Temblar (to tremble) conjugation

92 examples

Conjugation of temblar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I tremble
you tremble
he/she/it trembles
we tremble
you all tremble
they tremble
Present perfect tense
he temblado
I have trembled
has temblado
you have trembled
ha temblado
he/she/it has trembled
hemos temblado
we have trembled
habéis temblado
you all have trembled
han temblado
they have trembled
Past preterite tense
I trembled
you trembled
he/she/it trembled
we trembled
you all trembled
they trembled
Future tense
I will tremble
you will tremble
he/she/it will tremble
we will tremble
you all will tremble
they will tremble
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would tremble
you would tremble
he/she/it would tremble
we would tremble
you all would tremble
they would tremble
Past imperfect tense
I used to tremble
you used to tremble
he/she/it used to tremble
we used to tremble
you all used to tremble
they used to tremble
Past perfect tense
había temblado
I had trembled
habías temblado
you had trembled
había temblado
he/she/it had trembled
habíamos temblado
we had trembled
habíais temblado
you all had trembled
habían temblado
they had trembled
Future perfect tense
habré temblado
I will have trembled
habrás temblado
you will have trembled
habrá temblado
he/she/it will have trembled
habremos temblado
we will have trembled
habréis temblado
you all will have trembled
habrán temblado
they will have trembled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I tremble
(if/so that) you tremble
(if/so that) he/she/it tremble
(if/so that) we tremble
(if/so that) you all tremble
(if/so that) they tremble
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya temblado
I have trembled
hayas temblado
you have trembled
haya temblado
he/she/it has trembled
hayamos temblado
we have trembled
hayáis temblado
you all have trembled
hayan temblado
they have trembled
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have trembled
(if/so that) you have trembled
(if/so that) he/she/it have trembled
(if/so that) we have trembled
(if/so that) you all have trembled
(if/so that) they have trembled
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have trembled
(if/so that) you have trembled
(if/so that) he/she/it have trembled
(if/so that) we have trembled
(if/so that) you all have trembled
(if/so that) they have trembled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera temblado
I had trembled
hubieras temblado
you had trembled
hubiera temblado
he/she/it had trembled
hubiéramos temblado
we had trembled
hubierais temblado
you all had trembled
hubieran temblado
they had trembled
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese temblado
I had trembled
hubieses temblado
you had trembled
hubiese temblado
he/she/it had trembled
hubiésemos temblado
we had trembled
hubieseis temblado
you all had trembled
hubiesen temblado
they had trembled
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have trembled
(if/so that) you will have trembled
(if/so that) he/she/it will have trembled
(if/so that) we will have trembled
(if/so that) you all will have trembled
(if/so that) they will have trembled
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere temblado
I will have trembled
hubieres temblado
you will have trembled
hubiere temblado
he/she/it will have trembled
hubiéremos temblado
we will have trembled
hubiereis temblado
you all will have trembled
hubieren temblado
they will have trembled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's tremble!
Imperative negative mood
no tiembles
do not tremble!
no tiemble
let him/her/it tremble!
no temblemos
let us not tremble!
no tembléis
do not tremble!
no tiemblen
do not tremble!

Examples of temblar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
" Alan se acercó a mí, y empecé a temblar. ""Alan walked toward me, and I began to tremble."
"Conozco tu secreto", y el hombre se ponía pálido y comenzaba a temblar."I know your secret"... and the man turned pale and began to tremble.
"en un par de horas". Ahí empezó a temblar."in a couple of hours." There it began to tremble.
"¡La iglesia está en llamas!" Y comencé a temblar ahí, en mi cama.And I began to tremble there in my bed.
# Si mi voz empezara a temblar #♪ If my voice should start to tremble ♪
"Me cuesta respirar y tiemblo por el terror.""I can hardly breathe and tremble with terror."
- (¡Yo tiemblo!- (I tremble!
- Si tiemblo no es ya por miedo,...- Have no fear, do not tremble - If I still tremble...
- ¡Sólo por verla ya tiemblo! - ¡Valor!- I tremble at the mere sight of her!
A veces yo mismo tiemblo.I often tremble too.
- "Y si te toco, tiemblas". - "¡No, déjame!"."...and if I touch you, you tremble!" "No, leave me!"
Oh, desgraciada Leonor, ¿tiemblas?Oh, wretched Leonora, how you tremble!
Pasas por estos momentos y crees que llegó la hora, y tiemblas."You go through these moments "and think you're gone, and you tremble.
Si te toco, tiemblas.If I touch you, you tremble.
Te estremeces, tiemblas cuando te toco.Why, you tremble, you quiver at my very touch.
"Allí, donde la noche tiembla por tus abrazos... ""There, where the night trembles between your arms.."
"El cuerpo tiembla.""The body trembles."
"Mi cuerpo tiembla a cada momento.""My body trembles every moment."
"Si hablo, todo tiembla alrededor"."When I speak, the entire area trembles."
"Siente cómo tiembla por dentro"Feel how it trembles inside
...y nosotros temblamos con los poderes de esos mágicos agujeros de gusano.And we would all tremble at the power of his magical wormholes.
Todos temblamos al oír tu nombre.We all tremble at your very name.
Y te digo esto no hay comienzo y no temblamos.And I tell you this. There is no beginning and we do not tremble.
Y temblamos ante el riesgo que corremos.He trembles at the risks he takes.
A vosotros, que tembláis y palidecéis ante este lance, ...mudos testigos de este acto, ...si tuviera tiempo...You that look pale and tremble at this chance, that are but mutes or audience to this act, had I but time-
Hace un poco de fresco, quizás, pero tembláis demasiado.It's a little chilly perhaps, but I think you tremble too much.
"...ante cuyo trono todos los hombres tiemblan y palidecen..."...before whose throne all men tremble and look pale...
"Como tiemblan de miedo a perderla, como se aferran a ellas""They tremble lest they lose it, and howthey dote on it."
"Nuestros corazones tiemblan ahora que se encontraron"Our hearts tremble now as they meet.
(La fiebre terciana creo tener... y todos los miembros me tiemblan)I have the tertian fever ... and all my members tremble
- Mis jefes tiemblan.My vassal chiefs tremble.
Calpurnia, te digo varias veces temblé de asombro, de temor, de placer... con lo que veía o soñaba. Porque allí la vida y el sueño son una única cosa.Many times, I trembled with fear and pleasure... at what I saw and dreamt... there, life and dreams are the same.
Dio su opinión del partido y temblé por él.He told me what he thought about the Party and I trembled for him.
En el encuentro que marcó solemnemente mi entrada al movimiento clandestino, temblé esperando al hombre de portafolios.At the meeting that solemnly marked my initiation in the clandestine movement, l trembled as l waited forthe man in a suit that carried a suitcase.
Recuerdo el primer día que vi su rostro y temblé de temor por el cambio que vi en ese rostro.I remember the first day I looked at his face and trembled with fear at the change that I saw in that face.
Y temblé, y seguía temblando mucho cuando recordaba lo que recién había hecho.And I trembled, I was shaking so bad when I got back at the thought of what I had just done.
Todas las cloacas cubrieron la estación y temblaste.All covered sewers station and trembled .
Cuando se daba por sentado, que la ciudad sería devorada... la tierra tembló y el sol desapareció del cielo.Just then as it looked for certain, that the city was about to be eaten... the earth trembled and the sun was blotted out from the sky.
El dragón del bosque descendió de la Luna. Frente al aliento rojo del dragón del bosque, la humanidad tembló.Man trembled at the Forest Dragon's red breath.
El espejo sonriente tembló con toda esa violencia que se rompió en millones de pedazos que llovieron sobre la tierra.The grinning mirror trembled with all that violence that it shattered into millions of bits that rained on the earth.
Gritó tan fuerte que tembló.He cried so hard that he trembled
La primera vez que la vi, todo mi cuerpo tembló.It's like the first moment I saw her, my whole body trembled.
Desde el primer día que la vi, mis huesos temblaron.From the day l first saw her, my bones have trembled
Ellos la vieron, lo que se había convertido, y temblaronThey looked upon her, what she had become, and trembled.
Estas manos,una vez temblaron con la memoria interrumpida, Ahora son tan fuertes, como el mismo acero.These hands, once trembled with broken memory, now stand as strong as the steel they wield.
Las manos del verdugo temblaron."The executioner's hand trembled."
Las tribus del Gobi cayeron bajo su dominio... y todos los rincones del desierto temblaron bajo los cascos de sus hordas.Tribes of the Gobi flocked to his standard, and the farthest reaches of the desert trembled under the hooves ofhis hordes.
"Los demonios y monstruos temblará y huirán con temor .""Demons and monsters will tremble with fear and scamper..."
Ahora que poseo el poderoso bastón de Rah-Gubaba, el mundo temblará ante el 4to Reich.Now that I possess the mighty staff of rah-gubaba, the world will tremble before the Fourth Reich!
Arthur temblará al oír tu voz.Arthur will tremble at your voice.
Cuando Shiva despierte, el mundo temblará.When Shiva wakes, the world will tremble.
Cuando me tiemble la voz, toda América temblará.When my voice trembles, all of America will tremble.
"Los demonios temblarán de miedo...""Demons will tremble with fear..."
Creo, que si se enfrenta a cualquiera de las tropas de Cao, sus manos temblarán de miedo, como si estuviera tejiendo.I think, if she encounters any Cao troops, her hands will tremble with fear, as if she were waving
Los mas de 60 señores de nuestro país temblarán con respeto.The more than 60 Lords of our country will tremble with respect.
Los otros temblarán delante de nosotros.The others will tremble before us. (DRAMATIC MUSIC PLAYING)
No, nuestros corazones temblarán sólo a la luz, nunca podré describírosle tal y como era pero puedo deciros lo que hicieron las mujeres al verle.No, only our hearts will tremble in the light. I can't describe him as he stood there, but I can tell you how the women looked on seeing him.
Gotham temblaría ante ustedes.Gotham would tremble before you.
En vez de mis manos temblar, temblarías tú si supieras lo que haré yo.GuideStar. Be still my trembling hands, for how you would tremble... if you knew where I would take you next.
- Esos reyes temblarían si lo supieran.- Those kings would tremble if they knew.
Con esta vara... temblarían como gallinas ante un zorro.With this stick... they would tremble as hens before a fox.
Croupiers todos los mundos temblarían en el sonido de nuestros nombres.Croupiers everywhere would tremble at the sound of our names.
"Por la espada de Odín, haré que la tierra tiemble con mi fuerza"."By Odin's sword, I will make the earth tremble with my force."
"de seres ilustres, tiemble."of illustrious beings tremble."
*De repente, esta persona mala hace... *que mi corazón tiemble *de miedo que todo eso pasará♪ Suddenly, that bad person makes ♪ ♪ my heart tremble ♪ ♪ afraid that'll really happen ♪
- Te comprendo... .. y por eso te sigo, aunque a veces tiemble de miedo.Yes, I understand. And that is why I follow you-- even though I often tremble with fear.
Ahora, no puedo prometer que no trataré... que cada chico que pase por tu puerta, tiemble de terror..Now I can't promise that I won't try to make every boy who comes to your door tremble with fear.
No tiembles cuando hablas, muestra algo de dureza por favor.Don't tremble when you talk, show me some toughness please.
No tiembles, no temasDo not tremble and shrink
No tiembles.Don't tremble like that.
No, no, no, no tiembles mi amor, no tiembles, no tiembles.No, don't tremble like that, baby.
Pero mientras tanto, cantamos y rimamos... y aunque temblemos, ante ti nos reunimos.But in the meantime We sing and rhyme. And although we tremble Before you we assemble.
No dejéis que vuestros corazones desfallezcan, no temáis y no tembléis, ni dejéis que os aterroricen.Let not your hearts faint, fear not and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them.
iNo tembléis más!Don't tremble!
¡No tembléis! ¡No tembléis!- Don't tremble!
"Y las montañas tiemblen ante su poder. "Though the mountains tremble with its tumult.
# ¡Oigan, Romanos, ahora y tiemblen!♪ Hear Romans now and tremble
# ¡oigan Romanos, ahora y tiemblen!♪ Hear Romans now and tremble
- Que tiemblen.- Let them tremble.
- ¿Qué hace que tiemblen?- What makes them tremble?
] [¡Oíd romanos y temblad! ]Hear, Romans, now and tremble
] [¡Oíd, romanos y temblad!Hear, Romans, now and tremble
¡Tiranos temblad!"Tyrants, tremble!
"He vivido mucho... "...temblado mucho... "...estuve rodeado por hombrecitos que olvidaron que llegamos desnudos...'l've lived a lot... '...trembled a lot... '...was surrounded by little men who forgot that we enter naked... '...and exit naked... '...and that no accountant can audit life in our favor. '
Durante veinte años todos han temblado ante ti. Ningun humano se atrevió a entrar en tu Reino.For twenty years everything trembled before you, no human dared enter your Kingdom!
Europa ha temblado bajo los ataques del ejército otomano.Europe has trembled under the attacks of the Ottoman armies.
Usted ha temblado cuando ves a un perroYou've trembled when you see a dog
"Beatriz estaba temblando."Beatrice was trembling.
"Entonces él, temblando y temeroso, dijo..."So he, trembling and astonished, said,."
"Gelatina". Tímido y siempre temblando.Rice noodles, always timid and trembling.
"Ojalá salgas de aquí y después... y después la tomarás entre tus brazos, temblando.""Hopefully out of here and then ... and then you will take in your arms, trembling. "
"Pero, estás temblando...""You are trembling with fear..."

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