Fluctuer (to fluctuate) conjugation

13 examples

Conjugation of fluctuer

Present tense
je fluctue
I fluctuate
tu fluctues
you fluctuate
il/elle/on fluctue
he/she/it fluctuates
nous fluctuons
we fluctuate
vous fluctuez
you all fluctuate
ils/elles fluctuent
they fluctuate
Present perfect tense
j’ai fluctué
I fluctuated
tu as fluctué
you fluctuated
il/elle/on a fluctué
he/she/it fluctuated
nous avons fluctué
we fluctuated
vous avez fluctué
you all fluctuated
ils/elles ont fluctué
they fluctuated
Past impf. tense
je fluctuais
I was fluctuating
tu fluctuais
you were fluctuating
il/elle/on fluctuait
he/she/it was fluctuating
nous fluctuions
we were fluctuating
vous fluctuiez
you all were fluctuating
ils/elles fluctuaient
they were fluctuating
Future tense
je fluctuerai
I will fluctuate
tu fluctueras
you will fluctuate
il/elle/on fluctuera
he/she/it will fluctuate
nous fluctuerons
we will fluctuate
vous fluctuerez
you all will fluctuate
ils/elles fluctueront
they will fluctuate
Past perfect tense
j’avais fluctué
I had fluctuated
tu avais fluctué
you had fluctuated
il/elle/on avait fluctué
he/she/it had fluctuated
nous avions fluctué
we had fluctuated
vous aviez fluctué
you all had fluctuated
ils/elles avaient fluctué
they had fluctuated
Past preterite tense
je fluctuai
I fluctuated
tu fluctuas
you fluctuated
il/elle/on fluctua
he/she/it fluctuated
nous fluctuâmes
we fluctuated
vous fluctuâtes
you all fluctuated
ils/elles fluctuèrent
they fluctuated
Past anterior tense
j’eus fluctué
I had fluctuated
tu eus fluctué
you had fluctuated
il/elle/on eut fluctué
he/she/it had fluctuated
nous eûmes fluctué
we had fluctuated
vous eûtes fluctué
you all had fluctuated
ils/elles eurent fluctué
they had fluctuated
Future perfect tense
j’aurai fluctué
I will have fluctuated
tu auras fluctué
you will have fluctuated
il/elle/on aura fluctué
he/she/it will have fluctuated
nous aurons fluctué
we will have fluctuated
vous aurez fluctué
you all will have fluctuated
ils/elles auront fluctué
they will have fluctuated
Present subjunctive tense
que je fluctue
that I fluctuate
que tu fluctues
that you fluctuate
qu’il/elle/on fluctue
that he/she/it fluctuate
que nous fluctuions
that we fluctuate
que vous fluctuiez
that you all fluctuate
qu’ils/elles fluctuent
that they fluctuate
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie fluctué
that I have fluctuated
que tu aies fluctué
that you have fluctuated
qu’il/elle/on ait fluctué
that he/she/it have fluctuated
que nous ayons fluctué
that we have fluctuated
que vous ayez fluctué
that you all have fluctuated
qu’ils/elles aient fluctué
that they have fluctuated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je fluctuasse
that I would fluctuate
que tu fluctuasses
that you would fluctuate
qu’il/elle/on fluctuât
that he/she/it would fluctuate
que nous fluctuassions
that we would fluctuate
que vous fluctuassiez
that you all would fluctuate
qu’ils/elles fluctuassent
that they would fluctuate
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse fluctué
that I had fluctuated
que tu eusses fluctué
that you had fluctuated
qu’il/elle/on eût fluctué
that he/she/it had fluctuated
que nous eussions fluctué
that we had fluctuated
que vous eussiez fluctué
that you all had fluctuated
qu’ils/elles eussent fluctué
that they had fluctuated
Conditional mood
je fluctuerais
I would fluctuate
tu fluctuerais
you would fluctuate
il/elle/on fluctuerait
he/she/it would fluctuate
nous fluctuerions
we would fluctuate
vous fluctueriez
you all would fluctuate
ils/elles fluctueraient
they would fluctuate
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais fluctué
I would have fluctuated
tu aurais fluctué
you would have fluctuated
il/elle/on aurait fluctué
he/she/it would have fluctuated
nous aurions fluctué
we would have fluctuated
vous auriez fluctué
you all would have fluctuated
ils/elles auraient fluctué
they would have fluctuated
Imperative mood
let's fluctuate!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie fluctué
have fluctuated
ayons fluctué
let's have fluctuated
ayez fluctué
have fluctuated

Examples of fluctuer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Donc sa résonance harmonique peut fluctuer imprévisiblement, ce qui veut dire plus c'est grand mieux c'est.So its harmonic resonance may fluctuate unpredictably, which means bigger is better.
Mais ce nombre peut fluctuer pour de multiples raisons... maladies, altitude ...But as we know, that number can fluctuate for multiple reasons... sickness, altitude...
Sans nouvelle pompe, ses glucides vont continuer à fluctuer.Without a working pump, his sugar levels are gonna continue to fluctuate.
Son poids va fluctuer.He is gonna fluctuate size-wise.
- Ca fluctue.- It fluctuates.
- La fréquence cardiaque fluctue.Heart rate's starting to fluctuate.
Comme vous pouvez le voir dans le prospectus, l'offre fluctue en fonction du nombre d'entre nous qui y prennent part.As you can see from the prospectus, the offer on the table fluctuates based upon how many of us get on board with the actual offer.
Dans quel état les routes pourraient éventuellement être pour que le temps de conduite fluctue de quatre à neuf heures ?What condition could the roads possibly be that the drive time fluctuates four to nine hours?
Evidemment, le marché des bitcoins fluctue tellement que ces bitcoins pourraient très facilement valoir plus d'un million de dollars dans un futur très proche.Now, of course, the bitcoin market fluctuates so dramatically that this many bitcoins could very be easily be worth over a million dollars in the very near future.
Le Dr Kleber décrit la sensation comme une sorte d'état de rêve fluctuant.Kleber described it as kind of a fluctuating dream state.
Le super condensateur, le champ de confinement est fluctuant.The super capacitors, The containment field is fluctuating.
Les super condensateurs... le champ de confinement est fluctuant.The super capacitors... the containment field is fluctuating.
Mais il a un coeur énergétique fluctuant... des fréquences bien au-dessus de 10 exahertz.But it has a fluctuating power core -- frequencies way above 10 exahertz.

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