Fiancer (to engage) conjugation

16 examples

Conjugation of fiancer

Present tense
je fiance
I engage
tu fiances
you engage
il/elle/on fiance
he/she/it engages
nous fiançons
we engage
vous fiancez
you all engage
ils/elles fiancent
they engage
Present perfect tense
j’ai fiancé
I engaged
tu as fiancé
you engaged
il/elle/on a fiancé
he/she/it engaged
nous avons fiancé
we engaged
vous avez fiancé
you all engaged
ils/elles ont fiancé
they engaged
Past impf. tense
je fiançais
I was engaging
tu fiançais
you were engaging
il/elle/on fiançait
he/she/it was engaging
nous fiancions
we were engaging
vous fianciez
you all were engaging
ils/elles fiançaient
they were engaging
Future tense
je fiancerai
I will engage
tu fianceras
you will engage
il/elle/on fiancera
he/she/it will engage
nous fiancerons
we will engage
vous fiancerez
you all will engage
ils/elles fianceront
they will engage
Past perfect tense
j’avais fiancé
I had engaged
tu avais fiancé
you had engaged
il/elle/on avait fiancé
he/she/it had engaged
nous avions fiancé
we had engaged
vous aviez fiancé
you all had engaged
ils/elles avaient fiancé
they had engaged
Past preterite tense
je fiançai
I engaged
tu fianças
you engaged
il/elle/on fiança
he/she/it engaged
nous fiançâmes
we engaged
vous fiançâtes
you all engaged
ils/elles fiancèrent
they engaged
Past anterior tense
j’eus fiancé
I had engaged
tu eus fiancé
you had engaged
il/elle/on eut fiancé
he/she/it had engaged
nous eûmes fiancé
we had engaged
vous eûtes fiancé
you all had engaged
ils/elles eurent fiancé
they had engaged
Future perfect tense
j’aurai fiancé
I will have engaged
tu auras fiancé
you will have engaged
il/elle/on aura fiancé
he/she/it will have engaged
nous aurons fiancé
we will have engaged
vous aurez fiancé
you all will have engaged
ils/elles auront fiancé
they will have engaged
Present subjunctive tense
que je fiance
that I engage
que tu fiances
that you engage
qu’il/elle/on fiance
that he/she/it engage
que nous fiancions
that we engage
que vous fianciez
that you all engage
qu’ils/elles fiancent
that they engage
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie fiancé
that I have engaged
que tu aies fiancé
that you have engaged
qu’il/elle/on ait fiancé
that he/she/it have engaged
que nous ayons fiancé
that we have engaged
que vous ayez fiancé
that you all have engaged
qu’ils/elles aient fiancé
that they have engaged
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je fiançasse
that I would engage
que tu fiançasses
that you would engage
qu’il/elle/on fiançât
that he/she/it would engage
que nous fiançassions
that we would engage
que vous fiançassiez
that you all would engage
qu’ils/elles fiançassent
that they would engage
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse fiancé
that I had engaged
que tu eusses fiancé
that you had engaged
qu’il/elle/on eût fiancé
that he/she/it had engaged
que nous eussions fiancé
that we had engaged
que vous eussiez fiancé
that you all had engaged
qu’ils/elles eussent fiancé
that they had engaged
Conditional mood
je fiancerais
I would engage
tu fiancerais
you would engage
il/elle/on fiancerait
he/she/it would engage
nous fiancerions
we would engage
vous fianceriez
you all would engage
ils/elles fianceraient
they would engage
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais fiancé
I would have engaged
tu aurais fiancé
you would have engaged
il/elle/on aurait fiancé
he/she/it would have engaged
nous aurions fiancé
we would have engaged
vous auriez fiancé
you all would have engaged
ils/elles auraient fiancé
they would have engaged
Imperative mood
let's engage!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie fiancé
have engaged
ayons fiancé
let's have engaged
ayez fiancé
have engaged

Examples of fiancer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
! Et ça lui fait quoi de se fiancer ? Oh...How's it feel to be an engaged great-grandmother?
"June voulait pas se fiancer "et ta mère flippe?June does not want to be engaged right now and that freaks your mom out.
"Ne jamais se fiancer à deux femmes en même temps.""Never get engaged to two women at the same time"?
"selon laquelle vous et Mizoguchi avaient décidé de vous fiancer.""you and Mizoguchi have decided to become engaged."
- Andy vient de se fiancer.- Andy just got engaged.
"Attention, les filles, il est fiancé." Félicitations, Jimmy.Careful, girls, he's engaged. Congratulations, Jimmy.
"Attention, les filles, il est fiancé.""Careful, girls, He's engaged."
"J'ai été fiancé une fois."l was engaged once.
"Je suis fiancé.""I'm engaged."
"mais il vient de m'annoncer qu'il est fiancé"and now he's announced that he's engaged,
"Je me dis : 'La chenille se fiance au chou pour lui ronger le coeur.'""The caterpillar gets engaged to the cabbage to get to her heart."
671 00:38:52,849 -- 00:38:53,849 jusqu'à ce qu'il quitte cette Carrie, et se fiance avec toi? Après, tu ne pouvais pas te débarrasser de lui assez vite.Remember how in love you were with Andrew until he left that girl Carrie and got engaged to you?
A moins que je ne me fiance, tres vite !Unless I get myself engaged real fast.
Allison veut que je dorme maintenant sur le canapé du salon, ou qu'on se fiance.Allison either wants me to move into the living room to sleep, or she wants to get engaged.
Alors on se fiance d'abord.So we're gonna get engaged first.
Vous vous fiancez alors que Pelant est actif-- il a besoin de sentir qu'il est le plus importantThe two of you getting engaged with Pelant active-- he needs to feel he's the most important.

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