Braconner (to poach) conjugation

19 examples

Conjugation of braconner

Present tense
je braconne
I poach
tu braconnes
you poach
il/elle/on braconne
he/she/it poaches
nous braconnons
we poach
vous braconnez
you all poach
ils/elles braconnent
they poach
Present perfect tense
j’ai braconné
I poached
tu as braconné
you poached
il/elle/on a braconné
he/she/it poached
nous avons braconné
we poached
vous avez braconné
you all poached
ils/elles ont braconné
they poached
Past impf. tense
je braconnais
I was poaching
tu braconnais
you were poaching
il/elle/on braconnait
he/she/it was poaching
nous braconnions
we were poaching
vous braconniez
you all were poaching
ils/elles braconnaient
they were poaching
Future tense
je braconnerai
I will poach
tu braconneras
you will poach
il/elle/on braconnera
he/she/it will poach
nous braconnerons
we will poach
vous braconnerez
you all will poach
ils/elles braconneront
they will poach
Past perfect tense
j’avais braconné
I had poached
tu avais braconné
you had poached
il/elle/on avait braconné
he/she/it had poached
nous avions braconné
we had poached
vous aviez braconné
you all had poached
ils/elles avaient braconné
they had poached
Past preterite tense
je braconnai
I poached
tu braconnas
you poached
il/elle/on braconna
he/she/it poached
nous braconnâmes
we poached
vous braconnâtes
you all poached
ils/elles braconnèrent
they poached
Past anterior tense
j’eus braconné
I had poached
tu eus braconné
you had poached
il/elle/on eut braconné
he/she/it had poached
nous eûmes braconné
we had poached
vous eûtes braconné
you all had poached
ils/elles eurent braconné
they had poached
Future perfect tense
j’aurai braconné
I will have poached
tu auras braconné
you will have poached
il/elle/on aura braconné
he/she/it will have poached
nous aurons braconné
we will have poached
vous aurez braconné
you all will have poached
ils/elles auront braconné
they will have poached
Present subjunctive tense
que je braconne
that I poach
que tu braconnes
that you poach
qu’il/elle/on braconne
that he/she/it poach
que nous braconnions
that we poach
que vous braconniez
that you all poach
qu’ils/elles braconnent
that they poach
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie braconné
that I have poached
que tu aies braconné
that you have poached
qu’il/elle/on ait braconné
that he/she/it have poached
que nous ayons braconné
that we have poached
que vous ayez braconné
that you all have poached
qu’ils/elles aient braconné
that they have poached
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je braconnasse
that I would poach
que tu braconnasses
that you would poach
qu’il/elle/on braconnât
that he/she/it would poach
que nous braconnassions
that we would poach
que vous braconnassiez
that you all would poach
qu’ils/elles braconnassent
that they would poach
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse braconné
that I had poached
que tu eusses braconné
that you had poached
qu’il/elle/on eût braconné
that he/she/it had poached
que nous eussions braconné
that we had poached
que vous eussiez braconné
that you all had poached
qu’ils/elles eussent braconné
that they had poached
Conditional mood
je braconnerais
I would poach
tu braconnerais
you would poach
il/elle/on braconnerait
he/she/it would poach
nous braconnerions
we would poach
vous braconneriez
you all would poach
ils/elles braconneraient
they would poach
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais braconné
I would have poached
tu aurais braconné
you would have poached
il/elle/on aurait braconné
he/she/it would have poached
nous aurions braconné
we would have poached
vous auriez braconné
you all would have poached
ils/elles auraient braconné
they would have poached
Imperative mood
let's poach!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie braconné
have poached
ayons braconné
let's have poached
ayez braconné
have poached

Examples of braconner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Il continue à braconner.Still goes poaching.
- Je repartirais braconner. C'est plus sûr.Go back to poaching gators, it's safer.
- Votre Lucas va y braconner ?Lucas wouldn't poach there, would he?
Attendez, vous... vous avez essayé de me braconner ?Wait, you -- you -- you tried to poach me?
Avoue qu'un Colt Cobra, c'est pas pour braconner.Admit that a Colt Cobra is not for poaching.
Eh bien, je vais toujours braconné si je suis après les protéines.Well, I always go poached if I'm after protein.
Quand j'étais enfant, un garçon d'écurie de Pemberley qui s'appelait Patrick Reilly a braconné une biche sur les terres du père d'Hardcastle.When I was a boy, a Pemberley lad called Patrick Reilly poached a deer from Hardcastle's father's land.
- Il braconne toujours ?- Still goes poaching? - Poaching jobs.
Après tout, si je braconne, c'est pas par méchanceté.If I poach, it's not out of spite.
Et il braconne, en plus.To say nothing of his poaching.
Il braconne.He poaches.
Il paraît qu'on braconne du saumon dans l'estuaire.There's reports of salmon poachers out on the estuary.
"Pourquoi braconnez-vous sur le domaine royal? ""Why are you poachin' on royal land?"
C'est ça... Vous ne braconnez pas.Right- you're not poachers.
On dirait que vous braconnez.I've a right to think you're poaching.
Tous les fusils seront braqués sur vous si vous braconnez sur les terres de l'amour.Here. It's open season on you as long as you go poaching on the preserves of love.
Vous braconnez ?You're poaching.
"Jim est un homme bon", et c'est bien qu'il veuille prendre soin de sa famille, mais pas en braconnant.'Jim's a good man,' and it's good he should want to provide for his family, but not with poaching.
Elle a commis une faute... en braconnant... en se mettant à son compte.Well, she was trespassing, Mike poaching going into business for herself.

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