Saada aikaan (to accomplish) conjugation

28 examples
This verb can also mean the following: provoke, do, arouse, get something done, achieve, work out, cause, generate, set off, bring about kotus type 63/saada, no gradation

Conjugation of saada aikaan

Present tense
saan aikaan
I accomplish
saat aikaan
you accomplish
saa aikaan
he/she accomplishes
saamme aikaan
we accomplish
saatte aikaan
you all accomplish
saavat aikaan
they accomplish
saadaan aikaan
is accomplished
Past tense
sain aikaan
I accomplished
sait aikaan
you accomplished
sai aikaan
he/she accomplished
saimme aikaan
we accomplished
saitte aikaan
you all accomplished
saivat aikaan
they accomplished
saatiin aikaan
was accomplished
Conditional mood
saisin aikaan
I would accomplish
saisit aikaan
you would accomplish
saisi aikaan
he/she would accomplish
saisimme aikaan
we would accomplish
saisitte aikaan
you all would accomplish
saisivat aikaan
they would accomplish
saataisiin aikaan
would be accomplished
Imperative mood
saa aikaan
saakoon aikaan
saakaamme aikaan
let's accomplish!
saakaa aikaan
saakoot aikaan
saatakoon aikaan
be accomplished!
Potential tense
saanen aikaan
I probably accomplish
saanet aikaan
you probably accomplish
saanee aikaan
he/she probably accomplishes
saanemme aikaan
we probably accomplish
saanette aikaan
you all probably accomplish
saanevat aikaan
they probably accomplish
saataneen aikaan
probably is accomplished
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
saada aikaan
to accomplish
saadakseen aikaan
to accomplish
saadessa aikaan
while accomplishing
saaden aikaan
while accomplishing
saamassa aikaan
saamasta aikaan
saamaan aikaan
saamalla aikaan
saamatta aikaan
saaman aikaan
saaminen aikaan
saamista aikaan
saamaisillaan aikaan
just about to accomplish
Passive infinitives
saataessa aikaan
while not accomplishing
saataman aikaan
not accomplishing
saava aikaan
saanut aikaan
saama aikaan
Passive participles
saatava aikaan
not accomplished
saatu aikaan
not accomplished
Present negative tense
en saa aikaan
I do not accomplish
et saa aikaan
you do not accomplish
ei saa aikaan
he/she do not accomplish
emme saa aikaan
we do not accomplish
ette saa aikaan
you all do not accomplish
eivät saa aikaan
they do not accomplish
ei saada aikaan
is not accomplished
Past negative tense
en saanut aikaan
I did not accomplish
et saanut aikaan
you did not accomplish
ei saanut aikaan
he/she did not accomplish
emme saaneet aikaan
we did not accomplish
ette saaneet aikaan
you all did not accomplish
eivät saaneet aikaan
they did not accomplish
oli saatu aikaan
had been accomplished
Conditional negative tense
en saisi aikaan
I would not accomplish
et saisi aikaan
you would not accomplish
ei saisi aikaan
he/she would not accomplish
emme saisi aikaan
we would not accomplish
ette saisi aikaan
you all would not accomplish
eivät saisi aikaan
they would not accomplish
Imperative negative mood
älä saa aikaan
do not accomplish!
älköön saako aikaan
let him/her/it not accomplish!
älkäämme saako aikaan
let's not accomplish!
älkää saako aikaan
do not accomplish!
älkööt saako aikaan
do not accomplish!
Potential negative tense
en saane aikaan
I probably do not accomplish
et saane aikaan
you probably do not accomplish
ei saane aikaan
he/she probably does not accomplish
emme saane aikaan
we probably do not accomplish
ette saane aikaan
you all probably do not accomplish
eivät saane aikaan
they probably do not accomplish
Present perfect tense
olen saanut aikaan
I have accomplished
olet saanut aikaan
you have accomplished
on saanut aikaan
he/she has accomplished
olemme saaneet aikaan
we have accomplished
olette saaneet aikaan
you all have accomplished
ovat saaneet aikaan
they have accomplished
on saatu aikaan
has been accomplished
Past perfect tense
olin saanut aikaan
I had accomplished
olit saanut aikaan
you had accomplished
oli saanut aikaan
he/she had accomplished
olimme saaneet aikaan
we had accomplished
olitte saaneet aikaan
you all had accomplished
olivat saaneet aikaan
they had accomplished
Conditional perfect tense
olisin saanut aikaan
I would have accomplished
olisit saanut aikaan
you would have accomplished
olisi saanut aikaan
he/she would have accomplished
olisimme saaneet aikaan
we would have accomplished
olisitte saaneet aikaan
you all would have accomplished
olisivat saaneet aikaan
they would have accomplished
olisi saatu aikaan
would has been accomplished
Imperative perfect tense
ole saanut aikaan
you have accomplished!
olkoon saanut aikaan
he/she have accomplished!
olkaamme saaneet aikaan
we have accomplished!
olkaa saaneet aikaan
you all have accomplished!
olkoot saaneet aikaan
they have accomplished!
olkoon saatu aikaan
has been accomplished!
Potential perfect tense
lienen saanut aikaan
I probably have accomplished
lienet saanut aikaan
you probably have accomplished
lienee saanut aikaan
he/she probably has accomplished
lienemme saaneet aikaan
we probably have accomplished
lienette saaneet aikaan
you all probably have accomplished
lienevät saaneet aikaan
they probably have accomplished
lienee saatu aikaan
probably has been accomplished
Present perfect negative tense
en ole saanut aikaan
I have not accomplished
et ole saanut aikaan
you have not accomplished
ei ole saanut aikaan
he/she has not accomplished
emme ole saaneet aikaan
we have not accomplished
ette ole saaneet aikaan
you all have not accomplished
eivät ole saaneet aikaan
they have not accomplished
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut saanut aikaan
I had not accomplished
et ollut saanut aikaan
you had not accomplished
ei ollut saanut aikaan
he/she had not accomplished
emme olleet saaneet aikaan
we had not accomplished
ette olleet saaneet aikaan
you all had not accomplished
eivät olleet saaneet aikaan
they had not accomplished
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi saanut aikaan
I would not have accomplished
et olisi saanut aikaan
you would not have accomplished
ei olisi saanut aikaan
he/she would not have accomplished
emme olisi saaneet aikaan
we would not have accomplished
ette olisi saaneet aikaan
you all would not have accomplished
eivät olisi saaneet aikaan
they would not have accomplished
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole saanut aikaan
you have accomplished!
olkoon saanut aikaan
he/she have accomplished!
olkaamme saaneet aikaan
we have accomplished!
olkaa saaneet aikaan
you all have accomplished!
olkoot saaneet aikaan
they have accomplished!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene saanut aikaan
I probably have not accomplished
et liene saanut aikaan
you probably have not accomplished
ei liene saanut aikaan
he/she probably has not accomplished
emme liene saaneet aikaan
we probably have not accomplished
ette liene saaneet aikaan
you all probably have not accomplished
eivät liene saaneet aikaan
they probably have not accomplished

Examples of saada aikaan

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
En ymmärrä, mitä aiot saada aikaan?Gaius, I just don't understand what you're trying to accomplish.
He tahtovat tuhota kaiken, mitä yritän saada aikaan.They want to destroy everything that I'm trying to accomplish.
Hän on varma, että voit saada aikaan sen, mihin hän ei pysty.And what she can't accomplish by one means, she is sure that you are likely to achieve by another.
Jos kaksi tyhmää opiskelijaa saa sen selville, - kuvitelkaa, mitä kaltaisenne päättäväinen asianajaja voisi saada aikaan.If 2 idiot college kids can figure that out, Imagine what a determined lawyer Such as yourself could accomplish.
Jospa juuri tämä yksi anonyymi kaikkien asioiden ylistys, - tämä tuuhea kivimetsä, tämä sointuva runoelma, - tämä kuorona kaikuva mahtisana olisikin se, - jonka me valitsemme, kun kaupunkimme ovat tomua, - jäämään ehjänä paikalleen - merkkinä siitä, missä me olemme olleet. Todisteena siitä mitä meillä oli mahdollisuus saada aikaan.You know, it might be just this one anonymous glory... of all things- this rich stone forest... this epic chant, this gaiety... this grand choiring shout of affirmation... which we choose... when all our cities are dust... to stand intact... to mark where we have been... to testify to what we had it in us... to accomplish.
- Ilmeisesti saan aikaan mitä tahansa.I guess that means I can accomplish anything, right?
Jos teen työtä yrityksessä, jolla on tällaiset resurssit - saan aikaan enemmän -If I do pro bono work with a company with these resources... -... I can accomplish so much--
On uskomatonta, mitä saan aikaan, kun tekemisistäni ei jatkuvasti kysellä ja niihin ei puututa.Oh, God, it's amazing what I can accomplish without incessant meddling... Or questioning into everything I do. It's just--
Mitä enemmän saat aikaan, sitä enemmän sinua vihataan.I mean, the more you actually accomplish, the more heat you're gonna draw. - Yeah, I know.
Mitä saat aikaan?What do you accomplish?
Sanon vain, että jos hän saa aikaan sen, mitä hän yrittää, - niin Klaus ei koskaan astu jalallakaan Mystic Fallsiin.Let's just say if she accomplishes what she's attempting, Klaus will never set foot in Mystic Falls.
Jos saamme aikaan näin paljon näin lyhyessä ajassa Washingtonissa, mitä saavuttaisimme, jos kongressi rahoittaisi ohjelman koko maassa?If we can accomplish so much in so little time here in Washington, imagine what we could accomplish if Congress funded America Works nationwide.
Näetkö, mitä saamme aikaan, kun olet läsnä?You see how much we accomplish when you appear?
Olemme suuria ihmisiä ja saamme aikaan suuria asioita!We are a great people and can accomplish great things!
Kaikki se työ, jonka teit minulle keskuksessa,- kaikki, mitä sait aikaan,- se kaikki johdattaa meidät tänne.All the work that you did for me at the center, everything that you accomplished, it all led to us being here.
Jälkikäteen ajatellen tuntuu uskomattomalta, - mitä hän sai aikaan sairaana ollessaan.It's a philosophy that Jobs himself followed. It's really amazing in hindsight what he accomplished while he was sick.
Katsokaa, mitä yhden valaistuneen juutalaisen kuolema sai aikaan.Look what was accomplished with the death of just one enlightened Jew.
Kuka sen sai aikaan?Who's accomplished it?
Lopulta maamiina sai aikaan sen, mihin ihminen ei pystynyt. Kenraali Hollister haavoittui vakavasti ja joutui vetäytymään ennen aikojaan palveluksesta yhtenä maamme sotahistorian nuorimmista kenraalimajureista.'Finally, a land mine accomplished what nothing else could -' 'put General Hollister out of action with severe wounds,' 'wounds that necessitated his untimely retirement from active duty' 'as one of the youngest major generals in this nation's military history. '
Nainen, joka sai aikaan niin paljon?A woman who had accomplished so much?
Olen valmis näyttämään isille, mitä saimme aikaan.All right. I'm ready to show Daddy what we've accomplished.
Vaikuttavaa, mitä saitte aikaan minun toipuessani.Mr. Garrick, I am quite impressed by what you've accomplished during my recent wellness hiatus.
Lavalla on kolme vanhaa kaveria ja kaikilla ladattu ase. He tarkastelevat tähän astista elämäänsä - selvittävät keitä he olivat, mitä he saivat aikaan - kuinka lähellä unelmiaan he olivat.You got three old guys with loaded guns on stage... they look back at their lives... see who they were, what they accomplished... how close they came to realizing their dreams.
"Mitä olet saanut aikaan?" hän kysyy"What have you accomplished?" He asks. "You make yourself, everyone else miserable.
- Mitä olet saanut aikaan?- What have you accomplished?
- Tajuatko sinä, - mitä minä ja tiimini on saanut aikaan tuolla kädelläsi?Do you realize what I and my team have accomplished with that arm of yours?
Etkä ole saanut aikaan mitään.And accomplished nothing.
Ette ole saanut aikaan mitään, Van Helsing.You have accomplished nothing, Van Helsing.

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