Enrouler (to roll) conjugation

19 examples

Conjugation of enrouler

Present tense
I roll
tu enroules
you roll
il/elle/on enroule
he/she/it rolls
nous enroulons
we roll
vous enroulez
you all roll
ils/elles enroulent
they roll
Present perfect tense
j’ai enroulé
I rolled
tu as enroulé
you rolled
il/elle/on a enroulé
he/she/it rolled
nous avons enroulé
we rolled
vous avez enroulé
you all rolled
ils/elles ont enroulé
they rolled
Past impf. tense
I was rolling
tu enroulais
you were rolling
il/elle/on enroulait
he/she/it was rolling
nous enroulions
we were rolling
vous enrouliez
you all were rolling
ils/elles enroulaient
they were rolling
Future tense
I will roll
tu enrouleras
you will roll
il/elle/on enroulera
he/she/it will roll
nous enroulerons
we will roll
vous enroulerez
you all will roll
ils/elles enrouleront
they will roll
Past perfect tense
j’avais enroulé
I had rolled
tu avais enroulé
you had rolled
il/elle/on avait enroulé
he/she/it had rolled
nous avions enroulé
we had rolled
vous aviez enroulé
you all had rolled
ils/elles avaient enroulé
they had rolled
Past preterite tense
I rolled
tu enroulas
you rolled
il/elle/on enroula
he/she/it rolled
nous enroulâmes
we rolled
vous enroulâtes
you all rolled
ils/elles enroulèrent
they rolled
Past anterior tense
j’eus enroulé
I had rolled
tu eus enroulé
you had rolled
il/elle/on eut enroulé
he/she/it had rolled
nous eûmes enroulé
we had rolled
vous eûtes enroulé
you all had rolled
ils/elles eurent enroulé
they had rolled
Future perfect tense
j’aurai enroulé
I will have rolled
tu auras enroulé
you will have rolled
il/elle/on aura enroulé
he/she/it will have rolled
nous aurons enroulé
we will have rolled
vous aurez enroulé
you all will have rolled
ils/elles auront enroulé
they will have rolled
Present subjunctive tense
que j’enroule
that I roll
que tu enroules
that you roll
qu’il/elle/on enroule
that he/she/it roll
que nous enroulions
that we roll
que vous enrouliez
that you all roll
qu’ils/elles enroulent
that they roll
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie enroulé
that I have rolled
que tu aies enroulé
that you have rolled
qu’il/elle/on ait enroulé
that he/she/it have rolled
que nous ayons enroulé
that we have rolled
que vous ayez enroulé
that you all have rolled
qu’ils/elles aient enroulé
that they have rolled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’enroulasse
that I would roll
que tu enroulasses
that you would roll
qu’il/elle/on enroulât
that he/she/it would roll
que nous enroulassions
that we would roll
que vous enroulassiez
that you all would roll
qu’ils/elles enroulassent
that they would roll
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse enroulé
that I had rolled
que tu eusses enroulé
that you had rolled
qu’il/elle/on eût enroulé
that he/she/it had rolled
que nous eussions enroulé
that we had rolled
que vous eussiez enroulé
that you all had rolled
qu’ils/elles eussent enroulé
that they had rolled
Conditional mood
I would roll
tu enroulerais
you would roll
il/elle/on enroulerait
he/she/it would roll
nous enroulerions
we would roll
vous enrouleriez
you all would roll
ils/elles enrouleraient
they would roll
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais enroulé
I would have rolled
tu aurais enroulé
you would have rolled
il/elle/on aurait enroulé
he/she/it would have rolled
nous aurions enroulé
we would have rolled
vous auriez enroulé
you all would have rolled
ils/elles auraient enroulé
they would have rolled
Imperative mood
let's roll!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie enroulé
have rolled
ayons enroulé
let's have rolled
ayez enroulé
have rolled

Examples of enrouler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
C'est le temps qu'il faut pour enrouler le corps dans un rideau de douche.That's about the time it takes to roll the body up in a shower curtain.
Ce gentil contrôleur va l'enrouler proprement. D'accord, Victor ?I'll get this nice inspector here to roll it up nice and tight for you.
Comme ça doit être chiant d'enrouler le ruban avec le stylo.How boring was to roll up the tape with the pen.
Empêche-le de s'enrouler.Keep them rolling.
Ensuite, on va enrouler la pâte.Okay, next we're going to roll the dough.
3 heures pile devant le KFC de la Rue Collège avec un journal enroulé.3 o'clock in front of KFC on College St with a rolled up newspaper
Ah, au pire, je t'aurais taper sur le nez avec journal enroulé.Ah, if anything, I'd maybe swat you on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper.
C'est traditionnellement enroulé.Eh, eh, traditionally it's rolled.
En lui donnant des coups de journal enroulé ?Table scraps and a rolled-up newspaper?
Est ce toi en train d'embrasser le diplôme enroulé de Trav' ?Is this you kissing Trav's rolled-up diploma?
"Puis le ciel a disparu comme un vieux parchemin qui s'enroule.""Then the sky disappeared like a torn scroll curling up."
- On achète un tapis oriental, et on l'enroule dedans.- We buy a big Oriental rug, and we roll him up in it.
Attrape les bords et enroule-toi.Grab the sides and roll around.
C'est comme ça que j'enroule.That's how I roll.
Donc enroule-le.And I can. So roll it up.
- Alors enroulez- les, s'il vous plaît.- Well roll them up then.
Imprimez à onze degrés, et enroulez avec des couleurs différentes.Print it out 11 degrees, and roll it with different colors.
Vous l'enroulez dans le plastique et le traînez dehors.You roll him onto the plastic and you drag him out.
le meerkat se retourne follement dans le bushveld, hilarant et délirant, excité et stimulé, s'enroulant sur lui-même comme un rouleau sur les pentes ondulantes de la forêt.The meerkat is madly rolling itself in the Bushveld hilarious and delirious excited and incited Rolling itself like a rolled roll-on in the rolling slopes of the bush.

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