Grignoter (to nibble) conjugation

18 examples

Conjugation of grignoter

Present tense
je grignote
I nibble
tu grignotes
you nibble
il/elle/on grignote
he/she/it nibbles
nous grignotons
we nibble
vous grignotez
you all nibble
ils/elles grignotent
they nibble
Present perfect tense
j’ai grignoté
I nibbled
tu as grignoté
you nibbled
il/elle/on a grignoté
he/she/it nibbled
nous avons grignoté
we nibbled
vous avez grignoté
you all nibbled
ils/elles ont grignoté
they nibbled
Past impf. tense
je grignotais
I was nibbling
tu grignotais
you were nibbling
il/elle/on grignotait
he/she/it was nibbling
nous grignotions
we were nibbling
vous grignotiez
you all were nibbling
ils/elles grignotaient
they were nibbling
Future tense
je grignoterai
I will nibble
tu grignoteras
you will nibble
il/elle/on grignotera
he/she/it will nibble
nous grignoterons
we will nibble
vous grignoterez
you all will nibble
ils/elles grignoteront
they will nibble
Past perfect tense
j’avais grignoté
I had nibbled
tu avais grignoté
you had nibbled
il/elle/on avait grignoté
he/she/it had nibbled
nous avions grignoté
we had nibbled
vous aviez grignoté
you all had nibbled
ils/elles avaient grignoté
they had nibbled
Past preterite tense
je grignotai
I nibbled
tu grignotas
you nibbled
il/elle/on grignota
he/she/it nibbled
nous grignotâmes
we nibbled
vous grignotâtes
you all nibbled
ils/elles grignotèrent
they nibbled
Past anterior tense
j’eus grignoté
I had nibbled
tu eus grignoté
you had nibbled
il/elle/on eut grignoté
he/she/it had nibbled
nous eûmes grignoté
we had nibbled
vous eûtes grignoté
you all had nibbled
ils/elles eurent grignoté
they had nibbled
Future perfect tense
j’aurai grignoté
I will have nibbled
tu auras grignoté
you will have nibbled
il/elle/on aura grignoté
he/she/it will have nibbled
nous aurons grignoté
we will have nibbled
vous aurez grignoté
you all will have nibbled
ils/elles auront grignoté
they will have nibbled
Present subjunctive tense
que je grignote
that I nibble
que tu grignotes
that you nibble
qu’il/elle/on grignote
that he/she/it nibble
que nous grignotions
that we nibble
que vous grignotiez
that you all nibble
qu’ils/elles grignotent
that they nibble
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie grignoté
that I have nibbled
que tu aies grignoté
that you have nibbled
qu’il/elle/on ait grignoté
that he/she/it have nibbled
que nous ayons grignoté
that we have nibbled
que vous ayez grignoté
that you all have nibbled
qu’ils/elles aient grignoté
that they have nibbled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je grignotasse
that I would nibble
que tu grignotasses
that you would nibble
qu’il/elle/on grignotât
that he/she/it would nibble
que nous grignotassions
that we would nibble
que vous grignotassiez
that you all would nibble
qu’ils/elles grignotassent
that they would nibble
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse grignoté
that I had nibbled
que tu eusses grignoté
that you had nibbled
qu’il/elle/on eût grignoté
that he/she/it had nibbled
que nous eussions grignoté
that we had nibbled
que vous eussiez grignoté
that you all had nibbled
qu’ils/elles eussent grignoté
that they had nibbled
Conditional mood
je grignoterais
I would nibble
tu grignoterais
you would nibble
il/elle/on grignoterait
he/she/it would nibble
nous grignoterions
we would nibble
vous grignoteriez
you all would nibble
ils/elles grignoteraient
they would nibble
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais grignoté
I would have nibbled
tu aurais grignoté
you would have nibbled
il/elle/on aurait grignoté
he/she/it would have nibbled
nous aurions grignoté
we would have nibbled
vous auriez grignoté
you all would have nibbled
ils/elles auraient grignoté
they would have nibbled
Imperative mood
let's nibble!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie grignoté
have nibbled
ayons grignoté
let's have nibbled
ayez grignoté
have nibbled

Examples of grignoter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Je veux de quoi grignoter, comme des cacahuètes."I just want some nibbles. I want some nuts." "Then that's not available." Done.
- Boissons, trucs à grignoter.Drinks, nibbles.
A la bonne franquette, juste du vin et de quoi grignoter.Nothing fancy, just some wine and nibbles.
Attention, elle adore grignoter, avant de s'attaquer au plat principal.Watch out, fellas, she likes to nibble on a few appetizers before she gets to the main course.
Avant ça, je pourrais grignoter le Popaul de ton frère ?Well, before we do that... um, would it be all right if I nibbled on your brother's Ding Dong?
- J'ai grignoté.- I nibbled.
Ca, mon ami, c'est de l'épinard ou de la blette, ou peut-être du chou... Mais je pense que c'est de l'épinard. parce que j'en ai grignoté un petit peu et cela avait le gout des épinards.That, my friend, is spinach, or Swiss chard, possibly kale-- but I think it's spinach because I nibbled it a little bit and it tasted like spinach.
En fait, j'ai grignoté, mais...In fact, I nibbled, but ...
J'ai pris de la volaille froide, elle a grignoté un steak.I had a cold bird and a bottle. She nibbled at a steak.
J'ai été kidnappé, déshabillé, oint, menacé, menotté, léché, grignoté, enchaîné, torturé, humilié et j'ai failli avoir un truc de la taille d'un cactus Agave coincé où seul les douaniers osent fouiller.I've been kidnapped, stripped, oiled, menaced, manacled, licked, nibbled, chained, tortured, humiliated, and I nearly had a thing shaped like a cactus jammed where only customs men dare to probe.
"Le soleil grignote les nuages et il pleut des larmes en boule de gomme"."The sun nibbles on the clouds, and gum drop tears rain down"
*Elle s'enroule, se met en boule Et se grignote les genoux*She spins, like ball And nibbles his knees*
Adam les grignote une à une comme lapin.Adam nibbles 'em one by one like a rabbit.
Grignote, grignote, petite souris...Nibble, nibble Little mouse.
Servez-vous et grignotez si vous le souhaitez.Please help yourself to nibbles.
Vous ne mangez pas le matin et après, vous grignotez.You don't breakfast, then you nibble all day.
C'était dans la cuisine, grignotant du pecorino d'Italie... et j'ai pensé, "Et si ce n'était que du fromage ?I was in the kitchen nibbling on the fresh pecorino sister Louise brought back from italy, and I thought, "what if it's just cheese?
La nuit appartient à cette menaçante flotte brune, grignotant nos jardins avant de retrouver furtivement comme des lâches dans la foret.This fleet brown menace has owned the night, nibbling at our gardens before slinking like cowards back to the forest.

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