Enseigner (to teach) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of enseigner

Present tense
I teach
tu enseignes
you teach
il/elle/on enseigne
he/she/it teaches
nous enseignons
we teach
vous enseignez
you all teach
ils/elles enseignent
they teach
Present perfect tense
j’ai enseigné
I taught
tu as enseigné
you taught
il/elle/on a enseigné
he/she/it taught
nous avons enseigné
we taught
vous avez enseigné
you all taught
ils/elles ont enseigné
they taught
Past impf. tense
I was teaching
tu enseignais
you were teaching
il/elle/on enseignait
he/she/it was teaching
nous enseignions
we were teaching
vous enseigniez
you all were teaching
ils/elles enseignaient
they were teaching
Future tense
I will teach
tu enseigneras
you will teach
il/elle/on enseignera
he/she/it will teach
nous enseignerons
we will teach
vous enseignerez
you all will teach
ils/elles enseigneront
they will teach
Past perfect tense
j’avais enseigné
I had taught
tu avais enseigné
you had taught
il/elle/on avait enseigné
he/she/it had taught
nous avions enseigné
we had taught
vous aviez enseigné
you all had taught
ils/elles avaient enseigné
they had taught
Past preterite tense
I taught
tu enseignas
you taught
il/elle/on enseigna
he/she/it taught
nous enseignâmes
we taught
vous enseignâtes
you all taught
ils/elles enseignèrent
they taught
Past anterior tense
j’eus enseigné
I had taught
tu eus enseigné
you had taught
il/elle/on eut enseigné
he/she/it had taught
nous eûmes enseigné
we had taught
vous eûtes enseigné
you all had taught
ils/elles eurent enseigné
they had taught
Future perfect tense
j’aurai enseigné
I will have taught
tu auras enseigné
you will have taught
il/elle/on aura enseigné
he/she/it will have taught
nous aurons enseigné
we will have taught
vous aurez enseigné
you all will have taught
ils/elles auront enseigné
they will have taught
Present subjunctive tense
que j’enseigne
that I teach
que tu enseignes
that you teach
qu’il/elle/on enseigne
that he/she/it teach
que nous enseignions
that we teach
que vous enseigniez
that you all teach
qu’ils/elles enseignent
that they teach
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie enseigné
that I have taught
que tu aies enseigné
that you have taught
qu’il/elle/on ait enseigné
that he/she/it have taught
que nous ayons enseigné
that we have taught
que vous ayez enseigné
that you all have taught
qu’ils/elles aient enseigné
that they have taught
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’enseignasse
that I would teach
que tu enseignasses
that you would teach
qu’il/elle/on enseignât
that he/she/it would teach
que nous enseignassions
that we would teach
que vous enseignassiez
that you all would teach
qu’ils/elles enseignassent
that they would teach
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse enseigné
that I had taught
que tu eusses enseigné
that you had taught
qu’il/elle/on eût enseigné
that he/she/it had taught
que nous eussions enseigné
that we had taught
que vous eussiez enseigné
that you all had taught
qu’ils/elles eussent enseigné
that they had taught
Conditional mood
I would teach
tu enseignerais
you would teach
il/elle/on enseignerait
he/she/it would teach
nous enseignerions
we would teach
vous enseigneriez
you all would teach
ils/elles enseigneraient
they would teach
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais enseigné
I would have taught
tu aurais enseigné
you would have taught
il/elle/on aurait enseigné
he/she/it would have taught
nous aurions enseigné
we would have taught
vous auriez enseigné
you all would have taught
ils/elles auraient enseigné
they would have taught
Imperative mood
let's teach!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie enseigné
have taught
ayons enseigné
let's have taught
ayez enseigné
have taught

Examples of enseigner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Peut-être que quelqu'un doit leur enseigner. ""Maybe someone needs to teach 'em some."
"..et c'est seulement parce que tu es payé pour l'enseigner.""..and that is only because you get paid to teach it.".
"C'est ce qu'ils t'ont enseigner au pensionnat?""Is that what they teach you at boarding school?"
"Et ceux qui ne peuvent enseigner deviennent critiques de théâtre."And those who can't teach become theater critics.
"Ici c'est là où la mort se réjouit d'enseigner aux vivants."It means "this is where death rejoices to teach the living."
"Critique Généreux le feu du Poète, et enseigné le monde avec la raison d'admirer. ""Generous Critic fann'd the Poet's fire, and taught the world with reason to admire."
"Elle m'a enseigné tous que l'amour est"She taught me what love is all about
"J'aime ce que tu nous as enseigné mais mec tu es un trop bon joueur et tu dois partir" ?"I Love what you've taught us but Man you're too good of a player And you're going"?
"au sujet du pédophile qui a enseigné ici il y a quelques décennies."of the pedophile who taught there decades ago.
''Elle est un être chaleureux et généreux... à qui on a enseigné l'art de dissimuler ses émotions derrière un mur de glace.""She is a fine, warm human being"- "who has been taught to conceal her true emotions behind an icy wall. "
" Je crois et professe tout ce que la sainte église Catholique croit, enseigne, et proclame, comme étant révélé par Dieu.""I believe and profess all that the holy Catholic church believes, teaches, and proclaims, to be revealed by God."
" Je vous enseigne les arts martiaux afin de sauver les gens !I teach you martial arts so as to save people!
"De la peine "qui nous enseigne le courage."to the pain that teaches us courage,
"Dieu nous enseigne des choses supérieures."God teaches us higher things.
"Elijah Mohamed nous enseigne...""The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us" thus-and-so.
"Pourquoi enseignez-vous l'espagnol ?""Why do you teach Spanish?"
"Señor Chang, pourquoi enseignez-vous l'espagnol ?""Señor Chang, why do you teach Spanish?"
"Vous enseignez quoi?""What do you teach?"
"tant que vous enseignez ici."Not on your life, not while you're teaching here."
- Alors enseignez moi tout ce que vous savez.- Then teach me everything you know.
"Devine qui vient d'avoir un poste d'enseignant au CLMU.""Guess who just got a teaching job at CLMU."
"Meilleur interne enseignant" 3 années consécutives.You've won the Resident teaching award three years running.
- Oh, ca Ce sont mes assistants enseignantOh, these are my teaching assistants
- Votre mari, c'est lui qui est enseignant en Inde?Your husband's teaching in India?
Abuelito est enseignant à l'école depuis cinq générations.Abuelito's been teaching at the schoolhouse in la ciudad for what, five generations now?

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