Separar (to separate) conjugation

115 examples

Conjugation of separar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I separate
you separate
he/she/it separates
we separate
you all separate
they separate
Present perfect tense
he separado
I have separated
has separado
you have separated
ha separado
he/she/it has separated
hemos separado
we have separated
habéis separado
you all have separated
han separado
they have separated
Past preterite tense
I separated
you separated
he/she/it separated
we separated
you all separated
they separated
Future tense
I will separate
you will separate
he/she/it will separate
we will separate
you all will separate
they will separate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would separate
you would separate
he/she/it would separate
we would separate
you all would separate
they would separate
Past imperfect tense
I used to separate
you used to separate
he/she/it used to separate
we used to separate
you all used to separate
they used to separate
Past perfect tense
había separado
I had separated
habías separado
you had separated
había separado
he/she/it had separated
habíamos separado
we had separated
habíais separado
you all had separated
habían separado
they had separated
Future perfect tense
habré separado
I will have separated
habrás separado
you will have separated
habrá separado
he/she/it will have separated
habremos separado
we will have separated
habréis separado
you all will have separated
habrán separado
they will have separated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I separate
(if/so that) you separate
(if/so that) he/she/it separate
(if/so that) we separate
(if/so that) you all separate
(if/so that) they separate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya separado
I have separated
hayas separado
you have separated
haya separado
he/she/it has separated
hayamos separado
we have separated
hayáis separado
you all have separated
hayan separado
they have separated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have separated
(if/so that) you have separated
(if/so that) he/she/it have separated
(if/so that) we have separated
(if/so that) you all have separated
(if/so that) they have separated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have separated
(if/so that) you have separated
(if/so that) he/she/it have separated
(if/so that) we have separated
(if/so that) you all have separated
(if/so that) they have separated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera separado
I had separated
hubieras separado
you had separated
hubiera separado
he/she/it had separated
hubiéramos separado
we had separated
hubierais separado
you all had separated
hubieran separado
they had separated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese separado
I had separated
hubieses separado
you had separated
hubiese separado
he/she/it had separated
hubiésemos separado
we had separated
hubieseis separado
you all had separated
hubiesen separado
they had separated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have separated
(if/so that) you will have separated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have separated
(if/so that) we will have separated
(if/so that) you all will have separated
(if/so that) they will have separated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere separado
I will have separated
hubieres separado
you will have separated
hubiere separado
he/she/it will have separated
hubiéremos separado
we will have separated
hubiereis separado
you all will have separated
hubieren separado
they will have separated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's separate!
Imperative negative mood
no separes
do not separate!
no separe
let him/her/it separate!
no separemos
let us not separate!
no separéis
do not separate!
no separen
do not separate!

Examples of separar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Es casi imposible separar mi encendido recuerdo del Chef Casper y cómo me inspiró, de las expectativas al sentarme a cenar en el recientemente remodelado restaurante francés Gauloises."It is nearly impossible to separate my glowing regard for Chef Casper "and how much he inspired me from my expectations as I sat down to dine "at the recently remodelled Brentwood Gallic staple, Gauloises."
"Quiero separar las llaves de mi casa y de mi auto""l want to separate my house and car keys.
"Todos trataron de separar al Uno del Cero.""They tried to separate One from Zero"
'No vais a ser capaces de separar a las chicas sin mí', y Spencer y yo pensamos que estaba en lo cierto.'not going to be able to separate the girls without me' y Spencer and I thought that was right.
- Bueno, el paciente está confundido... delira, no puede separar su sentido natural de lealtad... hacia su equipo local de la realidad que los apesta... y llegan a los partidos previos por un tecnicismo.- Well, the patient is confused... delusional, unable to separate his natural sense of loyalty... for his home team from the reality that they stink... and only got in the playoffs on a technicality.
"que separo a las gemelas Brodie."who separated the Brodie Twins.
- No si separo la conexión térrea.Well, not if I were to separate the ground connection from it.
..o acaban con esta payasada o los separo....either you end up this buffoonery, or I'll separate you.
Ahora separo a aquellos.Now I separate these...
Así que si no separo mi patrimonio antes de morir, Matthew puede perderlo todo.So If I don't separate my estate before I die, Matthew could lose everything.
- Sí. ¿Sabes qué es lo que más extrañas cuando te separas de alguien con quien viviste y amaste?You know what it is you miss most we you're separated from someone -- you lived with and loved?
A menudo cuando separas a la pareja, el secundario recupera su cordura.Oftentimes when you separate the pair, the secondary regains their sanity.
Aquí es donde separas a los hombres de los niños.This is where you separate the men from the boys.
Así como tú, Jonathan, te separas de tus compañeros de equipo.Like you, Jonathan, separate yourself from your teammates.
Así que siempre separas tus claros de tus oscuros.So you always separate your lights from your darks.
"...que separa las dos grandes naciones de México y Norteamérica...""...that separates the two great countries of Mexico and America..."
"La vida separa seres queridos."Life separates loved ones.
"No separa de los animales."It separates us from the animals.
- Conocer... - Delimitar... en el tiempo y en el espacio... esa palabra silenciosa... que los separa.Mark off in time and space, this silent word that separates them.
- Es una pequeña área de césped que separa la vereda de la calle.Uh, it's a small Patch of grass That separates the sidewalk From the street.
" Sylvia y yo nos separamos"Sylvia and I separated
""Ah, señor, si es cierto, ¿por qué nos separamos?If it's true, my Lord, why separate?
"Esos momentos olvidados me preguntan por qué nos separamos.""Those forgotten moments ask me why we ever separated."
"Nos separamos cuando estábamos hechos el uno para el otro.""We separated though we were made for each other."
El día después de las elecciones, os separáis.The day after the election, you get separated.
Hacedme saber si os separáis.Ok, let me know if you got separated.
Porque si os separáis, te mato.The day you separate, I whack you. Got it?
¿Alguna vez os separáis?Do you guys ever separate?
"Hasta que un día se separan.""Till someday they separate."
"Las ideologías nos separan, Los sueños y la angustia nos unen.""ideologies separate us, dreams and anguish bring us together."
"Miedo de tu familia y los años que nos separan.""Afraid of upsetting your family and the years that separate us. "
# Todos los relojes me separan. ## All the clocks separate me. #
- Ellos nunca, nunca se separan.- They never separated.
"Me separé de tí un instante, y mi sendero cambió""l separated from you for a while, and my path changed"
"Pero cuando me separé de tí, Me sentí como si me quedara huérfano... ""But when I was separated from you, I felt as if I were orphaned..."
- Es por eso que los separé.- That's why I separated them.
Ahí me separé del padre de ellos.Then I separated from their father.
Aislé el código CDMA y separé la información del MPEG.I isolated the CDMA code, and separated the information on the MPEG.
- ¿Y también te separaste?And you're also separated?
.. desde que te separaste de lmmy...since you separated from lmmy.
Arthur, nos dijeron que separaste al 2do de Mass del resto del complejo.Arthur, they told us you separated the 2nd Mass from the rest of the compound.
Bueno. Oye, una cosa. ¿Qué pasó cuando te separaste de tu marido?Okay, but what happened when you separated from your husband?
Después voy a oír como es que te separaste de Scott.Then I wanna hear how you got separated from Scott.
"El desigual suelo de ramas y hojas separó esa bien organizada columna en brigadas aparentemente caóticas.""The rough terrain of twigs and leaves separated the well-organised ranks into seemingly raggle-taggle brigades. "
"La división de las iglesias nos separó de Europa."The division of churches separated us from Europe.
"La línea que una vez separó al hombre de su creador"."the line that once separated man from his creator.
- En el monte, tal vez, se separó de su compañía.-Perhaps in the wilderness... ...yougotseparated from your company.
- Entonces ¿Él los separó?- So he separated them?
- Samir está esperándote donde os separasteis.- Samir is waiting for you. . . .where you two had separated.
Eh... en que, cuando me abducisteis, me separasteis de mi amor verdadero.Um, on the grounds that when you guys abducted me, you separated me from true love.
No fue casual Estuvisteis juntos y os separasteisThat meeting wasn't casual that you met and separated.
Por ciero, ¿por qué os separasteis?By the way. why were you separated?
¿Donde os separasteis?Where did you get separated?
" El año que mis padres se separaron ."the year my parents separated.
"La tribu fue aniquilada y las calaveras se separaron y se perdieron."'he tribe was destroyed and the skulls were separated and lost.
"Nuestros corazones nunca se separaron.""Our hearts never separated."
"exprimido", las vértebras se separaron.Squeezed, the vertebrae actually separated.
(Valentín) No, viste, a mí se me complicó un poco el tema en que mi mamá y mi papá se separaron.It's complicated, because my dad and mom are separated.
Después de un golpe claro al pecho, el estómago o los riñones los separaré y les daré un punto.After a clean strike to the chest, stomach or kidneys, I will separate you and award a point.
Mientras se enfrentan a los clones, yo separaré a los Jedis y me llevaré a uno ellos.While you take on the clones, I will separate the Jedi and lead one of them away.
"Nadie nos separará.""No one will separate us."
- Revuélvela ahoara, sino la salsa se separará.- Stirr it now, otherwise the sauce will separate.
Ahora nadie los separará de mí.Now nobody will separate from me.
Cuando llegue al control, tendremos un hombre allí que le separará de sus escoltas.When he gets to the checkpoint, we have an asset in place that will separate him from his security.
Cuando se corte la piel... mi pierna se separará del cuerpo como si fuera una pata de pollo hervida.Once the skin is cut, my leg will separate from my body as easily as a boiled chicken leg.
Entonces separaremos el diafragma... y plegaremos las costillas. Esto revelará el contenido de la caja torácica.Then we will separate the diaphragm and fold back the rib cage, ...revealing the contents of the thoracic cavity.
Más rápido nos separaremos.This way of rapid we will separate.
Nos separaremos y nos arriesgaremos.We will separate. Take our chances. You!
Tarde o temprano nos separaremos.We will separate sooner or later.
Nos separarán.They will separate us.
- ...dijiste que nada nos separaría. - Lo dije en serio.- said nothing would separate us.
El ejército nos separaría, te echarían y yo te perdería.The army would separate us. They would send you away. I would lose you.
Normalmente no podríamos seguir adelante por el hueso... que separaría el cerebro de la cavidad nasal.We would normally be stopped from going through there because of the bone that would separate the brain from the nasal cavity.
¿Qué te separaría de ellos?What would separate you from them?
Pensamos que todos los días serían el último... y que nos separaríamos.We thought every day was the last... and that we would separate.
Nunca imaginé que nuestras ideas nos separarían.I never dreamed our ideas would separate us.
Realmente no puedo entender por qué le separarían de su hermana.I really can't understand why they would separate him from his sister.
¿Qué posible distinción pudieron nuestras clientes tener que les separarían de los otros combatientes?What possible distinction could our clients possess That would separate them from the other fighters?
"Espero que tanta distancia no nos separe para siempre"I hope too much distance doesn't separate us forever.
"Utilice el esperma antes de que se separe y se enfríe"."Sperm must be used before it separates and gets cold."
- ...hasta que la muerte los separe?- ... until God, by death, shall separate you?
- Le digo por última vez, le ruego los separe!I'm telling you for the last time, kindly separate them!
- Pero no nos separe.But I beg that you do not separate us.
"nunca te separes de mi""do not ever be separated from me"
- No los separes.Don't separate them.
- No te separes.Don't separate.
Cuando limpies el suelo, des golpecitos con el pie, ...separes tu comida, tengas sueños, o te crezca un rabo...When you mop the floor, tap your foot, separate your food, dream dreams, or grow a tail...
De momento, sólo necesitamos que separes el correo en montones entre los que están de acuerdo y no.For now, we just need this mail separated into pro- and anti-incorporation piles.
- No nos separemos así de nuevo.- Let's not get separated like this again.
- No nos separemos.We shouldn't separate!
- Será mejor que nos separemos.- I think it's better that we separate for the time being.
Ahora quieres que nos separemos.Now you want us to separate?
Aunque nos separemos algún día, siempre estaremos juntos.Even if we get separated one day, we will always be together.
Escuchadme, la gente está muy nerviosa, no os separéis de mí.Listen to me, the people are very agitated,... don't get separated from me.
No los separéis, ¿vale?Do not separate them... Understand?
No nos separéis, no seré capaz de vivir sin élDon't separate us, I won't be able to live without him.
No nos separéis...Do not separate me and my mother ...
Pero no separéis a esta Sita de su Ram.But don't separate this Sita from her Ram.
- Entonces separen a los dos.- So separate the two.
- No se separen.Don't get separated
- Sí, separen los pies.And separate. Pick it up.
-.No se separen!-Just don't separate!
3, 2, 1, separen.3, 2, 1, separate.
Puede que separara a sus miembros.He may have separated each family member.
"... le dijo a los reporteros que Spatafore y su esposa se habían separado recientemente."--told reporters that Spatafore and his wife had recently separated.
"Así que nos hemos separado sólo de palabra.""So we've separated only for namesake."
"Creo que Maya todavía no se ha separado por completo de ti."Maya isn´t wholly separated from you yet
"En este episodio, Anna Howard llega a la ciudad y descubren su mentira "... Cuando él descubre que son gemelos ... "Él está convencido de que Hanna los había separado al nacer "...In this episode, Anna Howard comes to the city and her lie is found out, when, he discovers that him and her are twins... he is convinced that Hanna had made them separated in their birth...
"separando el contenido del citoplasma"."separating the contents from the cytoplasm. "
(Corona) Me estoy separando, espera que me estoy separando.*(Corona) I'm separating. Wait till I'm separating.
, La enfermera esta separando los rojos de los blancos!The nurse is separating the Reds!
- Estoy separando.- I'm separating.
- Kev y yo nos estamos separando.- Kev and I are separating.
Nadie me separá de vos... ¡Nadie!No one will separate us.
¿Cómo nos separá algo que tomaste del Hombre Hormiga?How will something you took from ant-man separate us?

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