Tropezar (to trip) conjugation

79 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: meet, stumble, get, to meet, bump into

Conjugation of tropezar

Present tense
I trip
you trip
he/she/it trips
we trip
you all trip
they trip
Present perfect tense
he tropezado
I have tripped
has tropezado
you have tripped
ha tropezado
he/she/it has tripped
hemos tropezado
we have tripped
habéis tropezado
you all have tripped
han tropezado
they have tripped
Past preterite tense
I tripped
you tripped
he/she/it tripped
we tripped
you all tripped
they tripped
Future tense
I will trip
you will trip
he/she/it will trip
we will trip
you all will trip
they will trip
Conditional mood
I would trip
you would trip
he/she/it would trip
we would trip
you all would trip
they would trip
Past imperfect tense
I used to to trip
you used to to trip
he/she/it used to to trip
we used to to trip
you all used to to trip
they used to to trip
Past perfect tense
había tropezado
I had tripped
habías tropezado
you had tripped
había tropezado
he/she/it had tripped
habíamos tropezado
we had tripped
habíais tropezado
you all had tripped
habían tropezado
they had tripped
Future perfect tense
habré tropezado
I will have tripped
habrás tropezado
you will have tripped
habrá tropezado
he/she/it will have tripped
habremos tropezado
we will have tripped
habréis tropezado
you all will have tripped
habrán tropezado
they will have tripped
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I trip
(if/so that) you trip
(if/so that) he/she/it trip
(if/so that) we trip
(if/so that) you all trip
(if/so that) they trip
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya tropezado
I have tripped
hayas tropezado
you have tripped
haya tropezado
he/she/it has tripped
hayamos tropezado
we have tripped
hayáis tropezado
you all have tripped
hayan tropezado
they have tripped
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have tripped
(if/so that) you have tripped
(if/so that) he/she/it have tripped
(if/so that) we have tripped
(if/so that) you all have tripped
(if/so that) they have tripped
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have tripped
(if/so that) you have tripped
(if/so that) he/she/it have tripped
(if/so that) we have tripped
(if/so that) you all have tripped
(if/so that) they have tripped
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera tropezado
I had tripped
hubieras tropezado
you had tripped
hubiera tropezado
he/she/it had tripped
hubiéramos tropezado
we had tripped
hubierais tropezado
you all had tripped
hubieran tropezado
they had tripped
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese tropezado
I had tripped
hubieses tropezado
you had tripped
hubiese tropezado
he/she/it had tripped
hubiésemos tropezado
we had tripped
hubieseis tropezado
you all had tripped
hubiesen tropezado
they had tripped
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have tripped
(if/so that) you will have tripped
(if/so that) he/she/it will have tripped
(if/so that) we will have tripped
(if/so that) you all will have tripped
(if/so that) they will have tripped
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere tropezado
I will have tripped
hubieres tropezado
you will have tripped
hubiere tropezado
he/she/it will have tripped
hubiéremos tropezado
we will have tripped
hubiereis tropezado
you all will have tripped
hubieren tropezado
they will have tripped
Imperative mood
let's trip!
Imperative negative mood
no tropieces
do not trip!
no tropiece
don't let him/her/it trip!
no tropecemos
let us not trip!
no tropecéis
do not trip!
no tropiecen
do not trip!

Examples of tropezar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- ¿Las harás tropezar?- You going to trip them?
- ¿Por qué intentan hacerse tropezar?- Why are they trying to trip each other?
-Alguien podría tropezar y romperse el cuello.Somebody's bound to trip on that and break their neck.
-Han esperado hasta verte tropezar.- They've waited for you to trip up.
Acabamos con la espera de que Liberate nos de la chance de hacerlos tropezar.We are done waiting for Liber8 to give us an opportunity to trip them up.
# I'm tripping on words # Me tropiezo con las palabras♪ "I'm tripping on words, you got my... " ♪
Ahí estoy, como los demás idiotas caminando a las duchas y me tropiezo y me doy un tiro bien en la pantorrilla.There I am, like every other asshole... Trucking on down the road to the showers... And I tripped and shot myself...
Así que si me tropiezo que, iré al paraíso antes de lo planeado.So if I trip it, I'll be going to paradise sooner than I planned.
Bien, percibo un ligero tropiezo.Well... I feel a trip.
Bien, que conste, casi tropiezo con todas tus mierdas en la salida.Well, for the record, I nearly tripped over your crap on the way out.
# En dirección a algo # # y luego tropiezas y caes #♪ heading' towards something' ♪ ♪ and then you trip and fall ♪
Bien, si te tropiezas con algo, soy yo.Well, if you trip over anything, it's me.
Caray. ¿ Y si te tropiezas?Wow. What if you trip?
Casi tropiezas con el derecho de no declarar contra sí mismo.You almost tripped over the garrity rule.
Casi tropiezas con un catéter que alguien tenía puesto aún.You almost tripped over a catheter back there that was still attached to someone.
Bellini va por él, se tropieza con la tabla de planchar, rebota en el sofá, vuela por los aires y se le enreda el cordón en el ventilador.When Bellini goes for him he trips over the ironing board, bounces off the chair, flips end over end and his shoelace gets caught in the fan. QED.
Bueno, la ataca, ella tropieza, se golpea contra el gabinete de los medicamentos.Well, it attacks, she trips, slams into the drug cabinet.
Bueno, se tropieza con su zapato y cae, y ese lápiz del número dos le atraviesa el ojo y le llega al cerebro.Well, she trips over her shoes and falls, and that number 2 pencil goes right through her eyeball and into her brain.
Cada vez que un policía dispara con su arma, o tropieza con el cordón de sus zapatos tiene que ir a ver a un psiquiatra.Every time a cop pulls his gun or trips on s shoelace, he's gotta go see a shrink.
Caroline, no tropieza con las manos vacías.Caroline, no trips empty-handed.
En la vida tropezamos pero nos enderezamos.In life we trip, but right ourselves.
Exacto, corremos, tropezamos, caemos, podemos herirnos.Exactly, we run, we trip, we fall, we might get hurt.
Nos agarrábamos uno al otro y luego tropezamos y caímos.We sort of had hold of each other and then we tripped and fell.
Nos tropezamos con ella.We just kind of tripped over her.
Porque ahí es donde tropezamos la última vez.'Cause that's where we got tripped up last time.
Bueno, ellos tropiezan y caen sobre Fisher. escondiendose a 10 pies del crimen,Well, they trip over Fisher hiding 10 feet from the crime,
Hija, no sé si sabes, pero condones se agujerean, neumáticos se pinchan, rayos caen, personas se tropiezan, gatos maúllan ¡y condones se agujerean! ¡Rayos!Honey, I don't know if you know, but condoms break, tires go flat, lightning strikes, people trip, cats meow, and condoms break, dammit!
Las damas Denver se tropiezan entre sí para ofrecerle simpatía.The Denver ladies will be tripping Over themselves to offer you sympathy.
Lo que aprendí durante la horrorosa búsqueda fue que debía moverme con cautela para lograr esto, ya que si, hay una conspiración. Y de hecho hay una gran cantidad de conspiraciones que tropiezan entre sí.What I learned during the frankly horrifying research was that I had to slug through to accomplish this, was that yes there is a conspiracy, in fact there are a great number of conspiracies that are all tripping each other up.
Los dos tropiezan en el edificio de historia.I've seen you both trip on the step of that history building.
- ...y tropecé.- and I tripped.
- Amigo, me tropecé en...- The crow. Dude, I tripped out in college.
- Bueno, tropecé con una raíz. Me agarré a Miguel para no caerme y al final nos caímos los dos.- Well, you see, l tripped over a root, and l grabbed Miguel to keep me from falling, and somehow we both fell.
- Casi me tropecé con este joven.- I almost tripped over this young man.
- Después de que me tropecé.Right after I tripped.
- Te tropezaste con tus propias zapatillas.- You tripped over your own shoes.
- Te tropezaste.- You tripped.
- ¿Dónde tropezaste?- You tripped where?
- ¿Sí te tropezaste?- You really tripped?
Así que en tus sueño estabas soñando con un niño... pero porque te tropezaste con una piedra, te caíste.So in your dream you were playing with some little boy, but because you tripped on a stone, you fell over.
"Kasim corrió a ocultarse, pero tropezó, enviando monedas en todas direcciones."Kasim ran to hide, but tripped, sending coins spilling in every direction.
- Creo que tropezó y se cayó, señor.- l think you tripped and fell, sir.
- El extrangero se tropezó.- The foreign guy tripped.
- Ella tropezó.- She tripped
- En el avión, tropezó con sus cordones.- On the plane he tripped over his shoelaces.
Se tropezaron y cayeron solos.They tripped and fell all on their own.
Supongo que les resuta más ameno a algunos poder decir que los empujaron en vez de decir que tropezaron.I suppose it's kind of more fun for somebody to be able to say they were pushed, rather than they tripped.
Sí, a lo mejor todas se tropezaron, pero es como, ¿quieres salir con ese tío?Sure, maybe they all tripped, but it's like, do you want to hang out with that guy?
Una mañana de Navidad, todos bajaban corriendo las escaleras tropezaron y un demente los cortó en pedacitos.Christmas morning, they were all running down the stairs, they tripped, and a mad man hacked them all to pieces.
tengo una llamada urgente de hq diciendo que ustedes no sabían que sus traseros tropezaron del caballo querían que bajara y les mostrara como se hacia bueno,vamos dime todo sobre esa acción ve a los suburbios ah, no empieces ahoraI got an urgent call from hq saying you guys didn't know your asses from a tripped horse. They wanted me to come down, show you how it's done. Well, come on, tell me about all that action you get out there in the suburbs.
Un día tropezarás.One day you, yourself, will trip.
Se tropezarán con los pantalones.Their trousers will trip them up.
Soy un pato, me tropezaría con un inalámbrico.I'm such a klutz, I would trip over a cordless phone.
- Tómalo del brazo para que no tropiece y se caiga.-Grab his arm, so he doesn't trip and fall.
Cuando acabes con esto vacía la habitación de mi hijo y deja sólo lo imprescindible, no quiero que Nuño se tropiece.When you're done with all this, empty out my son's room... and leave only the essential stuff,... I don't want Nuño tripping. Nuño, tend to your duties.
Cuidado, no se tropiece con mi marido.Oh, watch out for my husband, you'll trip.
Debería tener... Debería tener sus juguetes por todos lados, y que Brent se tropiece con ellos.- He should have all, like... he should have all his toys everywhere, and then Brent can trip on them.
Deberías apretarla antes de que alguien tropiece.You might want to tighten it before somebody trips and falls.
"...puede que tropieces a cada paso," "...que te enfrentes a peligros y dificultades.""you may trip at every step, you may face hazards, difficulties."
- Está bien, no tropieces con nada.. - Si...- All right, don't trip on it.
- Gracias. No te tropieces.Don't trip.
- No te tropieces con eso.- Don't trip on that one.
- No tropieces con el peldaño.- Don't trip over the step, Melvin.
Sheila Temple está ahí fuera, esperando a que tropecemos.Sheila Temple's right outside, waiting for us to trip up.
Cuidado, no os tropecéis.Careful you don't trip.
Cuidado, no se tropiecen con los clientes que olvidaron limpiar.Be careful. Don't trip over any of the customers they forgot to clean up.
No queremos que se caigan choquen con un atril o tropiecen con un cable.We don't want to see you fall, or bump into a stand, or trip over a cable.
No se tropiecen con mis mangueras.And don't trip over my hoses.
No se tropiecen.Don't trip over the cable.
No tropiecen.Don't trip.
- Debe de haber tropezado.- She must have tripped. Hello?
- He tropezado.- I tripped.
- Me habré tropezado.I must've tripped.
- Nunca hubiera tropezado.- She never would've tripped.
"... tropezando con lozas de sol del tamaño de pueblos"."tripping over slabs of sunshine the size of towns."
- ni nada de eso. - Y la abuela tropezando.Grandma tripping.
Algún idiota sigue tropezando con ellos.Some idiot keeps tripping over them
Así que... no sé con lo que estás tropezando.So I don't know what you're tripping about. Ok.
Bueno, nos estábamos tropezando con él, así que hice que Skip lo subiera al furgón.Uh, well, we kept tripping' over it, so I had Skip here put it in the truck.

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