Amoindrir (to diminish) conjugation

10 examples

Conjugation of amoindrir

Present tense
I diminish
tu amoindris
you diminish
il/elle/on amoindrit
he/she/it diminishes
nous amoindrissons
we diminish
vous amoindrissez
you all diminish
ils/elles amoindrissent
they diminish
Present perfect tense
j’ai amoindri
I diminished
tu as amoindri
you diminished
il/elle/on a amoindri
he/she/it diminished
nous avons amoindri
we diminished
vous avez amoindri
you all diminished
ils/elles ont amoindri
they diminished
Past impf. tense
I was diminishing
tu amoindrissais
you were diminishing
il/elle/on amoindrissait
he/she/it was diminishing
nous amoindrissions
we were diminishing
vous amoindrissiez
you all were diminishing
ils/elles amoindrissaient
they were diminishing
Future tense
I will diminish
tu amoindriras
you will diminish
il/elle/on amoindrira
he/she/it will diminish
nous amoindrirons
we will diminish
vous amoindrirez
you all will diminish
ils/elles amoindriront
they will diminish
Past perfect tense
j’avais amoindri
I had diminished
tu avais amoindri
you had diminished
il/elle/on avait amoindri
he/she/it had diminished
nous avions amoindri
we had diminished
vous aviez amoindri
you all had diminished
ils/elles avaient amoindri
they had diminished
Past preterite tense
I diminished
tu amoindris
you diminished
il/elle/on amoindrit
he/she/it diminished
nous amoindrîmes
we diminished
vous amoindrîtes
you all diminished
ils/elles amoindrirent
they diminished
Past anterior tense
j’eus amoindri
I had diminished
tu eus amoindri
you had diminished
il/elle/on eut amoindri
he/she/it had diminished
nous eûmes amoindri
we had diminished
vous eûtes amoindri
you all had diminished
ils/elles eurent amoindri
they had diminished
Future perfect tense
j’aurai amoindri
I will have diminished
tu auras amoindri
you will have diminished
il/elle/on aura amoindri
he/she/it will have diminished
nous aurons amoindri
we will have diminished
vous aurez amoindri
you all will have diminished
ils/elles auront amoindri
they will have diminished
Present subjunctive tense
que j’amoindrisse
that I diminish
que tu amoindrisses
that you diminish
qu’il/elle/on amoindrisse
that he/she/it diminish
que nous amoindrissions
that we diminish
que vous amoindrissiez
that you all diminish
qu’ils/elles amoindrissent
that they diminish
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie amoindri
that I have diminished
que tu aies amoindri
that you have diminished
qu’il/elle/on ait amoindri
that he/she/it have diminished
que nous ayons amoindri
that we have diminished
que vous ayez amoindri
that you all have diminished
qu’ils/elles aient amoindri
that they have diminished
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’amoindrisse
that I would diminish
que tu amoindrisses
that you would diminish
qu’il/elle/on amoindrît
that he/she/it would diminish
que nous amoindrissions
that we would diminish
que vous amoindrissiez
that you all would diminish
qu’ils/elles amoindrissent
that they would diminish
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse amoindri
that I had diminished
que tu eusses amoindri
that you had diminished
qu’il/elle/on eût amoindri
that he/she/it had diminished
que nous eussions amoindri
that we had diminished
que vous eussiez amoindri
that you all had diminished
qu’ils/elles eussent amoindri
that they had diminished
Conditional mood
I would diminish
tu amoindrirais
you would diminish
il/elle/on amoindrirait
he/she/it would diminish
nous amoindririons
we would diminish
vous amoindririez
you all would diminish
ils/elles amoindriraient
they would diminish
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais amoindri
I would have diminished
tu aurais amoindri
you would have diminished
il/elle/on aurait amoindri
he/she/it would have diminished
nous aurions amoindri
we would have diminished
vous auriez amoindri
you all would have diminished
ils/elles auraient amoindri
they would have diminished
Imperative mood
let's diminish!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie amoindri
have diminished
ayons amoindri
let's have diminished
ayez amoindri
have diminished

Examples of amoindrir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Ce lamentable cloaque ne saurait amoindrir un pur génie.Even this wretched pit can't diminish true genius.
Mais ce n'est pas amoindrir vos exploits avec ces filles que de dire qu'elles n'ont aucun sens de la mesure.I do not wish to diminish your great achievements with these girls when I say that they lack a sense of proportion.
Mais cet été j'ai appris que personne ne peut nous amoindrir, sauf nous-mêmes.But if there's one thing I've learned this summer it's that no one can diminish you but yourself.
Pour moi, ne pas relever ce défi, c'est amoindrir mon autorité.For me, not to answer these challenges is to be diminished.
À amoindrir ce à quoi il tient le plus.I will use the evil eye to torture Rodrigo, to diminish the thing he holds most dear.
Et quand il y en a une qui manque, je me sens amoindri, affaibli et attristé, aussi.When one of them is away, I feel diminished, weakened and sad, too.
Je suis un journaliste célèbre et vous êtes un ex-champion amoindri.I'm a world-famous sportscaster... and you're an ex-champion with diminished skills.
amoindri par ses blessures, il ne se tournât vers le prochain dans l'ancienne Voie de la Lumière.Till... diminished by his wounds... he turned to the next in the ancient line of light.
Mouvements ventilatoires amoindris.Shallow breaths, diminished breath sounds.
Si tu penses que leurs sentinelles sont amoindris, Pourquoi ne pas tenter un assaut direct ?If you believe their sentries have been diminished, why not a direct assault?

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