Blanchir (to whitewash) conjugation

8 examples

Conjugation of blanchir

Present tense
je blanchis
I whitewash
tu blanchis
you whitewash
il/elle/on blanchit
he/she/it whitewashes
nous blanchissons
we whitewash
vous blanchissez
you all whitewash
ils/elles blanchissent
they whitewash
Present perfect tense
j’ai blanchi
I whitewashed
tu as blanchi
you whitewashed
il/elle/on a blanchi
he/she/it whitewashed
nous avons blanchi
we whitewashed
vous avez blanchi
you all whitewashed
ils/elles ont blanchi
they whitewashed
Past impf. tense
je blanchissais
I was whitewashing
tu blanchissais
you were whitewashing
il/elle/on blanchissait
he/she/it was whitewashing
nous blanchissions
we were whitewashing
vous blanchissiez
you all were whitewashing
ils/elles blanchissaient
they were whitewashing
Future tense
je blanchirai
I will whitewash
tu blanchiras
you will whitewash
il/elle/on blanchira
he/she/it will whitewash
nous blanchirons
we will whitewash
vous blanchirez
you all will whitewash
ils/elles blanchiront
they will whitewash
Past perfect tense
j’avais blanchi
I had whitewashed
tu avais blanchi
you had whitewashed
il/elle/on avait blanchi
he/she/it had whitewashed
nous avions blanchi
we had whitewashed
vous aviez blanchi
you all had whitewashed
ils/elles avaient blanchi
they had whitewashed
Past preterite tense
je blanchis
I whitewashed
tu blanchis
you whitewashed
il/elle/on blanchit
he/she/it whitewashed
nous blanchîmes
we whitewashed
vous blanchîtes
you all whitewashed
ils/elles blanchirent
they whitewashed
Past anterior tense
j’eus blanchi
I had whitewashed
tu eus blanchi
you had whitewashed
il/elle/on eut blanchi
he/she/it had whitewashed
nous eûmes blanchi
we had whitewashed
vous eûtes blanchi
you all had whitewashed
ils/elles eurent blanchi
they had whitewashed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai blanchi
I will have whitewashed
tu auras blanchi
you will have whitewashed
il/elle/on aura blanchi
he/she/it will have whitewashed
nous aurons blanchi
we will have whitewashed
vous aurez blanchi
you all will have whitewashed
ils/elles auront blanchi
they will have whitewashed
Present subjunctive tense
que je blanchisse
that I whitewash
que tu blanchisses
that you whitewash
qu’il/elle/on blanchisse
that he/she/it whitewash
que nous blanchissions
that we whitewash
que vous blanchissiez
that you all whitewash
qu’ils/elles blanchissent
that they whitewash
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie blanchi
that I have whitewashed
que tu aies blanchi
that you have whitewashed
qu’il/elle/on ait blanchi
that he/she/it have whitewashed
que nous ayons blanchi
that we have whitewashed
que vous ayez blanchi
that you all have whitewashed
qu’ils/elles aient blanchi
that they have whitewashed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je blanchisse
that I would whitewash
que tu blanchisses
that you would whitewash
qu’il/elle/on blanchît
that he/she/it would whitewash
que nous blanchissions
that we would whitewash
que vous blanchissiez
that you all would whitewash
qu’ils/elles blanchissent
that they would whitewash
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse blanchi
that I had whitewashed
que tu eusses blanchi
that you had whitewashed
qu’il/elle/on eût blanchi
that he/she/it had whitewashed
que nous eussions blanchi
that we had whitewashed
que vous eussiez blanchi
that you all had whitewashed
qu’ils/elles eussent blanchi
that they had whitewashed
Conditional mood
je blanchirais
I would whitewash
tu blanchirais
you would whitewash
il/elle/on blanchirait
he/she/it would whitewash
nous blanchirions
we would whitewash
vous blanchiriez
you all would whitewash
ils/elles blanchiraient
they would whitewash
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais blanchi
I would have whitewashed
tu aurais blanchi
you would have whitewashed
il/elle/on aurait blanchi
he/she/it would have whitewashed
nous aurions blanchi
we would have whitewashed
vous auriez blanchi
you all would have whitewashed
ils/elles auraient blanchi
they would have whitewashed
Imperative mood
let's whitewash!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie blanchi
have whitewashed
ayons blanchi
let's have whitewashed
ayez blanchi
have whitewashed

Examples of blanchir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Je n'essaie pas de le blanchir.- I'm not trying to whitewash him.
Et Mauricio, donne ces... ces grandes brosses pour bien blanchir le mur.And Mauricio, hand out those... the big brushes to whitewash the wall.
Faut croire qu'en vieillissant, on cherche tous à se blanchir.As you get older you whitewash yourself.
Il faut blanchir cet arbre é la chaux.You should whitewash that tree.
J'ai fait de mon mieux pour vous blanchir dans mon journal.It's like this. I've done the best I could for you up till now. I've whitewashed you plenty in all the papers.
Avec Ies murs blanchis à Ia chaux, on voyait Ia porte sur des kilomètres.Against the whitewashed walls, the door could be seen for several miles.
On va appliquer le contrat et tu blanchis tout!Or we'll go by your contract and you can whitewash the place.
Vous ressemblez à des sépulcres blanchis. Ils sont beaux au-dehors, mais pleins au-dedans d'ossements de morts et de pourriture.For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and every kind of impurity.

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