
"Querida Sra. Cabot, conocí y respeté a su esposo durante 30 años"."Dear Mrs. Cabot, "I knew and respected your husband for 30 years..."
- Lo respeté.I respected him.
- Te amé y te respeté.I loved, and respected you.
- Yo siempre respeté a los profesores,- I always respected teachers,
Aunque no me caías bien, siempre te respeté.I-I may not have liked you, but I always respected what you were.
Aunque esta prohibición era ridícula... Lo más importante para mi fue que la respetaste.You know, even though the ban was ridiculous, the most important thing to me is that you respected it, you know?
El territorio de la misión es neutral, siempre lo respetaste.Mission territory is neutral, you've always respected it.
Jamás me respetaste.You never respected me.
Lo respetaste, pero...You respected that, but...
Ni siquiera respetaste eso.Not even you've respected.
- No sé, Dastan. Tal vez nunca te respetó como lo merecías y solo vio en ti alguien a quien podía influir.I can't say Dastan, perhaps he never respected you as you deserve, and he saw you as someone he could use.
- Saben, la respetó.You know, he respected it.
- Él me respetó.He respected me.
Ahora, Ud. respetó mis razones en el pasado, Agente Scully.Now, you respected my reasons in the past, Agent Scully.
Así que respetó la casa.So he respected the house.
'El señor Manning quisiera agradecer también a los miembros de la prensa quienes respetaron su privacidad. 'a el hogar de su familia.'Mr Manning would like to thank members of the press who respected his privacy 'around and about the family home.
Afortunadamente todos los demás respetaron la cuarentena y solo había un puñado de personas allí.Everyone else respected the quarantine. There were only a few people.
Ambas partes sabían que estaba mintiendo, obviamente, pero no importó porque sabían que me había humillado absolutamente, y al final del día, lo respetaron.I mean, both parties knew that I was lying, obviously, but it didn't matter because they knew that I had utterly humiliated myself, and at the end of the day, they respected that. I'm sorry;
Aparentemente, las comunidades... nativas de Alaska siempre respetaron... la línea divisoria entre los osos y los humanos...The line between bear and human has apparently always been respected by the native communities of Alaska.
Cada una más bonito que la siguiente y todas me quisieron y respetaron hicieron un lío grande por mí, y tú....Each one prettier than the next and they all loved and respected me they made a great fuss over me, and you...
-...que respetaré la inocencia de Rosa, la hija de Rosario delle Rose.That I will respect the innocence... Of the daughter Rosa of Rosario Delle Rose.
...te respetaré cuando empieces a respetarte tú.I will respect you when you start to respect yourself.
A diferencia del Sr. Burns, los respetaré, obreros vagos porque todos somos iguales.Unlike Mr. Burns, I will respect you, the working-class slob because we are all equals.
Ahora, como cliente nuestro, respetaré sus deseos pero en cuanto al destino de este clon hablaré con nuestro primer ministro, Lama Su.Now, as a client of ours, I will respect your wishes, but as to the fate of this clone, I will speak to our Prime Minister, Lama Su.
Ahora, yo sé... que una mujer en tu estado es muy delicada... y respetaré eso.Now, i know that a woman in your situation is very delicate, and i will respect that.
- Doctor, ésta es mi ciudad respetarás mi autoridad.- Doctor, this is my township. SOLOMON". You will respect my authority.
- ¡Me respetarás!- You will respect me!
El tipo de padre que algún día respetarás.The kind of father that you will respect someday.
En casa, en la escuela en el trabajo, en la calle respetarás la autoridad y obedecerás las reglas, como todo el mundo!At home, at school at work, in the street you will respect authority and you will obey the rules, just like everybody else!
Eso significa que te transformarás en el almacén, respetarás la privacidad de la gente e irás arriba y limpiarás tus cosas.That means you will change in the storage unit, you will respect people's privacy and you'll go upstairs and you'll tidy up your stuff.
- ¡O no lo respetará nadie!Or nobody will respect him!
Afortunadamente, tu padre nos respetará por haber ido nosotros mismos y por ser honestos y adultos sobre este tema.Hopefully, your dad will respect us for coming to him ourselves and being honest and adult about this.
Ann respetará eso.Ann will respect that.
Antes que comencemos, Sr. Branch, respetará el decoro de esta corte.Before we start, Mr. Branch, you will respect the decorum of this court.
Así la gente respetará el trono... y ese trono será más admirado... y se considerará más majestuoso que cualquier otro trono en la historia.Then the people will respect the throne, and that throne will be more admired and considered more majestic than any other throne in history.
Así es como está escrito, y lo respetaremos.This is how it is written, and we will respect it.
Estará a salvo porque respetaremos a un hombre de Dios, pero... respetaremos mucho más a un hombre de Dios con un arma.You should be safe - for we will respect a man of God - but... ..a man of God with a gun - we will respect even more.
Hablamos de Robert y le decimos que respetaremos su elección.We're talking about Robert, and we're telling him that we will respect his choice.
Le respetaremos.You will respect him.
Nosotros respetaremos sus deseos.We will respect your wishes.
A ti Te respetaránThey will respect you.
Al final te respetarán, pero al principio no puedes permitir el preocuparte por si les gustas o no.In the end, they will respect you, but to begin with, you can't let yourself worry whether they'll like you or not.
Alguien a quien mis nobles respetarán.Someone that my nobles will respect.
Ellos me respetaránThey will respect me well
Los llevaré, y me respetarán.I will call them in, and they will respect me.
"Le dije que quería esperar, que si me quería, respetaría que yo quisiera esperar."I told him I wanted to wait, "that if he loved me, he would respect that I wanted to wait.
Ella no me respetaría si fuera tan tonto.It would respect me more if I was as beast.
Entonces lo respetaría.Then I would respect that.
Eso sí que lo respetaría.Now that I would respect.
Estoy seguro que Gaius lo respetaría.I'm sure that Gaius himself would respect that.
Dijiste que respetarías su intimidad, así que quizás deberías simplemente dejarlo.You said you would respect her privacy, so maybe you should just drop it.
Si lo hiciera, pensarías que lo hice por miedo y no me respetarías; ...o por necesidad y seguirías sin respetarme; ...o que reconozco que tú también tenías tus razones y entonces aún me respetarías menos.If I did, you would think did it out of fear and you wouldn't respect me... otherwise. you'd think that accepted your reasons. and would respect me less
¡Me diste tu palabra de que respetarías las sagradas reglas de esta piscina municipal!You gave me your word that you would respect the sacred rules of this municipal pool!
Pensé que estaba claro que respetaríamos nuestro espacio... durante el periodo de separación.I thought that it was clearly that we would respect our space... during the period of separation.
A lo mejor sus hijos les respetarían más como hombre.Maybe his sons would respect him more as a man.
Alguien que otros respetarían por haber tenido una vida servicial y haber sido leal.Someone the others would respect... with a history of service and unchallenged loyalty.
Este pañuelo, y solo lo llevo porque Josephine lo hizo y pensé que quizá si yo fuera más como ella, entonces... entonces a lo mejor me respetarían.This choker scarf, and I only wore it because Josephine did and I thought that maybe if I were more like her, then... then maybe they would respect me.
Estoy segura de que respetarían mi vocación... y no me lastimarían.I'm sure they would respect my vocation... and do me no harm.
Tus compañeros respetarían tu valentía, pero ninguno querrá trabajar contigo, ¿de acuerdo?Your colleagues would respect your bravery, but no one will want to work with you, okay?
"Así que aunque ya no confie en ti o te respete... la verdad es... ""So even though I no longer trust or respect you, - the truth is... " - Abigail, wait!
"¿Cómo espera que se respete la causa soviética..."How can you expect the Soviet cause to gain respect...
- Esperamos que se respete nuestra casa.We hope that you will respect our home.
- Espero que me respete en la mañana.I hope you'll respect me in the morning.
- Esto es la cárcel, respete la ley.Have a little respect for the law.
"Es mejor que me respetes"."You damn well better respect me.
- Los sobrevivientes desearían que tú... respetes sus deseos.They buried David's clone instead. The survivors desired that you, respect their wishes.
- No hasta que respetes lo que digo.- Not until you respect what I have to say.
- Quiero que me respetes.- I want you to respect me.
- Quiero que respetes a tu madre nada más. ¿Es mucho pedir?- I want you to have a little respect for your mother, is that too much to ask?
, queriamos hablar Pero con esa actitud agresiva, como quieren que los respetemos?We were ready to talk, but with your attitude, how can we respect you?
Axl quiere ser recordado como un ciudadano modelo, respetemos eso.Axl wants to remain a law-abiding citizen, and we should respect that.
Bien, mirad, nada de esto es fácil, chicos, pero queríamos a alguien que conozcamos y respetemos y en quien confiemos.Ok, look, none of this is easy, you guys, but we just... we wanted someone that we knew and trusted and respected.
Bill quiere que respetemos lo que sientes.Bill wants us to respect your feelings.
Conforme, respetemos sus deseos, pero yo no soy tu padre.Agreed, we'll respect her wishes, but I'm not your father.
- Si, y espero que todas respetéis eso en esta casa.- Yes, and I do hope all of you will respect
Os pido que respetéis mi decisión.I'm asking that you respect my decision.
Os sugiero firmemente que respetéis a mi Canciller... o si no, llamaré a mis guardias.I strongly suggest that you respect my Chancellor or else I'll call my guards.
Pero también necesito que me respetéis.But I-I also really need you to respect me.
Que os respetéis y os cuidéis mutuamente. Ahora y siempre.May you respect and cherish each other... now and always.
"Agradecemos al pueblo de Maryland su apoyo y les pedimos que respeten nuestra intimidad en esta tragedia familiar.""We're grateful to the people of Maryland for their support "and ask them to respect our privacy as we handle this family tragedy."
"Debes enseñarle a los muchachos a que te respeten, hijo"."You must teach the boys to show you more respect, my son. "
"El detective Wagenbach necesita desesperadamente que lo respeten."Detective Wagenbach. Craves respect.
"Les pedimos que respeten nuestra intimidad, y la de Matthew..."We ask that you respect our privacy, as well as Matthew's...
"Y mientras reconozco el dolor que mis acciones han causado a mi familia les pido que respeten nuestra privacidad.""And while I acknowledge the hurt my actions have caused my family I ask that you respect our privacy."
Esperaba que respetara mi privacidad, capitán.I had hoped you would have respected my privacy, Captain.
Puede que no respetara en su momento, pero lo hago ahora.I might not have respected it at the time, but I do now.
Creedme por mi honor... y respetad mi honor para creerme.Believe me for mine honor, and have respect to mine honor, that you may believe.
Lo siento, todos tenéis vuestra propia identidad, todos somos diferentes, respetad la identidad del otro.I'm sorry, you all have your own identity, you're all different, you respect each other's identity.
Si no respetais a Gator, entonces respetad eso.If you can't respect Gator, then respect that.
Vamos chicos, respetad el establecimiento.Come on, guys, respect the establishment.
¡Por el amor de Dios, respetad la fábrica...!For the love of God, have respect for the factory ...!
"El altamente respetado ornitólogo autor y explorador mundial...""Highly respected ornithologist, author, world explorer,
"Esa noche, el chico nervioso se puso delante de toda la aldea, les dijo que una vez el tohunga había sido respetado, y debían escucharle ahora"."That night, the boy nervously stood in front of the whole village, "told them that once the tohunga had been respected, "and they should listen to him now.
"Estamos muy agradecidos al Washington Post, al NY Times, a Time Magazine y a otras grandes publicaciones cuyos directores han asistido a nuestras reuniones y han respetado su promesa de discreción durante casi 40 años."We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years.
"Fue un hombre respetado"."He was a man greatly respected. "
"La exposición de mi respetado hijo..."The exposition from my respected son...
- Llevo respetando su silencio más de lo que puedo.I've been respecting your silence more than I can.
Alguien no esta respetando el espacio personal.Someone's not respecting personal space.
Aprecio mucho que estés haciendo todo esto por mí, y que por una vez estés respetando mis deseos.I just really appreciate you doing all this for me, And that for once you're respecting my wishes.
Así Danceny te seguirá respetando. Complacerás a todo el mundo y a ti también.Danceny will continue respecting you... and everyone will be happy.
Ayúdennos respetando nuestras costumbres, nuestras crenchas, nuestra dignidad como seres humanos y nuestra personalidad como naciones por pequeños y débiles que seamos;Help us by respecting our customs, our beliefs our dignity as human beings and our personality as nations no matter how small and weak we are.
- Las respetás mucho.You respect them too much.
Ni siquiera me respetás!You don't have respect for me!
¿Ahora me respetás?Do you respect me now?
¿No respetás ni a los muertos?Don't you even respect the dead?

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