Acclamer (to acclaim) conjugation

13 examples

Conjugation of acclamer

Present tense
I acclaim
tu acclames
you acclaim
il/elle/on acclame
he/she/it acclaims
nous acclamons
we acclaim
vous acclamez
you all acclaim
ils/elles acclament
they acclaim
Present perfect tense
j’ai acclamé
I acclaimed
tu as acclamé
you acclaimed
il/elle/on a acclamé
he/she/it acclaimed
nous avons acclamé
we acclaimed
vous avez acclamé
you all acclaimed
ils/elles ont acclamé
they acclaimed
Past impf. tense
I was acclaiming
tu acclamais
you were acclaiming
il/elle/on acclamait
he/she/it was acclaiming
nous acclamions
we were acclaiming
vous acclamiez
you all were acclaiming
ils/elles acclamaient
they were acclaiming
Future tense
I will acclaim
tu acclameras
you will acclaim
il/elle/on acclamera
he/she/it will acclaim
nous acclamerons
we will acclaim
vous acclamerez
you all will acclaim
ils/elles acclameront
they will acclaim
Past perfect tense
j’avais acclamé
I had acclaimed
tu avais acclamé
you had acclaimed
il/elle/on avait acclamé
he/she/it had acclaimed
nous avions acclamé
we had acclaimed
vous aviez acclamé
you all had acclaimed
ils/elles avaient acclamé
they had acclaimed
Past preterite tense
I acclaimed
tu acclamas
you acclaimed
il/elle/on acclama
he/she/it acclaimed
nous acclamâmes
we acclaimed
vous acclamâtes
you all acclaimed
ils/elles acclamèrent
they acclaimed
Past anterior tense
j’eus acclamé
I had acclaimed
tu eus acclamé
you had acclaimed
il/elle/on eut acclamé
he/she/it had acclaimed
nous eûmes acclamé
we had acclaimed
vous eûtes acclamé
you all had acclaimed
ils/elles eurent acclamé
they had acclaimed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai acclamé
I will have acclaimed
tu auras acclamé
you will have acclaimed
il/elle/on aura acclamé
he/she/it will have acclaimed
nous aurons acclamé
we will have acclaimed
vous aurez acclamé
you all will have acclaimed
ils/elles auront acclamé
they will have acclaimed
Present subjunctive tense
que j’acclame
that I acclaim
que tu acclames
that you acclaim
qu’il/elle/on acclame
that he/she/it acclaim
que nous acclamions
that we acclaim
que vous acclamiez
that you all acclaim
qu’ils/elles acclament
that they acclaim
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie acclamé
that I have acclaimed
que tu aies acclamé
that you have acclaimed
qu’il/elle/on ait acclamé
that he/she/it have acclaimed
que nous ayons acclamé
that we have acclaimed
que vous ayez acclamé
that you all have acclaimed
qu’ils/elles aient acclamé
that they have acclaimed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’acclamasse
that I would acclaim
que tu acclamasses
that you would acclaim
qu’il/elle/on acclamât
that he/she/it would acclaim
que nous acclamassions
that we would acclaim
que vous acclamassiez
that you all would acclaim
qu’ils/elles acclamassent
that they would acclaim
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse acclamé
that I had acclaimed
que tu eusses acclamé
that you had acclaimed
qu’il/elle/on eût acclamé
that he/she/it had acclaimed
que nous eussions acclamé
that we had acclaimed
que vous eussiez acclamé
that you all had acclaimed
qu’ils/elles eussent acclamé
that they had acclaimed
Conditional mood
I would acclaim
tu acclamerais
you would acclaim
il/elle/on acclamerait
he/she/it would acclaim
nous acclamerions
we would acclaim
vous acclameriez
you all would acclaim
ils/elles acclameraient
they would acclaim
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais acclamé
I would have acclaimed
tu aurais acclamé
you would have acclaimed
il/elle/on aurait acclamé
he/she/it would have acclaimed
nous aurions acclamé
we would have acclaimed
vous auriez acclamé
you all would have acclaimed
ils/elles auraient acclamé
they would have acclaimed
Imperative mood
let's acclaim!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie acclamé
have acclaimed
ayons acclamé
let's have acclaimed
ayez acclamé
have acclaimed

Examples of acclamer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Nous sommes rassemblés ce soir pour acclamer et souhaiter le succès du Sénateur Jefferson Smith.It is in that spirit that we're here tonight to acclaim and wish Godspeed to Senator Jefferson Smith.
On va peut-être m'acclamer.I might even be acclaimed.
Vous avez moins d'une heure... avant que mes armées ne se passent le mot de marcher sur Paris pour acclamer leur nouveau roi.You have less than one hour... until my armies are given the word to march on Paris to acclaim their new king.
- Les critiques m'ont acclamé.I've been critically acclaimed for this!
... Le plus acclamé de sa génération....Most acclaimed actor of his generation.
Et comme Rock était agé, le groupe Skinny Bitch, acclamé par la critique ne pouvait pas survivre avec son incapacité à finir un show.And as Rock aged, the critically acclaimed band Skinny Bitch couldn't survive his inability to finish a single show.
Et le Vice-Régent du Tout-Puissant sera acclamé par le peuple.And the vice regent of the almighty will be acclaimed by the people.
Et si tu suis vers mon mur des films acclamé par la critique J'ai "La Liste De Schindler" et "La Couleur Pourpre".And if you follow it to my critically-acclaimed wall I have Schindler's List and The Color Purple.
C'est le peuple ravi qui acclame sa reine.The people happily acclaim the new Queen.
Le peuple t'acclame, doge!The people acclaim you as Doge!
Qu'on l'acclame bien fort, pendant qu'il descend dans l'arène!Make way for the acclaimed winner, while he descends into the arena!
Vous aimez qu'on vous acclame, souriez et communiquez trop.That you rejoice in their acclaim, smiling, nodding and waving at them.
Écoutez la voix d'un peuple fier ! acclamant l'homme qui va leur rendre la puissance et la gloire.listen the voice of a proud people acclaiming a man who will lead them back to power and glory!

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