Arborer (to wear) conjugation

15 examples

Conjugation of arborer

Present tense
I wear
tu arbores
you wear
il/elle/on arbore
he/she/it wears
nous arborons
we wear
vous arborez
you all wear
ils/elles arborent
they wear
Present perfect tense
j’ai arboré
I weared
tu as arboré
you weared
il/elle/on a arboré
he/she/it weared
nous avons arboré
we weared
vous avez arboré
you all weared
ils/elles ont arboré
they weared
Past impf. tense
I was wearing
tu arborais
you were wearing
il/elle/on arborait
he/she/it was wearing
nous arborions
we were wearing
vous arboriez
you all were wearing
ils/elles arboraient
they were wearing
Future tense
I will wear
tu arboreras
you will wear
il/elle/on arborera
he/she/it will wear
nous arborerons
we will wear
vous arborerez
you all will wear
ils/elles arboreront
they will wear
Past perfect tense
j’avais arboré
I had weared
tu avais arboré
you had weared
il/elle/on avait arboré
he/she/it had weared
nous avions arboré
we had weared
vous aviez arboré
you all had weared
ils/elles avaient arboré
they had weared
Past preterite tense
I weared
tu arboras
you weared
il/elle/on arbora
he/she/it weared
nous arborâmes
we weared
vous arborâtes
you all weared
ils/elles arborèrent
they weared
Past anterior tense
j’eus arboré
I had weared
tu eus arboré
you had weared
il/elle/on eut arboré
he/she/it had weared
nous eûmes arboré
we had weared
vous eûtes arboré
you all had weared
ils/elles eurent arboré
they had weared
Future perfect tense
j’aurai arboré
I will have weared
tu auras arboré
you will have weared
il/elle/on aura arboré
he/she/it will have weared
nous aurons arboré
we will have weared
vous aurez arboré
you all will have weared
ils/elles auront arboré
they will have weared
Present subjunctive tense
que j’arbore
that I wear
que tu arbores
that you wear
qu’il/elle/on arbore
that he/she/it wear
que nous arborions
that we wear
que vous arboriez
that you all wear
qu’ils/elles arborent
that they wear
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie arboré
that I have weared
que tu aies arboré
that you have weared
qu’il/elle/on ait arboré
that he/she/it have weared
que nous ayons arboré
that we have weared
que vous ayez arboré
that you all have weared
qu’ils/elles aient arboré
that they have weared
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’arborasse
that I would wear
que tu arborasses
that you would wear
qu’il/elle/on arborât
that he/she/it would wear
que nous arborassions
that we would wear
que vous arborassiez
that you all would wear
qu’ils/elles arborassent
that they would wear
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse arboré
that I had weared
que tu eusses arboré
that you had weared
qu’il/elle/on eût arboré
that he/she/it had weared
que nous eussions arboré
that we had weared
que vous eussiez arboré
that you all had weared
qu’ils/elles eussent arboré
that they had weared
Conditional mood
I would wear
tu arborerais
you would wear
il/elle/on arborerait
he/she/it would wear
nous arborerions
we would wear
vous arboreriez
you all would wear
ils/elles arboreraient
they would wear
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais arboré
I would have weared
tu aurais arboré
you would have weared
il/elle/on aurait arboré
he/she/it would have weared
nous aurions arboré
we would have weared
vous auriez arboré
you all would have weared
ils/elles auraient arboré
they would have weared
Imperative mood
let's wear!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie arboré
have weared
ayons arboré
let's have weared
ayez arboré
have weared

Examples of arborer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Il faut toujours être aimable et arborer un sourire figé.All night one has to wear a big, frozen smile.
Il y a une chose que tu devrais envisager d'arborer pour une fois.Though there is one thing you might consider wearing for once.
L'idée est impopulaire, mais on doit arborer son impopularité comme une médaille d'honneurNow, it's an unpopular idea... butyou have to wearyour unpopularity as a badge ofhonor, don'tyou?
Porter un kimono élégant, avoir une longue mèche sur le côté, et arborer un poignard. Les jeunes de maintenant...Wearing slick clothes, wearing the topknot sideways walking the streets with a swagger, oh yeah it's all so impressive.
Pour lui, ça se résumait à du pain, à des andouillettes et à l'occasion d'arborer l'uniforme à la chasse aux renards du samedi.Probably figured it was gonna be all corn pone and chitlins and... and the chance to wear his uniform to the Saturday fox hunt.
C'est le visage qu'on arbore pour cacher ses sentiments.It's the face you wear when you don't want people to know what you're feeling.
Il fait un régime, s'est acheté 5 nouvelles chemises, il arbore une montre qu'un client lui a soi-disant offerte.He's on a diet, he bought five new shirts, he's wearing a watch a "client" offered him.
L'air martial, arbore tous tes rubans: Le beau linge verra enfin un héros... debout!Stand tall, look sharp, and wear all your ribbons so these people can see a hero who isn't dead.
Parce que j'arbore un sourire béat, il y a des chances que, au moment où je t'apercevrai, il y a des chances que tu penses que je suis amoureux de toi,Chances are 'Cause I wear a silly grin The moment you come into view
Mais vous arborez un drapeau, pensant mener un combat entre pays!Yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight a battle of nations!
En premier, se serai de jouer dans le World Series of Poker, fièrement ... arborant fièrement ... une chemise de flamme.First, is to play in the World Series of Poker, proudly... proudly wearing... a flame shirt.
Et pour m'apprendre l'humilite, les dieux m'ont condamne à te regarder te dandiner en arborant ce fier lion qui etait l'emblème de mon père et de son père avant lui.And to teach me humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud lion that was my father's sigil and his father's before him.
Hier soir, il entre au Shamrock, roulant des mécaniques... téléphone à une nana... comme quoi il vient de braquer un drugstore... arborant une fausse moustache, et qu'il a plein de blé.Last night he walks in here being a big shot on the phone... ...sayinghowherobbedaliquor store wearing a fake mustache.
Le coeur gros, arborant un sourire tremblotant.Sick at heart, wearing a brave but trembling smile.
Quand il rentre, tu l'attends chez lui, en arborant un peu de chantilly et un grand sourire.He gets home. You meet him at the door wearing nothing but whipped cream and a smile.

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