Contribuer (to contribute) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of contribuer

Present tense
je contribue
I contribute
tu contribues
you contribute
il/elle/on contribue
he/she/it contributes
nous contribuons
we contribute
vous contribuez
you all contribute
ils/elles contribuent
they contribute
Present perfect tense
j’ai contribué
I contributed
tu as contribué
you contributed
il/elle/on a contribué
he/she/it contributed
nous avons contribué
we contributed
vous avez contribué
you all contributed
ils/elles ont contribué
they contributed
Past impf. tense
je contribuais
I was contributing
tu contribuais
you were contributing
il/elle/on contribuait
he/she/it was contributing
nous contribuions
we were contributing
vous contribuiez
you all were contributing
ils/elles contribuaient
they were contributing
Future tense
je contribuerai
I will contribute
tu contribueras
you will contribute
il/elle/on contribuera
he/she/it will contribute
nous contribuerons
we will contribute
vous contribuerez
you all will contribute
ils/elles contribueront
they will contribute
Past perfect tense
j’avais contribué
I had contributed
tu avais contribué
you had contributed
il/elle/on avait contribué
he/she/it had contributed
nous avions contribué
we had contributed
vous aviez contribué
you all had contributed
ils/elles avaient contribué
they had contributed
Past preterite tense
je contribuai
I contributed
tu contribuas
you contributed
il/elle/on contribua
he/she/it contributed
nous contribuâmes
we contributed
vous contribuâtes
you all contributed
ils/elles contribuèrent
they contributed
Past anterior tense
j’eus contribué
I had contributed
tu eus contribué
you had contributed
il/elle/on eut contribué
he/she/it had contributed
nous eûmes contribué
we had contributed
vous eûtes contribué
you all had contributed
ils/elles eurent contribué
they had contributed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai contribué
I will have contributed
tu auras contribué
you will have contributed
il/elle/on aura contribué
he/she/it will have contributed
nous aurons contribué
we will have contributed
vous aurez contribué
you all will have contributed
ils/elles auront contribué
they will have contributed
Present subjunctive tense
que je contribue
that I contribute
que tu contribues
that you contribute
qu’il/elle/on contribue
that he/she/it contribute
que nous contribuions
that we contribute
que vous contribuiez
that you all contribute
qu’ils/elles contribuent
that they contribute
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie contribué
that I have contributed
que tu aies contribué
that you have contributed
qu’il/elle/on ait contribué
that he/she/it have contributed
que nous ayons contribué
that we have contributed
que vous ayez contribué
that you all have contributed
qu’ils/elles aient contribué
that they have contributed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je contribuasse
that I would contribute
que tu contribuasses
that you would contribute
qu’il/elle/on contribuât
that he/she/it would contribute
que nous contribuassions
that we would contribute
que vous contribuassiez
that you all would contribute
qu’ils/elles contribuassent
that they would contribute
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse contribué
that I had contributed
que tu eusses contribué
that you had contributed
qu’il/elle/on eût contribué
that he/she/it had contributed
que nous eussions contribué
that we had contributed
que vous eussiez contribué
that you all had contributed
qu’ils/elles eussent contribué
that they had contributed
Conditional mood
je contribuerais
I would contribute
tu contribuerais
you would contribute
il/elle/on contribuerait
he/she/it would contribute
nous contribuerions
we would contribute
vous contribueriez
you all would contribute
ils/elles contribueraient
they would contribute
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais contribué
I would have contributed
tu aurais contribué
you would have contributed
il/elle/on aurait contribué
he/she/it would have contributed
nous aurions contribué
we would have contributed
vous auriez contribué
you all would have contributed
ils/elles auraient contribué
they would have contributed
Imperative mood
let's contribute!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie contribué
have contributed
ayons contribué
let's have contributed
ayez contribué
have contributed

Examples of contribuer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"est le mode de vie sédimentaire, qui peut contribuer...""is a sedimentary lifestyle, "which can contribute..."
- Et contribuer à son rétablissement.and contribute to his faith.
- Il se présente aux élections. - J'aimerais pouvoir contribuer.- He's up for re-election as D.A. - l wish l could contribute.
- J'aime contribuer à la conversation.- I like to contribute to the conversation.
- Je sens que je peux contribuer.- I feel I can contribute.
"L'immunité ne s'applique pas à l'État qui à contribué à l'émission de substances nocives.""The immunity shall not apply to the state "where it has contributed "to the release of hazardous substances."
"Les actions du lieutenant McCoy ont contribué à l'issue victorieuse de l'opération... et ont sauvé un nombre incalculable de vies"."Lt. McCoy's actions contributed to the successful outcome of the operation... "and saved countless lives."
- J'ai bien contribué à la communauté.- I contributed a lot to this community. - Absolutely.
- J'y ai contribué.–I contributed.
- Les gars sont trop excités d'avoir contribué au film d'un réalisateur de cette trempe et... vous voyez où je veux en venir.- The guys are so excited to have contributed to such an esteemed director's film and... you know where I'm going with this.
"Ma maison contribue à Ia santé publique "et à Ia paix des ménages que des célibataires troubIeraient."We contribute to public health and family weII-being.
- Ca ne change pas le monde, mais ca y contribue.It doesn't change the world, but it contributes.
- Il ne contribue en rien.- He does not contribute.
- Je... j'y contribue.- I... I contribute.
- Les hommes surmenés d'âge mur... ont souvent des conquêtes plus jeunes, ce qui contribue aussi aux crises cardiaques.- Overworked middle aged gentlemen often have young lovers, which also contributes to heart failure.
Auteur '"Food Choices and Sustainability" Si vous ne mangez pas de viande le lundi, vous contribuez au changement climatique, à la pollution, à la dégradation des ressources de la planète et de votre santé six jours par semaine seulement au lieu de sept.When you go meatless on Monday, you essentially contribute to climate change, pollution depletion of our planet's resources and your own health then only six days of the week, instead of seven.
Comment contribuez-vous au... travail d'entreprise?"What you contribute of, to, the work force?"
Euh, avez-vous contribuez au bal des policier ?Let's see. Uh, did you contribute to the policeman's ball?
Mais vous contribuez aux mots ?But you contribute words.
Peu importe combien toi ou tes investisseurs contribuez.I don't care how much you or your investors contribute.
Au prix de sa vie, il a détruit les munitions de l'ennemi, contribuant ainsi à assurer notre victoire lors de l'assaut de Mogala.At the sacrifice of his life he destroyed enemy ammunition supplies contributing thereby to the success of our arms in the action at Mogala.
Dr Colbert, y avait-il d'autres circonstances y contribuant... en plus de celles que vous avez mentionnées ?Dr. Colbert, were there any contributing circumstances... other than those you just mentioned?
J'ai essayé d'expliquer , bien sûr, que notre attente continue de la fin du monde , il est difficile pour justifier contribuant à des programmes à long terme, comme Maladie ou de sécurité sociale , mais , euh apparemment même un paiement de l'impôt sélectifI tried to explain, of course, that with our continued expectation of the end of the world, it's difficult to justify contributing to long-term programs like Medicare or Social Security, but, um apparently even a selective tax payment
Vous pensez que la sentence clémente a été un facteur contribuant à sa mort ?Do you think the lenient sentence was a contributing factor in her death?

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