Envelopper (to envelop) conjugation

17 examples

Conjugation of envelopper

Present tense
I envelop
tu enveloppes
you envelop
il/elle/on enveloppe
he/she/it envelops
nous enveloppons
we envelop
vous enveloppez
you all envelop
ils/elles enveloppent
they envelop
Present perfect tense
j’ai enveloppé
I enveloped
tu as enveloppé
you enveloped
il/elle/on a enveloppé
he/she/it enveloped
nous avons enveloppé
we enveloped
vous avez enveloppé
you all enveloped
ils/elles ont enveloppé
they enveloped
Past impf. tense
I was enveloping
tu enveloppais
you were enveloping
il/elle/on enveloppait
he/she/it was enveloping
nous enveloppions
we were enveloping
vous enveloppiez
you all were enveloping
ils/elles enveloppaient
they were enveloping
Future tense
I will envelop
tu envelopperas
you will envelop
il/elle/on enveloppera
he/she/it will envelop
nous envelopperons
we will envelop
vous envelopperez
you all will envelop
ils/elles envelopperont
they will envelop
Past perfect tense
j’avais enveloppé
I had enveloped
tu avais enveloppé
you had enveloped
il/elle/on avait enveloppé
he/she/it had enveloped
nous avions enveloppé
we had enveloped
vous aviez enveloppé
you all had enveloped
ils/elles avaient enveloppé
they had enveloped
Past preterite tense
I enveloped
tu enveloppas
you enveloped
il/elle/on enveloppa
he/she/it enveloped
nous enveloppâmes
we enveloped
vous enveloppâtes
you all enveloped
ils/elles enveloppèrent
they enveloped
Past anterior tense
j’eus enveloppé
I had enveloped
tu eus enveloppé
you had enveloped
il/elle/on eut enveloppé
he/she/it had enveloped
nous eûmes enveloppé
we had enveloped
vous eûtes enveloppé
you all had enveloped
ils/elles eurent enveloppé
they had enveloped
Future perfect tense
j’aurai enveloppé
I will have enveloped
tu auras enveloppé
you will have enveloped
il/elle/on aura enveloppé
he/she/it will have enveloped
nous aurons enveloppé
we will have enveloped
vous aurez enveloppé
you all will have enveloped
ils/elles auront enveloppé
they will have enveloped
Present subjunctive tense
que j’enveloppe
that I envelop
que tu enveloppes
that you envelop
qu’il/elle/on enveloppe
that he/she/it envelop
que nous enveloppions
that we envelop
que vous enveloppiez
that you all envelop
qu’ils/elles enveloppent
that they envelop
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie enveloppé
that I have enveloped
que tu aies enveloppé
that you have enveloped
qu’il/elle/on ait enveloppé
that he/she/it have enveloped
que nous ayons enveloppé
that we have enveloped
que vous ayez enveloppé
that you all have enveloped
qu’ils/elles aient enveloppé
that they have enveloped
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’enveloppasse
that I would envelop
que tu enveloppasses
that you would envelop
qu’il/elle/on enveloppât
that he/she/it would envelop
que nous enveloppassions
that we would envelop
que vous enveloppassiez
that you all would envelop
qu’ils/elles enveloppassent
that they would envelop
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse enveloppé
that I had enveloped
que tu eusses enveloppé
that you had enveloped
qu’il/elle/on eût enveloppé
that he/she/it had enveloped
que nous eussions enveloppé
that we had enveloped
que vous eussiez enveloppé
that you all had enveloped
qu’ils/elles eussent enveloppé
that they had enveloped
Conditional mood
I would envelop
tu envelopperais
you would envelop
il/elle/on envelopperait
he/she/it would envelop
nous envelopperions
we would envelop
vous envelopperiez
you all would envelop
ils/elles envelopperaient
they would envelop
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais enveloppé
I would have enveloped
tu aurais enveloppé
you would have enveloped
il/elle/on aurait enveloppé
he/she/it would have enveloped
nous aurions enveloppé
we would have enveloped
vous auriez enveloppé
you all would have enveloped
ils/elles auraient enveloppé
they would have enveloped
Imperative mood
let's envelop!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie enveloppé
have enveloped
ayons enveloppé
let's have enveloped
ayez enveloppé
have enveloped

Examples of envelopper

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"... Quand un malentendu commence, il tend à envelopper le reste...''As a misunderstanding begins, it tends to envelope-'
"Quand un malentendu commence, "...il a tendance à envelopper tout le monde.-As a misunderstanding begins, ...it tends to envelope everyone.
Alors elles ne peuvent plus ignorer leur désir... de libérer cette beauté et de m'envelopper dedans.And then, they cannot avoid their desire... to release that beauty and envelop me in it.
Avez-vous vu un éclair de lumière bleu-vert envelopper Travis Walton ?Did you see a bolt of blue-green light envelop Travis Walton? Yeah.
L'énorme nuage de fumée engendré par ce supervolcan commencera par envelopper Vegas, puis Saint-Louis, Chicago, et enfin,The giant ash cloud created by this super volcano will first envelop Vegas, and then St. Louis and then Chicago, and then at long last,
Et la main des Ori a enveloppé tous ceux qui l'avaient accueilli.And the hands of the Ori enveloped all those who welcomed him back.
Et à l'heure qu'il est, le champ de force a presque entièrement enveloppé la planète.And by now, the forcefield has almost entirely enveloped the planet.
Il a presque enveloppé la planète entière.It's almost enveloped the entire planet.
Il y a cent ans mes patriarches ont ramené notre glorieux royaume dans la lumière après que les Ténèbres eurent enveloppé Raphicca pendant des siècles.One hundred years ago, my forefathers delivered our glorious kingdom back into the Light, after the Darkness had enveloped Raphicca for eons.
Je me retrouve enveloppé d'une immuable anxiété.I find myself enveloped in an anxiety I cannot shake
! Donne-moi l'enveloppe, ou je tue le gosse !Give me the envelope, or I'll kill the kid!
" Ce vieux chien les a planqués dans l'enveloppe avec un ruban rose. " Pourvu qu'Ivan parte. "That old dog has stashed it in an envelope tied with a pink ribbon. "
" Retrouve-le "et remets-lui cette enveloppe."Find him and hand him the envelope."
"Black" sur une enveloppe un message de papa... trouver ce qu'ouvre la clé.Inside was an envelope with "Black" written on it. And I knew that Dad had left something somewhere for me that the key opened and I had to find.
Aucun signal ne peut traverser la radiation enveloppant cette planète.I don't believe that any signal could penetrate the radiation belt enveloping this planet.
La, tit enveloppant doux, la mésange qui vous fait vous sentir à la maison.The soft, enveloping tit, the tit that makes you feel at home.

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