Fermenter (to ferment) conjugation

17 examples

Conjugation of fermenter

Present tense
je fermente
I ferment
tu fermentes
you ferment
il/elle/on fermente
he/she/it ferments
nous fermentons
we ferment
vous fermentez
you all ferment
ils/elles fermentent
they ferment
Present perfect tense
j’ai fermenté
I fermented
tu as fermenté
you fermented
il/elle/on a fermenté
he/she/it fermented
nous avons fermenté
we fermented
vous avez fermenté
you all fermented
ils/elles ont fermenté
they fermented
Past impf. tense
je fermentais
I was fermenting
tu fermentais
you were fermenting
il/elle/on fermentait
he/she/it was fermenting
nous fermentions
we were fermenting
vous fermentiez
you all were fermenting
ils/elles fermentaient
they were fermenting
Future tense
je fermenterai
I will ferment
tu fermenteras
you will ferment
il/elle/on fermentera
he/she/it will ferment
nous fermenterons
we will ferment
vous fermenterez
you all will ferment
ils/elles fermenteront
they will ferment
Past perfect tense
j’avais fermenté
I had fermented
tu avais fermenté
you had fermented
il/elle/on avait fermenté
he/she/it had fermented
nous avions fermenté
we had fermented
vous aviez fermenté
you all had fermented
ils/elles avaient fermenté
they had fermented
Past preterite tense
je fermentai
I fermented
tu fermentas
you fermented
il/elle/on fermenta
he/she/it fermented
nous fermentâmes
we fermented
vous fermentâtes
you all fermented
ils/elles fermentèrent
they fermented
Past anterior tense
j’eus fermenté
I had fermented
tu eus fermenté
you had fermented
il/elle/on eut fermenté
he/she/it had fermented
nous eûmes fermenté
we had fermented
vous eûtes fermenté
you all had fermented
ils/elles eurent fermenté
they had fermented
Future perfect tense
j’aurai fermenté
I will have fermented
tu auras fermenté
you will have fermented
il/elle/on aura fermenté
he/she/it will have fermented
nous aurons fermenté
we will have fermented
vous aurez fermenté
you all will have fermented
ils/elles auront fermenté
they will have fermented
Present subjunctive tense
que je fermente
that I ferment
que tu fermentes
that you ferment
qu’il/elle/on fermente
that he/she/it ferment
que nous fermentions
that we ferment
que vous fermentiez
that you all ferment
qu’ils/elles fermentent
that they ferment
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie fermenté
that I have fermented
que tu aies fermenté
that you have fermented
qu’il/elle/on ait fermenté
that he/she/it have fermented
que nous ayons fermenté
that we have fermented
que vous ayez fermenté
that you all have fermented
qu’ils/elles aient fermenté
that they have fermented
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je fermentasse
that I would ferment
que tu fermentasses
that you would ferment
qu’il/elle/on fermentât
that he/she/it would ferment
que nous fermentassions
that we would ferment
que vous fermentassiez
that you all would ferment
qu’ils/elles fermentassent
that they would ferment
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse fermenté
that I had fermented
que tu eusses fermenté
that you had fermented
qu’il/elle/on eût fermenté
that he/she/it had fermented
que nous eussions fermenté
that we had fermented
que vous eussiez fermenté
that you all had fermented
qu’ils/elles eussent fermenté
that they had fermented
Conditional mood
je fermenterais
I would ferment
tu fermenterais
you would ferment
il/elle/on fermenterait
he/she/it would ferment
nous fermenterions
we would ferment
vous fermenteriez
you all would ferment
ils/elles fermenteraient
they would ferment
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais fermenté
I would have fermented
tu aurais fermenté
you would have fermented
il/elle/on aurait fermenté
he/she/it would have fermented
nous aurions fermenté
we would have fermented
vous auriez fermenté
you all would have fermented
ils/elles auraient fermenté
they would have fermented
Imperative mood
let's ferment!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie fermenté
have fermented
ayons fermenté
let's have fermented
ayez fermenté
have fermented

Examples of fermenter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Mouillées, les feuilles vont fermenter.- We can't pick it wet. The picked leaves ferment, and it's ripe now.
Ces gosses le mettent en bouteille et le font fermenter la nuit.Some of these kids, they bottle it up... and they let it ferment in the night air.
Comme sniffer de la colle, lécher des crapauds, faire fermenter des excréments, inhaler de la peinture...Like sniffing glue, or licking toads or fermenting feces, or humping paint.
Dois-je manger cette patate, ou dois-je la laisser fermenter pour boire plus tard ?Do I eat the potato now, or let it ferment, so I can drink it later?
Dès qu'on ajoute la levure qui est déshydratée, elle se met à fermenter.And as soon as we add the yeast, because it's been dehydrated, as soon as we add it to the wort, it starts to ferment.
- C'est fait avec du cannabis fermenté.It's made of fermented cannabis.
- Ce n'est pas ce truc fermenté que tu bois ?- It's not that fermented stuff you drink?
- Juste du jus de tomate fermenté !- No, I drank fermented tomato juice!
- Qui est fermenté.Which is fermented.
Après... l'invention de la consommation de lait fermenté :Behold the invention revolutionizing the mobile consumption of fermented dairy:
C'est là qu'on fermente le moût qu'on a extrait de la cuve de brassage.This is where we ferment the wort we've just extracted from the mash tun.
Elle se colle, fermente, grossit et absorbe certaines pilules qu'il prenait.It gets sticky, ferments, grows. It starts sucking up some of the pills he'd taken.
L'ale fermente sur le dessus ou quelque chose.Ale's sort of fermented on the top or something.
L'homme n'est pas la seule espèce que les fruits fermente font devenir bourré.Man is not the only species that ferments fruit in order to become intoxicated.
La bière fermente au fond.And beer's fermented on the bottom. Or maybe it's the other way around.
"le tanin est en pleine croissance, fermentant,"tannins growing, fermenting,
Vous trouverez peut-être que mes couilles ont la senteur du vinaigre fermentant de la feta.You might find my balls have the scent of vinegar fermenting in feta cheese.

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