Enfouir (to bury) conjugation

16 examples

Conjugation of enfouir

Present tense
I bury
tu enfouis
you bury
il/elle/on enfouit
he/she/it buries
nous enfouissons
we bury
vous enfouissez
you all bury
ils/elles enfouissent
they bury
Present perfect tense
j’ai enfoui
I buried
tu as enfoui
you buried
il/elle/on a enfoui
he/she/it buried
nous avons enfoui
we buried
vous avez enfoui
you all buried
ils/elles ont enfoui
they buried
Past impf. tense
I was burying
tu enfouissais
you were burying
il/elle/on enfouissait
he/she/it was burying
nous enfouissions
we were burying
vous enfouissiez
you all were burying
ils/elles enfouissaient
they were burying
Future tense
I will bury
tu enfouiras
you will bury
il/elle/on enfouira
he/she/it will bury
nous enfouirons
we will bury
vous enfouirez
you all will bury
ils/elles enfouiront
they will bury
Past perfect tense
j’avais enfoui
I had buried
tu avais enfoui
you had buried
il/elle/on avait enfoui
he/she/it had buried
nous avions enfoui
we had buried
vous aviez enfoui
you all had buried
ils/elles avaient enfoui
they had buried
Past preterite tense
I buried
tu enfouis
you buried
il/elle/on enfouit
he/she/it buried
nous enfouîmes
we buried
vous enfouîtes
you all buried
ils/elles enfouirent
they buried
Past anterior tense
j’eus enfoui
I had buried
tu eus enfoui
you had buried
il/elle/on eut enfoui
he/she/it had buried
nous eûmes enfoui
we had buried
vous eûtes enfoui
you all had buried
ils/elles eurent enfoui
they had buried
Future perfect tense
j’aurai enfoui
I will have buried
tu auras enfoui
you will have buried
il/elle/on aura enfoui
he/she/it will have buried
nous aurons enfoui
we will have buried
vous aurez enfoui
you all will have buried
ils/elles auront enfoui
they will have buried
Present subjunctive tense
que j’enfouisse
that I bury
que tu enfouisses
that you bury
qu’il/elle/on enfouisse
that he/she/it bury
que nous enfouissions
that we bury
que vous enfouissiez
that you all bury
qu’ils/elles enfouissent
that they bury
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie enfoui
that I have buried
que tu aies enfoui
that you have buried
qu’il/elle/on ait enfoui
that he/she/it have buried
que nous ayons enfoui
that we have buried
que vous ayez enfoui
that you all have buried
qu’ils/elles aient enfoui
that they have buried
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’enfouisse
that I would bury
que tu enfouisses
that you would bury
qu’il/elle/on enfouît
that he/she/it would bury
que nous enfouissions
that we would bury
que vous enfouissiez
that you all would bury
qu’ils/elles enfouissent
that they would bury
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse enfoui
that I had buried
que tu eusses enfoui
that you had buried
qu’il/elle/on eût enfoui
that he/she/it had buried
que nous eussions enfoui
that we had buried
que vous eussiez enfoui
that you all had buried
qu’ils/elles eussent enfoui
that they had buried
Conditional mood
I would bury
tu enfouirais
you would bury
il/elle/on enfouirait
he/she/it would bury
nous enfouirions
we would bury
vous enfouiriez
you all would bury
ils/elles enfouiraient
they would bury
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais enfoui
I would have buried
tu aurais enfoui
you would have buried
il/elle/on aurait enfoui
he/she/it would have buried
nous aurions enfoui
we would have buried
vous auriez enfoui
you all would have buried
ils/elles auraient enfoui
they would have buried
Imperative mood
let's bury!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie enfoui
have buried
ayons enfoui
let's have buried
ayez enfoui
have buried

Examples of enfouir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Alors agissons en hommes. On va enfouir ça sous une montagne de déni si épaisse que personne ne pourra nous faire croire que c'est arrivé.Look, I say we act like men, and we bury it under a mountain of denial so deep no one can make us believe that it ever actually happened.
Elle ne s'empresse pas d'enfouir son passé de gouvernante.No airs. No bid to bury her governess's past.
Entre nous, mener l'enquête pour enfouir votre chagrinYou know, using this investigation to bury your grief
Il faut enfouir la voiture.We gotta bury the car.
Il faut enfouir votre ulcère sous tous ces aliments doux et crémeux, il faut l'entourer et le protéger.We've got to bury that ulcer of yours in lots of soft, creamy foods, we've got to surround it and cushion it.
"Atmosphère terrestre" de ville en ville. "Population: 640 000 colons" Un truclongtemps enfoui... vientd'être découvert.Something that had been buried for centuries has just been uncovered.
"Pourquoi avoir consacré votre vie... à rechercher quelque chose enfoui dans la nuit des temps ?""buried in the past for almost two million years?"
"comme aux prémices de "L'Après-Histoire" "que je contemple par privilège "au bord de quelque âge enfoui.like the first acts of post-history, which I witness by privilege of birth from the utmost edge of some buried age.
"creuser et rendre le trésor enfoui"."Dig up and return the buried treasure."
"et enfoui"Then "sealed and... buried."
Je l'enfouis.I bury it.
Tes parents ne réalisent-ils pas que plus tu enfouis les diamants et plus le pirate sera déterminé de les prendre?And your parents can't see that the more they bury the diamonds, the more decided is the pirate to steal them?
Une fois les parachutes enfouis, on y va....and as soon as we bury the chutes we're shoving off.
"enfouissant cadavre après cadavre,"burying the bodies left in the grasses and streams,
Dallas voulait une photo, hum, d'une pile de juifs mort et de noirs avec... un bulldozer enfouissant les corps.Dallas wanted a picture, um, of a pile of dead Jews and blacks with... a bulldozer burying the bodies.
Les hommes, comme ivres, titubèrent sur la grève... certains enfouissant leur visage dans les pierres.The men reeled along the beach as if drunk some burying their faces in the stones.

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