Discerner (to discern) conjugation

15 examples

Conjugation of discerner

Present tense
je discerne
I discern
tu discernes
you discern
il/elle/on discerne
he/she/it discerns
nous discernons
we discern
vous discernez
you all discern
ils/elles discernent
they discern
Present perfect tense
j’ai discerné
I discerned
tu as discerné
you discerned
il/elle/on a discerné
he/she/it discerned
nous avons discerné
we discerned
vous avez discerné
you all discerned
ils/elles ont discerné
they discerned
Past impf. tense
je discernais
I was discerning
tu discernais
you were discerning
il/elle/on discernait
he/she/it was discerning
nous discernions
we were discerning
vous discerniez
you all were discerning
ils/elles discernaient
they were discerning
Future tense
je discernerai
I will discern
tu discerneras
you will discern
il/elle/on discernera
he/she/it will discern
nous discernerons
we will discern
vous discernerez
you all will discern
ils/elles discerneront
they will discern
Past perfect tense
j’avais discerné
I had discerned
tu avais discerné
you had discerned
il/elle/on avait discerné
he/she/it had discerned
nous avions discerné
we had discerned
vous aviez discerné
you all had discerned
ils/elles avaient discerné
they had discerned
Past preterite tense
je discernai
I discerned
tu discernas
you discerned
il/elle/on discerna
he/she/it discerned
nous discernâmes
we discerned
vous discernâtes
you all discerned
ils/elles discernèrent
they discerned
Past anterior tense
j’eus discerné
I had discerned
tu eus discerné
you had discerned
il/elle/on eut discerné
he/she/it had discerned
nous eûmes discerné
we had discerned
vous eûtes discerné
you all had discerned
ils/elles eurent discerné
they had discerned
Future perfect tense
j’aurai discerné
I will have discerned
tu auras discerné
you will have discerned
il/elle/on aura discerné
he/she/it will have discerned
nous aurons discerné
we will have discerned
vous aurez discerné
you all will have discerned
ils/elles auront discerné
they will have discerned
Present subjunctive tense
que je discerne
that I discern
que tu discernes
that you discern
qu’il/elle/on discerne
that he/she/it discern
que nous discernions
that we discern
que vous discerniez
that you all discern
qu’ils/elles discernent
that they discern
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie discerné
that I have discerned
que tu aies discerné
that you have discerned
qu’il/elle/on ait discerné
that he/she/it have discerned
que nous ayons discerné
that we have discerned
que vous ayez discerné
that you all have discerned
qu’ils/elles aient discerné
that they have discerned
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je discernasse
that I would discern
que tu discernasses
that you would discern
qu’il/elle/on discernât
that he/she/it would discern
que nous discernassions
that we would discern
que vous discernassiez
that you all would discern
qu’ils/elles discernassent
that they would discern
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse discerné
that I had discerned
que tu eusses discerné
that you had discerned
qu’il/elle/on eût discerné
that he/she/it had discerned
que nous eussions discerné
that we had discerned
que vous eussiez discerné
that you all had discerned
qu’ils/elles eussent discerné
that they had discerned
Conditional mood
je discernerais
I would discern
tu discernerais
you would discern
il/elle/on discernerait
he/she/it would discern
nous discernerions
we would discern
vous discerneriez
you all would discern
ils/elles discerneraient
they would discern
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais discerné
I would have discerned
tu aurais discerné
you would have discerned
il/elle/on aurait discerné
he/she/it would have discerned
nous aurions discerné
we would have discerned
vous auriez discerné
you all would have discerned
ils/elles auraient discerné
they would have discerned
Imperative mood
let's discern!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie discerné
have discerned
ayons discerné
let's have discerned
ayez discerné
have discerned

Examples of discerner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Il est incapable de discerner l'objet auquel il doit s'appliquer "pour chercher la vraie connaissance.and that most often, he is incapable of discerning the object he must apply himself to in order to find true knowledge.
-En cas de crise, la difficulté, ce n'est pas de faire son devoir, c'est de le discerner.In crisis situations what's difficult, is not to do one's duty. It's to discern what it is.
Abîme si obscur, si profond, si nébuleux Que malgré mon regard scrutant le tréfonds Je n'y pouvais discerner nulle choseDark and deep, and thick with clouds o'erspread, mine eye in vain explored its bottom, nor could aught discern.
C'est mon travail de discerner la vérité, et ce que vous venez de me dire n'en a même pas le parfum.It's my job to discern the truth, and what you just said doesn't have a whiff of it.
Cara Lynn et Nell, n'oubliez pas qu'en tant que filles du Père Céleste, vous jouissez du libre-arbitre, entretenez une relation avec Lui et possédez la capacité divine de discerner la vérité dans les Évangiles.And Cara Lynn and Nell, remember, too, that as daughters of heavenly father, you also have free will, your own personal relationship with him and the divine ability to discern the truth of the gospels in your testimony.
Et le merveilleux de l'après J'ai discerné le désastreAnd the wonder of the where after l've discerned the disaster
J'ai discerné une adorable... une petite lueur d'approbation dans ses yeux.L - I discerned a lovely- a little glint of approbation in her eye.
Mme D'Ascoyne qui avait discerné en moi un homme délicat et sensible me pria de l'accompagner dans ce "cross-country".Mrs. D'Ascoyne, who had discerned in me... a man of delicate sensibility and high purpose... asked me to accompany her on the cross-countryjourney.
Bien qu'il n'en discerne pas vraiment l'esprit... tic-tic-ticThough the wit thereof he but dimly discerns... Tick-tick-tick, tick-tick-tick-tick,
Eh bien, d'après mes calculs, l'onde de choc aurait dû nous toucher maintenant mais je ne discerne aucune augmentation du niveau de radiations.According to my calculations, the blast should have hit by now but l'm reading no discernible increase in radiation.
Il discerne des tendances et localise la source du problème.It discerns subtle patterns and locates the source of a problem.
Il n'y a pas de vérité. En tout cas, je n'en discerne aucune.There is no truth, at least none that I can discern.
Je ne discerne aucune supériorité de manières, d'accomplissements ou de connaissances chez les Dalrymple.But I discern no superiority of manner, accomplishment, or understanding in the Dalrymples.
Puisque vous êtes si bon, voyons si vous discernez ces deux turbulents ou même ces personnes non turbulentes bavarder énigmatiquement peut-être avec une sérénité fastueuse...Since you're so good, let's see... If you discern two obsreperous or even non-obsreperous persons confabulating cryptically, possibly with ostentatious equanimity...
Vous discernez l'humanité dans la loque d'un corps humain abîmé.You discern humanity in the wreck of a ruined human body.

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