Condamner (to condemn) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of condamner

Present tense
je condamne
I condemn
tu condamnes
you condemn
il/elle/on condamne
he/she/it condemns
nous condamnons
we condemn
vous condamnez
you all condemn
ils/elles condamnent
they condemn
Present perfect tense
j’ai condamné
I condemned
tu as condamné
you condemned
il/elle/on a condamné
he/she/it condemned
nous avons condamné
we condemned
vous avez condamné
you all condemned
ils/elles ont condamné
they condemned
Past impf. tense
je condamnais
I was condemning
tu condamnais
you were condemning
il/elle/on condamnait
he/she/it was condemning
nous condamnions
we were condemning
vous condamniez
you all were condemning
ils/elles condamnaient
they were condemning
Future tense
je condamnerai
I will condemn
tu condamneras
you will condemn
il/elle/on condamnera
he/she/it will condemn
nous condamnerons
we will condemn
vous condamnerez
you all will condemn
ils/elles condamneront
they will condemn
Past perfect tense
j’avais condamné
I had condemned
tu avais condamné
you had condemned
il/elle/on avait condamné
he/she/it had condemned
nous avions condamné
we had condemned
vous aviez condamné
you all had condemned
ils/elles avaient condamné
they had condemned
Past preterite tense
je condamnai
I condemned
tu condamnas
you condemned
il/elle/on condamna
he/she/it condemned
nous condamnâmes
we condemned
vous condamnâtes
you all condemned
ils/elles condamnèrent
they condemned
Past anterior tense
j’eus condamné
I had condemned
tu eus condamné
you had condemned
il/elle/on eut condamné
he/she/it had condemned
nous eûmes condamné
we had condemned
vous eûtes condamné
you all had condemned
ils/elles eurent condamné
they had condemned
Future perfect tense
j’aurai condamné
I will have condemned
tu auras condamné
you will have condemned
il/elle/on aura condamné
he/she/it will have condemned
nous aurons condamné
we will have condemned
vous aurez condamné
you all will have condemned
ils/elles auront condamné
they will have condemned
Present subjunctive tense
que je condamne
that I condemn
que tu condamnes
that you condemn
qu’il/elle/on condamne
that he/she/it condemn
que nous condamnions
that we condemn
que vous condamniez
that you all condemn
qu’ils/elles condamnent
that they condemn
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie condamné
that I have condemned
que tu aies condamné
that you have condemned
qu’il/elle/on ait condamné
that he/she/it have condemned
que nous ayons condamné
that we have condemned
que vous ayez condamné
that you all have condemned
qu’ils/elles aient condamné
that they have condemned
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je condamnasse
that I would condemn
que tu condamnasses
that you would condemn
qu’il/elle/on condamnât
that he/she/it would condemn
que nous condamnassions
that we would condemn
que vous condamnassiez
that you all would condemn
qu’ils/elles condamnassent
that they would condemn
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse condamné
that I had condemned
que tu eusses condamné
that you had condemned
qu’il/elle/on eût condamné
that he/she/it had condemned
que nous eussions condamné
that we had condemned
que vous eussiez condamné
that you all had condemned
qu’ils/elles eussent condamné
that they had condemned
Conditional mood
je condamnerais
I would condemn
tu condamnerais
you would condemn
il/elle/on condamnerait
he/she/it would condemn
nous condamnerions
we would condemn
vous condamneriez
you all would condemn
ils/elles condamneraient
they would condemn
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais condamné
I would have condemned
tu aurais condamné
you would have condemned
il/elle/on aurait condamné
he/she/it would have condemned
nous aurions condamné
we would have condemned
vous auriez condamné
you all would have condemned
ils/elles auraient condamné
they would have condemned
Imperative mood
let's condemn!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie condamné
have condemned
ayons condamné
let's have condemned
ayez condamné
have condemned

Examples of condamner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Avant que Dieu n'envoie son fils sur terre, pour condamner le monde, le monde, à travers lui, peut être sauvé.""For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world, through him, might be saved."
"Car Dieu n'a pas envoyé son Fils sur la Terre pour la condamner", "mais pour sauver le monde à travers lui.""For God did not send his Son out into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him."
"Graciana, pourquoi condamner votre amour ?Graciana, why do you condemn your love?
"Nous riposterons" , déclare le nouveau président russe pour condamner l'assassinat commis aujourd'hui par l'agent américain Evelyn Salt."We will strike back," says the new Russian president, angrily condemning today's assassination by American intelligence officer Evelyn Salt.
"Votre Honneur, avant de me condamner à la pendaison, vous m'avez demandé si j'ai des remords."Your honor, before condemning me to the gallows you asked if I felt remorse.
"Celui qui tue délibérément ... sera condamné à l'enfer pour l'éternité. ""He who deliberately kills shall be condemned to Hell for all eternity."
"Cet homme que vous voyez nu devant vous a été condamné pour sédition,"This man, naked before you now, is condemned for sedition...
"Ci-gît, en tombe de noir ourlée, sans vie et condamné celui qui vendit son âme au profit vil et qui, même dans la mort, manque de flair et de style.""Here lies, in black tomb hemmed, lifeless and condemned who sold his soul for profit vile and e'en in death lacks flair and style."
"Dans l'amour, j'ai été condamné""In love, I was condemned"
"Et je suis de mon coeur le vampire, un de ces grands abandonnés, au rire éternel condamné, et qui ne peut plus sourire.""... I am the vampire of my own heart, One of the great outcasts condemned to eternal laughter who can no longer smile...".
"Au nom de la république, je condamne au peloton d'exécution"On behalf of the republic, I condemn the firing squad
"L'ambassade américaine au Caire condamne les efforts soutenus faits par des individus malavisés pour blesser les sentiments religieux des musulmans.""The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims."
"Plus que tout, je dois m'assurer "de ne pas céder aux maux que je condamne".Most of all, I must see to it that I do not lend myself to the evils which I condemn.
"Qui parle ainsi se condamne aussitôt.""Who talk like this is already condemned."
"Regardons en nous-même", a-t-elle écrit. "Ce qui s'y trouve nous condamne."'We have looked into ourselves,' she wrote 'and what is there condemns us.'
- Je ne peux pas. Alors pourquoi condamnez-vous les gens de mon pays... qui essayent de changer les choses ?Then why do you condemn those in my country... who try to do something about it?
- Ne condamnez pas Jerrold trop vite.Regardless of appearances, don't condemn Jerrold too quickly.
- Vous me condamnez, tu le sais.- You're condemning me. - We're not!
- Vous ne le condamnez pas.We don't condemn him.
- ne condamnez pas les autres.- you shouldn't condemn others.
Abdal Malik prévoit de dire sa propre fatwa au centre islamique condamnant nos frères d'Al Qaeda tels des criminels qui devraient être combattus par tous les musulmans.Abdal malik is planning on delivering a fatwa of his own at the islamic center condemning our brothers in al qaeda as criminals who should be fought by all muslims.
Au moment où il va éjaculer, il imagine la tête coupée et son visage le condamnant :While he's in the middle of coming... he imagines her severed head... and then her face condemning him.
C'est absurde... Raoh a utilisé un point vital, condamnant Rei à mourir au bout de trois jours de souffrances.How absurd... condemningRei to die after three days of suffering.
C'est une question que tu dois te poser... avant de me donner le rôle d'un dieu condamnant.This is a question you must ask yourself... before you would assign me the role of a condemning god.
Cependant, je montrerai aussi qu'en condamnant Ailani, vous porterez le premier coup à ces criminels.However, I also show that in condemning Ailani , you wear the first time to these criminals.

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