Emplir (to fill) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of emplir

Present tense
I fill
tu emplis
you fill
il/elle/on emplit
he/she/it fills
nous emplissons
we fill
vous emplissez
you all fill
ils/elles emplissent
they fill
Present perfect tense
j’ai empli
I filled
tu as empli
you filled
il/elle/on a empli
he/she/it filled
nous avons empli
we filled
vous avez empli
you all filled
ils/elles ont empli
they filled
Past impf. tense
I was filling
tu emplissais
you were filling
il/elle/on emplissait
he/she/it was filling
nous emplissions
we were filling
vous emplissiez
you all were filling
ils/elles emplissaient
they were filling
Future tense
I will fill
tu empliras
you will fill
il/elle/on emplira
he/she/it will fill
nous emplirons
we will fill
vous emplirez
you all will fill
ils/elles empliront
they will fill
Past perfect tense
j’avais empli
I had filled
tu avais empli
you had filled
il/elle/on avait empli
he/she/it had filled
nous avions empli
we had filled
vous aviez empli
you all had filled
ils/elles avaient empli
they had filled
Past preterite tense
I filled
tu emplis
you filled
il/elle/on emplit
he/she/it filled
nous emplîmes
we filled
vous emplîtes
you all filled
ils/elles emplirent
they filled
Past anterior tense
j’eus empli
I had filled
tu eus empli
you had filled
il/elle/on eut empli
he/she/it had filled
nous eûmes empli
we had filled
vous eûtes empli
you all had filled
ils/elles eurent empli
they had filled
Future perfect tense
j’aurai empli
I will have filled
tu auras empli
you will have filled
il/elle/on aura empli
he/she/it will have filled
nous aurons empli
we will have filled
vous aurez empli
you all will have filled
ils/elles auront empli
they will have filled
Present subjunctive tense
que j’emplisse
that I fill
que tu emplisses
that you fill
qu’il/elle/on emplisse
that he/she/it fill
que nous emplissions
that we fill
que vous emplissiez
that you all fill
qu’ils/elles emplissent
that they fill
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie empli
that I have filled
que tu aies empli
that you have filled
qu’il/elle/on ait empli
that he/she/it have filled
que nous ayons empli
that we have filled
que vous ayez empli
that you all have filled
qu’ils/elles aient empli
that they have filled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’emplisse
that I would fill
que tu emplisses
that you would fill
qu’il/elle/on emplît
that he/she/it would fill
que nous emplissions
that we would fill
que vous emplissiez
that you all would fill
qu’ils/elles emplissent
that they would fill
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse empli
that I had filled
que tu eusses empli
that you had filled
qu’il/elle/on eût empli
that he/she/it had filled
que nous eussions empli
that we had filled
que vous eussiez empli
that you all had filled
qu’ils/elles eussent empli
that they had filled
Conditional mood
I would fill
tu emplirais
you would fill
il/elle/on emplirait
he/she/it would fill
nous emplirions
we would fill
vous empliriez
you all would fill
ils/elles empliraient
they would fill
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais empli
I would have filled
tu aurais empli
you would have filled
il/elle/on aurait empli
he/she/it would have filled
nous aurions empli
we would have filled
vous auriez empli
you all would have filled
ils/elles auraient empli
they would have filled
Imperative mood
let's fill!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie empli
have filled
ayons empli
let's have filled
ayez empli
have filled

Examples of emplir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Si tu peux emplir la minute impitoyable"If you can fill the unforgiving minute
Assez loin pour emplir le temps qui nous sépare du banquet.As far as will fill up the time 'twixt this and supper.
Ces nouvelles, qui devraient m'emplir de joie sont ternies par le souci que me cause votre dangereuse situationAll this news, which should fill me with contentment is diminished by reflections on your dangerous situation.
Des réceptacles vides destinés à s'emplir d'infinies possibilités.Empty vessels to be filled with infinite possibilities.
Il aurait dû emplir ton cœur de tant d'amour qu'il t'aurait fallu trouver quelqu'un d'autre à qui le donner.It should've been the kind that filled your heart so full of love that you just had to go out and find someone to give it to.
A chaque fois qu'il renaît, il s'empli d'encore plus de souvenirs amers.Every time he's reborn, he's filled with more bitter memories.
Agustin, sentant la main impitoyable de la justice se refermer sur lui, et empli de remords quant à ses activités terroristes, s'est donné la mort.It's about Agustin-- feeling the unyielding hand of the Iaw closing in on him... and filled with remorse over his terrorist activity... he Iynched himself.
Alors, tu as pris tes péchés de Satan et tu en as empli le jeune Matt.So you put your Satan's sin and filled Young Matt with it.
Après avoir rompu avec lui mon coeur s'est empli de chagrin et de douleur.After breaking up with him my heart is filled with sorrow and pain...
Brooklyn n'était pas qu'empli de peur, c'était aussi plein de journalistes.Not only was brooklyn filled with fear, it was filled with reporters.
"Ils hurleront pour de l'air, mais leur poumons seront emplis de sang. ""They will scream for air, but their lungs fill with blood."
"Oh, Zeus, emplis-moi de ta sagesse."Oh, Zeus, fill me with your wisdom.
"Tes mots, emplis de toiYour words, filled with you
- Que vos rêves soient emplis de beauté.- May dreams of beauty and felicity fill your night.
Aux visages emplis de tristesse# With faces filled with sadness
Ne l'emplissez plus de poison et de haine.Stop filling him full of poison and hate.
Regardez, vous en emplissez ces sacs.Now... you fill these bags with the dirt from the tunnel.
Vous me gâchez ma journée Et emplissez mon âme Vous emplissez mon âme d'horreur* you ruin my day * * and fill my soul * * you fill my soul with hate * * it can't be right * * when they feel so tight... *
Vous êtes le sel de la Terre et vous emplissez mon coeur de bonheur.You are the salt of earth. And you fill my heart with joy.
emplissez la Terre et les Cieux du chant de la paix. Emplissez vos cœurs et vos âmes d'espoir de paix.fill the earth and the heavens with the chant of peace fill your hearts and beings with hopes of peace.
Elle était devant lui, d'une beauté lumineuse, emplissant son âme d'un amour qui lui convenait si mal.There she stood, her loveliness lighting the room, filling his soul with the music of romance for which he was so ill-fitted.
Puis... il faut s'imaginer la misérable chambre nauséabonde s'emplissant d'une mystérieuse lumière.And then we have to imagine the wretched, ill-smelling room filling with a mysterious light.
Regardez les oiseaux colorés volant ici et là... imaginez leur magnifique chant... et les rires des enfants emplissant l'air.Look at these brightly colored birds as they flit here and there. Imagine their beautiful song, and the children's laughter filling the air.
Voilà que tu te redresse comme le phénix, le feu du combat emplissant tes yeux.Yet you rise like the phoenix, the fire of purpose filling eye.

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