Embrasser (to kiss) conjugation

27 examples

Conjugation of embrasser

Present tense
I kiss
tu embrasses
you kiss
il/elle/on embrasse
he/she/it kisses
nous embrassons
we kiss
vous embrassez
you all kiss
ils/elles embrassent
they kiss
Present perfect tense
j’ai embrassé
I kissed
tu as embrassé
you kissed
il/elle/on a embrassé
he/she/it kissed
nous avons embrassé
we kissed
vous avez embrassé
you all kissed
ils/elles ont embrassé
they kissed
Past impf. tense
I was kissing
tu embrassais
you were kissing
il/elle/on embrassait
he/she/it was kissing
nous embrassions
we were kissing
vous embrassiez
you all were kissing
ils/elles embrassaient
they were kissing
Future tense
I will kiss
tu embrasseras
you will kiss
il/elle/on embrassera
he/she/it will kiss
nous embrasserons
we will kiss
vous embrasserez
you all will kiss
ils/elles embrasseront
they will kiss
Past perfect tense
j’avais embrassé
I had kissed
tu avais embrassé
you had kissed
il/elle/on avait embrassé
he/she/it had kissed
nous avions embrassé
we had kissed
vous aviez embrassé
you all had kissed
ils/elles avaient embrassé
they had kissed
Past preterite tense
I kissed
tu embrassas
you kissed
il/elle/on embrassa
he/she/it kissed
nous embrassâmes
we kissed
vous embrassâtes
you all kissed
ils/elles embrassèrent
they kissed
Past anterior tense
j’eus embrassé
I had kissed
tu eus embrassé
you had kissed
il/elle/on eut embrassé
he/she/it had kissed
nous eûmes embrassé
we had kissed
vous eûtes embrassé
you all had kissed
ils/elles eurent embrassé
they had kissed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai embrassé
I will have kissed
tu auras embrassé
you will have kissed
il/elle/on aura embrassé
he/she/it will have kissed
nous aurons embrassé
we will have kissed
vous aurez embrassé
you all will have kissed
ils/elles auront embrassé
they will have kissed
Present subjunctive tense
que j’embrasse
that I kiss
que tu embrasses
that you kiss
qu’il/elle/on embrasse
that he/she/it kiss
que nous embrassions
that we kiss
que vous embrassiez
that you all kiss
qu’ils/elles embrassent
that they kiss
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie embrassé
that I have kissed
que tu aies embrassé
that you have kissed
qu’il/elle/on ait embrassé
that he/she/it have kissed
que nous ayons embrassé
that we have kissed
que vous ayez embrassé
that you all have kissed
qu’ils/elles aient embrassé
that they have kissed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’embrassasse
that I would kiss
que tu embrassasses
that you would kiss
qu’il/elle/on embrassât
that he/she/it would kiss
que nous embrassassions
that we would kiss
que vous embrassassiez
that you all would kiss
qu’ils/elles embrassassent
that they would kiss
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse embrassé
that I had kissed
que tu eusses embrassé
that you had kissed
qu’il/elle/on eût embrassé
that he/she/it had kissed
que nous eussions embrassé
that we had kissed
que vous eussiez embrassé
that you all had kissed
qu’ils/elles eussent embrassé
that they had kissed
Conditional mood
I would kiss
tu embrasserais
you would kiss
il/elle/on embrasserait
he/she/it would kiss
nous embrasserions
we would kiss
vous embrasseriez
you all would kiss
ils/elles embrasseraient
they would kiss
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais embrassé
I would have kissed
tu aurais embrassé
you would have kissed
il/elle/on aurait embrassé
he/she/it would have kissed
nous aurions embrassé
we would have kissed
vous auriez embrassé
you all would have kissed
ils/elles auraient embrassé
they would have kissed
Imperative mood
let's kiss!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie embrassé
have kissed
ayons embrassé
let's have kissed
ayez embrassé
have kissed

Examples of embrasser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Cher David, j'ai lu que Maddie et vous alliez vous embrasser et vous aimer."Dear David, I read somewhere that you and Maddie were going to kiss and have a big affair.
" Je rêve de te tenir dans mes bras et de t'embrasser à nouveau sur... "" I dream of holding you in my arms to once again kiss your ............... "
" Mais beaucoup d'entre eux veulent aussi m'embrasser "" But a lot of them want to kiss me, too "
"As-tu peur de venir te déclarer à moi ? "Je veux gémir avec toi. "J'ai envie de t'embrasser, de t'attirer vers moiI want to moan and writhe with you, and I want to go up to you and kiss your mouth and pull you to me and say, 'Love you, love you,' while stripping.
"Babolucci de mer et filles à embrasser... on n'est jamais rassasiés" !"Babalucci to eat, kiss a girl so sweet, satisfaction a thing you'll never meet!"
" Je l'ai juste embrassé ", elle a dit."I only kissed him," she said.
"Aujourd'hui, j'ai embrassé Shelly pour la première fois"."Today I kissed Shelly for the first time."
"Cher Gennaro, je suis Stella la fille que, l'autre nuit, vous avez embrassé passionnément avec le pistolet."Dear Gennaro, I'm Stella, the girl that the other night you kissed passionately with the gun.
"Et puis, tu t'es réveillée, souriant encore dans le sommeil. "Tu m'as embrassé. J'ai senti que je n'avais rien à craindre,Then you awoke and with a sleepy smile kissed me, and I felt there was nothing to fear, that we'd always be as we were at that moment, bound by something stronger than time and habit."
"J'ai embrassé les nuages.""I've kissed the clouds."
""Je t"embrasse aussi fort queje t"aime, Bastien. ""I kiss you as hard as i love you. Bastien."
"Aucun homme marié n'embrasse sa femme comme ça" ?" No married man kisses his wife like that"?
"Bizarrement, je l'embrasse sur la tempe."I kiss his temple, believe it or not."
"Choisis, embrasse-les, et tresse une couronne."Pluck them, kiss them, weave a wreath.
"Dis à ton pére que je l'embrasse", c'est ce qu'elle a dit."Tell your father that I send him a kiss." That's what she said.
Chéri, prends-moi la main et embrassons-nous.Sweetie, hold my hand and let's kiss a little.
Et si tu m'aimes, comme je le crois, embrassons-nous et quittons-nous car nous avons fort à faire.And if you love me, as I think you do, let's kiss and part, for we have much to do.
" Et puis... et puis embrassez-moi vite.""And also... kiss me."
"Le soir, embrassez toujours vos enfants, même s'ils sont déjà endormis.""Always kiss your children good night, even if they're already asleep."
"Oh mon Dieu, Danny m'a embrassez dans l'avion!(Mindy) "Oh, my God, Danny kissed me on the plane!
"Vous ne m'embrassez pas ?", demande la ministre Smet à M. Stroobant, et elle fut servie au doigt et à l'œil."Why don't you kiss me now," Minister Smet asked Mr Stroobant, and she was served hand and foot.
- Alors embrassez ma bouche.- So, kiss my mouth. - What are you saying?
"Un homme qui conduit prudemment en embrassant une jolie fille ne donne pas à la jolie fille toute l'attention qu'elle mérite.""Any man who drives safely while kissing a pretty girl is not giving the pretty girl the attention she deserves."
"Vous auriez pu seulement la mentionner, "mais vous êtes allés jusqu'à la montrer embrassant Kurt.You could have just mentioned the vile Courtney, but, oh, no, you went so far as to show her kissing Kurt.
"d'une femme embrassant un homme sur la nuque.""is a woman kissing a man on the nape of the neck."
(pleurant et embrassant)(crying and kissing)
- En fait, un été pendant le lycée, je me suis inscrit pour des leçons de trapèze, mais je n'ai pas pu y aller, parce que j'ai fini par choper la mononucléose. en embrassant Tony Moschellis- In fact, one summer during High School, I signed up for trapeze lessons, which I couldn't go, 'cause I ended up getting mono from kissing Tony Moschellis.

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