Retrasar (to delay) conjugation

99 examples

Conjugation of retrasar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I delay
you delay
he/she/it delays
we delay
you all delay
they delay
Present perfect tense
he retrasado
I have delayed
has retrasado
you have delayed
ha retrasado
he/she/it has delayed
hemos retrasado
we have delayed
habéis retrasado
you all have delayed
han retrasado
they have delayed
Past preterite tense
I delayed
you delayed
he/she/it delayed
we delayed
you all delayed
they delayed
Future tense
I will delay
you will delay
he/she/it will delay
we will delay
you all will delay
they will delay
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would delay
you would delay
he/she/it would delay
we would delay
you all would delay
they would delay
Past imperfect tense
I used to delay
you used to delay
he/she/it used to delay
we used to delay
you all used to delay
they used to delay
Past perfect tense
había retrasado
I had delayed
habías retrasado
you had delayed
había retrasado
he/she/it had delayed
habíamos retrasado
we had delayed
habíais retrasado
you all had delayed
habían retrasado
they had delayed
Future perfect tense
habré retrasado
I will have delayed
habrás retrasado
you will have delayed
habrá retrasado
he/she/it will have delayed
habremos retrasado
we will have delayed
habréis retrasado
you all will have delayed
habrán retrasado
they will have delayed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I delay
(if/so that) you delay
(if/so that) he/she/it delay
(if/so that) we delay
(if/so that) you all delay
(if/so that) they delay
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya retrasado
I have delayed
hayas retrasado
you have delayed
haya retrasado
he/she/it has delayed
hayamos retrasado
we have delayed
hayáis retrasado
you all have delayed
hayan retrasado
they have delayed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have delayed
(if/so that) you have delayed
(if/so that) he/she/it have delayed
(if/so that) we have delayed
(if/so that) you all have delayed
(if/so that) they have delayed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have delayed
(if/so that) you have delayed
(if/so that) he/she/it have delayed
(if/so that) we have delayed
(if/so that) you all have delayed
(if/so that) they have delayed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera retrasado
I had delayed
hubieras retrasado
you had delayed
hubiera retrasado
he/she/it had delayed
hubiéramos retrasado
we had delayed
hubierais retrasado
you all had delayed
hubieran retrasado
they had delayed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese retrasado
I had delayed
hubieses retrasado
you had delayed
hubiese retrasado
he/she/it had delayed
hubiésemos retrasado
we had delayed
hubieseis retrasado
you all had delayed
hubiesen retrasado
they had delayed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have delayed
(if/so that) you will have delayed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have delayed
(if/so that) we will have delayed
(if/so that) you all will have delayed
(if/so that) they will have delayed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere retrasado
I will have delayed
hubieres retrasado
you will have delayed
hubiere retrasado
he/she/it will have delayed
hubiéremos retrasado
we will have delayed
hubiereis retrasado
you all will have delayed
hubieren retrasado
they will have delayed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's delay!
Imperative negative mood
no retrases
do not delay!
no retrase
let him/her/it delay!
no retrasemos
let us not delay!
no retraséis
do not delay!
no retrasen
do not delay!

Examples of retrasar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Despidió a su abogado porque quería retrasar el juicio hasta que termine de filmar "Bad Blood 3"!He only fired his attorney because he wants to delay the trial until he can finish shooting "Bad Blood 3."
"Seguidores de la presidenta electa Harriet Traymore han expresado su indignación por la maniobra del presidente para retrasar la transferencia de poderes."Supporters of President-elect Harriet Traymore have expressed outrage at President Carrington's move to delay the transfer of power.
- De cualquier manera, ya no hay razón para retrasar esta ejecución.- Either way, there's no reason to delay this execution anymore.
- Es suficiente para retrasar su viaje.- It's enough to delay your trip.
- No podemos retrasar más las reparaciones.We can't afford to delay repairs any longer.
"Cualquier retraso inexplicado en el envío constituirá una violación a la cadena de custodia, y la prueba debe ser desestimada"."Any unexplained delay in shipping "will constitute a break "in the chain of custody, and the test must be discarded."
"Damas y caballeros vamos a sufrir un pequeño retraso. Hay..."Ladies and gentlemen we're gonna be delayed here a little while.
"El sexto partido de la Serie Mundial se fue sin anotar durante 13 innings antes de que un retraso por la lluvia que convirtió una noche ya épica en uno de los libros de historia ".[man sighs] "Game Six of the World Series went scoreless for 13 innings" before a rain delay that turned an already epic evening into one for the history books." [voice fades out]
"Ligero retraso"!"Slight delay"!
"Pedimos disculpas a los clientes, por el retraso de los trenes de Oxford.'We apologise to customers for the delay to Oxford trains.
- Llama por teléfono y di qué te retrasas.Call and tell them that you'll be delayed.
Si retrasas la citación para el juicio durante un tiempo se irá de París.If you deliver a call, all the delaying at 6 months, and then will not be in Paris.
Si te retrasas, nunca sabrás lo que te prepara Paradjanov.If you delay, you'll never know what Paradjanov's got in store.
Solo retrasas lo inevitable, Gabriel.He did leave quickly, didn't he? You only delayed the inevitable, Gabriel.
- Que sólo retrasa lo inevitable.- Which just delays the inevitable.
Así que si se retrasa, o si no viene nunca, será por alguna buena razón.So... If he delays, or if he does not come at all, then it must be with good reason.
Cada momento que él se retrasa, nuestro movimiento gana fuerza.Every moment he delays, our movement grows in strength.
Curar la herida sólo retrasa lo inevitable.Simply healing your injury only delays the inevitable.
El único tratamiento es una operación increíblemente cara que solo retrasa los síntomas por algunos meses.The only treatment is an incredibly expensive operation that just delays the symptoms for a few months.
- Nos retrasamos en Ómicron Pascal.- We were delayed at Omicron Pascal.
- O lo retrasamos.Or we delay it.
-Nos retrasamos.Well, we got delayed.
-Perdona, nos retrasamos.-l'm sorry. We were delayed.
Así que nos retrasamos, pero le dimos el mensaje.We were delayed but we delivered the message.
No os esperarán si os retrasáis.Don't delay or they won't wait for you.
"Eje roto en Eastport. Los muebles se retrasan dos horas."Axle broke at Eastport, furniture will be delayed two hours.
"Todos los vuelos se retrasan".May I have your attention, please. All flight departures have been delayed for another hour.
*En el fondo, sé que mis tácticas lo retrasan*♪ Inside, I know my tactics just delay it ♪
A menudo mantienen sus procesos mentales con medios innovadores que retrasan el diagnóstico.They've managed to sustain their mental processes... through innovative means and that delays diagnosis.
Aviones que se retrasan.Yeah. Planes get delayed.
- Me retrasé por el clima.- It got delayed because of the weather.
- Me retrasé.- I got delayed.
- Puta madre. - Me retrasé.- I got delayed.
...Me retrasé un poco....was a little delayed.
Alguien debía encontrarme aqui, pero me retrasé unas horas.Someone was to meet me here, but I was delayed a few hours.
- Me retrasaste.- You had me delayed.
- ¿Por qué te retrasaste?What delayed you?
Entonces, Ms. atasco de tráfico, ¿porqué te retrasaste?So, Ms. Traffic jam, why were you delayed?
Lo haré, créeme, como productora le contaré exactamente como desbarataste el rodaje y retrasaste toda la producción.- I will. Believe me, as producer, I will tell him exactly how you disrupted filming and delayed the entire production.
Porque me retrasaste de realizar todas las cosas que iba a hacer, esas cosas se retrasaron a su vez.Because you delayed me going through, all the things I was going to do have been delayed subsequently.
- "La conmoción también retrasó la filmación de una película de Woody Allen en esa cuadra.- "The commotion also delayed production of a Woody Allen movie that was shooting up the block.
- De maravilla. Quedó de estar aquí, pero supongo que su avión se retrasó.He was supposed to be here, but I guess his plane was delayed.
- El avión se retrasó.-Flights are delayed.
- Gracias. Nuestra salida se retrasó dos días porque eso solicitó su misterioso jefe.Our departure was delayed two days
- He oído que su vuelo se retrasó.I heard her flight got delayed.
- Lo siento, Majestad, empecé en diciembre y las Navidades me retrasaron.- I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I started it in January and the holidays delayed my work.
- Nos retrasaron.-We were delayed.
- Se retrasaron.- Tomorrow. They got delayed.
Es que me... retrasaron,... ya sabes.I got... you know, delayed.
La constancia del robo y la posterior difusión de la alarma... se retrasaron debido a la remota ubicación del asalto al tren. En la zona durante la noche y primeras horas de la mañana.Discovery of the robbery and broadcasting of the alarm was delayed because of the remote locale of the train hold-up [unintelligible] in the area during the night and early morning hours.
Entonces, no le retrasaré.Then I will delay you no further.
Los retrasarás.You will delay them.
- Un tratamiento adecuado... que aquí no se le puede brindar... eso retrasará su progreso.- Proper treatment which we can't give him here will delay its progress.
Capitán, eso retrasará nuestro trabajo en Beta Aurigae.Captain, that will delay our work at Beta Aurigae.
Darles el cuerpo los retrasará, por lo que el ataque va a ocurrir con mi calendario, no el de ellos.Giving up the body will delay them, so the attack will happen on my timetable, not theirs.
Esta trayectoria nos retrasará 2 días.This trajectory will delay us for two days.
Esto retrasará el pedido de Dorgenbeck y el del zoo de Chicago.You know this will delay the Dorgenbeck and the Chicago Zoo order.
- Nos retrasaremos.I'm afraid it will delay work Yes
Ah, sí. Este mes se retrasarán los salarios.Oh yeah, before I forget, our company has announced that they will delay this month's paycheck.
Si insisten en tratar esto como una epidemia nuestros planes se retrasarán.If they continue to treat this as an epidemic, - it will delay our timetable.
Eso le retrasaría unos meses.That would delay you months.
Específicamente, el malathion retrasaría la oviposicionSpecifically, the malathion would delay oviposition.
Gastaría sus activos, le retrasaría, y le conduciría a cierta aniquilación.It would spend its asset it would delay, it, and it would lead it the certain destruction.
Lo que retrasaría el lanzamiento.Which would delay the launch.
Me acosté con Jack, porque pensé que de alguna manera eso retrasaría nuestro casamiento.I slept with Jack because I somehow thought that would delay our getting married.
Si los atacara mientras están en impulso, aún se retrasarían más.If I engaged them while they're still at impulse, that would delay them even longer.
- A las 21:30, salvo que me retrase.- 2130 unless l'm delayed.
- Me retrase.I got delayed.
- No, retrase esa orden.No, delay that order.
- Y dígale que no se retrase.- And tell him not to delay.
-Espero que no retrase nuestra boda.I hope it won't delay our wedding.
"No te retrases más.Don't delay it any further.
- Bueno, no te retrases.- Good, you are not delayed.
- No te retrases, por favor.- Please don't delay.
Bueno, ahora necesito que la retrases.Well, I need it delayed now.
Bueno, entonces, hasta que te pueda ofrecer algo más, te sugiero que retrases la reunión.Well, then, until I can offer you more, I suggest you delay the meeting.
- No nos retrasemos.- Let us not delay.
Cada día que retrasemos nuestra movilización... perderemos el equivalente a 25 km. de territorio francés... si estalla la guerra.Each day we delay our mobilization we lose the equivalent of 25 km of French territory -if war does break about.
Espero que no nos retrasemos, señor.I hope we shall not be delayed, monsieur.
Nadie quiere hacer eso, pero el hecho ineludible es que por cada día que nos retrasemos, diez personas más tendrán que ser sacrificadas.Nobody wants to do this, but the inescapable fact is that for every day we delay, 10 more people will need to be sacrificed.
No retrasemos más el evento.Let us not delay the proceedings any further.
No os retraséis en el pagoDo not delay payment.
No retraséis la felicidad.Don't delay the happy.
Bueno, puede ser que se retrasen por las serpientes del metro.Well, they could have been delayed by the subway snakes.
Como presidenta del Comité de Servicios Armados, pelearé con uñas y dientes para que los recortes no retrasen el Hospital de Veteranos.As chairwoman of the Armed Services Committee, I will fight tooth and nail to make sure that these cuts do not delay the completion of the Veterans' Hospital.
Control, retrasen la orden.Control, delay order.
En todas las posesiones... esperaremos a que retrasen su presión en el medio campo.With every possession, expect them to delay midfield pressure.
Hablaré a Le Bourget para retrasen el despegue.'ll Call the Le Bourget to delay takeoff.
Bien, retrasad los sonidos respiratorios en el lado derecho.All right, delayed breath sounds on the right side.
! Creo que el ataque ha sido retrasado, debido a la niebla.l believe that the attack has been delayed, due to the fog.
"El avión de Milán se ha retrasado dos horas" ."The plane for Milano has been delayed two hours."
"Eso significa que ahora voy retrasado con el papeleo de policía."'This meant I was now delayed with police paperwork.'
- Deberíamos haber retrasado las chuches. - Deion.- We should have delayed the candy.
- El tren se ha retrasado.- The train has been delayed.
"Dame un beso, ¿por qué te estás retrasando?""Kiss me, why are you delaying?"
'Dame un beso, ¿por qué te estás retrasando?""Kiss me, why are you delaying?"
- Los vuelos están retrasando el trabajo.The flights are delaying the work.
- Mira, dijeron que solo están retrasando el convertirnos en socios, ¿verdad?- Look, they said they're just delaying our partnerships, all right?
- No, lo están retrasando.-No, they are delaying it.

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