Affirmer (to assert) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of affirmer

Present tense
I assert
tu affirmes
you assert
il/elle/on affirme
he/she/it asserts
nous affirmons
we assert
vous affirmez
you all assert
ils/elles affirment
they assert
Present perfect tense
j’ai affirmé
I asserted
tu as affirmé
you asserted
il/elle/on a affirmé
he/she/it asserted
nous avons affirmé
we asserted
vous avez affirmé
you all asserted
ils/elles ont affirmé
they asserted
Past impf. tense
I was asserting
tu affirmais
you were asserting
il/elle/on affirmait
he/she/it was asserting
nous affirmions
we were asserting
vous affirmiez
you all were asserting
ils/elles affirmaient
they were asserting
Future tense
I will assert
tu affirmeras
you will assert
il/elle/on affirmera
he/she/it will assert
nous affirmerons
we will assert
vous affirmerez
you all will assert
ils/elles affirmeront
they will assert
Past perfect tense
j’avais affirmé
I had asserted
tu avais affirmé
you had asserted
il/elle/on avait affirmé
he/she/it had asserted
nous avions affirmé
we had asserted
vous aviez affirmé
you all had asserted
ils/elles avaient affirmé
they had asserted
Past preterite tense
I asserted
tu affirmas
you asserted
il/elle/on affirma
he/she/it asserted
nous affirmâmes
we asserted
vous affirmâtes
you all asserted
ils/elles affirmèrent
they asserted
Past anterior tense
j’eus affirmé
I had asserted
tu eus affirmé
you had asserted
il/elle/on eut affirmé
he/she/it had asserted
nous eûmes affirmé
we had asserted
vous eûtes affirmé
you all had asserted
ils/elles eurent affirmé
they had asserted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai affirmé
I will have asserted
tu auras affirmé
you will have asserted
il/elle/on aura affirmé
he/she/it will have asserted
nous aurons affirmé
we will have asserted
vous aurez affirmé
you all will have asserted
ils/elles auront affirmé
they will have asserted
Present subjunctive tense
que j’affirme
that I assert
que tu affirmes
that you assert
qu’il/elle/on affirme
that he/she/it assert
que nous affirmions
that we assert
que vous affirmiez
that you all assert
qu’ils/elles affirment
that they assert
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie affirmé
that I have asserted
que tu aies affirmé
that you have asserted
qu’il/elle/on ait affirmé
that he/she/it have asserted
que nous ayons affirmé
that we have asserted
que vous ayez affirmé
that you all have asserted
qu’ils/elles aient affirmé
that they have asserted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’affirmasse
that I would assert
que tu affirmasses
that you would assert
qu’il/elle/on affirmât
that he/she/it would assert
que nous affirmassions
that we would assert
que vous affirmassiez
that you all would assert
qu’ils/elles affirmassent
that they would assert
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse affirmé
that I had asserted
que tu eusses affirmé
that you had asserted
qu’il/elle/on eût affirmé
that he/she/it had asserted
que nous eussions affirmé
that we had asserted
que vous eussiez affirmé
that you all had asserted
qu’ils/elles eussent affirmé
that they had asserted
Conditional mood
I would assert
tu affirmerais
you would assert
il/elle/on affirmerait
he/she/it would assert
nous affirmerions
we would assert
vous affirmeriez
you all would assert
ils/elles affirmeraient
they would assert
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais affirmé
I would have asserted
tu aurais affirmé
you would have asserted
il/elle/on aurait affirmé
he/she/it would have asserted
nous aurions affirmé
we would have asserted
vous auriez affirmé
you all would have asserted
ils/elles auraient affirmé
they would have asserted
Imperative mood
let's assert!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie affirmé
have asserted
ayons affirmé
let's have asserted
ayez affirmé
have asserted

Examples of affirmer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Demain il y aura des pamphlets exhortant les hindous à affirmer leur identité dans le combat pour l'indépendance.- Tomorrow we'll see pamphlets... exhorting Hindus to assert their identity in the Independence struggle
A affirmer sa personnalité sans démunir personne de la sienne.Who asserts her own personality without robbing someone of theirs.
Alors avant tout, laissez-moi affirmer ma conviction profonde que la seule chose que nous ayons à craindre est la crainte elle-même, la crainte sans nom, irraisonnée et injustifiée qui paralyse les efforts nécessaires pour transformer la retraite en marche en avant.So first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself... nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.
Alors tu peux continuer d'affirmer la complète innocence d'Assad.Then you can stick to your assertion of Assad's complete innocence.
Anthropologiquement parlant, les cadeaux sont une façon d'affirmer une prédominance dans un groupe.Anthropologically speaking, gifts are a way of asserting dominance in a group.
En d'autres termes, vous avez affirmé que cet écrasement était accidentel...In other words, you asserted that this crash was accidental.
Et mon estimé ami a affirmé que mon client avait payé l'accès à ces sites avec sa carte de crédit.And my learned friend asserted that my client paid for access to many of those websites with his credit card.
Il a affirmé que toute tentative de la part de mon client d'aider Emily autrement que par un traitement médical, était à la fois inapproprié, mais aussi de la négligence criminelle.He has asserted that any attempt by my client to help Emily by anything other than medical means was not only inappropriate, but criminally negligent.
Il ne s'est jamais vraiment affirmé comme il aurait dû le faire.He's never really asserted himself in a way that I think he should.
J'ai affirmé que Quantico est d'abord et avant tout une base de la Marine et de ce fait, tombe sous notre juridiction.I asserted that Quantico is first and foremost a Marine base and, as such, falls under our jurisdiction.
"Un habitant de Hobbs Lane affirme avoir souvent vu"One inhabitant of Hob's Lane doth assert "he hath oft espied the apparition of a hideous goblin.
Bien sûr, dans le pamphlet, le roi affirme l'origine divine de la papauté.Of course, in the pamphlet the king asserts the divine origin of the papacy.
C'est ce qu'il affirme.That is his assertion.
D'abord, il affirme qu'il est complètement innocent.First, he asserts his absolute innocence.
Elle affirme que sa vie s'est transformée depuis sa rencontre avec M. Arellano.She asserts that her life has in any case changed dramatically since she met Mr Arellano.
Eh bien, c'est une question d'affirmation, je veux dire, que vous affirmez simplement que.Well, you, that's a matter of assertion, I mean, you are now simply asserting that.
... et puis j'ai senti que je mettais fin à ce procédé en affirmant notre humanité a position where I felt like we were breaking down that process by asserting our humanity.
Ecoutez... vous pouvez entendre le mâle alpha s'affirmant.Listen... you can hear the alpha male asserting himself.
Shackleton rassembla ses hommes et lut le rôle de l'équipage... affirmant ainsi sans équivoque son autorité.Shackleton called the men together and read ship's articles dramatically asserting his command.
Une histoire affirmant que nous avons utiliséA story asserting that we used--

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