Franchiser (to franchise) conjugation

12 examples

Conjugation of franchiser

Present tense
je franchise
I franchise
tu franchises
you franchise
il/elle/on franchise
he/she/it franchises
nous franchisons
we franchise
vous franchisez
you all franchise
ils/elles franchisent
they franchise
Present perfect tense
j’ai franchisé
I franchised
tu as franchisé
you franchised
il/elle/on a franchisé
he/she/it franchised
nous avons franchisé
we franchised
vous avez franchisé
you all franchised
ils/elles ont franchisé
they franchised
Past impf. tense
je franchisais
I was franchising
tu franchisais
you were franchising
il/elle/on franchisait
he/she/it was franchising
nous franchisions
we were franchising
vous franchisiez
you all were franchising
ils/elles franchisaient
they were franchising
Future tense
je franchiserai
I will franchise
tu franchiseras
you will franchise
il/elle/on franchisera
he/she/it will franchise
nous franchiserons
we will franchise
vous franchiserez
you all will franchise
ils/elles franchiseront
they will franchise
Past perfect tense
j’avais franchisé
I had franchised
tu avais franchisé
you had franchised
il/elle/on avait franchisé
he/she/it had franchised
nous avions franchisé
we had franchised
vous aviez franchisé
you all had franchised
ils/elles avaient franchisé
they had franchised
Past preterite tense
je franchisai
I franchised
tu franchisas
you franchised
il/elle/on franchisa
he/she/it franchised
nous franchisâmes
we franchised
vous franchisâtes
you all franchised
ils/elles franchisèrent
they franchised
Past anterior tense
j’eus franchisé
I had franchised
tu eus franchisé
you had franchised
il/elle/on eut franchisé
he/she/it had franchised
nous eûmes franchisé
we had franchised
vous eûtes franchisé
you all had franchised
ils/elles eurent franchisé
they had franchised
Future perfect tense
j’aurai franchisé
I will have franchised
tu auras franchisé
you will have franchised
il/elle/on aura franchisé
he/she/it will have franchised
nous aurons franchisé
we will have franchised
vous aurez franchisé
you all will have franchised
ils/elles auront franchisé
they will have franchised
Present subjunctive tense
que je franchise
that I franchise
que tu franchises
that you franchise
qu’il/elle/on franchise
that he/she/it franchise
que nous franchisions
that we franchise
que vous franchisiez
that you all franchise
qu’ils/elles franchisent
that they franchise
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie franchisé
that I have franchised
que tu aies franchisé
that you have franchised
qu’il/elle/on ait franchisé
that he/she/it have franchised
que nous ayons franchisé
that we have franchised
que vous ayez franchisé
that you all have franchised
qu’ils/elles aient franchisé
that they have franchised
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je franchisasse
that I would franchise
que tu franchisasses
that you would franchise
qu’il/elle/on franchisât
that he/she/it would franchise
que nous franchisassions
that we would franchise
que vous franchisassiez
that you all would franchise
qu’ils/elles franchisassent
that they would franchise
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse franchisé
that I had franchised
que tu eusses franchisé
that you had franchised
qu’il/elle/on eût franchisé
that he/she/it had franchised
que nous eussions franchisé
that we had franchised
que vous eussiez franchisé
that you all had franchised
qu’ils/elles eussent franchisé
that they had franchised
Conditional mood
je franchiserais
I would franchise
tu franchiserais
you would franchise
il/elle/on franchiserait
he/she/it would franchise
nous franchiserions
we would franchise
vous franchiseriez
you all would franchise
ils/elles franchiseraient
they would franchise
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais franchisé
I would have franchised
tu aurais franchisé
you would have franchised
il/elle/on aurait franchisé
he/she/it would have franchised
nous aurions franchisé
we would have franchised
vous auriez franchisé
you all would have franchised
ils/elles auraient franchisé
they would have franchised
Imperative mood
let's franchise!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie franchisé
have franchised
ayons franchisé
let's have franchised
ayez franchisé
have franchised

Examples of franchiser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Avec Cruz on a entendu dire que vous pourriez penser à... franchiser Molly's ?Cruz and I couldn't help but overhear that you might be looking to... franchise Molly's?
Dês que nous aurons de l'argent pour franchiser nos sauces... et notre service de réceptions, nous serons riches.Once we raise enough money to franchise our sauces... and our wedding creations, we are going to be rich.
Elle veut le franchiser.She wants to franchise it.
Ensuite nous allons créer une marque et se franchiser dans tout le pays.We'll brand and franchise all over the country.
Et puis se ramifier... juste commencer ici, se ramifier, franchiser, être comme le Magic Johnson de la côte Est.And then branch out -- just start here, branch out, franchise, be like the Magic Johnson of the East Coast.
- J'ai franchisé mon établissement- I franchised my place. - What?
"Je m'installerai bientôt à Fairfield, dans l'Iowa, oû une nouvelle franchise a ouvert." Super."It looks like I'll soon be living in Fairfield, Iowa, where a new franchise has just opened." Oh, boy!
"La Maison de la Touffe"... pour en faire une franchise, c'est aussi toi...You wrote that. And that it's going to be a franchise.
"On a confie notre franchise a X millions de $ au mec de Clerks?"We gave our multimillion-dollar franchise to the Clerks guy?
"Précontrat de franchise Music Town" ?"Music Town franchise option agreement"?
"Scalpeur"nous a donné sa franchise.[ Colm ] the scalper gave us his franchise for wigs of Wimbledon.
M. Flanagan compte révolutionner le monde des débits de boissons en "franchisant" sa version de la taverne new-yorkaise dans toutes les galeries marchandes de province!Mr. Flanagan is determined to revolutionize the bar business by franchising his version of the local New York tavern to every suburban shopping mall in America.

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