Contester (to contest) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of contester

Present tense
je conteste
I contest
tu contestes
you contest
il/elle/on conteste
he/she/it contests
nous contestons
we contest
vous contestez
you all contest
ils/elles contestent
they contest
Present perfect tense
j’ai contesté
I contested
tu as contesté
you contested
il/elle/on a contesté
he/she/it contested
nous avons contesté
we contested
vous avez contesté
you all contested
ils/elles ont contesté
they contested
Past impf. tense
je contestais
I was contesting
tu contestais
you were contesting
il/elle/on contestait
he/she/it was contesting
nous contestions
we were contesting
vous contestiez
you all were contesting
ils/elles contestaient
they were contesting
Future tense
je contesterai
I will contest
tu contesteras
you will contest
il/elle/on contestera
he/she/it will contest
nous contesterons
we will contest
vous contesterez
you all will contest
ils/elles contesteront
they will contest
Past perfect tense
j’avais contesté
I had contested
tu avais contesté
you had contested
il/elle/on avait contesté
he/she/it had contested
nous avions contesté
we had contested
vous aviez contesté
you all had contested
ils/elles avaient contesté
they had contested
Past preterite tense
je contestai
I contested
tu contestas
you contested
il/elle/on contesta
he/she/it contested
nous contestâmes
we contested
vous contestâtes
you all contested
ils/elles contestèrent
they contested
Past anterior tense
j’eus contesté
I had contested
tu eus contesté
you had contested
il/elle/on eut contesté
he/she/it had contested
nous eûmes contesté
we had contested
vous eûtes contesté
you all had contested
ils/elles eurent contesté
they had contested
Future perfect tense
j’aurai contesté
I will have contested
tu auras contesté
you will have contested
il/elle/on aura contesté
he/she/it will have contested
nous aurons contesté
we will have contested
vous aurez contesté
you all will have contested
ils/elles auront contesté
they will have contested
Present subjunctive tense
que je conteste
that I contest
que tu contestes
that you contest
qu’il/elle/on conteste
that he/she/it contest
que nous contestions
that we contest
que vous contestiez
that you all contest
qu’ils/elles contestent
that they contest
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie contesté
that I have contested
que tu aies contesté
that you have contested
qu’il/elle/on ait contesté
that he/she/it have contested
que nous ayons contesté
that we have contested
que vous ayez contesté
that you all have contested
qu’ils/elles aient contesté
that they have contested
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je contestasse
that I would contest
que tu contestasses
that you would contest
qu’il/elle/on contestât
that he/she/it would contest
que nous contestassions
that we would contest
que vous contestassiez
that you all would contest
qu’ils/elles contestassent
that they would contest
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse contesté
that I had contested
que tu eusses contesté
that you had contested
qu’il/elle/on eût contesté
that he/she/it had contested
que nous eussions contesté
that we had contested
que vous eussiez contesté
that you all had contested
qu’ils/elles eussent contesté
that they had contested
Conditional mood
je contesterais
I would contest
tu contesterais
you would contest
il/elle/on contesterait
he/she/it would contest
nous contesterions
we would contest
vous contesteriez
you all would contest
ils/elles contesteraient
they would contest
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais contesté
I would have contested
tu aurais contesté
you would have contested
il/elle/on aurait contesté
he/she/it would have contested
nous aurions contesté
we would have contested
vous auriez contesté
you all would have contested
ils/elles auraient contesté
they would have contested
Imperative mood
let's contest!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie contesté
have contested
ayons contesté
let's have contested
ayez contesté
have contested

Examples of contester

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"pour contester un ordre de certification"to contest a class certification order
- Légalement, on peut encore contester.Of course, legally, we could contest.
- Pour contester le testament de mon père.To contest my father's will.
- il pourrait contester le testament.- they could contest the will.
Ainsi donc, je vous demande... de confirmer ma sentence, Messer l'Abbé. Mon coeur... est lourd de peine, mais je ne vois nulle raison de contester... la juste sentence de la Sainte Inquisition.My heart is filled with sorrow but I can find no reason to contest the just sentence of the Holy Inquisition.
"Si ceci est contesté d aucune façon que ce soit, l'ensemble de mes biens, meubles et immeubles, sera légué à l'organisme de bienfaisance ci-joint:"If this will be contested in any way, the whole of my estate, both real and personal, is bequeathed to the charities herewith: The Earl Haig Fund..."
- Le titre en sera bientôt contesté.I believe its title will be contested in coming months.
... où ils ont établi une stratégie pour le budget amèrement contesté de ce Janvier, après que le président Obama et les Sénateurs républicains ont convenu d'une augmentation fiscale sur 77% des Américains....where they established a strategy for this January's bitterly contested budget, after which President Obama and Senate Republicans agreed to a tax increase on 77% of Americans.
C'est le gang le plus contesté de la ville.You're standing in the most heavily contested gang 'hood in the city
D'accord... Voici les échantillons d'ADN du père contesté, classés par date.OK, Kemp, so we have the contested father DNA samples, all in date order.
"La culpabilité ne sera pas établie par des documents que personne ne conteste ou ne nie, mais par le biais de considérations de nature politique ou sociale.""This responsibility will not be found only in documents... "that no one contests or denies. "It will be found in considerations of a political or social nature.
- Je gagnerai sans conteste tu sais.- I won a contest you know.
- Sans conteste !- No contest, lady.
Aucun conteste !No contest!
Comme vous le savez, mon client a accepté votre requête et ne conteste plus le divorce.As you know, my client has agreed to your request and is no longer contesting the divorce.
- Vous ne le contestez pas ?- You don't contest that fact.
Je vois, vous contestez l'héritage.- Oh, I get it. You're contesting the will.
Pouvez-vous dire au jury pourquoi vous contestez?Will you please tell the jury Why you're contesting?
Votre client veut reprendre le contrôle de sa société, c'est pourquoi vous contestez l'annulation du mariage ?Your client wants to regain control of his company, so you're contesting the annulment of his marriage?
Vous contestez ce rapport ?Are you contesting this report? No.

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