Consoler (to comfort) conjugation

23 examples

Conjugation of consoler

Present tense
je console
I comfort
tu consoles
you comfort
il/elle/on console
he/she/it comforts
nous consolons
we comfort
vous consolez
you all comfort
ils/elles consolent
they comfort
Present perfect tense
j’ai consolé
I comforted
tu as consolé
you comforted
il/elle/on a consolé
he/she/it comforted
nous avons consolé
we comforted
vous avez consolé
you all comforted
ils/elles ont consolé
they comforted
Past impf. tense
je consolais
I was comforting
tu consolais
you were comforting
il/elle/on consolait
he/she/it was comforting
nous consolions
we were comforting
vous consoliez
you all were comforting
ils/elles consolaient
they were comforting
Future tense
je consolerai
I will comfort
tu consoleras
you will comfort
il/elle/on consolera
he/she/it will comfort
nous consolerons
we will comfort
vous consolerez
you all will comfort
ils/elles consoleront
they will comfort
Past perfect tense
j’avais consolé
I had comforted
tu avais consolé
you had comforted
il/elle/on avait consolé
he/she/it had comforted
nous avions consolé
we had comforted
vous aviez consolé
you all had comforted
ils/elles avaient consolé
they had comforted
Past preterite tense
je consolai
I comforted
tu consolas
you comforted
il/elle/on consola
he/she/it comforted
nous consolâmes
we comforted
vous consolâtes
you all comforted
ils/elles consolèrent
they comforted
Past anterior tense
j’eus consolé
I had comforted
tu eus consolé
you had comforted
il/elle/on eut consolé
he/she/it had comforted
nous eûmes consolé
we had comforted
vous eûtes consolé
you all had comforted
ils/elles eurent consolé
they had comforted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai consolé
I will have comforted
tu auras consolé
you will have comforted
il/elle/on aura consolé
he/she/it will have comforted
nous aurons consolé
we will have comforted
vous aurez consolé
you all will have comforted
ils/elles auront consolé
they will have comforted
Present subjunctive tense
que je console
that I comfort
que tu consoles
that you comfort
qu’il/elle/on console
that he/she/it comfort
que nous consolions
that we comfort
que vous consoliez
that you all comfort
qu’ils/elles consolent
that they comfort
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie consolé
that I have comforted
que tu aies consolé
that you have comforted
qu’il/elle/on ait consolé
that he/she/it have comforted
que nous ayons consolé
that we have comforted
que vous ayez consolé
that you all have comforted
qu’ils/elles aient consolé
that they have comforted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je consolasse
that I would comfort
que tu consolasses
that you would comfort
qu’il/elle/on consolât
that he/she/it would comfort
que nous consolassions
that we would comfort
que vous consolassiez
that you all would comfort
qu’ils/elles consolassent
that they would comfort
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse consolé
that I had comforted
que tu eusses consolé
that you had comforted
qu’il/elle/on eût consolé
that he/she/it had comforted
que nous eussions consolé
that we had comforted
que vous eussiez consolé
that you all had comforted
qu’ils/elles eussent consolé
that they had comforted
Conditional mood
je consolerais
I would comfort
tu consolerais
you would comfort
il/elle/on consolerait
he/she/it would comfort
nous consolerions
we would comfort
vous consoleriez
you all would comfort
ils/elles consoleraient
they would comfort
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais consolé
I would have comforted
tu aurais consolé
you would have comforted
il/elle/on aurait consolé
he/she/it would have comforted
nous aurions consolé
we would have comforted
vous auriez consolé
you all would have comforted
ils/elles auraient consolé
they would have comforted
Imperative mood
let's comfort!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie consolé
have comforted
ayons consolé
let's have comforted
ayez consolé
have comforted

Examples of consoler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"C'est arrivé, ça devait arriver." Et quand on a des amis, ou juste un bon ami, on sait qu'il fera de son mieux pour vous consoler et pour adoucir le coup avec tout son coeur.Accept the inevitable. Friends - or even just one good friend - will do their best to be a comfort and help in time of trouble.
- Faites semblant de me consoler.- Pretend I'm crying. You comfort me.
- Merci de me consoler.Thanks for the comfort.
- Pour consoler Amélie, mère lui offre un Kodak d'occasion.To comfort Amélie, her mother gives her a second-hand Instamatic camera.
- Que cherches-tu ? - Je veux consoler cette dame.I want to comfort that lady
- Ça va, il est consolé.- "ok? , he is comforted.
C'est lui qui nous a consolé.He comforted us.
Comment calmer un enfant qui pleure et qui refuse d'être raisonné ou consolé ?What can you do with a baby that won't be comforted? - Come, lay by my side.
Il m'a consolé quand j'étais triste ou quand j'avais peur.He comforted me when I was sad or when I was afraid.
Je suis rentré à la maison et je me suis fait consolé par sa soeur.I crawled home and was comforted by her sister.
"La Terre Perdue." Je me demande si ça le console.The Waste Land. I wonder if it comforts him.
- Je console ma sœur souffrante.I flew in to comfort my ailing sister.
- Si. Un bon journaliste... console les affligés et afflige les nantis.A good journalist... comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comfortable.
- Ça me console.There's a comforting thought.
Achète-toi un bon repas, quelques verres, et console-toi à la pensée de récupérer le plus gros de cet argent très bientôt.Look, get yourself a good meal, a few drinks, and take comfort from the fact you're gonna be making most of this money back very shortly.
Bien, consolez-vous.Have comfort.
C'est comme ça que vous me consolez ?Is this the way to comfort me?
Dénichez une nana qui vient de se faire larguer, et consolez-la en lui massant les épaules, et bientôt...Find a chick who's just been dumped, and comfort her By massaging her shoulders, and soon...
Elizabeth, consolez-vous.Elizabeth, have comfort.
Gardez-moi, consolez-moi - Chut, chut...Shelter me, comfort me
Le mari et l'infirmière aux grands coeurs se consolant. Parce que la malade est encore vivante.The noble husband and the noble nurse comforting each other... because the patient still lives.
Son thème, un homme consolant une femme en pleurs.His theme, a man comforting a crying woman.
Tu ne t'es pas rendu compte... qu'en te consolant j'aurais adouci mon chagrin.But you went off into some corner of your own, never realizing... by comforting you, I could have helped my own grief.

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