Attraper (to catch) conjugation

30 examples

Conjugation of attraper

Present tense
I catch
tu attrapes
you catch
il/elle/on attrape
he/she/it catches
nous attrapons
we catch
vous attrapez
you all catch
ils/elles attrapent
they catch
Present perfect tense
j’ai attrapé
I caught
tu as attrapé
you caught
il/elle/on a attrapé
he/she/it caught
nous avons attrapé
we caught
vous avez attrapé
you all caught
ils/elles ont attrapé
they caught
Past impf. tense
I was catching
tu attrapais
you were catching
il/elle/on attrapait
he/she/it was catching
nous attrapions
we were catching
vous attrapiez
you all were catching
ils/elles attrapaient
they were catching
Future tense
I will catch
tu attraperas
you will catch
il/elle/on attrapera
he/she/it will catch
nous attraperons
we will catch
vous attraperez
you all will catch
ils/elles attraperont
they will catch
Past perfect tense
j’avais attrapé
I had caught
tu avais attrapé
you had caught
il/elle/on avait attrapé
he/she/it had caught
nous avions attrapé
we had caught
vous aviez attrapé
you all had caught
ils/elles avaient attrapé
they had caught
Past preterite tense
I caught
tu attrapas
you caught
il/elle/on attrapa
he/she/it caught
nous attrapâmes
we caught
vous attrapâtes
you all caught
ils/elles attrapèrent
they caught
Past anterior tense
j’eus attrapé
I had caught
tu eus attrapé
you had caught
il/elle/on eut attrapé
he/she/it had caught
nous eûmes attrapé
we had caught
vous eûtes attrapé
you all had caught
ils/elles eurent attrapé
they had caught
Future perfect tense
j’aurai attrapé
I will have caught
tu auras attrapé
you will have caught
il/elle/on aura attrapé
he/she/it will have caught
nous aurons attrapé
we will have caught
vous aurez attrapé
you all will have caught
ils/elles auront attrapé
they will have caught
Present subjunctive tense
que j’attrape
that I catch
que tu attrapes
that you catch
qu’il/elle/on attrape
that he/she/it catch
que nous attrapions
that we catch
que vous attrapiez
that you all catch
qu’ils/elles attrapent
that they catch
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie attrapé
that I have caught
que tu aies attrapé
that you have caught
qu’il/elle/on ait attrapé
that he/she/it have caught
que nous ayons attrapé
that we have caught
que vous ayez attrapé
that you all have caught
qu’ils/elles aient attrapé
that they have caught
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’attrapasse
that I would catch
que tu attrapasses
that you would catch
qu’il/elle/on attrapât
that he/she/it would catch
que nous attrapassions
that we would catch
que vous attrapassiez
that you all would catch
qu’ils/elles attrapassent
that they would catch
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse attrapé
that I had caught
que tu eusses attrapé
that you had caught
qu’il/elle/on eût attrapé
that he/she/it had caught
que nous eussions attrapé
that we had caught
que vous eussiez attrapé
that you all had caught
qu’ils/elles eussent attrapé
that they had caught
Conditional mood
I would catch
tu attraperais
you would catch
il/elle/on attraperait
he/she/it would catch
nous attraperions
we would catch
vous attraperiez
you all would catch
ils/elles attraperaient
they would catch
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais attrapé
I would have caught
tu aurais attrapé
you would have caught
il/elle/on aurait attrapé
he/she/it would have caught
nous aurions attrapé
we would have caught
vous auriez attrapé
you all would have caught
ils/elles auraient attrapé
they would have caught
Imperative mood
let's catch!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie attrapé
have caught
ayons attrapé
let's have caught
ayez attrapé
have caught

Examples of attraper

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Je ne voulais attraper quelques truites."l did catch a couple of trout.
"'Il en faut un pour en attraper un autre,' a dit un officiel fédéral a ce reporter.""'It takes one to catch one, ' a federal official told this reporter."
"Car je t'aiderai à l'attraper, afin que tu le tues avant de muter, "et le sort sera rompu."Because I will help you catch it, so you can kill it before you turn... and the spell will be broken."
"Gémeaux", la façon des jumeaux de s'annoncer, nous mettant au défi de les attraper."Gemini," the twins' way of announcing themselves, daring us to catch them.
"Holt tient plus à attraper les erreurs administratives"Holt cares more about catching clerical errors
" Le piège que tu as placé t'a attrapé à la place ""The snare you set caught you instead"
" Ouais, Mel, mm-hmm, j'ai attrapé un rat dans le grenier"Yeah, Mel, mm-hmm, I caught that rat up in the attic
"Ce que j'ai attrapé "Est peut-être contagieux# This thing I caught, you know, could be catchin' too
"Elle a attrapé un poisson et pleuré" n'est pas toute l'histoire."She caught a fish and cried," is not the whole story.
"Hank Aaron a attrapé la balle "alors qu'elle allait passer au-dessus du mur."Hank Aaron caught the last hit as it was going over the centerfield fence."'.
" Va et attrape ton étoile filante...Go and catch a falling star...
"Assure-toi qu'il n'attrape pas froid".Make sure he don't catch cold."
"Coquine, si je t'attrape, je te tue", c'est que je lui disais et je tendais la main vers le fusil."Naughty girl! I'll kill you if I catch you", I'd say as I reached for the gun.
"Jan nous attrape à chaque fois.""Jan always catches us."
"Jusqu'à ce que vous m'attrapiez... ou que je vous attrape.""Until you catch me... or I catch you."
Allez, attrapons notre voleur.All right, let's catch ourselves a burglar.
Alors attrapons-le.Ok, so let's catch him.
Alors, attrapons-le vite.Well, then, let's catch him quick.
Maintenant, attrapons ce bâtard et attrapons le rapidement.Now, let's catch this bastard and let's catch him fast.
"Andy vient de décrocher son diplôme et il a hâte d'emmener sa copine à la pêche." J'ai accepté d'aller chez tes parents, mais toi et ton père vous attrapez le poisson, ta mère le prépare, et moi je le mange.I told you, I'll go to your parents, if you and your dad catch the fish, your mom cooks the fish and I eat the fish.
"Pour l'amour de Dieu, attrapez moi avant que je ne tue encore."For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more.
- Capitaine Crawford, vous attrapez ?Hey, Captain Crawford, wanna play catch?
- Dépêchez-vous, attrapez-la !- Hurry and catch her!
- Essayez encore. Si vous attrapez du poisson nous aurons à manger et à boire.If you catch some fish, you'll not only have food, but drink.
Il semblerait que vous ayez attrapé notre poseur de bombe.It seems you may have caught our mad bomber.
- On les protège en attrapant le tueur.We protect them by catching the killer.
Chaque jour ouvrable, depuis 12 ans, Harold faisait presque 57 pas de course par bloc, sur 6 blocs, attrapant de justesse le 8h 17, terminus Kronecker.Every weekday, for 12 years Harold would run at a rate of nearly 57 steps per block for six blocks barely catching the 8: 17 Kronecker bus.
Dans quatre heures, on sera à ce beau lac Geneva, attrapant des brochets plus vite qu'on met le temps de les manger.In four short hours, we'll be at beautiful lake Geneva, catching muskies faster than we can eat 'em.
Elle est sur moi et je risque de mourir en attrapant la tuberculose. Je suis au Paradis.And she's on top of me, and I might be killing myself... catching consumption from her mouth.
En attrapant un espion ?By catching a military spy?

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