Argumenter (to argue) conjugation

22 examples

Conjugation of argumenter

Present tense
I argue
tu argumentes
you argue
il/elle/on argumente
he/she/it argues
nous argumentons
we argue
vous argumentez
you all argue
ils/elles argumentent
they argue
Present perfect tense
j’ai argumenté
I argued
tu as argumenté
you argued
il/elle/on a argumenté
he/she/it argued
nous avons argumenté
we argued
vous avez argumenté
you all argued
ils/elles ont argumenté
they argued
Past impf. tense
I was arguing
tu argumentais
you were arguing
il/elle/on argumentait
he/she/it was arguing
nous argumentions
we were arguing
vous argumentiez
you all were arguing
ils/elles argumentaient
they were arguing
Future tense
I will argue
tu argumenteras
you will argue
il/elle/on argumentera
he/she/it will argue
nous argumenterons
we will argue
vous argumenterez
you all will argue
ils/elles argumenteront
they will argue
Past perfect tense
j’avais argumenté
I had argued
tu avais argumenté
you had argued
il/elle/on avait argumenté
he/she/it had argued
nous avions argumenté
we had argued
vous aviez argumenté
you all had argued
ils/elles avaient argumenté
they had argued
Past preterite tense
I argued
tu argumentas
you argued
il/elle/on argumenta
he/she/it argued
nous argumentâmes
we argued
vous argumentâtes
you all argued
ils/elles argumentèrent
they argued
Past anterior tense
j’eus argumenté
I had argued
tu eus argumenté
you had argued
il/elle/on eut argumenté
he/she/it had argued
nous eûmes argumenté
we had argued
vous eûtes argumenté
you all had argued
ils/elles eurent argumenté
they had argued
Future perfect tense
j’aurai argumenté
I will have argued
tu auras argumenté
you will have argued
il/elle/on aura argumenté
he/she/it will have argued
nous aurons argumenté
we will have argued
vous aurez argumenté
you all will have argued
ils/elles auront argumenté
they will have argued
Present subjunctive tense
que j’argumente
that I argue
que tu argumentes
that you argue
qu’il/elle/on argumente
that he/she/it argue
que nous argumentions
that we argue
que vous argumentiez
that you all argue
qu’ils/elles argumentent
that they argue
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie argumenté
that I have argued
que tu aies argumenté
that you have argued
qu’il/elle/on ait argumenté
that he/she/it have argued
que nous ayons argumenté
that we have argued
que vous ayez argumenté
that you all have argued
qu’ils/elles aient argumenté
that they have argued
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’argumentasse
that I would argue
que tu argumentasses
that you would argue
qu’il/elle/on argumentât
that he/she/it would argue
que nous argumentassions
that we would argue
que vous argumentassiez
that you all would argue
qu’ils/elles argumentassent
that they would argue
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse argumenté
that I had argued
que tu eusses argumenté
that you had argued
qu’il/elle/on eût argumenté
that he/she/it had argued
que nous eussions argumenté
that we had argued
que vous eussiez argumenté
that you all had argued
qu’ils/elles eussent argumenté
that they had argued
Conditional mood
I would argue
tu argumenterais
you would argue
il/elle/on argumenterait
he/she/it would argue
nous argumenterions
we would argue
vous argumenteriez
you all would argue
ils/elles argumenteraient
they would argue
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais argumenté
I would have argued
tu aurais argumenté
you would have argued
il/elle/on aurait argumenté
he/she/it would have argued
nous aurions argumenté
we would have argued
vous auriez argumenté
you all would have argued
ils/elles auraient argumenté
they would have argued
Imperative mood
let's argue!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie argumenté
have argued
ayons argumenté
let's have argued
ayez argumenté
have argued

Examples of argumenter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Fitz, pas le temps d'argumenter.- Fitz, there's no time to argue.
- Quand elles sont ensemble, n'use pas ta salive pour argumenter.- when they're in agreement,don't waste your breath trying to argue. - All right.
Alors Bowlby va argumenter que l'être humain doit impérativement tomber amoureux afin de survivre.Now, Bowlby's gonna argue that human survival depends on us falling in love.
Avez vous protestez, argumenter de quelque façon que ce soit ?Did you protest, argue in any way?
Bon, qui suis-je pour argumenter avec des sociologues?Well, who am I to argue with sociologists?
- une énorme chute de l'audimat - oui, mais Mr Preston a récemment argumenté en présence du FCC qu'il y a eu une augmentation de la même envergure de l'audimat.. même plus importante que la perte au préalable.- Yes, but Mr. Preston recently argued in front of the FCC that there has been a corresponding rise in viewership-- a rise large enough to more than offset the affiliate loss.
Bien argumenté.Nicely argued.
C'est un procès avec un Jury, et ces personnes sont autorisées à entendre 1 affaire proprement argumentéThis is a jury trial, and these people are entitled to hear a properly argued case.
Dans Bernard v. Iowa bureau d'éducation vous avez argumenté avec succès que l'école n'avez pas le droit de fouiller dans les casier des étudiants parce que, et je cite, "une société démocratique exige"In Bernard v. Iowa board of education, you successfully argued that the school had no right to search students' lockers because, and I quote, "a democratic society requires"
"Mégane argumente et se justifie sans cesse"Mégane argues and answers back all the time,
"Toujours il argumente "Affirmant haut et fort qu'il ne saurait avoir tort.Unceasing argues, harsh, irate and loud, sure that he's right and of his rightness proud
Comme tout Russe, il argumente comme il respire.He is Russian. He needs to argue like he needs to breathe.
Et bien, qu'est qui se passe si on argumente pas ?Well, what happens if we don't argue?
Je n'argumente pas, je suis étonnée.I mean, you know, he's not... Wendy, let's not argue with her.
- Écoutez, madame, n'argumentez jamais avec un chauffeur de taxi.But... Listen, lady, don't ever argue with a taxi driver.
Maintenant vous argumentez juste pour argumenter, parce que vous l'avez arrangé.Now you're arguing just to argue because you arranged it.
N'argumentez pas avec moi.Don't argue with me. Close those blinds.
Ou bien vous argumentez le bien-fondé de cette cause, ou j'excuse le témoin.Either you'll argue the merits of this case or I'll excuse the witness.
Si vous argumentez encore, je vais m'endormir ou commencer à hurler. Alors voilà ce que l'on va faire :If y'all argue anymore, I'll fall asleep or scream so this is what we're gonna do:
Ecoute, on est assis ici à discutailler, argumentant sur ce qui est bien et mal.Look, we sit around here, cupping our lady parts, arguing about right and wrong.
Ma future épouse à la télévision nationale argumentant contre Lawrence freakin' Brand.My future wife on national TV arguing against Lawrence freakin' Brand.
Une équipe "pour" argumentant pour la résolution, l'autre, "contre", la démolissant.One team on the Affirmative, arguing for the resolution. The other on the Negative, tearing it down.

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