Calculer (to calculate) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of calculer

Present tense
je calcule
I calculate
tu calcules
you calculate
il/elle/on calcule
he/she/it calculates
nous calculons
we calculate
vous calculez
you all calculate
ils/elles calculent
they calculate
Present perfect tense
j’ai calculé
I calculated
tu as calculé
you calculated
il/elle/on a calculé
he/she/it calculated
nous avons calculé
we calculated
vous avez calculé
you all calculated
ils/elles ont calculé
they calculated
Past impf. tense
je calculais
I was calculating
tu calculais
you were calculating
il/elle/on calculait
he/she/it was calculating
nous calculions
we were calculating
vous calculiez
you all were calculating
ils/elles calculaient
they were calculating
Future tense
je calculerai
I will calculate
tu calculeras
you will calculate
il/elle/on calculera
he/she/it will calculate
nous calculerons
we will calculate
vous calculerez
you all will calculate
ils/elles calculeront
they will calculate
Past perfect tense
j’avais calculé
I had calculated
tu avais calculé
you had calculated
il/elle/on avait calculé
he/she/it had calculated
nous avions calculé
we had calculated
vous aviez calculé
you all had calculated
ils/elles avaient calculé
they had calculated
Past preterite tense
je calculai
I calculated
tu calculas
you calculated
il/elle/on calcula
he/she/it calculated
nous calculâmes
we calculated
vous calculâtes
you all calculated
ils/elles calculèrent
they calculated
Past anterior tense
j’eus calculé
I had calculated
tu eus calculé
you had calculated
il/elle/on eut calculé
he/she/it had calculated
nous eûmes calculé
we had calculated
vous eûtes calculé
you all had calculated
ils/elles eurent calculé
they had calculated
Future perfect tense
j’aurai calculé
I will have calculated
tu auras calculé
you will have calculated
il/elle/on aura calculé
he/she/it will have calculated
nous aurons calculé
we will have calculated
vous aurez calculé
you all will have calculated
ils/elles auront calculé
they will have calculated
Present subjunctive tense
que je calcule
that I calculate
que tu calcules
that you calculate
qu’il/elle/on calcule
that he/she/it calculate
que nous calculions
that we calculate
que vous calculiez
that you all calculate
qu’ils/elles calculent
that they calculate
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie calculé
that I have calculated
que tu aies calculé
that you have calculated
qu’il/elle/on ait calculé
that he/she/it have calculated
que nous ayons calculé
that we have calculated
que vous ayez calculé
that you all have calculated
qu’ils/elles aient calculé
that they have calculated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je calculasse
that I would calculate
que tu calculasses
that you would calculate
qu’il/elle/on calculât
that he/she/it would calculate
que nous calculassions
that we would calculate
que vous calculassiez
that you all would calculate
qu’ils/elles calculassent
that they would calculate
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse calculé
that I had calculated
que tu eusses calculé
that you had calculated
qu’il/elle/on eût calculé
that he/she/it had calculated
que nous eussions calculé
that we had calculated
que vous eussiez calculé
that you all had calculated
qu’ils/elles eussent calculé
that they had calculated
Conditional mood
je calculerais
I would calculate
tu calculerais
you would calculate
il/elle/on calculerait
he/she/it would calculate
nous calculerions
we would calculate
vous calculeriez
you all would calculate
ils/elles calculeraient
they would calculate
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais calculé
I would have calculated
tu aurais calculé
you would have calculated
il/elle/on aurait calculé
he/she/it would have calculated
nous aurions calculé
we would have calculated
vous auriez calculé
you all would have calculated
ils/elles auraient calculé
they would have calculated
Imperative mood
let's calculate!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie calculé
have calculated
ayons calculé
let's have calculated
ayez calculé
have calculated

Examples of calculer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"L'équation permet de calculer quand "la surface sera viable.""This equation can be used to calculate time remaining... until viable surface re-habitation."
- Mais on ne peut ni le réguler ni calculer la distance parcourue à cause de son instabilité.But we have no way to regulate it or to calculate the distance we travelled because of naquadria's instability.
- Park a dû mal calculer le score.- Park may miscalculate the score.
- calculer les totaux.- calculate the totals.
- calculer ça.- calculate that.
"Mais Mme Bennet qui avait calculé "que ses filles resteraient à Netherfield "jusqu'au prochain mardi...But Mrs. Bennet, who had calculated on her daughters remaining at Netherfield till the following Tuesday... "
- C'était mal calculé.- Well, you miscalculated.
- C'était un risque calculé.- I took a calculated risk.
"J'évalue la situation, je calcule les pertes potentielles "et je prends la décision appropriée."Evaluate situation, calculate potential losses and take appropriate action.
- Comment on calcule... ?. How do you calculate...
- Si on calcule, 1001 nuits, ça fait,..- If we calculate 1001 nights, it's ..
-On la calcule pas, j'ai pas la force, là.-It is not calculated, I do not force it. que je calcule le cubage.I need to calculate truck space.
Les maths c'est du calcul, dont calculons.Math is about calculation. So let's calculate.
- Il n'en reste que 15%. Si vous calculez le temps qu'il faut pour détruire une ville et avancer, nous envisageons la destruction de toutes les grandes villes du monde dans les prochaines 36 heures.If you calculate the time it takes to destroy a city and move on, we're looking at the worldwide destruction of every major city in the next 36 hours.
- Officier, calculez l'interception- T.A.O., calculate a target to intercept.
Alors si vous calculez ça...Then if we calculate this...
Si vous calculez le temps qu'il faut pour détruire une ville et avancer, nous envisageons la destruction de toutes les grandes villes du monde dans les prochaines 36 heures.If you calculate the time it takes to destroy a city and move on, we're looking at the worldwide destruction of every major city in the next 36 hours.
Vous calculez encore ma retraite ?You still calculate my retirement?
- En calculant les positions des étoiles à la naissance, ce qui est impossible.By calculating the positions of the stars when they were born - impossible.
Celle qui évalue les chances de contacts extraterrestres en calculant le produit d'une série de valeurs fractionnaires, comme les étoiles aux planètes pouvant développer la vie ?The one that estimates the odds of contact with extraterrestrials by calculating the product of series of fractional values such as stars with planets likely to develop life?
En calculant deux points fixes et en considérant le tireur comme le troisième point fixe,By calculating two fixed points, then factoring in the shooter as a third fixed object,
En calculant your cycle criminel, c'était easy for me de savoir - que tu aurais placé les bombes ici.The fact that you'd plant a bomb here today was easy for me to figure out after calculating your criminal cycles.
Je me le suis toujours imaginé traquant ses victimes, calculant les risques, planifiant tout.I always thought of him as stalking victims, calculating the risks, planning it all out.

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