Fantasmer (to fantasize) conjugation

22 examples

Conjugation of fantasmer

Present tense
je fantasme
I fantasize
tu fantasmes
you fantasize
il/elle/on fantasme
he/she/it fantasizes
nous fantasmons
we fantasize
vous fantasmez
you all fantasize
ils/elles fantasment
they fantasize
Present perfect tense
j’ai fantasmé
I fantasized
tu as fantasmé
you fantasized
il/elle/on a fantasmé
he/she/it fantasized
nous avons fantasmé
we fantasized
vous avez fantasmé
you all fantasized
ils/elles ont fantasmé
they fantasized
Past impf. tense
je fantasmais
I was fantasizing
tu fantasmais
you were fantasizing
il/elle/on fantasmait
he/she/it was fantasizing
nous fantasmions
we were fantasizing
vous fantasmiez
you all were fantasizing
ils/elles fantasmaient
they were fantasizing
Future tense
je fantasmerai
I will fantasize
tu fantasmeras
you will fantasize
il/elle/on fantasmera
he/she/it will fantasize
nous fantasmerons
we will fantasize
vous fantasmerez
you all will fantasize
ils/elles fantasmeront
they will fantasize
Past perfect tense
j’avais fantasmé
I had fantasized
tu avais fantasmé
you had fantasized
il/elle/on avait fantasmé
he/she/it had fantasized
nous avions fantasmé
we had fantasized
vous aviez fantasmé
you all had fantasized
ils/elles avaient fantasmé
they had fantasized
Past preterite tense
je fantasmai
I fantasized
tu fantasmas
you fantasized
il/elle/on fantasma
he/she/it fantasized
nous fantasmâmes
we fantasized
vous fantasmâtes
you all fantasized
ils/elles fantasmèrent
they fantasized
Past anterior tense
j’eus fantasmé
I had fantasized
tu eus fantasmé
you had fantasized
il/elle/on eut fantasmé
he/she/it had fantasized
nous eûmes fantasmé
we had fantasized
vous eûtes fantasmé
you all had fantasized
ils/elles eurent fantasmé
they had fantasized
Future perfect tense
j’aurai fantasmé
I will have fantasized
tu auras fantasmé
you will have fantasized
il/elle/on aura fantasmé
he/she/it will have fantasized
nous aurons fantasmé
we will have fantasized
vous aurez fantasmé
you all will have fantasized
ils/elles auront fantasmé
they will have fantasized
Present subjunctive tense
que je fantasme
that I fantasize
que tu fantasmes
that you fantasize
qu’il/elle/on fantasme
that he/she/it fantasize
que nous fantasmions
that we fantasize
que vous fantasmiez
that you all fantasize
qu’ils/elles fantasment
that they fantasize
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie fantasmé
that I have fantasized
que tu aies fantasmé
that you have fantasized
qu’il/elle/on ait fantasmé
that he/she/it have fantasized
que nous ayons fantasmé
that we have fantasized
que vous ayez fantasmé
that you all have fantasized
qu’ils/elles aient fantasmé
that they have fantasized
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je fantasmasse
that I would fantasize
que tu fantasmasses
that you would fantasize
qu’il/elle/on fantasmât
that he/she/it would fantasize
que nous fantasmassions
that we would fantasize
que vous fantasmassiez
that you all would fantasize
qu’ils/elles fantasmassent
that they would fantasize
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse fantasmé
that I had fantasized
que tu eusses fantasmé
that you had fantasized
qu’il/elle/on eût fantasmé
that he/she/it had fantasized
que nous eussions fantasmé
that we had fantasized
que vous eussiez fantasmé
that you all had fantasized
qu’ils/elles eussent fantasmé
that they had fantasized
Conditional mood
je fantasmerais
I would fantasize
tu fantasmerais
you would fantasize
il/elle/on fantasmerait
he/she/it would fantasize
nous fantasmerions
we would fantasize
vous fantasmeriez
you all would fantasize
ils/elles fantasmeraient
they would fantasize
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais fantasmé
I would have fantasized
tu aurais fantasmé
you would have fantasized
il/elle/on aurait fantasmé
he/she/it would have fantasized
nous aurions fantasmé
we would have fantasized
vous auriez fantasmé
you all would have fantasized
ils/elles auraient fantasmé
they would have fantasized
Imperative mood
let's fantasize!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie fantasmé
have fantasized
ayons fantasmé
let's have fantasized
ayez fantasmé
have fantasized

Examples of fantasmer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Ben moi, au moins, je me donne la chance de vivre encore des histoires d'amour pis de fantasmer sur un... un idéal à atteindre.At least I still allow myself to hope for love and fantasize about an ideal I'm striving for.
- Je ne fais que fantasmer sur toi.I fantasize about you, just, all the time.
- Satiriser, scruter, fantasmer...- Satirize, scrutinize, fantasize et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Alors, dans ce cas, je peux fantasmer sur nos huit enfants hybridesWell, in that case, I can fantasize about our eight cross-species children right here in the alley. Okay.
Après t'avoir vue, comment fantasmer sur une autre ?It's just uh ... you know, after seeing you, how could I ever, uh, fantasize over anyone else?
- J'ai toujours fantasmé de tuer quelqu'un.I've always fantasized about killing somebody.
- Question n° 84 : "Avez-vous déjà fantasmé sur l'ami(e) d'un(e) ami(e) ?"- Question #84: "Have you ever fantasized about a friend's significant other?"
Beaucoup ont fantasmé sur ce pantalon.'Cause many, many people have fantasized about those pants.
Combien de fois a-t-on fantasmé sur un homme qui peut réparer des trucs ?Right? I mean, how many times have we fantasized About a man who could actually fix things?
Comme j'ai fantasmé sur toi pendant des années, Jonathan.God, how I fantasized about you for years, Jonathan.
"Je ne fantasme jamais sur Barney quand on le fait.""I never fantasize about Barney when we're doing it""
- Vous apprenez qu'elle a une liaison... et on vous dit que le jeune avec qui elle vous trompe fantasme de la tuer.- Well... you learn she's having an affair... and you're told the kid she's having it with fantasizes about killing her.
- Ça fait six ans que je fantasme sur ce moment.For six years I've fantasized about this moment.
-Je fantasme ?-l'm a fantasizer?
Alors, il fantasme sur vous dans ses romans.So he fantasizes about you through his writing.
- Quel secret ? La façon dont vous me regardez. La façon dont vous fantasmez sur moi.The way you look at me, the way you fantasize about me.
Donc vous fantasmez, et par la suite, les fantasmes ne suffisent plus et vous rechutez.So you fantasize, and eventually, the fantasy's not enough and you relapse.
En toute franchise, fantasmez-vous parfois... que vous embrassez ou faites l'amour à ma cliente ?Do you ever fantasize what it would be like to kiss my client or perhaps make love to her?
Enfin, si vous fantasmez sur le travail des écrivains.Well, if you fantasize about writers' workshops.
Sur qui vous fantasmez?Who do you all fantasize about?
Je ne veux pas d'un autre truc avec un débile assis sur sa tondeuse à gazon fantasmant qu'il va gagner le Grand Prix en conduisant une Jaguar.I don't want another thing with some shmuck sitting on his lawn mower fantasizing that he's gonna win the Grand Prix driving a Jaguar.
Le seul moyen d'y arriver c'est en fantasmant sur quelqu'un d'autre.The only way to get through it is by fantasizing about someone else.

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