Convier (to invite) conjugation

15 examples

Conjugation of convier

Present tense
je convie
I invite
tu convies
you invite
il/elle/on convie
he/she/it invites
nous convions
we invite
vous conviez
you all invite
ils/elles convient
they invite
Present perfect tense
j’ai convié
I invited
tu as convié
you invited
il/elle/on a convié
he/she/it invited
nous avons convié
we invited
vous avez convié
you all invited
ils/elles ont convié
they invited
Past impf. tense
je conviais
I was inviting
tu conviais
you were inviting
il/elle/on conviait
he/she/it was inviting
nous conviions
we were inviting
vous conviiez
you all were inviting
ils/elles conviaient
they were inviting
Future tense
je convierai
I will invite
tu convieras
you will invite
il/elle/on conviera
he/she/it will invite
nous convierons
we will invite
vous convierez
you all will invite
ils/elles convieront
they will invite
Past perfect tense
j’avais convié
I had invited
tu avais convié
you had invited
il/elle/on avait convié
he/she/it had invited
nous avions convié
we had invited
vous aviez convié
you all had invited
ils/elles avaient convié
they had invited
Past preterite tense
je conviai
I invited
tu convias
you invited
il/elle/on convia
he/she/it invited
nous conviâmes
we invited
vous conviâtes
you all invited
ils/elles convièrent
they invited
Past anterior tense
j’eus convié
I had invited
tu eus convié
you had invited
il/elle/on eut convié
he/she/it had invited
nous eûmes convié
we had invited
vous eûtes convié
you all had invited
ils/elles eurent convié
they had invited
Future perfect tense
j’aurai convié
I will have invited
tu auras convié
you will have invited
il/elle/on aura convié
he/she/it will have invited
nous aurons convié
we will have invited
vous aurez convié
you all will have invited
ils/elles auront convié
they will have invited
Present subjunctive tense
que je convie
that I invite
que tu convies
that you invite
qu’il/elle/on convie
that he/she/it invite
que nous conviions
that we invite
que vous conviiez
that you all invite
qu’ils/elles convient
that they invite
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie convié
that I have invited
que tu aies convié
that you have invited
qu’il/elle/on ait convié
that he/she/it have invited
que nous ayons convié
that we have invited
que vous ayez convié
that you all have invited
qu’ils/elles aient convié
that they have invited
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je conviasse
that I would invite
que tu conviasses
that you would invite
qu’il/elle/on conviât
that he/she/it would invite
que nous conviassions
that we would invite
que vous conviassiez
that you all would invite
qu’ils/elles conviassent
that they would invite
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse convié
that I had invited
que tu eusses convié
that you had invited
qu’il/elle/on eût convié
that he/she/it had invited
que nous eussions convié
that we had invited
que vous eussiez convié
that you all had invited
qu’ils/elles eussent convié
that they had invited
Conditional mood
je convierais
I would invite
tu convierais
you would invite
il/elle/on convierait
he/she/it would invite
nous convierions
we would invite
vous convieriez
you all would invite
ils/elles convieraient
they would invite
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais convié
I would have invited
tu aurais convié
you would have invited
il/elle/on aurait convié
he/she/it would have invited
nous aurions convié
we would have invited
vous auriez convié
you all would have invited
ils/elles auraient convié
they would have invited
Imperative mood
let's invite!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie convié
have invited
ayons convié
let's have invited
ayez convié
have invited

Examples of convier

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
As-tu prévenu quelqu'un que tu voulais me convier à l'événement ?Did you tell anyone else That you wanted to invite me to the party?
Elle va le convier à quelque souperShe will invite him to some supper.
J'ai l'honneur de vous convier a l'exposition annuelle de technologie.I have the honor to invite you is the annual exhibition technology.
Je ne te demande pas de le convier à un café, mais de me l'amener dans le coffre de ta voiture.I'm not asking you to invite him to a coffee klatch. I'm telling you to jam him in the boot of your car and haul his ass in!
Je vous invite à convier vos parents à l'inauguration de notre première caméra de surveillance demain à l'angle d'Hillside et de Harper Drive, juste en face de ce qui ne sera bientôt plus un parc à chiens, à 16 h.I invite you to bring your parents to the unveiling of our first surveillance camera tomorrow at the corner of Hillside and Harper drives right across from what will soon no longer be the dog park. 4:00 p.m.
- J'ai convié Bernard.I invited Bernard along to our meeting.
- Tu n'es pas convié.- You're not invited.
- Un invité est convié.Guests are invited.
Après tout, nous avons convié le public pour lui montrer que nos patients ne sont pas des parias.After all, we invited the public here to show them that our patients are not all social lepers.
Ayant soutenu ce projet, j'ai été convié à la réunion.l had shown support, so was invited to attend the neeting.
"La Signora Lina Paventi vous convie au mariage de son fils, Nino." Dois-je continuer?"La Signora Lina Paventi wants to invite you to the wedding of her son, Nino." Do I need to go on?
"La famille Fairfield vous convie ainsi qu'un invité à un mémorial.""The Fairfield family invite you and a guest to a memorial."
Aimons, tout nous y convie.Let us love, for everything invites us to do so.
Annonce aux Burgondes, Hagen, que je les convie à une partie de chasse ! C'est un vil chien, un féroce loup, qu'il s'agit d'abattre.Tronje, announce to the people of Burgundy that I invite everybody to a royal hunt to kill a mad dog and a ravening.
C'est à un festin de gloire que demain votre chef vous convie.It will be a glorious feast that your Commander invites you to tomorrow.

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