Arranger (to arrange) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of arranger

Present tense
I arrange
tu arranges
you arrange
il/elle/on arrange
he/she/it arranges
nous arrangeons
we arrange
vous arrangez
you all arrange
ils/elles arrangent
they arrange
Present perfect tense
j’ai arrangé
I arranged
tu as arrangé
you arranged
il/elle/on a arrangé
he/she/it arranged
nous avons arrangé
we arranged
vous avez arrangé
you all arranged
ils/elles ont arrangé
they arranged
Past impf. tense
I was arranging
tu arrangeais
you were arranging
il/elle/on arrangeait
he/she/it was arranging
nous arrangions
we were arranging
vous arrangiez
you all were arranging
ils/elles arrangeaient
they were arranging
Future tense
I will arrange
tu arrangeras
you will arrange
il/elle/on arrangera
he/she/it will arrange
nous arrangerons
we will arrange
vous arrangerez
you all will arrange
ils/elles arrangeront
they will arrange
Past perfect tense
j’avais arrangé
I had arranged
tu avais arrangé
you had arranged
il/elle/on avait arrangé
he/she/it had arranged
nous avions arrangé
we had arranged
vous aviez arrangé
you all had arranged
ils/elles avaient arrangé
they had arranged
Past preterite tense
I arranged
tu arrangeas
you arranged
il/elle/on arrangea
he/she/it arranged
nous arrangeâmes
we arranged
vous arrangeâtes
you all arranged
ils/elles arrangèrent
they arranged
Past anterior tense
j’eus arrangé
I had arranged
tu eus arrangé
you had arranged
il/elle/on eut arrangé
he/she/it had arranged
nous eûmes arrangé
we had arranged
vous eûtes arrangé
you all had arranged
ils/elles eurent arrangé
they had arranged
Future perfect tense
j’aurai arrangé
I will have arranged
tu auras arrangé
you will have arranged
il/elle/on aura arrangé
he/she/it will have arranged
nous aurons arrangé
we will have arranged
vous aurez arrangé
you all will have arranged
ils/elles auront arrangé
they will have arranged
Present subjunctive tense
que j’arrange
that I arrange
que tu arranges
that you arrange
qu’il/elle/on arrange
that he/she/it arrange
que nous arrangions
that we arrange
que vous arrangiez
that you all arrange
qu’ils/elles arrangent
that they arrange
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie arrangé
that I have arranged
que tu aies arrangé
that you have arranged
qu’il/elle/on ait arrangé
that he/she/it have arranged
que nous ayons arrangé
that we have arranged
que vous ayez arrangé
that you all have arranged
qu’ils/elles aient arrangé
that they have arranged
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’arrangeasse
that I would arrange
que tu arrangeasses
that you would arrange
qu’il/elle/on arrangeât
that he/she/it would arrange
que nous arrangeassions
that we would arrange
que vous arrangeassiez
that you all would arrange
qu’ils/elles arrangeassent
that they would arrange
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse arrangé
that I had arranged
que tu eusses arrangé
that you had arranged
qu’il/elle/on eût arrangé
that he/she/it had arranged
que nous eussions arrangé
that we had arranged
que vous eussiez arrangé
that you all had arranged
qu’ils/elles eussent arrangé
that they had arranged
Conditional mood
I would arrange
tu arrangerais
you would arrange
il/elle/on arrangerait
he/she/it would arrange
nous arrangerions
we would arrange
vous arrangeriez
you all would arrange
ils/elles arrangeraient
they would arrange
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais arrangé
I would have arranged
tu aurais arrangé
you would have arranged
il/elle/on aurait arrangé
he/she/it would have arranged
nous aurions arrangé
we would have arranged
vous auriez arrangé
you all would have arranged
ils/elles auraient arrangé
they would have arranged
Imperative mood
let's arrange!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie arrangé
have arranged
ayons arrangé
let's have arranged
ayez arrangé
have arranged

Examples of arranger

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"A - s'arranger pour que le prisonnier puisse être vu par un médecin immédiatement,"A - arrange for the prisoner to be seen by a doctor immediately,
"Je suis en train de tout arranger. "Patience et prudence. L'orage se dissipe.I'm making successful arrangements, patience and prudence, the clouds will pass G.
* Ça doit s'arranger ** It must be rearranged *
- ...ça peut s'arranger.- ... It can be arranged.
- Ah bien, O.K., ça devrait pouvoir s'arranger, ça.- I guess it can be arranged.
" Il s'est arrangé pour rester seul avec moi dans l'appartement."He's arranged to be alone with me in the apartment.
"C'est mon seul héritier et j'ai arrangé un mariage avec la fille...""He is my sole heir and I have arranged a marriage with the daughter of..."
"Il a tout arrangé pour son voyage.He has arranged a passage for her.
"Paul est mon seul héritier et j'ai arrangé un mariage"Paul is my sole heir and I have arranged a marriage...
"Vous avez tout arrangé à votre manière" "J'ai aimé vos manières, et j'ai fait comme vous."And you arranged everything according to your own taste," "and I got the same taste as you, and I did so.
- Comment "arrange-toi" ?"Re-arrange your schedule"?
- Donc, comme je disais, tu vas en cours, tu y restes, tu passes le bac, et je m'arrange pour que tu la voies une fois.- Well, like l said, you start going to class, you keep going to class, you get your GED, l'll arrange for you to see her once.
- Et tu veux que j'arrange ça.- And you want me to arrange that
- Holly arrange un rendez-vous.Holly arranges a date.
- J'arrange ça.-Yes, l can arrange that.
"mais arrangez évacuation plus tôt possible.""but arrange earliest possible evacuation."
Allez voir ces acteurs et arrangez une représentation au palais.Have a look at those actors and arrange for a performance at the palace.
Alors arrangez-vous pour rendre public ce rapport qui veut réduire le personnel et délocaliser.Then you arrange to make the report public about who wants to reduce staff and relocate.
C'est la facon ç dont vous arrangez les fleurs.Is about how you arrange the flowers. - What?
Compris. Je m'occupe des échantillons, vous arrangez la récupération.I'll get to work on collecting samples, you arrange for a drop.
Avant, j'aurais été dans la rue à crier dans un porte-voix, m'arrangeant en cuisine pour bidouiller les hors-d'œuvre.Two years ago, I would have been out on the street, screaming through a bullhorn, probably arranging for someone in the kitchen to tamper with the hors d'oeuvres.
En arrangeant un mariage entre ma soeur Lucrezia, veuve depuis peu... et Alfonso, le servant du Duc d'Este.By arranging a marriage between my recently widowed sister Lucrezia... and, uh, Alfonso, the servant of Duke d'Este.
Il m'a dit au sujet d'Adrian arrangeant les choses pour que vous couchiez avec Flora.He told me about Adrian arranging for you to sleep with Flora.
Vous aviez l'air si maladroit en arrangeant votre bouton.You looked so awkward arranging your button.
Vous devez avoir été ennuyés arrangeant Les vêtements dans la garde-robe... je vous tiens seulement distrait Le droit de MéreYou must've been bored arranging the clothes in the wardrobe.. I'm only keeping you entertained! Mother's right

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